
770 lines
20 KiB

//go:generate go run -f=$GOFILE --marshal --names
package config
import (
const (
udpPort = 53
tlsPort = 853
httpsPort = 443
// NetProtocol resolver protocol ENUM(
// tcp+udp // TCP and UDP protocols
// tcp-tls // TCP-TLS protocol
// https // HTTPS protocol
// )
type NetProtocol uint16
// IPVersion represents IP protocol version(s). ENUM(
// dual // IPv4 and IPv6
// v4 // IPv4 only
// v6 // IPv6 only
// )
type IPVersion uint8
func (ipv IPVersion) Net() string {
switch ipv {
case IPVersionDual:
return "ip"
case IPVersionV4:
return "ip4"
case IPVersionV6:
return "ip6"
panic(fmt.Errorf("bad value: %s", ipv))
func (ipv IPVersion) QTypes() []dns.Type {
switch ipv {
case IPVersionDual:
return []dns.Type{dns.Type(dns.TypeA), dns.Type(dns.TypeAAAA)}
case IPVersionV4:
return []dns.Type{dns.Type(dns.TypeA)}
case IPVersionV6:
return []dns.Type{dns.Type(dns.TypeAAAA)}
panic(fmt.Errorf("bad value: %s", ipv))
// QueryLogType type of the query log ENUM(
// console // use logger as fallback
// none // no logging
// mysql // MySQL or MariaDB database
// postgresql // PostgreSQL database
// csv // CSV file per day
// csv-client // CSV file per day and client
// )
type QueryLogType int16
// StartStrategyType upstart strategy ENUM(
// blocking // synchronously download blocking lists on startup
// failOnError // synchronously download blocking lists on startup and shutdown on error
// fast // asyncronously download blocking lists on startup
// )
type StartStrategyType uint16
// QueryLogField data field to be logged
// ENUM(clientIP,clientName,responseReason,responseAnswer,question,duration)
type QueryLogField string
type QType dns.Type
func (c QType) String() string {
return dns.Type(c).String()
type QTypeSet map[QType]struct{}
func NewQTypeSet(qTypes ...dns.Type) QTypeSet {
s := make(QTypeSet, len(qTypes))
for _, qType := range qTypes {
return s
func (s QTypeSet) Contains(qType dns.Type) bool {
_, found := s[QType(qType)]
return found
func (s *QTypeSet) Insert(qType dns.Type) {
if *s == nil {
*s = make(QTypeSet, 1)
(*s)[QType(qType)] = struct{}{}
type Duration time.Duration
func (c *Duration) String() string {
return durafmt.Parse(time.Duration(*c)).String()
// nolint:gochecknoglobals
var netDefaultPort = map[NetProtocol]uint16{
NetProtocolTcpUdp: udpPort,
NetProtocolTcpTls: tlsPort,
NetProtocolHttps: httpsPort,
// Upstream is the definition of external DNS server
type Upstream struct {
Net NetProtocol
Host string
Port uint16
Path string
CommonName string // Common Name to use for certificate verification; optional. "" uses .Host
// IsDefault returns true if u is the default value
func (u *Upstream) IsDefault() bool {
return *u == Upstream{}
// String returns the string representation of u
func (u *Upstream) String() string {
if u.IsDefault() {
return "no upstream"
var sb strings.Builder
if u.Net == NetProtocolHttps {
isIPv6 := strings.ContainsRune(u.Host, ':')
if isIPv6 {
} else {
if u.Port != netDefaultPort[u.Net] {
if u.Path != "" {
return sb.String()
// UnmarshalYAML creates Upstream from YAML
func (u *Upstream) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
var s string
if err := unmarshal(&s); err != nil {
return err
upstream, err := ParseUpstream(s)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't convert upstream '%s': %w", s, err)
*u = upstream
return nil
// ListenConfig is a list of address(es) to listen on
type ListenConfig []string
// UnmarshalYAML creates ListenConfig from YAML
func (l *ListenConfig) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
var addresses string
if err := unmarshal(&addresses); err != nil {
return err
*l = strings.Split(addresses, ",")
return nil
// UnmarshalYAML creates BootstrapConfig from YAML
func (b *BootstrapConfig) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
if err := unmarshal(&b.Upstream); err == nil {
return nil
// bootstrapConfig is used to avoid infinite recursion:
// if we used BootstrapConfig, unmarshal would just call us again.
