package redis import ( "encoding/json" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" . "" . "" ) const ( exampleComKey = CacheStorePrefix + "" ) var ( redisServer *miniredis.Miniredis redisClient *Client redisConfig *config.RedisConfig err error ) var _ = Describe("Redis client", func() { BeforeEach(func() { redisServer, err = miniredis.Run() Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) DeferCleanup(redisServer.Close) var rcfg config.RedisConfig err = defaults.Set(&rcfg) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) rcfg.Address = redisServer.Addr() redisConfig = &rcfg redisClient, err = New(redisConfig) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) Expect(redisClient).ShouldNot(BeNil()) }) Describe("Client creation", func() { When("redis configuration has no address", func() { It("should return nil without error", func() { var rcfg config.RedisConfig err = defaults.Set(&rcfg) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) Expect(New(&rcfg)).Should(BeNil()) }) }) When("redis configuration has invalid address", func() { It("should fail with error", func() { var rcfg config.RedisConfig err = defaults.Set(&rcfg) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) rcfg.Address = "" _, err = New(&rcfg) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) }) }) When("redis configuration has invalid password", func() { It("should fail with error", func() { var rcfg config.RedisConfig err = defaults.Set(&rcfg) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) rcfg.Address = redisServer.Addr() rcfg.Password = "wrong" _, err = New(&rcfg) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) }) }) }) Describe("Publish message", func() { When("Redis client publishes 'cache' message", func() { It("One new entry with TTL > 0 should be persisted in the database", func() { By("Database is empty", func() { Eventually(func() []string { return redisServer.DB(redisConfig.Database).Keys() }).Should(BeEmpty()) }) By("publish new message with TTL > 0", func() { res, err := util.NewMsgWithAnswer("", 123, dns.Type(dns.TypeA), "") Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) redisClient.PublishCache("", res) }) By("Database has one entry with correct TTL", func() { Eventually(func() bool { return redisServer.DB(redisConfig.Database).Exists(exampleComKey) }).Should(BeTrue()) ttl := redisServer.DB(redisConfig.Database).TTL(exampleComKey) Expect(ttl.Seconds()).Should(BeNumerically("~", 123)) }) }) It("One new entry with default TTL should be persisted in the database", func() { By("Database is empty", func() { Eventually(func() []string { return redisServer.DB(redisConfig.Database).Keys() }).Should(BeEmpty()) }) By("publish new message with TTL = 0", func() { res, err := util.NewMsgWithAnswer("", 0, dns.Type(dns.TypeA), "") Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) redisClient.PublishCache("", res) }) By("Database has one entry with default TTL", func() { Eventually(func() bool { return redisServer.DB(redisConfig.Database).Exists(exampleComKey) }).Should(BeTrue()) ttl := redisServer.DB(redisConfig.Database).TTL(exampleComKey) Expect(ttl.Seconds()).Should(BeNumerically("~", defaultCacheTime.Seconds())) }) }) }) When("Redis client publishes 'enabled' message", func() { It("should propagate the message over redis", func() { redisClient.PublishEnabled(&EnabledMessage{ State: true, }) Eventually(func() map[string]int { return redisServer.PubSubNumSub(SyncChannelName) }).Should(HaveLen(1)) }) }) }) Describe("Receive message", func() { When("'enabled' message is received", func() { It("should propagate the message over the channel", func() { var binState []byte binState, err = json.Marshal(EnabledMessage{State: true}) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) var id []byte id, err = uuid.New().MarshalBinary() Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) var binMsg []byte binMsg, err = json.Marshal(redisMessage{ Type: messageTypeEnable, Message: binState, Client: id, }) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) lenE := len(redisClient.EnabledChannel) rec := redisServer.Publish(SyncChannelName, string(binMsg)) Expect(rec).Should(Equal(1)) Eventually(func() chan *EnabledMessage { return redisClient.EnabledChannel }).Should(HaveLen(lenE + 1)) }) }) When("'cache' message is received", func() { It("should propagate the message over the channel", func() { res, err := util.NewMsgWithAnswer("", 123, dns.Type(dns.TypeA), "") Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) var binState []byte binState, err = res.Pack() Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) var id []byte id, err = uuid.New().MarshalBinary() Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) var binMsg []byte binMsg, err = json.Marshal(redisMessage{ Key: "", Type: messageTypeCache, Message: binState, Client: id, }) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) lenE := len(redisClient.CacheChannel) rec := redisServer.Publish(SyncChannelName, string(binMsg)) Expect(rec).Should(Equal(1)) Eventually(func() chan *CacheMessage { return redisClient.CacheChannel }).Should(HaveLen(lenE + 1)) }) }) When("wrong data is received", func() { It("should not propagate the message over the channel if data is wrong", func() { var id []byte id, err = uuid.New().MarshalBinary() Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) var binMsg []byte binMsg, err = json.Marshal(redisMessage{ Key: "unknown", Type: messageTypeCache, Message: []byte("test"), Client: id, }) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) lenE := len(redisClient.EnabledChannel) lenC := len(redisClient.CacheChannel) rec := redisServer.Publish(SyncChannelName, string(binMsg)) Expect(rec).Should(Equal(1)) Eventually(func() chan *EnabledMessage { return redisClient.EnabledChannel }).Should(HaveLen(lenE)) Eventually(func() chan *CacheMessage { return redisClient.CacheChannel }).Should(HaveLen(lenC)) }) It("should not propagate the message over the channel if type is wrong", func() { var id []byte id, err = uuid.New().MarshalBinary() Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) var binMsg []byte binMsg, err = json.Marshal(redisMessage{ Key: "unknown", Type: 99, Message: []byte("test"), Client: id, }) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) lenE := len(redisClient.EnabledChannel) lenC := len(redisClient.CacheChannel) rec := redisServer.Publish(SyncChannelName, string(binMsg)) Expect(rec).Should(Equal(1)) time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) Eventually(func() chan *EnabledMessage { return redisClient.EnabledChannel }).Should(HaveLen(lenE)) Eventually(func() chan *CacheMessage { return redisClient.CacheChannel }).Should(HaveLen(lenC)) }) }) }) Describe("Read the redis cache and publish it to the channel", func() { When("GetRedisCache is called with valid database entries", func() { It("Should read data from Redis and propagate it via cache channel", func() { By("Database is empty", func() { Eventually(func() []string { return redisServer.DB(redisConfig.Database).Keys() }).Should(BeEmpty()) }) By("Put valid data in Redis by publishing the cache entry", func() { var res *dns.Msg res, err = util.NewMsgWithAnswer("", 123, dns.Type(dns.TypeA), "") Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) redisClient.PublishCache("", res) }) By("Database has one entry now", func() { Eventually(func() []string { return redisServer.DB(redisConfig.Database).Keys() }).Should(HaveLen(1)) }) By("call GetRedisCache - It should read one entry from redis and propagate it via channel", func() { redisClient.GetRedisCache() Eventually(redisClient.CacheChannel).Should(HaveLen(1)) }) }) }) When("GetRedisCache is called and database contains not valid entry", func() { It("Should do nothing (only log error)", func() { Expect(redisServer.DB(redisConfig.Database).Set(CacheStorePrefix+"test", "test")).Should(Succeed()) redisClient.GetRedisCache() Consistently(redisClient.CacheChannel).Should(BeEmpty()) }) }) }) })