package resolver import ( "bufio" "encoding/csv" "errors" "fmt" "io" "os" "time" "" "" "" . "" "" "" . "" . "" "" ) type SlowMockWriter struct { entries []*querylog.LogEntry } func (m *SlowMockWriter) Write(entry *querylog.LogEntry) { m.entries = append(m.entries, entry) time.Sleep(time.Second) } func (m *SlowMockWriter) CleanUp() { } var _ = Describe("QueryLoggingResolver", func() { var ( sut *QueryLoggingResolver sutConfig config.QueryLogConfig err error resp *Response m *MockResolver tmpDir *helpertest.TmpFolder mockAnswer *dns.Msg ) BeforeEach(func() { mockAnswer = new(dns.Msg) tmpDir = helpertest.NewTmpFolder("queryLoggingResolver") Expect(tmpDir.Error).Should(Succeed()) DeferCleanup(tmpDir.Clean) }) JustBeforeEach(func() { sut = NewQueryLoggingResolver(sutConfig).(*QueryLoggingResolver) DeferCleanup(func() { close(sut.logChan) }) m = &MockResolver{} m.On("Resolve", mock.Anything).Return(&Response{Res: mockAnswer, Reason: "reason"}, nil) sut.Next(m) }) Describe("Process request", func() { When("Resolver has no configuration", func() { BeforeEach(func() { sutConfig = config.QueryLogConfig{ CreationAttempts: 1, CreationCooldown: config.Duration(time.Millisecond), } }) It("should process request without query logging", func() { resp, err = sut.Resolve(newRequest("", dns.Type(dns.TypeA))) m.AssertExpectations(GinkgoT()) Expect(resp.RType).Should(Equal(ResponseTypeRESOLVED)) }) }) When("Configuration with logging per client", func() { BeforeEach(func() { sutConfig = config.QueryLogConfig{ Target: tmpDir.Path, Type: config.QueryLogTypeCsvClient, CreationAttempts: 1, CreationCooldown: config.Duration(time.Millisecond), } mockAnswer, _ = util.NewMsgWithAnswer("", 300, dns.Type(dns.TypeA), "") }) It("should create a log file per client", func() { By("request from client 1", func() { resp, err = sut.Resolve(newRequestWithClient("", dns.Type(dns.TypeA), "", "client1")) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) }) By("request from client 2, has name with special chars, should be escaped", func() { resp, err = sut.Resolve(newRequestWithClient( "", dns.Type(dns.TypeA), "", "cl/ient2\\$%&test", )) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) }) m.AssertExpectations(GinkgoT()) By("check log for client1", func() { Eventually(func(g Gomega) { csvLines, err := readCsv(tmpDir.JoinPath( fmt.Sprintf("%s_client1.log", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")))) g.Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) g.Expect(csvLines).Should(Not(BeEmpty())) g.Expect(csvLines[0][1]).Should(Equal("")) g.Expect(csvLines[0][2]).Should(Equal("client1")) g.Expect(csvLines[0][4]).Should(Equal("reason")) g.Expect(csvLines[0][5]).Should(Equal("A (")) g.Expect(csvLines[0][6]).Should(Equal("A (")) }, "1s").Should(Succeed()) }) By("check log for client2", func() { Eventually(func(g Gomega) { csvLines, err := readCsv(tmpDir.JoinPath( fmt.Sprintf("%s_cl_ient2_test.log", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")))) g.Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) g.Expect(csvLines).Should(HaveLen(1)) g.Expect(csvLines[0][1]).Should(Equal("")) g.Expect(csvLines[0][2]).Should(Equal("cl/ient2\\$%&test")) g.Expect(csvLines[0][4]).Should(Equal("reason")) g.Expect(csvLines[0][5]).Should(Equal("A (")) g.Expect(csvLines[0][6]).Should(Equal("A (")) }, "1s").Should(Succeed()) }) }) }) When("Configuration with logging in one file for all clients", func() { BeforeEach(func() { sutConfig = config.QueryLogConfig{ Target: tmpDir.Path, Type: config.QueryLogTypeCsv, CreationAttempts: 1, CreationCooldown: config.Duration(time.Millisecond), } mockAnswer, _ = util.NewMsgWithAnswer("", 300, dns.Type(dns.TypeA), "") }) It("should create one log file for all clients", func() { By("request from client 1", func() { resp, err = sut.Resolve(newRequestWithClient("", dns.Type(dns.TypeA), "", "client1")) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) }) By("request from client 2, has name with special chars, should be escaped", func() { resp, err = sut.Resolve(newRequestWithClient("", dns.Type(dns.TypeA), "", "client2")) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) }) m.AssertExpectations(GinkgoT()) By("check log", func() { Eventually(func(g Gomega) { csvLines, err := readCsv(tmpDir.JoinPath( fmt.Sprintf("%s_ALL.log", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")))) g.Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) g.Expect(csvLines).Should(HaveLen(2)) // client1 -> first line g.Expect(csvLines[0][1]).Should(Equal("")) g.Expect(csvLines[0][2]).Should(Equal("client1")) g.Expect(csvLines[0][4]).Should(Equal("reason")) g.Expect(csvLines[0][5]).Should(Equal("A (")) g.Expect(csvLines[0][6]).Should(Equal("A (")) // client2 -> second line g.Expect(csvLines[1][1]).Should(Equal("")) g.Expect(csvLines[1][2]).Should(Equal("client2")) g.Expect(csvLines[1][4]).Should(Equal("reason")) g.Expect(csvLines[1][5]).Should(Equal("A (")) g.Expect(csvLines[1][6]).Should(Equal("A (")) }, "1s").Should(Succeed()) }) }) }) }) Describe("Slow writer", func() { When("writer is too slow", func() { BeforeEach(func() { sutConfig = config.QueryLogConfig{ Type: config.QueryLogTypeNone, CreationAttempts: 1, CreationCooldown: config.Duration(time.Millisecond), } }) It("should drop messages", func() { mockWriter := &SlowMockWriter{} sut.writer = mockWriter Eventually(func() int { _, ierr := sut.Resolve(newRequestWithClient("", dns.Type(dns.TypeA), "", "client1")) Expect(ierr).Should(Succeed()) return len(sut.logChan) }, "20s", "1µs").Should(Equal(cap(sut.logChan))) }) }) }) Describe("Configuration output", func() { When("resolver is enabled", func() { BeforeEach(func() { sutConfig = config.QueryLogConfig{ Target: tmpDir.Path, Type: config.QueryLogTypeCsvClient, LogRetentionDays: 0, CreationAttempts: 1, CreationCooldown: config.Duration(time.Millisecond), } }) It("should return configuration", func() { c := sut.Configuration() Expect(len(c)).Should(BeNumerically(">", 1)) }) }) }) Describe("Clean up of query log directory", func() { When("fallback logger is enabled, log retention is enabled", func() { BeforeEach(func() { sutConfig = config.QueryLogConfig{ LogRetentionDays: 7, Type: config.QueryLogTypeConsole, CreationAttempts: 1, CreationCooldown: config.Duration(time.Millisecond), } }) It("should do nothing", func() { sut.doCleanUp() }) }) When("log directory contains old files", func() { BeforeEach(func() { sutConfig = config.QueryLogConfig{ Target: tmpDir.Path, Type: config.QueryLogTypeCsv, LogRetentionDays: 7, CreationAttempts: 1, CreationCooldown: config.Duration(time.Millisecond), } }) It("should remove files older than defined log retention", func() { // create 2 files, 7 and 8 days old dateBefore7Days := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -7) dateBefore9Days := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -9) f1 := tmpDir.CreateEmptyFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s-test.log", dateBefore7Days.Format("2006-01-02"))) Expect(f1.Error).Should(Succeed()) f2 := tmpDir.CreateEmptyFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s-test.log", dateBefore9Days.Format("2006-01-02"))) Expect(f2.Error).Should(Succeed()) sut.doCleanUp() Eventually(func(g Gomega) { // file 1 exist g.Expect(f1.Stat()).Should(Succeed()) // file 2 was deleted ierr2 := f2.Stat() g.Expect(ierr2).Should(HaveOccurred()) g.Expect(os.IsNotExist(ierr2)).Should(BeTrue()) }).Should(Succeed()) }) }) }) Describe("Wrong target configuration", func() { When("mysql database path is wrong", func() { BeforeEach(func() { sutConfig = config.QueryLogConfig{ Target: "dummy", Type: config.QueryLogTypeMysql, CreationAttempts: 1, CreationCooldown: config.Duration(time.Millisecond), } }) It("should use fallback", func() { Expect(sut.logType).Should(Equal(config.QueryLogTypeConsole)) }) }) When("postgresql database path is wrong", func() { BeforeEach(func() { sutConfig = config.QueryLogConfig{ Target: "dummy", Type: config.QueryLogTypePostgresql, CreationAttempts: 1, CreationCooldown: config.Duration(time.Millisecond), } }) It("should use fallback", func() { Expect(sut.logType).Should(Equal(config.QueryLogTypeConsole)) }) }) }) }) func readCsv(file string) ([][]string, error) { var result [][]string csvFile, err := os.Open(file) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer csvFile.Close() reader := csv.NewReader(bufio.NewReader(csvFile)) reader.Comma = '\t' for { line, err := reader.Read() if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) { break } else if err != nil { return nil, err } result = append(result, line) } return result, nil }