package lists import ( "bufio" "context" "errors" "fmt" "io" "net/http/httptest" "os" "strings" "" . "" "" "" "" "" "" . "" . "" . "" ) var _ = Describe("ListCache", func() { var ( tmpDir *TmpFolder emptyFile, file1, file2, file3 *TmpFile server1, server2, server3 *httptest.Server sut *ListCache sutConfig config.SourceLoadingConfig listCacheType ListCacheType lists map[string][]config.BytesSource downloader FileDownloader mockDownloader *MockDownloader ) BeforeEach(func() { var err error listCacheType = ListCacheTypeBlacklist sutConfig, err = config.WithDefaults[config.SourceLoadingConfig]() Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) sutConfig.RefreshPeriod = -1 downloader = NewDownloader(config.DownloaderConfig{}, nil) mockDownloader = nil server1 = TestServer("\\n192.168.178.55") DeferCleanup(server1.Close) server2 = TestServer("") DeferCleanup(server2.Close) server3 = TestServer("\") DeferCleanup(server3.Close) tmpDir = NewTmpFolder("ListCache") Expect(tmpDir.Error).Should(Succeed()) DeferCleanup(tmpDir.Clean) emptyFile = tmpDir.CreateStringFile("empty", "#empty file") Expect(emptyFile.Error).Should(Succeed()) emptyFile = tmpDir.CreateStringFile("empty", "#empty file") Expect(emptyFile.Error).Should(Succeed()) file1 = tmpDir.CreateStringFile("file1", "", "") Expect(file1.Error).Should(Succeed()) file2 = tmpDir.CreateStringFile("file2", "") Expect(file2.Error).Should(Succeed()) file3 = tmpDir.CreateStringFile("file3", "", "") Expect(file3.Error).Should(Succeed()) }) JustBeforeEach(func() { var err error Expect(lists).ShouldNot(BeNil(), "bad test: forgot to set `lists`") if mockDownloader != nil { downloader = mockDownloader } sut, err = NewListCache(listCacheType, sutConfig, lists, downloader) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) }) Describe("List cache and matching", func() { When("List is empty", func() { BeforeEach(func() { lists = map[string][]config.BytesSource{ "gr0": config.NewBytesSources(emptyFile.Path), } }) When("Query with empty", func() { It("should not panic", func() { group := sut.Match("", []string{"gr0"}) Expect(group).Should(BeEmpty()) }) }) It("should not match anything", func() { group := sut.Match("", []string{"gr1"}) Expect(group).Should(BeEmpty()) }) }) When("List becomes empty on refresh", func() { BeforeEach(func() { mockDownloader = newMockDownloader(func(res chan<- string, err chan<- error) { res <- "" res <- "# nothing" }) lists = map[string][]config.BytesSource{ "gr1": {mockDownloader.ListSource()}, } }) It("should delete existing elements from group cache", func(ctx context.Context) { group := sut.Match("", []string{"gr1"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr1")) err := sut.refresh(ctx) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) group = sut.Match("", []string{"gr1"}) Expect(group).Should(BeEmpty()) }) }) When("List has invalid lines", func() { BeforeEach(func() { lists = map[string][]config.BytesSource{ "gr1": { config.TextBytesSource( "", "invaliddomain!", "", ), }, } }) It("should still other domains", func() { group := sut.Match("", []string{"gr1"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr1")) group = sut.Match("", []string{"gr1"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr1")) }) }) When("a temporary/transient err occurs on download", func() { BeforeEach(func() { // should produce a transient error on second and third attempt mockDownloader = newMockDownloader(func(res chan<- string, err chan<- error) { res <- "\\n" err <- &TransientError{inner: errors.New("boom")} err <- &TransientError{inner: errors.New("boom")} }) lists = map[string][]config.BytesSource{ "gr1": {mockDownloader.ListSource()}, } }) It("should not delete existing elements from group cache", func(ctx context.Context) { By("Lists loaded without timeout", func() { Eventually(func(g Gomega) { group := sut.Match("", []string{"gr1"}) g.Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr1")) }, "1s").Should(Succeed()) }) Expect(sut.refresh(ctx)).Should(HaveOccurred()) By("List couldn't be loaded due to timeout", func() { group := sut.Match("", []string{"gr1"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr1")) }) _ = sut.Refresh() By("List couldn't be loaded due to timeout", func() { group := sut.Match("", []string{"gr1"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr1")) }) }) }) When("non transient err occurs on download", func() { BeforeEach(func() { // should produce a non transient error on second attempt mockDownloader = newMockDownloader(func(res chan<- string, err chan<- error) { res <- "" err <- errors.New("boom") }) lists = map[string][]config.BytesSource{ "gr1": {mockDownloader.ListSource()}, } }) It("should keep existing elements from group cache", func(ctx context.Context) { By("Lists loaded without err", func() { group := sut.Match("", []string{"gr1"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr1")) }) Expect(sut.refresh(ctx)).Should(HaveOccurred()) By("Lists from first load is kept", func() { group := sut.Match("", []string{"gr1"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr1")) }) }) }) When("Configuration has 3 external working urls", func() { BeforeEach(func() { lists = map[string][]config.BytesSource{ "gr1": config.NewBytesSources(server1.URL, server2.URL), "gr2": config.NewBytesSources(server3.URL), } }) It("should download the list and match against", func() { group := sut.Match("", []string{"gr1", "gr2"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr1")) group = sut.Match("", []string{"gr1", "gr2"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr1")) group = sut.Match("", []string{"gr2"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr2")) }) }) When("Configuration has some faulty urls", func() { BeforeEach(func() { lists = map[string][]config.BytesSource{ "gr1": config.NewBytesSources(server1.URL, server2.URL, "doesnotexist"), "gr2": config.NewBytesSources(server3.URL, "someotherfile"), } }) It("should download the list and match against", func() { group := sut.Match("", []string{"gr1", "gr2"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr1")) group = sut.Match("", []string{"gr1", "gr2"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElements("gr1", "gr2")) group = sut.Match("", []string{"gr2"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr2")) }) }) When("List will be updated", func() { resultCnt := 0 BeforeEach(func() { lists = map[string][]config.BytesSource{ "gr1": config.NewBytesSources(server1.URL), } _ = Bus().SubscribeOnce(BlockingCacheGroupChanged, func(listType ListCacheType, group string, cnt int) { resultCnt = cnt }) }) It("event should be fired and contain count of elements in downloaded lists", func() { group := sut.Match("", []string{}) Expect(group).Should(BeEmpty()) Expect(resultCnt).Should(Equal(3)) }) }) When("multiple groups are passed", func() { BeforeEach(func() { lists = map[string][]config.BytesSource{ "gr1": config.NewBytesSources(file1.Path, file2.Path), "gr2": config.NewBytesSources("file://" + file3.Path), } }) It("should match", func() { Expect(sut.groupedCache.ElementCount("gr1")).Should(Equal(3)) Expect(sut.groupedCache.ElementCount("gr2")).Should(Equal(2)) group := sut.Match("", []string{"gr1", "gr2"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr1")) group = sut.Match("", []string{"gr1", "gr2"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr1")) group = sut.Match("", []string{"gr2"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr2")) }) }) When("group with bigger files", func() { It("should match", func() { file1, lines1 := createTestListFile(GinkgoT().TempDir(), 10000) file2, lines2 := createTestListFile(GinkgoT().TempDir(), 15000) file3, lines3 := createTestListFile(GinkgoT().TempDir(), 13000) lists := map[string][]config.BytesSource{ "gr1": config.NewBytesSources(file1, file2, file3), } sut, err := NewListCache(ListCacheTypeBlacklist, sutConfig, lists, downloader) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) Expect(sut.groupedCache.ElementCount("gr1")).Should(Equal(lines1 + lines2 + lines3)) }) }) When("inline list content is