package resolver import ( "bytes" "context" "crypto/tls" "errors" "fmt" "io" "net" "net/http" "strconv" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( dnsContentType = "application/dns-message" retryAttempts = 3 ) // UpstreamServerError wraps a response with RCode ServFail so no other resolver tries to use it. type UpstreamServerError struct { Msg *dns.Msg } func (e *UpstreamServerError) Error() string { return "upstream server failed" } type upstreamConfig struct { config.Upstreams config.Upstream } func newUpstreamConfig(upstream config.Upstream, cfg config.Upstreams) upstreamConfig { return upstreamConfig{cfg, upstream} } func (c upstreamConfig) String() string { return c.Upstream.String() } // IsEnabled implements `config.Configurable`. func (c upstreamConfig) IsEnabled() bool { return true } // LogConfig implements `config.Configurable`. func (c upstreamConfig) LogConfig(logger *logrus.Entry) { logger.Info(c.Upstream) } // UpstreamResolver sends request to external DNS server type UpstreamResolver struct { typed configurable[upstreamConfig] upstreamClient upstreamClient bootstrap *Bootstrap } type upstreamClient interface { fmtURL(ip net.IP, port uint16, path string) string callExternal( ctx context.Context, msg *dns.Msg, upstreamURL string, protocol model.RequestProtocol, ) (response *dns.Msg, rtt time.Duration, err error) } type dnsUpstreamClient struct { tcpClient, udpClient *dns.Client } type httpUpstreamClient struct { client *http.Client host string userAgent string } func createUpstreamClient(cfg upstreamConfig) upstreamClient { tlsConfig := tls.Config{ ServerName: cfg.Host, MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12, } if cfg.CommonName != "" { tlsConfig.ServerName = cfg.CommonName } switch cfg.Net { case config.NetProtocolHttps: return &httpUpstreamClient{ userAgent: cfg.UserAgent, client: &http.Client{ Transport: &http.Transport{ TLSClientConfig: &tlsConfig, ForceAttemptHTTP2: true, }, }, host: cfg.Host, } case config.NetProtocolTcpTls: return &dnsUpstreamClient{ tcpClient: &dns.Client{ TLSConfig: &tlsConfig, Net: cfg.Net.String(), }, } case config.NetProtocolTcpUdp: return &dnsUpstreamClient{ tcpClient: &dns.Client{ Net: "tcp", }, udpClient: &dns.Client{ Net: "udp", }, } default: log.Log().Fatalf("invalid protocol %s", cfg.Net) panic("unreachable") } } func (r *httpUpstreamClient) fmtURL(ip net.IP, port uint16, path string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("https://%s%s", net.JoinHostPort(ip.String(), strconv.Itoa(int(port))), path) } func (r *httpUpstreamClient) callExternal( ctx context.Context, msg *dns.Msg, upstreamURL string, _ model.RequestProtocol, ) (*dns.Msg, time.Duration, error) { start := time.Now() rawDNSMessage, err := msg.Pack() if err != nil { return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("can't pack message: %w", err) } req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodPost, upstreamURL, bytes.NewReader(rawDNSMessage)) if err != nil { return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("can't create the new request %w", err) } req.Header.Set("User-Agent", r.userAgent) req.Header.Set("Content-Type", dnsContentType) req.Host = httpResponse, err := r.client.Do(req) if err != nil { return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("can't perform https request: %w", err) } defer func() { util.LogOnError("can't close response body ", httpResponse.Body.Close()) }() if httpResponse.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("http return code should be %d, but received %d", http.StatusOK, httpResponse.StatusCode) } contentType := httpResponse.Header.Get("content-type") if contentType != dnsContentType { return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("http return content type should be '%s', but was '%s'", dnsContentType, contentType) } body, err := io.ReadAll(httpResponse.Body) if err != nil { return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("can't read response body: %w", err) } response := dns.Msg{} err = response.Unpack(body) if err != nil { return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("can't unpack message: %w", err) } return &response, time.Since(start), nil } func (r *dnsUpstreamClient) fmtURL(ip net.IP, port uint16, _ string) string { return net.JoinHostPort(ip.String(), strconv.Itoa(int(port))) } func (r *dnsUpstreamClient) callExternal( ctx context.Context, msg *dns.Msg, upstreamURL string, protocol model.RequestProtocol, ) (response *dns.Msg, rtt time.Duration, err error) { if r.udpClient == nil { return r.tcpClient.ExchangeContext(ctx, msg, upstreamURL) } return r.raceClients(ctx, msg, upstreamURL, protocol) } type exchangeResult struct { proto model.RequestProtocol msg *dns.Msg rtt time.Duration err error } func (r *dnsUpstreamClient) raceClients( ctx context.Context, msg *dns.Msg, upstreamURL string, protocol model.RequestProtocol, ) (response *dns.Msg, rtt time.Duration, err error) { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) defer