package config import ( "errors" "" . "" . "" ) var _ = Describe("ConditionalUpstreamConfig", func() { var cfg ConditionalUpstream suiteBeforeEach() BeforeEach(func() { cfg = ConditionalUpstream{ Mapping: ConditionalUpstreamMapping{ Upstreams: map[string][]Upstream{ "": {Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "fbTest"}}, "": {Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "otherTest"}}, ".": {Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "dotTest"}}, }, }, } }) Describe("IsEnabled", func() { It("should be false by default", func() { cfg := ConditionalUpstream{} Expect(defaults.Set(&cfg)).Should(Succeed()) Expect(cfg.IsEnabled()).Should(BeFalse()) }) When("enabled", func() { It("should be true", func() { Expect(cfg.IsEnabled()).Should(BeTrue()) }) }) When("disabled", func() { It("should be false", func() { cfg := ConditionalUpstream{ Mapping: ConditionalUpstreamMapping{Upstreams: map[string][]Upstream{}}, } Expect(cfg.IsEnabled()).Should(BeFalse()) }) }) }) Describe("LogConfig", func() { It("should log configuration", func() { cfg.LogConfig(logger) Expect(hook.Calls).ShouldNot(BeEmpty()) Expect(hook.Messages).Should(ContainElement(ContainSubstring(" = "))) }) }) Describe("UnmarshalYAML", func() { It("Should parse config as map", func() { c := &ConditionalUpstreamMapping{} err := c.UnmarshalYAML(func(i interface{}) error { *i.(*map[string]string) = map[string]string{"key": ""} return nil }) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) Expect(c.Upstreams).Should(HaveLen(1)) Expect(c.Upstreams["key"]).Should(HaveLen(1)) Expect(c.Upstreams["key"][0]).Should(Equal(Upstream{ Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "", Port: 53, })) }) It("should fail if wrong YAML format", func() { c := &ConditionalUpstreamMapping{} err := c.UnmarshalYAML(func(i interface{}) error { return errors.New("some err") }) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err).Should(MatchError("some err")) }) }) })