
42 lines
859 B

#ifndef NameList_h
#define NameList_h
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include "Mac.h"
#include "MacList.h"
#define romAdr 0
#define maxSize 1024
#define listLength 50
#define nameLength 18
The NameList holds and saves all your custom device names in the EEPROM.
You can modify the length above, but be careful the EEPROM size is limited.
You may have to call nameList.clear() when uploading for the first time.
extern const bool debug;
class NameList
void load();
void clear();
void add(Mac client, String name);
void edit(int num, String name);
String get(int num);
String getByMac(Mac client);
int getNumByMac(Mac client);
Mac getMac(int num);
void remove(int num);
int len = 0;
void save();
MacList clients;
uint8_t names[listLength][nameLength];