# Settings **Overview** - [`version`](#version) - [`ssid`](#ssid) - [`password`](#password) - [`channel`](#channel) - [`hidden`](#hidden) - [`captivePortal`](#captiveportal) - [`lang`](#lang) - [`autosave`](#autosave) - [`autosaveTime`](#autosave-time) - [`displayInterface`](#display-interface) - [`displayTimeout`](#displaytimeout) - [`serialInterface`](#serial-interface) - [`serialEcho`](#serial-echo) - [`webInterface`](#web-interface) - [`webSpiffs`](#web-spiffs) - [`ledEnabled`](#ledEnabled) - [`maxCh`](#max-ch) - [`macAP`](#macap) - [`macSt`](#macst) - [`chTime`](#ch-time) - [`minDeauths`](#mindeauths) - [`attackTimeout`](#attacktimeout) - [`deauthsPerTarget`](#deauths-per-target) - [`deauthReason`](#deauth-reason) - [`beaconChannel`](#beacon-channel) - [`beaconInterval`](#beacon-interval) - [`randomTx`](#randomtx) - [`probesPerSSID`](#probesperssid) ## VERSION `String version = VERSION;` Version number, i.e. `v2.0`. **PLEASE NOTE** that this setting can only be changed in the source code. ## SSID `String ssid = "pwned";` SSID of access point used for the web interface (if enabled). The length must be between 1 and 31 characters. ## PASSWORD `String password = "deauther";` Password of access point used for the web interface (if enabled). The length must be between 8 and 31 characters. ## CHANNEL `uint8_t channel = 1;` Default WiFi channel that is used when starting. ## HIDDEN `bool hidden = false` Hides the access point that is used for the web interface (if enabled). ## CAPTIVEPORTAL `bool captivePortal = true;` Enables captive portal for access point (if enabled). ## LANG `String lang = "en";` Default language for the web interface. Be sure the language file exists! ## AUTOSAVE `bool autosave = true;` Enables automatic saving of SSIDs, device names and settings. ## AUTOSAVE-TIME `uint32_t autosaveTime = 30000;` Time interval for automatic saving in milliseconds. ## DISPLAY-INTERFACE `bool displayInterface = false;` Enables display interface. ## DISPLAYTIMEOUT `uint32_t displayTimeout = 600` Time in seconds after which the display turns off when inactive. To disable the display timeout, set it to 0. ## SERIAL-INTERFACE `bool serialInterface = true;` Enables serial interface. ## SERIAL-ECHO `bool serialEcho = true` Enables echo for each incoming message over serial. ## WEB-INTERFACE `bool webInterface = false;` Enables web interface. ## WEB-SPIFFS `bool webSpiffs = false` Enables SPIFFS for all web files. Can lead to longer loading times but it nice if you need to edit the web files regularly. ## LEDENABLED `bool ledEnabled = true` Enables the (RGB) LED feature. ## MAX-CH `uint8_t maxCh = 13;` Max channel to scan on. US = 11, EU = 13, Japan = 14. For more information click [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_WLAN_channels). ## MACAP `uint8_t* macAP;` Mac address used for the access point mode. Please note that the mac address will only replace the internal mac address when the accesspoint mode is enabled. You can set a random mac address with `set macap random`. ## MACST `uint8_t* macSt;` Mac address used for the station mode. Please note that the mac address will only replace the internal mac address when the station mode is enabled. You can set a random mac address with `set macst random`. ## CH-TIME `uint16_t chTime = 384;` Time for scanning one channel before going to the next in milliseconds (only if channel hopping is enabled). ## MINDEAUTHS `uint16_t minDeauths = 3` Minimum number of deauthentication frames when scanning to change the LED to deauth mode. ## ATTACKTIMEOUT `uint32_t attackTimeout = 600` After what amount of time (in seconds) the attack will stop automatically. Set it to 0 to disable it. ## DEAUTHS-PER-TARGET `uint16_t deauthsPerTarget = 10;` How many deauthentication and disassociation frames are sent out for each target. ## DEAUTH-REASON `uint8_t deauthReason = 1;` The [reason code](https://www.cisco.com/assets/sol/sb/WAP371_Emulators/WAP371_Emulator_v1-0-1-5/help/Apx_ReasonCodes2.html) that is sent with the deauth frames to tell the target device why the connection will be closed. ## BEACON-CHANNEL `bool beaconChannel = false;` If enabled, will sent all beacon and probe frames on different channels when running a beacon attack. ## BEACON-INTERVAL `bool beaconInterval = false;` If set true, beacons will be sent out every second. If set to false, the interval will be 100ms. A longer interval means more stability and less spamming of packets, but it could take longer until the clients find the ssids when scanning. ## RANDOMTX `bool randomTX = false` Enables randomized transmission power for sending out beacon and probe request frames. ## PROBESPERSSID `uint8_t probesPerSSID = 1` How many probe request frames are sent for each SSID.