
124 lines
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<div class="content">
<h1 if="{ getStatusCode() }">{ getStatusCode() }</h1>
<h2>{ props.code }</h2>
<template if="{ props.code === 'CATALOG_NOT_FOUND' }">
<p>We received a 404 status code from your registry.</p>
<p>The contact point was <a href="{ props.url }">{ props.url }</a></p>
This may be caused by a misconfiguration of Docker Registry UI. Check the
<a href="">FAQ</a> and
<a href="">Available options</a>
<template if="{ props.code === 'MIXED_CONTENT' }">
<span>Mixed Content</span>: The page at `<a href="{ window.location.origin }">{ window.location.origin }</a>`
was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure server endpoint `<a href="{ new URL(props.url).origin }"
>{ new URL(props.url).origin }</a
<p>This request <span>may</span> has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.</p>
You may unset the option `<span>REGISTRY_URL</span>` and set the registry server container URL in
`<span>NGINX_PROXY_PASS_URL</span>`. It's usually the name of your container, and it should be on the same
network as the UI.
<p>You can check the issue <a href="">#277</a>.</p>
<template if="{ props.code === 'INCORRECT_URL' }">
<p>`{ props.url }` does not seems to be a correct URL, should starts with http:// or https://.</p>
<template if="{ props.code === 'PAGINATION_NUMBER_INVALID' }">
A default limit of <code>1000</code> images in catalog has been added in docker registry server
<a href="">v2.8.2</a> (May 11, 2023) and we
cannot exceed this value without configuration.
The new default value for the UI is <code>1000</code> since
<a href="">2.5.0</a> and was <code>100000</code> from
<a href="">0.3.6</a>.
<h3>Possible fixes</h3>
You can update the environment variable
<code>REGISTRY_CATALOG_MAXENTRIES={ props.detail?.n || 100000 }</code> of your
<span>docker registry server</span> or you can update your
<code>/etc/docker/registry/config.yml</code> configuration of your <span>docker registry server</span> and add
those lines:
<span class="keyword">catalog</span>:
<span class="keyword">maxentries</span>: <span>{props.detail?.n || 100000}</span>
If you don't need that many images, you can reduce the number of elements fetch by the
<span>docker registry UI</span> with the environment variable <code>CATALOG_ELEMENTS_LIMIT=1000</code>.
More about this issue:
<a href="">Joxit/docker-registry-ui#306</a>.
<template if="{ props.code === 'CATALOG_BRANCHING_CONFIGURATION' }">
<p>Wrong configuration for the branching feature: { props.message }</p>
<p>Configuration environment variables are : CATALOG_MIN_BRANCH and CATALOG_MAX_BRANCH</p>
export default {
getStatusCode() {
const { props } = this;
switch (props.code) {
return '404';
return '400';
URL: window.URL,
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