package e2e import ( "context" . "" "" "" . "" . "" "" ) var _ = Describe("Upstream resolver configuration tests", func() { var ( e2eNet *testcontainers.DockerNetwork blocky testcontainers.Container err error ) BeforeEach(func(ctx context.Context) { e2eNet = getRandomNetwork(ctx) }) Describe("'upstreams.init.strategy' parameter handling", func() { When("'upstreams.init.strategy' is fast and upstream server as IP is not reachable", func() { BeforeEach(func(ctx context.Context) { blocky, err = createBlockyContainer(ctx, e2eNet, "log:", " level: warn", "upstreams:", " groups:", " default:", " -", " init:", " strategy: fast", ) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) }) It("should start even if upstream server is not reachable", func(ctx context.Context) { Expect(blocky.IsRunning()).Should(BeTrue()) Eventually(ctx, func() ([]string, error) { return getContainerLogs(ctx, blocky) }).Should(ContainElement(ContainSubstring("initial resolver test failed"))) }) }) When("'upstreams.init.strategy' is fast and upstream server as host name is not reachable", func() { BeforeEach(func(ctx context.Context) { blocky, err = createBlockyContainer(ctx, e2eNet, "log:", " level: warn", "upstreams:", " groups:", " default:", " -", " init:", " strategy: fast", ) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) }) It("should start even if upstream server is not reachable", func(ctx context.Context) { Expect(blocky.IsRunning()).Should(BeTrue()) Expect(getContainerLogs(ctx, blocky)).Should(ContainElement(ContainSubstring("initial resolver test failed"))) }) }) When("'upstreams.init.strategy' is failOnError and upstream as IP address server is not reachable", func() { BeforeEach(func(ctx context.Context) { blocky, err = createBlockyContainer(ctx, e2eNet, "upstreams:", " groups:", " default:", " -", " init:", " strategy: failOnError", ) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) }) It("should not start", func(ctx context.Context) { Expect(blocky.IsRunning()).Should(BeFalse()) Expect(getContainerLogs(ctx, blocky)). Should(ContainElement(ContainSubstring("no valid upstream for group default"))) }) }) When("'upstreams.init.strategy' is failOnError and upstream server as host name is not reachable", func() { BeforeEach(func(ctx context.Context) { blocky, err = createBlockyContainer(ctx, e2eNet, "upstreams:", " groups:", " default:", " -", " init:", " strategy: failOnError", ) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) }) It("should not start", func(ctx context.Context) { Expect(blocky.IsRunning()).Should(BeFalse()) Expect(getContainerLogs(ctx, blocky)). Should(ContainElement(ContainSubstring("no valid upstream for group default"))) }) }) }) Describe("'upstreams.timeout' parameter handling", func() { BeforeEach(func(ctx context.Context) { _, err = createDNSMokkaContainer(ctx, "moka1", e2eNet, `A"A 123")`, `A"A 100"), "300ms")`) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) blocky, err = createBlockyContainer(ctx, e2eNet, "upstreams:", " groups:", " default:", " - moka1", " timeout: 200ms", ) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) }) It("should consider the timeout parameter", func(ctx context.Context) { By("query without timeout", func() { msg := util.NewMsgWithQuestion("", A) Expect(doDNSRequest(ctx, blocky, msg)). Should( SatisfyAll( BeDNSRecord("", A, ""), HaveTTL(BeNumerically("==", 123)), )) }) By("query with timeout", func() { msg := util.NewMsgWithQuestion("", A) resp, err := doDNSRequest(ctx, blocky, msg) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) Expect(resp.Rcode).Should(Equal(dns.RcodeServerFailure)) }) }) }) })