
328 lines
7.8 KiB

package resolver
import (
const (
// reduce initial capacity so we don't waste memory if there are less entries than before
memReleaseFactor = 2
producersBuffCap = 1000
type HostsFileEntry = parsers.HostsFileEntry
type HostsFileResolver struct {
hosts splitHostsFileData
downloader lists.FileDownloader
func NewHostsFileResolver(ctx context.Context,
cfg config.HostsFileConfig,
bootstrap *Bootstrap,
) (*HostsFileResolver, error) {
r := HostsFileResolver{
configurable: withConfig(&cfg),
typed: withType("hosts_file"),
downloader: lists.NewDownloader(cfg.Loading.Downloads, bootstrap.NewHTTPTransport()),
err := cfg.Loading.StartPeriodicRefresh(ctx, r.loadSources, func(err error) {
r.log().WithError(err).Errorf("could not load hosts files")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &r, nil
// LogConfig implements `config.Configurable`.
func (r *HostsFileResolver) LogConfig(logger *logrus.Entry) {
logger.Infof("cache entries = %d", r.hosts.len())
func (r *HostsFileResolver) handleReverseDNS(request *model.Request) *model.Response {
question := request.Req.Question[0]
if question.Qtype != dns.TypePTR {
return nil
questionIP, err := util.ParseIPFromArpaAddr(question.Name)
if err != nil {
// ignore the parse error, and pass the request down the chain
return nil
if r.cfg.FilterLoopback && questionIP.IsLoopback() {
// skip the search: we won't find anything
return nil
// search only in the hosts with an IP version that matches the question
hostsData := r.hosts.v4
if questionIP.To4() == nil {
hostsData = r.hosts.v6
for host, hostData := range hostsData.hosts {
if hostData.IP.Equal(questionIP) {
response := new(dns.Msg)
ptr := new(dns.PTR)
ptr.Ptr = dns.Fqdn(host)
ptr.Hdr = util.CreateHeader(question, r.cfg.HostsTTL.SecondsU32())
response.Answer = append(response.Answer, ptr)
for _, alias := range hostData.Aliases {
ptrAlias := new(dns.PTR)
ptrAlias.Ptr = dns.Fqdn(alias)
ptrAlias.Hdr = ptr.Hdr
response.Answer = append(response.Answer, ptrAlias)
return &model.Response{Res: response, RType: model.ResponseTypeHOSTSFILE, Reason: "HOSTS FILE"}
return nil
func (r *HostsFileResolver) Resolve(request *model.Request) (*model.Response, error) {
if !r.IsEnabled() {
reverseResp := r.handleReverseDNS(request)
if reverseResp != nil {
return reverseResp, nil
question := request.Req.Question[0]
domain := util.ExtractDomain(question)
response := r.resolve(request.Req, question, domain)
if response != nil {
"answer": util.AnswerToString(response.Answer),
"domain": util.Obfuscate(domain),
}).Debugf("returning hosts file entry")
return &model.Response{Res: response, RType: model.ResponseTypeHOSTSFILE, Reason: "HOSTS FILE"}, nil
r.log().WithField("next_resolver", Name("go to next resolver")
func (r *HostsFileResolver) resolve(req *dns.Msg, question dns.Question, domain string) *dns.Msg {
ip := r.hosts.getIP(dns.Type(question.Qtype), domain)
if ip == nil {
return nil
rr, _ := util.CreateAnswerFromQuestion(question, ip, r.cfg.HostsTTL.SecondsU32())
response := new(dns.Msg)
response.Answer = []dns.RR{rr}
return response
func (r *HostsFileResolver) loadSources(ctx context.Context) error {
if !r.IsEnabled() {
return nil
r.log().Debug("loading hosts files")
//nolint:ineffassign,staticcheck,wastedassign // keep `ctx :=` so if we use ctx in the future, we use the correct one
consumersGrp, ctx := jobgroup.WithContext(ctx)
defer consumersGrp.Close()
producersGrp := jobgroup.WithMaxConcurrency(consumersGrp, r.cfg.Loading.Concurrency)
