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package resolver
import (
const (
ecsSourceScope = uint8(0)
ecsMaskIPv4 = uint8(net.IPv4len * 8)
ecsMaskIPv6 = uint8(net.IPv6len * 8)
const (
ecsFamilyIPv4 = uint16(iota + 1)
// ECSMask is an interface for all ECS subnet masks as type constraint for generics
type ECSMask interface {
config.ECSv4Mask | config.ECSv6Mask
// ECSResolver is responsible for adding the EDNS Client Subnet information as EDNS0 option.
type ECSResolver struct {
// NewECSResolver creates new resolver instance which adds the subnet information as EDNS0 option
func NewECSResolver(cfg config.ECS) ChainedResolver {
return &ECSResolver{
configurable: withConfig(&cfg),
typed: withType("extended_client_subnet"),
// Resolve adds the subnet information as EDNS0 option to the request of the next resolver
// and sets the client IP from the EDNS0 option to the request if this option is enabled
func (r *ECSResolver) Resolve(ctx context.Context, request *model.Request) (*model.Response, error) {
if r.cfg.IsEnabled() {
so := util.GetEdns0Option[*dns.EDNS0_SUBNET](request.Req)
// Set the client IP from the Edns0 subnet option if the option is enabled and the correct subnet mask is set
if r.cfg.UseAsClient && so != nil && ((so.Family == ecsFamilyIPv4 && so.SourceNetmask == ecsMaskIPv4) ||
(so.Family == ecsFamilyIPv6 && so.SourceNetmask == ecsMaskIPv6)) {
request.Log.Debugf("using request's edns0 address as internal client IP: %s", so.Address)
request.ClientIP = so.Address
// Set the Edns0 subnet option if the client IP is IPv4 or IPv6 and the masks are set in the configuration
if r.cfg.IPv4Mask > 0 || r.cfg.IPv6Mask > 0 {
r.setSubnet(so, request)
// Remove the Edns0 subnet option if the client IP is IPv4 or IPv6 and the corresponding mask is not set
// and the forwardEcs option is not enabled
if r.cfg.IPv4Mask == 0 && r.cfg.IPv6Mask == 0 && so != nil && !r.cfg.Forward {
request.Log.Debug("remove edns0 subnet option")
return, request)
// setSubnet appends the subnet information to the request as EDNS0 option
// if the client IP is IPv4 or IPv6 and the corresponding mask is set in the configuration
func (r *ECSResolver) setSubnet(so *dns.EDNS0_SUBNET, request *model.Request) {
var subIP net.IP
if so != nil && r.cfg.Forward && so.Address != nil {
subIP = so.Address
} else {
subIP = request.ClientIP
var edsOption *dns.EDNS0_SUBNET
if ip := subIP.To4(); ip != nil && r.cfg.IPv4Mask > 0 {
if mip, err := maskIP(ip, r.cfg.IPv4Mask); err == nil {
edsOption = newEdnsSubnetOption(mip, ecsFamilyIPv4, r.cfg.IPv4Mask)
} else if ip := subIP.To16(); ip != nil && r.cfg.IPv6Mask > 0 {
if mip, err := maskIP(ip, r.cfg.IPv6Mask); err == nil {
edsOption = newEdnsSubnetOption(mip, ecsFamilyIPv6, r.cfg.IPv6Mask)
if edsOption != nil {
request.Log.Debugf("set edns0 subnet option address: %s", edsOption.Address)
util.SetEdns0Option(request.Req, edsOption)
// maskIP masks the IP with the given mask and return an error if the mask is invalid
func maskIP[maskType ECSMask](ip net.IP, mask maskType) (net.IP, error) {
_, mip, err := net.ParseCIDR(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", ip.String(), mask))
return mip.IP, err
// newEdnsSubnetOption( creates a new EDNS0 subnet option with the given IP, family and mask
func newEdnsSubnetOption[maskType ECSMask](ip net.IP, family uint16, mask maskType) *dns.EDNS0_SUBNET {
return &dns.EDNS0_SUBNET{
Code: dns.EDNS0SUBNET,
SourceScope: ecsSourceScope,
Family: family,
SourceNetmask: uint8(mask),
Address: ip,