package config import ( "errors" "net" "time" "" "" . "" . "" . "" ) var _ = Describe("Config", func() { var ( tmpDir *helpertest.TmpFolder err error ) BeforeEach(func() { tmpDir = helpertest.NewTmpFolder("config") Expect(tmpDir.Error).Should(Succeed()) DeferCleanup(tmpDir.Clean) }) Describe("Creation of Config", func() { When("Test config file will be parsed", func() { It("should return a valid config struct", func() { confFile := writeConfigYml(tmpDir) Expect(confFile.Error).Should(Succeed()) _, err = LoadConfig(confFile.Path, true) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) defaultTestFileConfig() }) }) When("Test file does not exist", func() { It("should fail", func() { _, err := LoadConfig(tmpDir.JoinPath("config-does-not-exist.yaml"), true) Expect(err).Should(Not(Succeed())) }) }) When("Multiple config files are used", func() { It("should return a valid config struct", func() { err = writeConfigDir(tmpDir) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) _, err := LoadConfig(tmpDir.Path, true) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) defaultTestFileConfig() }) It("should ignore non YAML files", func() { err = writeConfigDir(tmpDir) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) tmpDir.CreateStringFile("ignore-me.txt", "THIS SHOULD BE IGNORED!") _, err := LoadConfig(tmpDir.Path, true) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) }) It("should ignore non regular files", func() { err = writeConfigDir(tmpDir) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) tmpDir.CreateSubFolder("subfolder") tmpDir.CreateSubFolder("subfolder.yml") _, err := LoadConfig(tmpDir.Path, true) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) }) }) When("Config folder does not exist", func() { It("should fail", func() { _, err := LoadConfig(tmpDir.JoinPath("does-not-exist-config/"), true) Expect(err).Should(Not(Succeed())) }) }) When("config file is malformed", func() { It("should return error", func() { cfgFile := tmpDir.CreateStringFile("config.yml", "malformed_config") Expect(cfgFile.Error).Should(Succeed()) _, err = LoadConfig(cfgFile.Path, true) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("wrong file structure")) }) }) When("duration is in wrong format", func() { It("should return error", func() { cfg := Config{} data := `blocking: refreshPeriod: wrongduration` err := unmarshalConfig([]byte(data), &cfg) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("invalid duration \"wrongduration\"")) }) }) When("CustomDNS hast wrong IP defined", func() { It("should return error", func() { cfg := Config{} data := `customDNS: mapping: someDomain: 192.168.178.WRONG` err := unmarshalConfig([]byte(data), &cfg) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("invalid IP address '192.168.178.WRONG'")) }) }) When("Conditional mapping hast wrong defined upstreams", func() { It("should return error", func() { cfg := Config{} data := `conditional: mapping: multiple.resolvers:,wrongprotocol:` err := unmarshalConfig([]byte(data), &cfg) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("wrong host name 'wrongprotocol:'")) }) }) When("Wrong upstreams are defined", func() { It("should return error", func() { cfg := Config{} data := `upstream: default: - - wrongprotocol: -` err := unmarshalConfig([]byte(data), &cfg) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("can't convert upstream 'wrongprotocol:'")) }) }) When("Wrong filtering is defined", func() { It("should return error", func() { cfg := Config{} data := `filtering: queryTypes: - invalidqtype ` err := unmarshalConfig([]byte(data), &cfg) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("unknown DNS query type: 'invalidqtype'")) }) }) When("bootstrapDns is defined", func() { It("should is backwards compatible", func() { cfg := Config{} data := "bootstrapDns:" err := unmarshalConfig([]byte(data), &cfg) Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred()) Expect(cfg.BootstrapDNS.Upstream.Host).Should(Equal("")) }) It("should is backwards compatible", func() { cfg := Config{} data := ` bootstrapDns: upstream: ips: - ` err := unmarshalConfig([]byte(data), &cfg) Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred()) Expect(cfg.BootstrapDNS.Upstream.Host).Should(Equal("")) Expect(cfg.BootstrapDNS.IPs).Should(HaveLen(1)) }) }) When("config is not YAML", func() { It("should return error", func() { cfg := Config{} data := `///` err := unmarshalConfig([]byte(data), &cfg) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("cannot unmarshal !!str `///`")) }) }) When("Deprecated parameter 'disableIPv6' is set", func() { It("should add 'AAAA' to filter.queryTypes", func() { c := &Config{ DisableIPv6: true, } validateConfig(c) Expect(c.Filtering.QueryTypes).Should(HaveKey(QType(dns.TypeAAAA))) Expect(c.Filtering.QueryTypes.Contains(dns.Type(dns.TypeAAAA))).Should(BeTrue()) }) }) When("Deprecated parameter 'failStartOnListError' is set", func() { var ( c Config ) BeforeEach(func() { c = Config{ Blocking: BlockingConfig{ FailStartOnListError: true, StartStrategy: StartStrategyTypeBlocking, }, } }) It("should change StartStrategy blocking to failOnError", func() { validateConfig(&c) Expect(c.Blocking.StartStrategy).Should(Equal(StartStrategyTypeFailOnError)) }) It("shouldn't change StartStrategy if set to fast", func() { c.Blocking.StartStrategy = StartStrategyTypeFast validateConfig(&c) Expect(c.Blocking.StartStrategy).Should(Equal(StartStrategyTypeFast)) }) }) When("config directory does not exist", func() { It("should return error", func() { _, err = LoadConfig(tmpDir.JoinPath("config.yml"), true) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("no such file or directory")) }) It("should use default config if config is not mandatory", func() { _, err = LoadConfig(tmpDir.JoinPath("config.yml"), false) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) Expect(config.LogLevel).Should(Equal(LevelInfo)) }) }) }) Describe("YAML parsing", func() { Context("upstream", func() { It("should create the upstream struct with data", func() { u := &Upstream{} err := u.UnmarshalYAML(func(i interface{}) error { *i.(*string) = "tcp+udp:" return nil }) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) Expect(u.Net).Should(Equal(NetProtocolTcpUdp)) Expect(u.Host).Should(Equal("")) Expect(u.Port).Should(BeNumerically("==", 53)) }) It("should fail if the upstream is in wrong format", func() { u := &Upstream{} err := u.UnmarshalYAML(func(i interface{}) error { return errors.New("some err") }) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) }) }) Context("ListenConfig", func() { It("should parse and split valid string config", func() { l := &ListenConfig{} err := l.UnmarshalYAML(func(i interface{}) error { *i.(*string) = "55,:56" return nil }) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) Expect(*l).Should(HaveLen(2)) Expect(*l).Should(ContainElements("55", ":56")) }) It("should fail on error", func() { l := &ListenConfig{} err := l.UnmarshalYAML(func(i interface{}) error { return errors.New("some err") }) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) }) }) Context("Duration", func() { It("should parse duration with unit", func() { d := Duration(0) err := d.UnmarshalYAML(func(i interface{}) error { *i.(*string) = "1m20s" return nil }) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) Expect(d).Should(Equal(Duration(80 * time.Second))) Expect(d.String()).Should(Equal("1 minute 20 seconds")) }) It("should fail if duration is in wrong format", func() { d := Duration(0) err := d.UnmarshalYAML(func(i interface{}) error { *i.(*string) = "wrong" return nil }) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err).Should(MatchError("time: invalid duration \"wrong\"")) }) It("should fail if wrong YAML format", func() { d := Duration(0) err := d.UnmarshalYAML(func(i interface{}) error { return errors.New("some err") }) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err).Should(MatchError("some err")) }) }) Context("ConditionalUpstreamMapping", func() { It("Should parse config as map", func() { c := &ConditionalUpstreamMapping{} err := c.UnmarshalYAML(func(i interface{}) error { *i.