package resolver import ( "context" "errors" "net" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "net/url" "sync/atomic" "" "" "" "" . "" "" . "" . "" ) var _ = Describe("Bootstrap", Label("bootstrap"), func() { var ( sut *Bootstrap sutConfig config.Config ctx context.Context cancelFn context.CancelFunc err error ) BeforeEach(func() { sutConfig = config.Config{ BootstrapDNS: []config.BootstrappedUpstream{ { Upstream: config.Upstream{ Net: config.NetProtocolTcpTls, Host: "bootstrapUpstream.invalid", }, IPs: []net.IP{net.IPv4zero}, }, }, Upstreams: defaultUpstreamsConfig, } ctx, cancelFn = context.WithCancel(context.Background()) DeferCleanup(cancelFn) }) JustBeforeEach(func() { sut, err = NewBootstrap(ctx, &sutConfig) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) }) Describe("configuration", func() { When("is not specified", func() { BeforeEach(func() { sutConfig.BootstrapDNS = config.BootstrapDNS{} }) It("should use the system resolver", func() { var usedSystemResolver atomic.Bool sut.systemResolver = &net.Resolver{ PreferGo: true, Dial: func(ctx context.Context, network, address string) (net.Conn, error) { usedSystemResolver.Store(true) return nil, errors.New("don't actually do anything") }, } _, err := sut.resolveUpstream(ctx, nil, "") Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(usedSystemResolver.Load()).Should(BeTrue()) }) Describe("HTTP transport", func() { It("should use the system resolver", func() { transport := sut.NewHTTPTransport() Expect(transport).ShouldNot(BeNil()) }) }) When("one of multiple upstreams is invalid", func() { It("errors", func() { cfg := config.Config{ BootstrapDNS: []config.BootstrappedUpstream{ { Upstream: config.Upstream{ // valid Net: config.NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "", }, }, { Upstream: config.Upstream{ // invalid Net: config.NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "hostname", }, }, }, } _, err := NewBootstrap(ctx, &cfg) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) }) }) }) Context("using TCP UDP", func() { When("hostname is an IP", func() { BeforeEach(func() { sutConfig = config.Config{ BootstrapDNS: []config.BootstrappedUpstream{ { Upstream: config.Upstream{ Net: config.NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "", }, }, }, } }) It("uses it", func() { Expect(sut).ShouldNot(BeNil()) for _, ips := range sut.bootstraped { Expect(ips).Should(Equal([]net.IP{net.IPv4zero})) } }) }) When("using non IP hostname", func() { It("errors", func() { cfg := config.Config{ BootstrapDNS: []config.BootstrappedUpstream{ { Upstream: config.Upstream{ Net: config.NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "bootstrapUpstream.invalid", }, }, }, } _, err := NewBootstrap(ctx, &cfg) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("must use IP instead of hostname")) }) }) When("extra IPs are configured", func() { BeforeEach(func() { sutConfig = config.Config{ BootstrapDNS: []config.BootstrappedUpstream{ { Upstream: config.Upstream{ Net: config.NetProtocolTcpUdp, Host: "", }, IPs: []net.IP{net.IPv4allrouter}, }, }, } }) It("uses them", func() { Expect(sut).ShouldNot(BeNil()) for _, ips := range sut.bootstraped { Expect(ips).Should(ContainElements(net.IPv4zero, net.IPv4allrouter)) } }) }) }) Context("using encrypted DNS", func() { When("IPs are missing", func() { It("errors", func() { cfg := config.Config{ BootstrapDNS: []config.BootstrappedUpstream{ { Upstream: config.Upstream{ Net: config.NetProtocolTcpTls, Host: "bootstrapUpstream.invalid", }, }, }, } _, err := NewBootstrap(ctx, &cfg) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("no IPs configured")) }) }) When("hostname is IP", func() { It("doesn't require extra IPs", func() { cfg := config.Config{ BootstrapDNS: []config.BootstrappedUpstream{ { Upstream: config.Upstream{ Net: config.NetProtocolTcpTls, Host: "", }, }, }, } _, err := NewBootstrap(ctx, &cfg) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) }) }) }) }) Describe("resolving", func() { var bootstrapUpstream *mockResolver BeforeEach(func() { bootstrapUpstream = &mockResolver{} sutConfig.BootstrapDNS = []config.BootstrappedUpstream{ { Upstream: config.Upstream{ Net: config.NetProtocolTcpTls, Host: "bootstrapUpstream.invalid", }, IPs: []net.IP{net.IPv4zero}, }, } }) JustBeforeEach(func() { sut.resolver = bootstrapUpstream sut.bootstraped = bootstrapedResolvers{bootstrapUpstream: sutConfig.BootstrapDNS[0].IPs} }) AfterEach(func() { bootstrapUpstream.AssertExpectations(GinkgoT()) }) When("called from bootstrap.upstream", func() { It("uses hardcoded