package resolver import ( "fmt" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // CachingResolver caches answers from dns queries with their TTL time, // to avoid external resolver calls for recurrent queries type CachingResolver struct { NextResolver minCacheTimeSec, maxCacheTimeSec int resultCache *cache.Cache prefetchExpires time.Duration prefetchThreshold int prefetchingNameCache *cache.Cache } // cacheValue includes query answer and prefetch flag type cacheValue struct { answer []dns.RR prefetch bool } const ( cacheTimeNegative = 30 * time.Minute prefetchingNameCacheExpiration = 2 * time.Hour prefetchingNameCountThreshold = 5 ) // NewCachingResolver creates a new resolver instance func NewCachingResolver(cfg config.CachingConfig) ChainedResolver { c := &CachingResolver{ minCacheTimeSec: 60 * cfg.MinCachingTime, maxCacheTimeSec: 60 * cfg.MaxCachingTime, resultCache: createQueryResultCache(&cfg), } if cfg.Prefetching { configurePrefetching(c, &cfg) } return c } func createQueryResultCache(cfg *config.CachingConfig) *cache.Cache { return cache.NewWithLRU(15*time.Minute, 15*time.Second, cfg.MaxItemsCount) } func configurePrefetching(c *CachingResolver, cfg *config.CachingConfig) { c.prefetchExpires = prefetchingNameCacheExpiration if cfg.PrefetchExpires > 0 { c.prefetchExpires = time.Duration(cfg.PrefetchExpires) * time.Minute } c.prefetchThreshold = prefetchingNameCountThreshold if cfg.PrefetchThreshold > 0 { c.prefetchThreshold = cfg.PrefetchThreshold } c.prefetchingNameCache = cache.NewWithLRU(c.prefetchExpires, time.Minute, cfg.PrefetchMaxItemsCount) c.resultCache.OnEvicted(func(key string, i interface{}) { c.onEvicted(key) }) } // onEvicted is called if a DNS response in the cache is expired and was removed from cache func (r *CachingResolver) onEvicted(cacheKey string) { qType, domainName := util.ExtractCacheKey(cacheKey) logger := logger("caching_resolver") cnt, found := r.prefetchingNameCache.Get(cacheKey) // check if domain was queried > threshold in the time window if found && cnt.(int) > r.prefetchThreshold { logger.Debugf("prefetching '%s' (%s)", util.Obfuscate(domainName), dns.TypeToString[qType]) req := newRequest(fmt.Sprintf("%s.", domainName), qType, logger) response, err := if err == nil { r.putInCache(cacheKey, response, true) evt.Bus().Publish(evt.CachingDomainPrefetched, domainName) } util.LogOnError(fmt.Sprintf("can't prefetch '%s' ", domainName), err) } } // Configuration returns a current resolver configuration func (r *CachingResolver) Configuration() (result []string) { if r.maxCacheTimeSec < 0 { result = []string{"deactivated"} return } result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("minCacheTimeInSec = %d", r.minCacheTimeSec)) result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("maxCacheTimeSec = %d", r.maxCacheTimeSec)) result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("prefetching = %t", r.prefetchingNameCache != nil)) if r.prefetchingNameCache != nil { result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("prefetchExpires = %s", r.prefetchExpires)) result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("prefetchThreshold = %d", r.prefetchThreshold)) } result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("cache items count = %d", r.resultCache.ItemCount())) return } // Resolve checks if the current query result is already in the cache and returns it // or delegates to the next resolver //nolint:gocognit,funlen func (r *CachingResolver) Resolve(request *Request) (response *Response, err error) { logger := withPrefix(request.Log, "caching_resolver") if r.maxCacheTimeSec < 0 { logger.Debug("skip cache") return } resp := new(dns.Msg) resp.SetReply(request.Req) for _, question := range request.Req.Question { domain := util.ExtractDomain(question) cacheKey := util.GenerateCacheKey(question.Qtype, domain) logger := logger.WithField("domain", util.Obfuscate(domain)) r.trackQueryDomainNameCount(domain, cacheKey, logger) val, expiresAt, found := r.resultCache.GetWithExpiration(cacheKey) if found { logger.Debug("domain is cached") evt.Bus().Publish(evt.CachingResultCacheHit, domain) // calculate remaining TTL remainingTTL := uint32(time.Until(expiresAt).Seconds()) v, ok := val.(cacheValue) if ok { if v.prefetch { // Hit from prefetch cache evt.Bus().Publish(evt.CachingPrefetchCacheHit, domain) } // Answer from successful request resp.Answer = v.answer for _, rr := range resp.Answer { rr.Header().Ttl = remainingTTL } return &Response{Res: resp, RType: CACHED, Reason: "CACHED"}, nil } // Answer with response code != OK resp.Rcode = val.(int) return &Response{Res: resp, RType: CACHED, Reason: "CACHED NEGATIVE"}, nil } evt.Bus().Publish(evt.CachingResultCacheMiss, domain) logger.WithField("next_resolver", Name("not in cache: go to next resolver") response, err = if err == nil { r.putInCache(cacheKey, response, false) } } return response, err } func (r *CachingResolver) trackQueryDomainNameCount(domain string, cacheKey string, logger *logrus.Entry) { if r.prefetchingNameCache != nil { var domainCount int if x, found := r.prefetchingNameCache.Get(cacheKey); found { domainCount = x.(int) } domainCount++ r.prefetchingNameCache.SetDefault(cacheKey, domainCount) logger.Debugf("domain '%s' was requested %d times, "+ "total cache size: %d", util.Obfuscate(domain), domainCount, r.prefetchingNameCache.ItemCount()) evt.Bus().Publish(evt.CachingDomainsToPrefetchCountChanged, r.prefetchingNameCache.ItemCount()) } } func (r *CachingResolver) putInCache(cacheKey string, response *Response, prefetch bool) { answer := response.Res.Answer if response.Res.Rcode == dns.RcodeSuccess { // put value into cache r.resultCache.Set(cacheKey, cacheValue{answer, prefetch}, time.Duration(r.adjustTTLs(answer))*time.Second) } else if response.Res.Rcode == dns.RcodeNameError { // put return code if NXDOMAIN r.resultCache.Set(cacheKey, response.Res.Rcode, cacheTimeNegative) } evt.Bus().Publish(evt.CachingResultCacheChanged, r.resultCache.ItemCount()) } func (r *CachingResolver) adjustTTLs(answer []dns.RR) (maxTTL uint32) { for _, a := range answer { // if TTL < mitTTL -> adjust the value, set minTTL if r.minCacheTimeSec > 0 { if a.Header().Ttl < uint32(r.minCacheTimeSec) { a.Header().Ttl = uint32(r.minCacheTimeSec) } } if r.maxCacheTimeSec > 0 { if a.Header().Ttl > uint32(r.maxCacheTimeSec) { a.Header().Ttl = uint32(r.maxCacheTimeSec) } } if maxTTL < a.Header().Ttl { maxTTL = a.Header().Ttl } } return }