package util import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "net" "strings" "" "" "" . "" . "" . "" ) var _ = Describe("Common function tests", func() { Describe("Print DNS answer", func() { When("different types of DNS answers", func() { rr := make([]dns.RR, 0) rr = append(rr, &dns.A{A: net.ParseIP("")}) rr = append(rr, &dns.AAAA{AAAA: net.ParseIP("2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:7344")}) rr = append(rr, &dns.CNAME{Target: "cname"}) rr = append(rr, &dns.PTR{Ptr: "ptr"}) rr = append(rr, &dns.NS{Ns: "ns"}) It("should print the answers", func() { answerToString := AnswerToString(rr) Expect(answerToString).Should(Equal("A (, " + "AAAA (2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7344), CNAME (cname), PTR (ptr), \t0\tCLASS0\tNone\tns")) }) }) }) Describe("print question", func() { When("question is provided", func() { question := dns.Question{ Name: "", Qtype: dns.TypeA, Qclass: dns.ClassINET, } It("should print the answers", func() { questionToString := QuestionToString([]dns.Question{question}) Expect(questionToString).Should(Equal("A (")) }) }) }) Describe("Extract domain from query", func() { When("Question is provided", func() { question := dns.Question{ Name: "", Qtype: dns.TypeA, Qclass: dns.ClassINET, } It("should extract only domain", func() { domain := ExtractDomain(question) Expect(domain).Should(Equal("")) }) }) }) Describe("Create new DNS message", func() { When("Question is provided", func() { question := "" It("should create message", func() { msg := NewMsgWithQuestion(question, dns.Type(dns.TypeA)) Expect(QuestionToString(msg.Question)).Should(Equal("A (")) }) }) When("Answer is provided", func() { It("should create message", func() { msg, err := NewMsgWithAnswer("", 25, dns.Type(dns.TypeA), "") Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) Expect(AnswerToString(msg.Answer)).Should(Equal("A (")) }) }) When("Answer is corrupt", func() { It("should throw an error", func() { _, err := NewMsgWithAnswer(strings.Repeat("a", 300), 25, dns.Type(dns.TypeA), "") Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) }) }) }) Describe("Create answer from question", func() { When("type A is provided", func() { question := dns.Question{ Name: "", Qtype: dns.TypeA, Qclass: dns.ClassINET, } answer, err := CreateAnswerFromQuestion(question, net.ParseIP(""), 25) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) It("should return A record", func() { Expect(answer.String()).Should(Equal(" 25 IN A")) }) }) When("type AAAA is provided", func() { question := dns.Question{ Name: "", Qtype: dns.TypeAAAA, Qclass: dns.ClassINET, } answer, err := CreateAnswerFromQuestion(question, net.ParseIP("2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"), 25) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) It("should return AAAA record", func() { Expect(answer.String()).Should(Equal(" 25 IN AAAA 2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334")) }) }) When("type NS is provided", func() { question := dns.Question{ Name: "", Qtype: dns.TypeNS, Qclass: dns.ClassINET, } answer, err := CreateAnswerFromQuestion(question, net.ParseIP(""), 25) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) It("should return generic record as fallback", func() { Expect(answer.String()).Should(Equal(" 25 IN NS")) }) }) When("Invalid record is provided", func() { question := dns.Question{ Name: strings.Repeat("k", 99), Qtype: dns.TypeNS, Qclass: dns.ClassINET, } _, err := CreateAnswerFromQuestion(question, net.ParseIP(""), 25) It("should fail", func() { Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) }) }) }) Describe("Sorted iteration over map", func() { When("Key-value map is provided", func() { m := make(map[string]int) m["x"] = 5 m["a"] = 1 m["m"] = 9 It("should iterate in sorted order", func() { result := make([]string, 0) IterateValueSorted(m, func(s string, i int) { result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", s, i)) }) Expect(strings.Join(result, ";")).Should(Equal("m-9;x-5;a-1")) }) }) }) Describe("Logging functions", func() { When("LogOnError is called with error", func() { err := errors.New("test") It("should log", func(ctx context.Context) { hook := test.NewGlobal() Log().AddHook(hook) defer hook.Reset() LogOnError(ctx, "message ", err) Expect(hook.LastEntry().Message).Should(Equal("message test")) }) }) When("LogOnErrorWithEntry is called with error", func() { err := errors.New("test") It("should log", func() { hook := test.NewGlobal() Log().AddHook(hook) defer hook.Reset() logger, hook := test.NewNullLogger() entry := logrus.NewEntry(logger) LogOnErrorWithEntry(entry, "message ", err) Expect(hook.LastEntry().Message).Should(Equal("message test")) }) }) When("FatalOnError is called with error", func() { err := errors.New("test") It("should log and exit", func() { hook := test.NewGlobal() Log().AddHook(hook) fatal := false Log().ExitFunc = func(int) { fatal = true } defer func() { Log().ExitFunc = nil }() FatalOnError("message ", err) Expect(hook.LastEntry().Message).Should(Equal("message test")) Expect(fatal).Should(BeTrue()) }) }) }) Describe("Domain cache key generate/extract", func() { It("should works", func() { cacheKey := GenerateCacheKey(dns.Type(dns.TypeA), "") qType, qName := ExtractCacheKey(cacheKey) Expect(qType).Should(Equal(dns.Type(dns.TypeA))) Expect(qName).Should(Equal("")) }) }) Describe("CIDR contains IP", func() { It("should return true if CIDR ( - contains the IP", func() { c := CidrContainsIP("", net.ParseIP("")) Expect(c).Should(BeTrue()) }) It("should return false if CIDR ( - doesn't contain the IP", func() { c := CidrContainsIP("", net.ParseIP("")) Expect(c).Should(BeFalse()) }) It("should return false if CIDR is wrong", func() { c := CidrContainsIP("", net.ParseIP("")) Expect(c).Should(BeFalse()) }) }) Describe("Client name matches group name", func() { It("should return true if client name matches with wildcard", func() { c := ClientNameMatchesGroupName("group*", "group-test") Expect(c).Should(BeTrue()) }) It("should return false if client name doesn't match with wildcard", func() { c := ClientNameMatchesGroupName("group*", "abc") Expect(c).Should(BeFalse()) }) It("should return true if client name matches with range wildcard", func() { c := ClientNameMatchesGroupName("group[1-3]", "group1") Expect(c).Should(BeTrue()) }) It("should return false if client name doesn't match with range wildcard", func() { c := ClientNameMatchesGroupName("group[1-3]", "group4") Expect(c).Should(BeFalse()) }) }) })