defined", func() { BeforeEach(func() { lists = map[string][]config.BytesSource{ "gr1": {config.TextBytesSource( "", "#some comment", "", )}, } }) It("should match", func() { Expect(sut.groupedCache.ElementCount("gr1")).Should(Equal(2)) group := sut.Match("", []string{"gr1"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr1")) group = sut.Match("", []string{"gr1"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr1")) }) }) When("Text file can't be parsed", func() { BeforeEach(func() { lists = map[string][]config.BytesSource{ "gr1": { config.TextBytesSource( "", "lineTooLong"+strings.Repeat("x", bufio.MaxScanTokenSize), // too long ), }, } }) It("should still match already imported strings", func() { group := sut.Match("", []string{"gr1"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr1")) }) }) When("Text file has too many errors", func() { BeforeEach(func() { sutConfig.MaxErrorsPerSource = 0 sutConfig.Strategy = config.StartStrategyTypeFailOnError }) It("should fail parsing", func() { lists := map[string][]config.BytesSource{ "gr1": { config.TextBytesSource("invaliddomain!"), // too many errors since `maxErrorsPerSource` is 0 }, } _, err := NewListCache(ListCacheTypeBlacklist, sutConfig, lists, downloader) Expect(err).ShouldNot(Succeed()) Expect(err).Should(MatchError(parsers.ErrTooManyErrors)) }) }) When("file has end of line comment", func() { BeforeEach(func() { lists = map[string][]config.BytesSource{ "gr1": {config.TextBytesSource(" comment")}, } }) It("should still parse the domain", func() { group := sut.Match("", []string{"gr1"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr1")) }) }) When("inline regex content is defined", func() { BeforeEach(func() { lists = map[string][]config.BytesSource{ "gr1": {config.TextBytesSource("/^apple\\.(de|com)$/")}, } }) It("should match", func() { group := sut.Match("", []string{"gr1"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr1")) group = sut.Match("", []string{"gr1"}) Expect(group).Should(ContainElement("gr1")) }) }) }) Describe("LogConfig", func() { var ( logger *logrus.Entry hook *log.MockLoggerHook ) BeforeEach(func() { logger, hook = log.NewMockEntry() }) It("should print list configuration", func() { lists := map[string][]config.BytesSource{ "gr1": config.NewBytesSources(server1.URL, server2.URL), "gr2": {config.TextBytesSource("inline", "definition")}, } sut, err := NewListCache(ListCacheTypeBlacklist, sutConfig, lists, downloader) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) sut.LogConfig(logger) Expect(hook.Calls).ShouldNot(BeEmpty()) Expect(hook.Messages).Should(ContainElement(ContainSubstring("gr1:"))) Expect(hook.Messages).Should(ContainElement(ContainSubstring("gr2:"))) Expect(hook.Messages).Should(ContainElement(ContainSubstring("TOTAL:"))) }) }) Describe("StartStrategy", func() { When("async load is enabled", func() { BeforeEach(func() { sutConfig.Strategy = config.StartStrategyTypeFast }) It("should never return an error", func() { lists := map[string][]config.BytesSource{ "gr1": config.NewBytesSources("doesnotexist"), } _, err := NewListCache(ListCacheTypeBlacklist, sutConfig, lists, downloader) Expect(err).Should(Succeed()) }) }) }) }) type MockDownloader struct { util.MockCallSequence[string] } func newMockDownloader(driver func(res chan<- string, err chan<- error)) *MockDownloader { return &MockDownloader{util.NewMockCallSequence(driver)} } func (m *MockDownloader) DownloadFile(_ string) (io.ReadCloser, error) { str, err := m.Call() if err != nil { return nil, err } return io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(str)), nil } func (m *MockDownloader) ListSource() config.BytesSource { return config.BytesSource{ Type: config.BytesSourceTypeHttp, From: "http://mock-downloader", } } func createTestListFile(dir string, totalLines int) (string, int) { file, err := os.CreateTemp(dir, "blocky") if err != nil { log.Log().Fatal(err) } w := bufio.NewWriter(file) for i := 0; i < totalLines; i++ { fmt.Fprintln(w, uuid.NewString()+".com") } w.Flush() return file.Name(), totalLines }