IPs", func() { ips, err := sut.resolveUpstream(ctx, bootstrapUpstream, "host") Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) Expect(ips).Should(Equal(sutConfig.BootstrapDNS[0].IPs)) }) }) When("hostname is an IP", func() { It("returns immediately", func() { ips, err := sut.resolve(ctx, "", config.IPVersionDual.QTypes()) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) Expect(ips).Should(ContainElement(net.IPv4zero)) }) }) When("upstream returns an IPv6", func() { It("it is used", func() { bootstrapResponse, err := util.NewMsgWithAnswer( "localhost.", 123, AAAA, net.IPv6loopback.String(), ) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) bootstrapUpstream.On("Resolve", mock.Anything).Return(&model.Response{Res: bootstrapResponse}, nil) ips, err := sut.resolve(ctx, "localhost", []dns.Type{AAAA}) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) Expect(ips).Should(HaveLen(1)) Expect(ips).Should(ContainElement(net.IPv6loopback)) }) }) When("upstream returns an error", func() { It("it is returned", func() { resolveErr := errors.New("test") bootstrapUpstream.On("Resolve", mock.Anything).Return(nil, resolveErr) ips, err := sut.resolve(ctx, "localhost", []dns.Type{A}) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring(resolveErr.Error())) Expect(ips).Should(BeEmpty()) }) }) When("upstream returns an error response", func() { It("an error is returned", func() { bootstrapResponse := &dns.Msg{MsgHdr: dns.MsgHdr{Rcode: dns.RcodeServerFailure}} bootstrapUpstream.On("Resolve", mock.Anything).Return(&model.Response{Res: bootstrapResponse}, nil) ips, err := sut.resolve(ctx, "unknownhost.invalid", []dns.Type{A}) Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("no such host")) Expect(ips).Should(BeEmpty()) }) }) When("called from another UpstreamResolver", func() { It("uses the bootstrap upstream", func() { mainReq := &model.Request{ Req: util.NewMsgWithQuestion("", A), } mockUpstreamServer := NewMockUDPUpstreamServer().WithAnswerRR(" 123 IN A") upstream := mockUpstreamServer.Start() upstreamIP := upstream.Host bootstrapResponse, err := util.NewMsgWithAnswer( "localhost.", 123, A, upstreamIP, ) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) bootstrapUpstream.On("Resolve", mock.Anything).Return(&model.Response{Res: bootstrapResponse}, nil) upstream.Host = "localhost" // force bootstrap to do resolve, and not just return the IP as is r := newUpstreamResolverUnchecked(newUpstreamConfig(upstream, sutConfig.Upstreams), sut) rsp, err := r.Resolve(ctx, mainReq) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) Expect(mockUpstreamServer.GetCallCount()).Should(Equal(1)) Expect(rsp.Res.Question[0].Name).Should(Equal("")) Expect(rsp.Res.Id).ShouldNot(Equal(bootstrapResponse.Id)) }) Describe("Resolve", func() { It("calls the usptream resolver", func(ctx context.Context) { expected := new(model.Response) bootstrapUpstream.On("Resolve", mock.Anything).Return(expected, nil) Expect(sut.Resolve(ctx, newRequest("", A))). Should(BeIdenticalTo(expected)) }) When("using the system resolver", func() { JustBeforeEach(func() { sut = systemResolverBootstrap }) It("can't resolve arbitrary requests", func(ctx context.Context) { _, err := sut.Resolve(ctx, newRequest("", A)) Expect(err). Should(MatchError(errArbitrarySystemResolverRequest)) }) }) }) }) Describe("HTTP Transport", func() { It("uses the bootstrap upstream", func() { server := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) })) DeferCleanup(server.Close) url, err := url.Parse(server.URL) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(url.Host) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) bootstrapResponse, err := util.NewMsgWithAnswer( "localhost.", 123, A, host, ) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) bootstrapUpstream.On("Resolve", mock.Anything).Return(&model.Response{Res: bootstrapResponse}, nil) // force bootstrap to do resolve, and not just return the IP as is url.Host = net.JoinHostPort("localhost", port) c := http.Client{ Transport: sut.NewHTTPTransport(), } _, err = c.Get(url.String()) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) }) It("should error with malformed address", func() { t := sut.NewHTTPTransport() // implicit expectation of 0 bootstrapUpstream.Resolve calls _, err = t.DialContext(ctx, "ip", "!bad-addr!") Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) }) It("returns upstream errors", func() { resolveErr := errors.New("test") bootstrapUpstream.On("Resolve", mock.Anything).Return(nil, resolveErr) t := sut.NewHTTPTransport() _, err = t.DialContext(ctx, "ip", "abc:123") Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring(resolveErr.Error())) }) It("errors for unknown host", func() { bootstrapResponse := &dns.Msg{MsgHdr: dns.MsgHdr{Rcode: dns.RcodeServerFailure}} bootstrapUpstream.On("Resolve", mock.Anything).Return(&model.Response{Res: bootstrapResponse}, nil) t := sut.NewHTTPTransport() _, err = t.DialContext(ctx, "ip", "abc:123") Expect(err).Should(HaveOccurred()) Expect(err.Error()).Should(ContainSubstring("no such host")) }) }) }) Describe("connectIPVersion", func() { var ( m *mockResolver dialIPVersion config.IPVersion ) BeforeEach(func() { dialIPVersion = config.IPVersionDual }) JustBeforeEach(func() { m = &mockResolver{AnswerFn: autoAnswer} sut.resolver = m m.On("Resolve", mock.Anything). Times(len(sutConfig.ConnectIPVersion.QTypes())). Run(func(args mock.Arguments) { req, ok := args.Get(0).(*model.Request) Expect(ok).Should(BeTrue()) qType := dns.Type(req.Req.Question[0].Qtype) if sutConfig.ConnectIPVersion != config.IPVersionDual { Expect(qType).Should(BeElementOf(sutConfig.ConnectIPVersion.QTypes())) } else { Expect(qType).Should(BeElementOf(dialIPVersion.QTypes())) } }) }) Describe("resolve", func() { AfterEach(func() { _, err := sut.resolveUpstream(ctx, nil, "") Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) m.AssertExpectations(GinkgoT()) }) Context("using dual", func() { BeforeEach(func() { sutConfig.ConnectIPVersion = config.IPVersionV4 }) It("should query both IPv4 and IPv6", func() {}) }) Context("using v4", func() { BeforeEach(func() { sutConfig.ConnectIPVersion = config.IPVersionV4 }) It("should query IPv4 only", func() {}) }) Context("using v6", func() { BeforeEach(func() { sutConfig.ConnectIPVersion = config.IPVersionV6 }) It("should query IPv6 only", func() {}) }) }) Describe("HTTP Transport", func() { var ( d *mockDialer validIPs []string ) JustBeforeEach(func() { d = newMockDialer() sut.dialer = d m.On("Resolve", mock.Anything).Once() d.On("DialContext", mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything). Once(). Run(func(args mock.Arguments) { network, ok := args.Get(1).(string) Expect(ok).Should(BeTrue()) Expect(network).Should(Equal(dialIPVersion.Net())) addr, ok := args.Get(2).(string) Expect(ok).Should(BeTrue()) ip, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) Expect(ip).Should(BeElementOf(validIPs)) Expect(port).Should(Equal("0")) }) }) AfterEach(func() { t := sut.NewHTTPTransport() conn, err := t.DialContext(ctx, dialIPVersion.Net(), "localhost:0") Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) Expect(conn).Should(Equal(aMockConn)) d.AssertExpectations(GinkgoT()) }) Context("using dual", func() { BeforeEach(func() { sutConfig.ConnectIPVersion = config.IPVersionDual validIPs = []string{autoAnswerIPv4.String(), autoAnswerIPv6.String()} }) It("should dial one of IPv4 and IPv6", func() {}) Context("and dialing IPv4", func() { BeforeEach(func() { dialIPVersion = config.IPVersionV4 // overrides ipVersion validIPs = []string{autoAnswerIPv4.String()} }) It("should use IPv4 only", func() {}) }) Context("and dialing IPv6", func() { BeforeEach(func() { dialIPVersion = config.IPVersionV6 // overrides ipVersion validIPs = []string{autoAnswerIPv6.String()} }) It("should use IPv6 only", func() {}) }) }) Context("using v4", func() { BeforeEach(func() { sutConfig.ConnectIPVersion = config.IPVersionV4 validIPs = []string{autoAnswerIPv4.String()} }) It("should dial IPv4 only", func() {}) It("should ignore the dial IP version", func() { dialIPVersion = config.IPVersionV6 // overridden by ipVersion }) }) Context("using v6", func() { BeforeEach(func() { sutConfig.ConnectIPVersion = config.IPVersionV6 validIPs = []string{autoAnswerIPv6.String()} }) It("should dial IPv6 only", func() {}) It("should ignore the dial IP version", func() { dialIPVersion = config.IPVersionV4 // overridden by ipVersion }) }) }) }) Describe("multiple upstreams", func() { var ( mockUpstream1 *MockUDPUpstreamServer mockUpstream2 *MockUDPUpstreamServer ) BeforeEach(func() { mockUpstream1 = NewMockUDPUpstreamServer().WithAnswerRR(" 123 IN A") mockUpstream2 = NewMockUDPUpstreamServer().WithAnswerRR(" 123 IN A") sutConfig.BootstrapDNS = []config.BootstrappedUpstream{ {Upstream: mockUpstream1.Start()}, {Upstream: mockUpstream2.Start()}, } }) It("uses both", func() { _, err := sut.resolve(ctx, "", []dns.Type{dns.Type(dns.TypeA)}) Expect(err).To(Succeed()) Eventually(func(g Gomega) { g.Expect(mockUpstream1.GetCallCount()).To(Equal(1)) g.Expect(mockUpstream2.GetCallCount()).To(Equal(1)) }, "100ms").Should(Succeed()) }) }) })