defer producersGrp.Close()
producers := parcour.NewProducersWithBuffer[*HostsFileEntry](producersGrp, consumersGrp, producersBuffCap)
defer producers.Close()
for i, source := range r.cfg.Sources {
i, source := i, source
producers.GoProduce(func(ctx context.Context, hostsChan chan<- *HostsFileEntry) error {
locInfo := fmt.Sprintf("item #%d", i)
opener, err := lists.NewSourceOpener(locInfo, source, r.downloader)
if err != nil {
return err
err = r.parseFile(ctx, opener, hostsChan)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error parsing %s: %w", opener, err) // err is parsers.ErrTooManyErrors
return nil
newHosts := newSplitHostsDataWithSameCapacity(r.hosts)
producers.GoConsume(func(ctx context.Context, ch <-chan *HostsFileEntry) error {
for entry := range ch {
return nil
err := producers.Wait()
if err != nil {
return err
r.hosts = newHosts
return nil
func (r *HostsFileResolver) parseFile(
ctx context.Context, opener lists.SourceOpener, hostsChan chan<- *HostsFileEntry,
) error {
reader, err := opener.Open()
if err != nil {
return err
defer reader.Close()
p := parsers.AllowErrors(parsers.HostsFile(reader), r.cfg.Loading.MaxErrorsPerSource)
p.OnErr(func(err error) {
r.log().Warnf("error parsing %s: %s, trying to continue", opener, err)
return parsers.ForEach[*HostsFileEntry](ctx, p, func(entry *HostsFileEntry) error {
if len(entry.Interface) != 0 {
// Ignore entries with a specific interface: we don't restrict what clients/interfaces we serve entries to,
// so this avoids returning entries that can't be accessed by the client.
return nil
// Ignore loopback, if so configured
if r.cfg.FilterLoopback && (entry.IP.IsLoopback() || entry.Name == "localhost") {
return nil
hostsChan <- entry
return nil
// stores hosts file data for IP versions separately
// Makes finding an IP for a question faster.
// Especially reverse lookups where we have to iterate through
// all the known hosts.
type splitHostsFileData struct {
v4 hostsFileData
v6 hostsFileData
func newSplitHostsDataWithSameCapacity(other splitHostsFileData) splitHostsFileData {
return splitHostsFileData{
v4: newHostsDataWithSameCapacity(other.v4),
v6: newHostsDataWithSameCapacity(other.v6),
func (d splitHostsFileData) isEmpty() bool {
return d.len() == 0
func (d splitHostsFileData) len() int {
return d.v4.len() + d.v6.len()
func (d splitHostsFileData) getIP(qType dns.Type, domain string) net.IP {
switch uint16(qType) {
case dns.TypeA:
return d.v4.getIP(domain)
case dns.TypeAAAA:
return d.v6.getIP(domain)
return nil
func (d splitHostsFileData) add(entry *parsers.HostsFileEntry) {
if entry.IP.To4() != nil {
} else {
type hostsFileData struct {
hosts map[string]hostData
aliases map[string]net.IP
type hostData struct {
IP net.IP
Aliases []string
func newHostsDataWithSameCapacity(other hostsFileData) hostsFileData {
return hostsFileData{
hosts: make(map[string]hostData, len(other.hosts)/memReleaseFactor),
aliases: make(map[string]net.IP, len(other.aliases)/memReleaseFactor),
func (d hostsFileData) len() int {
return len(d.hosts) + len(d.aliases)
func (d hostsFileData) getIP(hostname string) net.IP {
if hostData, ok := d.hosts[hostname]; ok {
return hostData.IP
if ip, ok := d.aliases[hostname]; ok {
return ip
return nil
func (d hostsFileData) add(entry *parsers.HostsFileEntry) {
d.hosts[entry.Name] = hostData{entry.IP, entry.Aliases}
for _, alias := range entry.Aliases {
d.aliases[alias] = entry.IP