(*map[string]string) = map[string]string{"key": ""} return nil }) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) Expect(c.Upstreams).Should(HaveLen(1)) Expect(c.Upstreams["key"]).Should(HaveLen(1)) Expect(c.Upstreams["key"][0]).Should(Equal(Upstream{ Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "", Port: 53})) }) It("should fail if wrong YAML format", func() { c := &ConditionalUpstreamMapping{} err := c.UnmarshalYAML(func(i interface{}) error { return errors.New("some err") }) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err).Should(MatchError("some err")) }) }) Context("CustomDNSMapping", func() { It("Should parse config as map", func() { c := &CustomDNSMapping{} err := c.UnmarshalYAML(func(i interface{}) error { *i.(*map[string]string) = map[string]string{"key": ""} return nil }) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) Expect(c.HostIPs).Should(HaveLen(1)) Expect(c.HostIPs["key"]).Should(HaveLen(1)) Expect(c.HostIPs["key"][0]).Should(Equal(net.ParseIP(""))) }) It("should fail if wrong YAML format", func() { c := &CustomDNSMapping{} err := c.UnmarshalYAML(func(i interface{}) error { return errors.New("some err") }) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err).Should(MatchError("some err")) }) }) Context("QueryTyoe", func() { It("Should parse existing DNS type as string", func() { t := QType(0) err := t.UnmarshalYAML(func(i interface{}) error { *i.(*string) = "AAAA" return nil }) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) Expect(t).Should(Equal(QType(dns.TypeAAAA))) Expect(t.String()).Should(Equal("AAAA")) }) It("should fail if DNS type does not exist", func() { t := QType(0) err := t.UnmarshalYAML(func(i interface{}) error { *i.(*string) = "WRONGTYPE" return nil }) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("unknown DNS query type: 'WRONGTYPE'")) }) It("should fail if wrong YAML format", func() { d := QType(0) err := d.UnmarshalYAML(func(i interface{}) error { return errors.New("some err") }) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err).Should(MatchError("some err")) }) }) }) DescribeTable("Upstream parsing", func(in string, wantResult Upstream, wantErr bool) { result, err := ParseUpstream(in) if wantErr { Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred(), in) } else { Expect(err).Should(Succeed(), in) } Expect(result).Should(Equal(wantResult), in) }, Entry("tcp+udp with port", "", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "", Port: 531}, false), Entry("tcp+udp without port, use default", "", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "", Port: 53}, false), Entry("tcp+udp with port", "tcp+udp:", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "", Port: 4711}, false), Entry("tcp without port, use default", "", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "", Port: 53}, false), Entry("tcp-tls without port, use default", "tcp-tls:", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpTls, Host: "", Port: 853}, false), Entry("tcp-tls with common name", "", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpTls, Host: "", Port: 853, CommonName: ""}, false), Entry("DoH without port, use default", "https:", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolHttps, Host: "", Port: 443}, false), Entry("DoH with port", "https:", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolHttps, Host: "", Port: 888}, false), Entry("DoH named", "", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolHttps, Host: "", Port: 443, Path: "/dns-query"}, false), Entry("DoH named, path with multiple slashes", "", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolHttps, Host: "", Port: 443, Path: "/dns-query/a/b"}, false), Entry("DoH named with port", "", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolHttps, Host: "", Port: 888, Path: "/dns-query"}, false), Entry("empty", "", Upstream{Net: 