var c bootstrapConfig
if err := unmarshal(&c); err != nil {
return err
*b = BootstrapConfig(c)
return nil
// UnmarshalYAML creates ConditionalUpstreamMapping from YAML
func (c *ConditionalUpstreamMapping) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
var input map[string]string
if err := unmarshal(&input); err != nil {
return err
result := make(map[string][]Upstream, len(input))
for k, v := range input {
var upstreams []Upstream
for _, part := range strings.Split(v, ",") {
upstream, err := ParseUpstream(strings.TrimSpace(part))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't convert upstream '%s': %w", strings.TrimSpace(part), err)
upstreams = append(upstreams, upstream)
result[k] = upstreams
c.Upstreams = result
return nil
// UnmarshalYAML creates CustomDNSMapping from YAML
func (c *CustomDNSMapping) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
var input map[string]string
if err := unmarshal(&input); err != nil {
return err
result := make(map[string][]net.IP, len(input))
for k, v := range input {
var ips []net.IP
for _, part := range strings.Split(v, ",") {
ip := net.ParseIP(strings.TrimSpace(part))
if ip == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid IP address '%s'", part)
ips = append(ips, ip)
result[k] = ips
c.HostIPs = result
return nil
// UnmarshalYAML creates Duration from YAML. If no unit is used, uses minutes
func (c *Duration) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
var input string
if err := unmarshal(&input); err != nil {
return err
if minutes, err := strconv.Atoi(input); err == nil {
// duration is defined as number without unit
// use minutes to ensure back compatibility
*c = Duration(time.Duration(minutes) * time.Minute)
return nil
duration, err := time.ParseDuration(input)
if err == nil {
*c = Duration(duration)
return nil
return err
func (c *QType) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
var input string
if err := unmarshal(&input); err != nil {
return err
t, found := dns.StringToType[input]
if !found {
types := make([]string, 0, len(dns.StringToType))
for k := range dns.StringToType {
types = append(types, k)
return fmt.Errorf("unknown DNS query type: '%s'. Please use following types '%s'",
input, strings.Join(types, ", "))
*c = QType(t)
return nil
func (s *QTypeSet) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
var input []QType
if err := unmarshal(&input); err != nil {
return err
*s = make(QTypeSet, len(input))
for _, qType := range input {
(*s)[qType] = struct{}{}
return nil
var validDomain = regexp.MustCompile(
// ParseUpstream creates new Upstream from passed string in format [net]:host[:port][/path][#commonname]
func ParseUpstream(upstream string) (Upstream, error) {
var path string
var port uint16
commonName, upstream := extractCommonName(upstream)
n, upstream := extractNet(upstream)
path, upstream = extractPath(upstream)
host, portString, err := net.SplitHostPort(upstream)
// string contains host:port
if err == nil {
p, err := ConvertPort(portString)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("can't convert port to number (1 - 65535) %w", err)
return Upstream{}, err
port = p
} else {
// only host, use default port
host = upstream
port = netDefaultPort[n]
// trim any IPv6 brackets
host = strings.TrimPrefix(host, "[")
host = strings.TrimSuffix(host, "]")
// validate hostname or ip
if ip := net.ParseIP(host); ip == nil {
// is not IP
if !validDomain.MatchString(host) {
return Upstream{}, fmt.Errorf("wrong host name '%s'", host)
return Upstream{
Net: n,
Host: host,
Port: port,
Path: path,
CommonName: commonName,
}, nil
func extractCommonName(in string) (string, string) {
upstream, cn, _ := strings.Cut(in, "#")
return cn, upstream
func extractPath(in string) (path string, upstream string) {
slashIdx := strings.Index(in, "/")
if slashIdx >= 0 {
path = in[slashIdx:]
upstream = in[:slashIdx]
} else {
upstream = in
func extractNet(upstream string) (NetProtocol, string) {
tcpUDPPrefix := NetProtocolTcpUdp.String() + ":"
if strings.HasPrefix(upstream, tcpUDPPrefix) {
return NetProtocolTcpUdp, upstream[len(tcpUDPPrefix):]
tcpTLSPrefix := NetProtocolTcpTls.String() + ":"
if strings.HasPrefix(upstream, tcpTLSPrefix) {
return NetProtocolTcpTls, upstream[len(tcpTLSPrefix):]
httpsPrefix := NetProtocolHttps.String() + ":"
if strings.HasPrefix(upstream, httpsPrefix) {
return NetProtocolHttps, strings.TrimPrefix(upstream[len(httpsPrefix):], "//")
return NetProtocolTcpUdp, upstream
// Config main configuration
