# Blocky
Blocky is a DNS proxy and ad-blocker for the local network written in Go with following features: ## Features - **Blocking** - :no_entry: Blocking of DNS queries with external lists (Ad-block, malware) and whitelisting * Definition of black and white lists per client group (Kids, Smart home devices, etc.) * Periodical reload of external black and white lists * Regex support * Blocking of request domain, response CNAME (deep CNAME inspection) and response IP addresses (against IP lists) - **Advanced DNS configuration** - :nerd: not just an ad-blocker * Custom DNS resolution for certain domain names * Conditional forwarding to external DNS server * Upstream resolvers can be defined per client group - **Performance** - :rocket: Improves speed and performance in your network * Customizable caching of DNS answers for queries -> improves DNS resolution speed and reduces amount of external DNS queries * Prefetching and caching of often used queries * Using multiple external resolver simultaneously * Low memory footprint - **Various Protocols** - :computer: Supports modern DNS protocols * DNS over UDP and TCP * DNS over HTTPS (aka DoH) * DNS over TLS (aka DoT) - **Security and Privacy** - :dark_sunglasses: Secure communication * Supports modern DNS extensions: DNSSEC, eDNS, ... * Free configurable blocking lists - no hidden filtering etc. * Provides DoH Endpoint * Uses random upstream resolvers from the configuration - increases your privacy through the distribution of your DNS traffic over multiple provider * Open source development * Blocky does **NOT** collect any user data, telemetry, statistics etc. - **Integration** - :notebook_with_decorative_cover: various integration * [Prometheus](https://prometheus.io/) metrics * Prepared [Grafana](https://grafana.com/) dashboards (Prometheus and database) * Logging of DNS queries per day / per client in CSV format or MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL database - easy to analyze * Various REST API endpoints * CLI tool - **Simple configuration** - :baby: single configuration file in YAML format * Simple to maintain * Simple to backup - **Simple installation/configuration** - :cloud: blocky was designed for simple installation * Stateless (no database, no temporary files) * Docker image with Multi-arch support * Single binary * Supports x86-64 and ARM architectures -> runs fine on Raspberry PI * Community supported Helm chart for k8s deployment ## Contribution Issues, feature suggestions and pull requests are welcome! Blocky lives on :material-github:[GitHub](https://github.com/0xERR0R/blocky). --8<-- "docs/includes/abbreviations.md"