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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Created by: juancarlospaco
# GitHub Repo:
"""HTML Minifier functions for CSS-HTML-JS-Minify."""
import re
import logging as log
__all__ = ['html_minify']
def condense_html_whitespace(html):
"""Condense HTML, but be safe first if it have textareas or pre tags.
>>> condense_html_whitespace('<i> <b> <a> test </a> </b> </i><br>')
'<i><b><a> test </a></b></i><br>'
""" # first space between tags, then empty new lines and in-between.
log.debug("Removing unnecessary HTML White Spaces and Empty New Lines.")
tagsStack = []
split = re.split('(<\\s*pre.*>|<\\s*/\\s*pre\\s*>|<\\s*textarea.*>|<\\s*/\\s*textarea\\s*>)', html, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
for i in range(0, len(split)):
#if we are on a tag
if (i + 1) % 2 == 0:
tag = rawtag(split[i])
if tag.startswith('/'):
if not tagsStack or '/' + tagsStack.pop() != tag:
raise Exception("Some tag is not closed properly")
#else check if we are outside any nested <pre>/<textarea> tag
if not tagsStack:
temp = re.sub(r'>\s+<', '> <', split[i])
split[i] = re.sub(r'\s{2,}|[\r\n]', ' ', temp)
return ''.join(split)
def rawtag(str):
if re.match('<\\s*pre.*>', str, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
return 'pre'
if re.match('<\\s*textarea.*>', str, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
return 'txt'
if re.match('<\\s*/\\s*pre\\s*>', str, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
return '/pre'
if re.match('<\\s*/\\s*textarea\\s*>', str, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
return '/txt'
def condense_style(html):
"""Condense style html tags.
>>> condense_style('<style type="text/css">*{border:0}</style><p>a b c')
'<style>*{border:0}</style><p>a b c'
""" # May look silly but Emmet does this and is wrong.
log.debug("Condensing HTML Style CSS tags.")
return html.replace('<style type="text/css">', '<style>').replace(
"<style type='text/css'>", '<style>').replace(
"<style type=text/css>", '<style>')
def condense_script(html):
"""Condense script html tags.
>>> condense_script('<script type="text/javascript"> </script><p>a b c')
'<script> </script><p>a b c'
""" # May look silly but Emmet does this and is wrong.
log.debug("Condensing HTML Script JS tags.")
return html.replace('<script type="text/javascript">', '<script>').replace(
"<style type='text/javascript'>", '<script>').replace(
"<style type=text/javascript>", '<script>')
def clean_unneeded_html_tags(html):
"""Clean unneeded optional html tags.
>>> clean_unneeded_html_tags('a<body></img></td>b</th></tr></hr></br>c')
log.debug("Removing unnecessary optional HTML tags.")
for tag_to_remove in ("""</area> </base> <body> </body> </br> </col>
</colgroup> </dd> </dt> <head> </head> </hr> <html> </html> </img>
</input> </li> </link> </meta> </option> </param> <tbody> </tbody>
</td> </tfoot> </th> </thead> </tr> </basefont> </isindex> </param>
html = html.replace(tag_to_remove, '')
return html # May look silly but Emmet does this and is wrong.
def remove_html_comments(html):
"""Remove all HTML comments, Keep all for Grunt, Grymt and IE.
>>> _="<!-- build:dev -->a<!-- endbuild -->b<!--[if IE 7]>c<![endif]--> "
>>> _+= "<!-- kill me please -->keep" ; remove_html_comments(_)
'<!-- build:dev -->a<!-- endbuild -->b<!--[if IE 7]>c<![endif]--> keep'
""" # Grunt uses comments to as build arguments, bad practice but still.
log.debug("""Removing all unnecessary HTML comments; Keep all containing:
'build:', 'endbuild', '<!--[if]>', '<![endif]-->' for Grunt/Grymt, IE.""")
return re.compile('<!-- [^(build|endbuild)].*? -->', re.I).sub('', html)
def unquote_html_attributes(html):
"""Remove all HTML quotes on attibutes if possible.
>>> unquote_html_attributes('<img width="9" height="5" data-foo="0" >')
'<img width=9 height=5 data-foo=0 >'
""" # data-foo=0> might cause errors on IE, we leave 1 space data-foo=0 >
log.debug("Removing unnecessary Quotes on attributes of HTML tags.")
# cache all regular expressions on variables before we enter the for loop.
any_tag = re.compile(r"<\w.*?>", re.I | re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
space = re.compile(r' \s+|\s +', re.MULTILINE)
space1 = re.compile(r'\w\s+\w', re.MULTILINE)
space2 = re.compile(r'"\s+>', re.MULTILINE)
space3 = re.compile(r"'\s+>", re.MULTILINE)
space4 = re.compile('"\s\s+\w+="|\'\s\s+\w+=\'|"\s\s+\w+=|\'\s\s+\w+=',
space6 = re.compile(r"\d\s+>", re.MULTILINE)
quotes_in_tag = re.compile('([a-zA-Z]+)="([a-zA-Z0-9-_\.]+)"')
# iterate on a for loop cleaning stuff up on the html markup.
for tag in iter(any_tag.findall(html)):
# exceptions of comments and closing tags
if tag.startswith('<!') or tag.find('</') > -1:
original = tag
# remove white space inside the tag itself
tag = space2.sub('" >', tag) # preserve 1 white space is safer
tag = space3.sub("' >", tag)
for each in space1.findall(tag) + space6.findall(tag):
tag = tag.replace(each, space.sub(' ', each))
for each in space4.findall(tag):
tag = tag.replace(each, each[0] + ' ' + each[1:].lstrip())
# remove quotes on some attributes
tag = quotes_in_tag.sub(r'\1=\2 ', tag) # See Bug #28
if original != tag: # has the tag been improved ?
html = html.replace(original, tag)
return html.strip()
def html_minify(html, comments=False):
"""Minify HTML main function.
>>> html_minify(' <p width="9" height="5" > <!-- a --> b </p> c <br> ')
'<p width=9 height=5 > b c <br>'
""""Compressing HTML...")
html = remove_html_comments(html) if not comments else html
html = condense_style(html)
html = condense_script(html)
html = clean_unneeded_html_tags(html)
html = condense_html_whitespace(html)
html = unquote_html_attributes(html)"Finished compressing HTML !.")
return html.strip()