// nolint:maligned
type Config struct {
Upstream UpstreamConfig `yaml:"upstream"`
UpstreamTimeout Duration `yaml:"upstreamTimeout" default:"2s"`
ConnectIPVersion IPVersion `yaml:"connectIPVersion"`
CustomDNS CustomDNSConfig `yaml:"customDNS"`
Conditional ConditionalUpstreamConfig `yaml:"conditional"`
Blocking BlockingConfig `yaml:"blocking"`
ClientLookup ClientLookupConfig `yaml:"clientLookup"`
Caching CachingConfig `yaml:"caching"`
QueryLog QueryLogConfig `yaml:"queryLog"`
Prometheus PrometheusConfig `yaml:"prometheus"`
Redis RedisConfig `yaml:"redis"`
LogLevel log.Level `yaml:"logLevel" default:"info"`
LogFormat log.FormatType `yaml:"logFormat" default:"text"`
LogPrivacy bool `yaml:"logPrivacy" default:"false"`
LogTimestamp bool `yaml:"logTimestamp" default:"true"`
DNSPorts ListenConfig `yaml:"port" default:"[\"53\"]"`
HTTPPorts ListenConfig `yaml:"httpPort"`
HTTPSPorts ListenConfig `yaml:"httpsPort"`
TLSPorts ListenConfig `yaml:"tlsPort"`
DoHUserAgent string `yaml:"dohUserAgent"`
MinTLSServeVer string `yaml:"minTlsServeVersion" default:"1.2"`
StartVerifyUpstream bool `yaml:"startVerifyUpstream" default:"false"`
// Deprecated
DisableIPv6 bool `yaml:"disableIPv6" default:"false"`
CertFile string `yaml:"certFile"`
KeyFile string `yaml:"keyFile"`
BootstrapDNS BootstrapConfig `yaml:"bootstrapDns"`
HostsFile HostsFileConfig `yaml:"hostsFile"`
FqdnOnly bool `yaml:"fqdnOnly" default:"false"`
Filtering FilteringConfig `yaml:"filtering"`
Ede EdeConfig `yaml:"ede"`
type BootstrapConfig bootstrapConfig // to avoid infinite recursion. See BootstrapConfig.UnmarshalYAML.
type bootstrapConfig struct {
Upstream Upstream `yaml:"upstream"`
IPs []net.IP `yaml:"ips"`
// PrometheusConfig contains the config values for prometheus
type PrometheusConfig struct {
Enable bool `yaml:"enable" default:"false"`
Path string `yaml:"path" default:"/metrics"`
// UpstreamConfig upstream server configuration
type UpstreamConfig struct {
ExternalResolvers map[string][]Upstream `yaml:",inline"`
// RewriteConfig custom DNS configuration
type RewriteConfig struct {
Rewrite map[string]string `yaml:"rewrite"`
FallbackUpstream bool `yaml:"fallbackUpstream" default:"false"`
// CustomDNSConfig custom DNS configuration
type CustomDNSConfig struct {
RewriteConfig `yaml:",inline"`
CustomTTL Duration `yaml:"customTTL" default:"1h"`
Mapping CustomDNSMapping `yaml:"mapping"`
FilterUnmappedTypes bool `yaml:"filterUnmappedTypes" default:"true"`
// CustomDNSMapping mapping for the custom DNS configuration
type CustomDNSMapping struct {
HostIPs map[string][]net.IP
// ConditionalUpstreamConfig conditional upstream configuration
type ConditionalUpstreamConfig struct {
RewriteConfig `yaml:",inline"`
Mapping ConditionalUpstreamMapping `yaml:"mapping"`
// ConditionalUpstreamMapping mapping for conditional configuration
type ConditionalUpstreamMapping struct {
Upstreams map[string][]Upstream
// BlockingConfig configuration for query blocking
type BlockingConfig struct {
BlackLists map[string][]string `yaml:"blackLists"`
WhiteLists map[string][]string `yaml:"whiteLists"`
ClientGroupsBlock map[string][]string `yaml:"clientGroupsBlock"`
BlockType string `yaml:"blockType" default:"ZEROIP"`
BlockTTL Duration `yaml:"blockTTL" default:"6h"`
DownloadTimeout Duration `yaml:"downloadTimeout" default:"60s"`
DownloadAttempts uint `yaml:"downloadAttempts" default:"3"`
DownloadCooldown Duration `yaml:"downloadCooldown" default:"1s"`
RefreshPeriod Duration `yaml:"refreshPeriod" default:"4h"`
// Deprecated
FailStartOnListError bool `yaml:"failStartOnListError" default:"false"`
ProcessingConcurrency uint `yaml:"processingConcurrency" default:"4"`
StartStrategy StartStrategyType `yaml:"startStrategy" default:"blocking"`
// ClientLookupConfig configuration for the client lookup
type ClientLookupConfig struct {
ClientnameIPMapping map[string][]net.IP `yaml:"clients"`
Upstream Upstream `yaml:"upstream"`
SingleNameOrder []uint `yaml:"singleNameOrder"`
// CachingConfig configuration for domain caching
type CachingConfig struct {
MinCachingTime Duration `yaml:"minTime"`
MaxCachingTime Duration `yaml:"maxTime"`
CacheTimeNegative Duration `yaml:"cacheTimeNegative" default:"30m"`
MaxItemsCount int `yaml:"maxItemsCount"`
Prefetching bool `yaml:"prefetching"`
PrefetchExpires Duration `yaml:"prefetchExpires" default:"2h"`
PrefetchThreshold int `yaml:"prefetchThreshold" default:"5"`
PrefetchMaxItemsCount int `yaml:"prefetchMaxItemsCount"`
// QueryLogConfig configuration for the query logging
type QueryLogConfig struct {
Target string `yaml:"target"`
Type QueryLogType `yaml:"type"`
LogRetentionDays uint64 `yaml:"logRetentionDays"`
CreationAttempts int `yaml:"creationAttempts" default:"3"`
CreationCooldown Duration `yaml:"creationCooldown" default:"2s"`
Fields []QueryLogField `yaml:"fields"`
// RedisConfig configuration for the redis connection
type RedisConfig struct {
Address string `yaml:"address"`
Username string `yaml:"username" default:""`
Password string `yaml:"password" default:""`
Database int `yaml:"database" default:"0"`
Required bool `yaml:"required" default:"false"`
ConnectionAttempts int `yaml:"connectionAttempts" default:"3"`
ConnectionCooldown Duration `yaml:"connectionCooldown" default:"1s"`
SentinelUsername string `yaml:"sentinelUsername" default:""`
SentinelPassword string `yaml:"sentinelPassword" default:""`
SentinelAddresses []string `yaml:"sentinelAddresses"`
type HostsFileConfig struct {
Filepath string `yaml:"filePath"`
HostsTTL Duration `yaml:"hostsTTL" default:"1h"`
RefreshPeriod Duration `yaml:"refreshPeriod" default:"1h"`
FilterLoopback bool `yaml:"filterLoopback"`
type FilteringConfig struct {
QueryTypes QTypeSet `yaml:"queryTypes"`
type EdeConfig struct {
Enable bool `yaml:"enable" default:"false"`
// nolint:gochecknoglobals
var (
config = &Config{}
cfgLock sync.RWMutex
// LoadConfig creates new config from YAML file or a directory containing YAML files
func LoadConfig(path string, mandatory bool) (*Config, error) {
defer cfgLock.Unlock()
cfg := Config{}
if err := defaults.Set(&cfg); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't apply default values: %w", err)
fs, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) && !mandatory {
// config file does not exist
// return config with default values
config = &cfg
return config, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't read config file(s): %w", err)
var data []byte
if fs.IsDir() {
data, err = readFromDir(path, data)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't read config files: %w", err)
} else {
data, err = os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't read config file: %w", err)
err = unmarshalConfig(data, &cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
config = &cfg
return &cfg, nil
func readFromDir(path string, data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
err := filepath.WalkDir(path, func(filePath string, d os.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if path == filePath {
return nil
// Ignore non YAML files
if !strings.HasSuffix(filePath, ".yml") && !strings.HasSuffix(filePath, ".yaml") {
return nil
isRegular, err := isRegularFile(filePath)
if err != nil {
return err
// Ignore non regular files (directories, sockets, etc.)
if !isRegular {
return nil
fileData, err := os.ReadFile(filePath)
if err != nil {
return err
data = append(data, []byte("\n")...)
data = append(data, fileData...)
return nil
return data, err
// isRegularFile follows symlinks, so the result is `true` for a symlink to a regular file.
func isRegularFile(path string) (bool, error) {
stat, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return false, err
isRegular := stat.Mode()&os.ModeType == 0
return isRegular, nil
func unmarshalConfig(data []byte, cfg *Config) error {
err := yaml.UnmarshalStrict(data, cfg)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("wrong file structure: %w", err)
return nil
func validateConfig(cfg *Config) {
if cfg.DisableIPv6 {
log.Log().Warnf("'disableIPv6' is deprecated. Please use 'filtering.queryTypes' with 'AAAA' instead.")
if cfg.Blocking.FailStartOnListError {
log.Log().Warnf("'blocking.failStartOnListError' is deprecated. Please use 'blocking.startStrategy'" +
" with 'failOnError' instead.")
if cfg.Blocking.StartStrategy == StartStrategyTypeBlocking {
cfg.Blocking.StartStrategy = StartStrategyTypeFailOnError
} else if cfg.Blocking.StartStrategy == StartStrategyTypeFast {
log.Log().Warnf("'blocking.startStrategy' with 'fast' will ignore 'blocking.failStartOnListError'.")
// GetConfig returns the current config
func GetConfig() *Config {
defer cfgLock.RUnlock()
return config
// ConvertPort converts string representation into a valid port (0 - 65535)
func ConvertPort(in string) (uint16, error) {
const (
base = 10
bitSize = 16
var p uint64
p, err := strconv.ParseUint(strings.TrimSpace(in), base, bitSize)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return uint16(p), nil