package config import ( "" . "" . "" ) var _ = Describe("RewriterConfig", func() { var cfg RewriterConfig suiteBeforeEach() BeforeEach(func() { cfg = RewriterConfig{ Rewrite: map[string]string{ "original1": "rewritten1", "original2": "rewritten2", }, } }) Describe("IsEnabled", func() { It("should be false by default", func() { cfg := RewriterConfig{} Expect(defaults.Set(&cfg)).Should(Succeed()) Expect(cfg.IsEnabled()).Should(BeFalse()) }) When("enabled", func() { It("should be true", func() { Expect(cfg.IsEnabled()).Should(BeTrue()) }) }) When("disabled", func() { It("should be false", func() { cfg := RewriterConfig{} Expect(cfg.IsEnabled()).Should(BeFalse()) }) }) }) Describe("LogConfig", func() { It("should log configuration", func() { cfg.LogConfig(logger) Expect(hook.Calls).ShouldNot(BeEmpty()) Expect(hook.Messages).Should(ContainElements( ContainSubstring("rules:"), ContainSubstring("original2 ="), )) }) }) })