linters: enable: - asciicheck - bidichk - bodyclose - dogsled - dupl - durationcheck - errcheck - errchkjson - errorlint - exhaustive - exportloopref - funlen - gochecknoglobals - gochecknoinits - gocognit - goconst - gocritic - gocyclo - godox - gofmt - goimports - gomnd - gomodguard - gosec - gosimple - govet - grouper - importas - ineffassign - lll - makezero - misspell - nakedret - nestif - nilerr - nilnil - nlreturn - nolintlint - nosprintfhostport - prealloc - predeclared - revive - sqlclosecheck - staticcheck - stylecheck - tenv - typecheck - unconvert - unparam - unused - usestdlibvars - wastedassign - whitespace - wsl - ginkgolinter disable: - noctx - contextcheck - scopelint - structcheck - deadcode - varcheck - forbidigo - gosmopolitan disable-all: false presets: - bugs - unused fast: false linters-settings: gomnd: ignored-numbers: - "0666" ginkgolinter: # Suppress the wrong length assertion warning. suppress-len-assertion: true # Suppress the wrong nil assertion warning. suppress-nil-assertion: true # Suppress the wrong error assertion warning. suppress-err-assertion: true # Suppress the wrong comparison assertion warning. suppress-compare-assertion: true # Suppress the function all in async assertion warning. suppress-async-assertion: true # Suppress warning for comparing values from different types, like int32 and uint32 suppress-type-compare-assertion: true # Trigger warning for ginkgo focus containers like FDescribe, FContext, FWhen or FIt forbid-focus-container: true # Don't trigger warnings for HaveLen(0) allow-havelen-zero: true stylecheck: # Whietlist dot imports for test packages. dot-import-whitelist: - "" - "" - "" issues: exclude-rules: # Exclude some linters from running on tests files. - path: _test\.go linters: - dupl - funlen - gochecknoglobals - gosec