0}, true), Entry("udpIpv6WithPort", "tcp+udp:[fd00::6cd4:d7e0:d99d:2952]:53", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "fd00::6cd4:d7e0:d99d:2952", Port: 53}, false), Entry("udpIpv6WithPort2", "[2001:4860:4860::8888]:53", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "2001:4860:4860::8888", Port: 53}, false), Entry("default net, default port", "", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "", Port: 53}, false), Entry("wrong host name", "host$name", Upstream{}, true), Entry("default net with port", "", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "", Port: 153}, false), Entry("with negative port", "tcp:", nil, true), Entry("with invalid port", "tcp:", nil, true), Entry("with not numeric port", "tcp:", nil, true), Entry("with wrong protocol", "bla:", nil, true), Entry("tcp+udp", "tcp+udp:", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "", Port: 53}, false), Entry("tcp+udp default port", "tcp+udp:", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "", Port: 53}, false), Entry("defaultIpv6Short", "2620:fe::fe", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "2620:fe::fe", Port: 53}, false), Entry("defaultIpv6Short2", "2620:fe::9", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "2620:fe::9", Port: 53}, false), Entry("defaultIpv6WithPort", "[2620:fe::9]:55", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "2620:fe::9", Port: 55}, false), ) DescribeTable("Upstream string representation", func(upstream Upstream, canonical string) { Expect(upstream.String()).To(Equal(canonical)) if !upstream.IsDefault() { roundTripped, err := ParseUpstream(canonical) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) Expect(roundTripped).Should(Equal(upstream)) } }, Entry("Default", Upstream{}, "no upstream", ), Entry("tcp+udp with port", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "localhost", Port: 531}, "tcp+udp:localhost:531", ), Entry("tcp+udp default port", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "localhost", Port: 53}, "tcp+udp:localhost", ), Entry("tcp-tls with port", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpTls, Host: "localhost", Port: 888}, "tcp-tls:localhost:888", ), Entry("tcp-tls default port", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpTls, Host: "localhost", Port: 853}, "tcp-tls:localhost", ), Entry("tcp+udp with other default port", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "localhost", Port: 443}, "tcp+udp:localhost:443"), Entry("https with port", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolHttps, Host: "localhost", Port: 888}, "https://localhost:888", ), Entry("https with path", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolHttps, Host: "localhost", Port: 443, Path: "/dns-query"}, "https://localhost/dns-query", ), Entry("https with path and port", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolHttps, Host: "localhost", Port: 888, Path: "/dns-query"}, "https://localhost:888/dns-query", ), Entry("tcp+udp IPv4 with port", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "", Port: 531}, "tcp+udp:", ), Entry("tcp+udp IPv4 default port", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "", Port: 53}, "tcp+udp:", ), Entry("tcp-tls IPv6 with port", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpTls, Host: "fd00::6cd4:d7e0:d99d:2952", Port: 531}, "tcp-tls:[fd00::6cd4:d7e0:d99d:2952]:531", ), Entry("tcp-tls IPv6 default port", Upstream{Net: NetProtocolTcpTls, Host: "fd00::6cd4:d7e0:d99d:2952", Port: 853}, "tcp-tls:[fd00::6cd4:d7e0:d99d:2952]", ), ) Describe("QTypeSet", func() { It("new should insert given qTypes", func() { set := NewQTypeSet(dns.Type(dns.TypeA)) Expect(set).Should(HaveKey(QType(dns.TypeA))) Expect(set.Contains(dns.Type(dns.TypeA))).Should(BeTrue()) Expect(set).ShouldNot(HaveKey(QType(dns.TypeAAAA))) Expect(set.Contains(dns.Type(dns.TypeAAAA))).ShouldNot(BeTrue()) }) It("should insert given qTypes", func() { set := NewQTypeSet() Expect(set).ShouldNot(HaveKey(QType(dns.TypeAAAA))) Expect(set.Contains(dns.Type(dns.TypeAAAA))).ShouldNot(BeTrue()) set.Insert(dns.Type(dns.TypeAAAA)) Expect(set).Should(HaveKey(QType(dns.TypeAAAA))) Expect(set.Contains(dns.Type(dns.TypeAAAA))).Should(BeTrue()) }) }) }) func defaultTestFileConfig() { Expect(config.DNSPorts).Should(Equal(ListenConfig{"55553", ":55554", "[::1]:55555"})) Expect(config.Upstream.ExternalResolvers["default"]).Should(HaveLen(3)) Expect(config.Upstream.ExternalResolvers["default"][0].Host).Should(Equal("")) Expect(config.Upstream.ExternalResolvers["default"][1].Host).Should(Equal("")) Expect(config.Upstream.ExternalResolvers["default"][2].Host).Should(Equal("")) Expect(config.CustomDNS.Mapping.HostIPs).Should(HaveLen(2)) Expect(config.CustomDNS.Mapping.HostIPs[""][0]).Should(Equal(net.ParseIP(""))) Expect(config.CustomDNS.Mapping.HostIPs["multiple.ips"][0]).Should(Equal(net.ParseIP(""))) Expect(config.CustomDNS.Mapping.HostIPs["multiple.ips"][1]).Should(Equal(net.ParseIP(""))) Expect(config.CustomDNS.Mapping.HostIPs["multiple.ips"][2]).Should(Equal( net.ParseIP("2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:7344"))) Expect(config.Conditional.Mapping.Upstreams).Should(HaveLen(2)) Expect(config.Conditional.Mapping.Upstreams[""]).Should(HaveLen(1)) Expect(config.Conditional.Mapping.Upstreams["multiple.resolvers"]).Should(HaveLen(2)) Expect(config.ClientLookup.Upstream.Host).Should(Equal("")) Expect(config.ClientLookup.SingleNameOrder).Should(Equal([]uint{2, 1})) Expect(config.Blocking.BlackLists).Should(HaveLen(2)) Expect(config.Blocking.WhiteLists).Should(HaveLen(1)) Expect(config.Blocking.ClientGroupsBlock).Should(HaveLen(2)) Expect(config.Blocking.BlockTTL).Should(Equal(Duration(time.Minute))) Expect(config.Blocking.RefreshPeriod).Should(Equal(Duration(2 * time.Hour))) Expect(config.Filtering.QueryTypes).Should(HaveLen(2)) Expect(config.Caching.MaxCachingTime).Should(Equal(Duration(0))) Expect(config.Caching.MinCachingTime).Should(Equal(Duration(0))) Expect(config.DoHUserAgent).Should(Equal("testBlocky")) Expect(config.MinTLSServeVer).Should(Equal("1.3")) Expect(config.StartVerifyUpstream).Should(BeFalse()) Expect(GetConfig()).Should(Not(BeNil())) } func writeConfigYml(tmpDir *helpertest.TmpFolder) *helpertest.TmpFile { return tmpDir.CreateStringFile("config.yml", "upstream:", " default:", " - tcp+udp:", " - tcp+udp:", " -", "customDNS:", " mapping:", "", " multiple.ips:,,2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:7344", "conditional:", " mapping:", " tcp+udp:", " multiple.resolvers: tcp+udp:,tcp+udp:", "filtering:", " queryTypes:", " - AAAA", " - A", "blocking:", " blackLists:", " ads:", " -", " -", " -", " -", " -", " -", " special:", " -", " whiteLists:", " ads:", " - whitelist.txt", " clientGroupsBlock:", " default:", " - ads", " - special", "", " - ads", " blockTTL: 1m", " refreshPeriod: 120", "clientLookup:", " upstream:", " singleNameOrder:", " - 2", " - 1", "queryLog:", " type: csv-client", " target: /opt/log", "port: 55553,:55554,[::1]:55555", "logLevel: debug", "dohUserAgent: testBlocky", "minTlsServeVersion: 1.3", "startVerifyUpstream: false") } func writeConfigDir(tmpDir *helpertest.TmpFolder) error { f1 := tmpDir.CreateStringFile("config1.yaml", "upstream:", " default:", " - tcp+udp:", " - tcp+udp:", " -", "customDNS:", " mapping:", "", " multiple.ips:,,2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:7344", "conditional:", " mapping:", " tcp+udp:", " multiple.resolvers: tcp+udp:,tcp+udp:", "filtering:", " queryTypes:", " - AAAA", " - A") if f1.Error != nil { return f1.Error } f2 := tmpDir.CreateStringFile("config2.yaml", "blocking:", " blackLists:", " ads:", " -", " -", " -", " -", " -", " -", " special:", " -", " whiteLists:", " ads:", " - whitelist.txt", " clientGroupsBlock:", " default:", " - ads", " - special", "", " - ads", " blockTTL: 1m", " refreshPeriod: 120", "clientLookup:", " upstream:", " singleNameOrder:", " - 2", " - 1", "queryLog:", " type: csv-client", " target: /opt/log", "port: 55553,:55554,[::1]:55555", "logLevel: debug", "dohUserAgent: testBlocky", "minTlsServeVersion: 1.3", "startVerifyUpstream: false") return f2.Error }