cancel() // We don't explicitly close the channel, but since the buffer is big enough for all goroutines, // it will be GC'ed and closed automatically. ch := make(chan exchangeResult, 2) //nolint:gomnd // TCP and UDP exchange := func(client *dns.Client, proto model.RequestProtocol) { msg, rtt, err := client.ExchangeContext(ctx, msg, upstreamURL) if err == nil && msg.Rcode == dns.RcodeServerFailure { err = &UpstreamServerError{msg} } ch <- exchangeResult{proto, msg, rtt, err} } go exchange(r.tcpClient, model.RequestProtocolTCP) go exchange(r.udpClient, model.RequestProtocolUDP) // We don't care about a response too big for the downstream protocol: that's handled by `Server`, // and returning a larger request from here might allow us to cache it. res1 := <-ch if res1.err == nil && !res1.msg.Truncated { return res1.msg, res1.rtt, nil } res2 := <-ch if res2.err == nil && !res2.msg.Truncated { return res2.msg, res2.rtt, nil } resWhere := func(pred func(*exchangeResult) bool) *exchangeResult { if pred(&res1) { return &res1 } return &res2 } // When both failed, return the result that used the same protocol as the downstream request if res1.err != nil && res2.err != nil { sameProto := resWhere(func(r *exchangeResult) bool { return r.proto == protocol }) return sameProto.msg, sameProto.rtt, sameProto.err } // Only a single one failed, use the one that succeeded successful := resWhere(func(r *exchangeResult) bool { return r.err == nil }) return successful.msg, successful.rtt, nil } // NewUpstreamResolver creates new resolver instance func NewUpstreamResolver( ctx context.Context, cfg upstreamConfig, bootstrap *Bootstrap, ) (*UpstreamResolver, error) { r := newUpstreamResolverUnchecked(cfg, bootstrap) onErr := func(err error) { _, logger := r.log(ctx) logger.WithError(err).Warn("initial resolver test failed") } err := cfg.Init.Strategy.Do(ctx, r.testResolve, onErr) if err != nil { return nil, err } return r, nil } // newUpstreamResolverUnchecked creates new resolver instance without validating the upstream func newUpstreamResolverUnchecked(cfg upstreamConfig, bootstrap *Bootstrap) *UpstreamResolver { upstreamClient := createUpstreamClient(cfg) return &UpstreamResolver{ typed: withType("upstream"), configurable: withConfig(cfg), upstreamClient: upstreamClient, bootstrap: bootstrap, } } func (r UpstreamResolver) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s '%s'", r.Type(), r.cfg) } func (r UpstreamResolver) Upstream() config.Upstream { return r.cfg.Upstream } func (r *UpstreamResolver) log(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, *logrus.Entry) { return r.logWithFields(ctx, logrus.Fields{ "upstream": r.cfg.String(), }) } // testResolve sends a test query to verify the upstream is reachable and working func (r *UpstreamResolver) testResolve(ctx context.Context) error { // MUST always resolve. See SUDN resolver request := newRequest("", dns.Type(dns.TypeA)) _, err := r.Resolve(ctx, request) return err } // Resolve calls external resolver func (r *UpstreamResolver) Resolve(ctx context.Context, request *model.Request) (response *model.Response, err error) { ctx, logger := r.log(ctx) ips, err := r.bootstrap.UpstreamIPs(ctx, r) if err != nil { return nil, err } var ( resp *dns.Msg ip net.IP ) err = retry.Do( func() error { ip = ips.Current() upstreamURL := r.upstreamClient.fmtURL(ip, r.cfg.Port, r.cfg.Path) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, r.cfg.Timeout.ToDuration()) defer cancel() response, rtt, err := r.upstreamClient.callExternal(ctx, request.Req, upstreamURL, request.Protocol) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("can't resolve request via upstream server %s (%s): %w", r.cfg, upstreamURL, err) } resp = response r.logResponse(logger, request, response, ip, rtt) return nil }, retry.Context(ctx), retry.Attempts(retryAttempts), retry.DelayType(retry.FixedDelay), retry.Delay(1*time.Millisecond), retry.LastErrorOnly(true), retry.RetryIf(isTimeout), retry.OnRetry(func(n uint, err error) { logger.WithFields(logrus.Fields{ "upstream": r.cfg.String(), "upstream_ip": ip.String(), "question": util.QuestionToString(request.Req.Question), "attempt": fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", n+1, retryAttempts), }).Debugf("%s, retrying...", err) ips.Next() })) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &model.Response{Res: resp, Reason: fmt.Sprintf("RESOLVED (%s)", r.cfg)}, nil } func (r *UpstreamResolver) logResponse( logger *logrus.Entry, request *model.Request, resp *dns.Msg, ip net.IP, rtt time.Duration, ) { logger.WithFields(logrus.Fields{ "answer": util.AnswerToString(resp.Answer), "return_code": dns.RcodeToString[resp.Rcode], "upstream": r.cfg.String(), "upstream_ip": ip.String(), "protocol": request.Protocol, "net": r.cfg.Net, "response_time_ms": rtt.Milliseconds(), }).Debugf("received response from upstream") } func isTimeout(err error) bool { var netErr net.Error return errors.As(err, &netErr) && netErr.Timeout() }