Add user-contributed information on how to use Eclipse and Netbeans.

This commit is contained in:
Michael Vehrs 2010-11-27 11:57:13 +00:00
parent 606811e2c0
commit 2ef9e9adcb
1 changed files with 120 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Major changes to the code should be discussed on the
developer's mailing list before they are implemented. This is to
ensure that your work will not be in vain if somebody else knows
a better way of doing it. It is also a good idea to discuss changes
that is not directly related to the next release on our
that is not directly related to the next release on our
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ For example: You can use the "Fixed: Use SVN" after you have fixed a bug.
Our primary means of communication is the developers mailing list:
You can (and should) subscribe to this list
You can (and should) subscribe to this list
@ -176,6 +176,121 @@ generated, and you can start the game simply by writing:
\verb+java -Xmx128M -jar FreeCol.jar+
\hypertarget{Using an IDE}{\section{Using an IDE}}
Most FreeCol developers don't seem to use an IDE, so there is no
``official'' setup available. However, in the config folder, you can
find contributed configuration files for both Netbeans and Eclipse.
The following information has also been contributed by players that do
use an IDE.
\hypertarget{Using Eclipse}{\subsection{Using Eclipse (thanks to ``nobody'')}}
Since I'm quite a fan of the Eclipse IDE, I thought I would share my
experience with building FreeCol in Eclipse on the Windows platform.
I assume that you have installed JDK, Eclipse and SVN (both Eclipse
plug-in and stand alone client). Make sure that your path environment
variable contains both the JDK and SVN client directories.
First, add a new repository location in Eclipse in the SVN
Repositories view, for the
repository}. Leave all the other settings unchanged and click
Select either 'trunk' or the branch you want to build, right-click on
it and select 'Find/Check out as...'
In the Check Out dialog, make sure the option 'Check out as a project
configured using the New Project Wizard' is selected, and click
Select 'Java Project' in the 'Java' category, and click Next. Name
your project (FreeCol is an obvious choice). Leave all the other
options as is, and click Finish.
Eclipse starts to copy all the files from the repository. Depending on
the server and your connection, this may take from 1-10 minutes. Get a
cup of coffee or a glass of cold milk while you wait.
After downloading has finished, you should see your new project in the
Project Explorer. Right-click on the project and select 'Configure
Build Path...' from the 'Build Path' sub-menu.
First off, let's make sure that Eclipse has detected the source file
folder 'src'. Select the 'Source' tab, and make sure there is an entry
with the name [project name]/src. If not, add it. Don't close the
window, as we need to make other changes here.
Next, we have to add the external jar files to the project, so Eclipse
can properly verify the code. Select the 'Libraries' tab, and click
the 'Add JARs...' button. Browse to the 'jars' subfolder in the
FreeCol project, and select all the jar-files by holding down the
CTRL-key. Click OK, and OK again.
Eclipse should now be able to properly build the project without any
errors. If not, fix it. However, we don't actually want Eclipse to do
this, since we instead want to use the Ant build file from the
Right-click on the project, and select 'Properties...' all the way at
the bottom of the menu. Select 'Builders' in the menu to the left. You
should now see one entry in the list, named 'Java Builder'. This is
the default, built-in java builder in Eclipse. Click 'New...' to
create our Ant builder instead. Select 'Ant Builder' from the list and
click OK.
In the configuration dialog, click the 'Browse Workspace...' button
the 'Buildfile' section. Click on the FreeCol project, and select
'build.xml' from the list on the right. Click OK. Click OK again, and
the Ant builder is created. You can keep both builders active at the
same time, but if you want to save processing power, you can uncheck
the 'Java Builder'. Eclipse will warn you about doing this, but don't
be alarmed, you can always turn it on again.
Click OK. If you have activated Automatic building in Eclipse, Ant
should start building the project right away. Possible errors could
be, that Ant cannot access either the java compiler or a stand-alone
svn client. In either of these cases, make sure you added the right
directories to your path environment variable.
If the build went succesfull; congratulations. Open the project folder
in the file system, and you will see 'FreeCol.jar' in the root
folder. Since this is an executable jar file, you can double click it
and launch the game right away. Enjoy.
\hypertarget{Using Netbeans}{\subsection{Using Netbeans (thanks to ``xsainnz'')}}
\item In Netbeans, Select File > New Project
\item New Project Window
\item Select Java Category, Java Free-Form Project
\item Name and Location Panel
\item In the Location box, browse to where ever you put the source (.../freecol/)
\item It should auto detect the build file location, project name and folder
\item Build and Run Actions Panel
\item Leave the settings as they are
\item Source Package Folders Panel
\item Add the 'src' folder as Source packages and 'tests' as Test packages
\item Java Sources Panel
\item Click 'Add JAR/Folder,
\item browse into the jars folder
\item select all of the jars
\item click open.
\item Click Finish
\hypertarget{Code documentation}{\section{Code documentation}}
@ -185,7 +300,7 @@ typing \verb+ant javadoc+. The directory "javadoc" will then be
created and you can start watching the documentation by opening
"index.html" from that directory.
There is also some additional documentation
There is also some additional documentation
@ -304,12 +419,12 @@ FILE
Include information on savegame compatibility with previous versions
on all messages. Beware that you may have to be subscribed to some
lists to be able to post.
\item Post a release message to the FreeCol forum. Include information
on savegame compatibility with previous versions, as well as
information on how to post bug reports regarding the release in the
bug tracker.
The following items can be omitted for unstable releases: