package e2e import ( "context" . "" "" . "" . "" "" ) var _ = Describe("External lists and query blocking", func() { var ( e2eNet *testcontainers.DockerNetwork blocky testcontainers.Container err error ) BeforeEach(func(ctx context.Context) { e2eNet = getRandomNetwork(ctx) _, err = createDNSMokkaContainer(ctx, "moka", e2eNet, `A google/NOERROR("A 123")`) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) }) Describe("List download on startup", func() { When("external denylist ist not available", func() { Context("loading.strategy = blocking", func() { BeforeEach(func(ctx context.Context) { blocky, err = createBlockyContainer(ctx, e2eNet, "log:", " level: warn", "upstreams:", " groups:", " default:", " - moka", "blocking:", " loading:", " strategy: blocking", " denylists:", " ads:", " - http://wrong.domain.url/list.txt", " clientGroupsBlock:", " default:", " - ads", ) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) }) It("should start with warning in log work without errors", func(ctx context.Context) { msg := util.NewMsgWithQuestion("", A) Expect(doDNSRequest(ctx, blocky, msg)). Should( SatisfyAll( BeDNSRecord("", A, ""), HaveTTL(BeNumerically("==", 123)), )) Expect(getContainerLogs(ctx, blocky)).Should(ContainElement(ContainSubstring("cannot open source: "))) }) }) Context("loading.strategy = failOnError", func() { BeforeEach(func(ctx context.Context) { blocky, err = createBlockyContainer(ctx, e2eNet, "log:", " level: warn", "upstreams:", " groups:", " default:", " - moka", "blocking:", " loading:", " strategy: failOnError", " denylists:", " ads:", " - http://wrong.domain.url/list.txt", " clientGroupsBlock:", " default:", " - ads", ) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) // check container exit status state, err := blocky.State(ctx) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) Expect(state.ExitCode).Should(Equal(1)) }) It("should fail to start", func(ctx context.Context) { Eventually(blocky.IsRunning, "5s", "2ms").Should(BeFalse()) Expect(getContainerLogs(ctx, blocky)). Should(ContainElement(ContainSubstring("Error: can't start server: 1 error occurred"))) }) }) }) }) Describe("Query blocking against external denylists", func() { When("external denylists are defined and available", func() { BeforeEach(func(ctx context.Context) { _, err = createHTTPServerContainer(ctx, "httpserver", e2eNet, "list.txt", "") Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) blocky, err = createBlockyContainer(ctx, e2eNet, "log:", " level: warn", "upstreams:", " groups:", " default:", " - moka", "blocking:", " denylists:", " ads:", " - http://httpserver:8080/list.txt", " clientGroupsBlock:", " default:", " - ads", ) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) }) It("should download external list on startup and block queries", func(ctx context.Context) { msg := util.NewMsgWithQuestion("", A) Expect(doDNSRequest(ctx, blocky, msg)). Should( SatisfyAll( BeDNSRecord("", A, ""), HaveTTL(BeNumerically("==", 6*60*60)), )) Expect(getContainerLogs(ctx, blocky)).Should(BeEmpty()) }) }) }) })