Take better account of warehouse goods import level when loading goods in a trade route.

This commit is contained in:
Michael Pope 2015-06-23 12:33:12 +09:30
parent 76311fec9c
commit d8047bf768
8 changed files with 301 additions and 108 deletions

View File

@ -4234,6 +4234,10 @@
<!-- New recruits in Europe are equipped. -->
<booleanOption id="model.option.equipEuropeanRecruits"
<!-- Trade cargoes are sorted for maximum transfer, import
amounts are respected. -->
<booleanOption id="model.option.enhancedTradeRoutes"
<optionGroup id="gameOptions.colony">
<!-- Is colony bell accumulation capped when 100% rebels achieved? -->

View File

@ -717,6 +717,8 @@ model.option.playerImmigrationBonus.name=Player immigration bonus
model.option.playerImmigrationBonus.shortDescription=Per turn bonus to overall cross production.
model.option.equipEuropeanRecruits.name=Equip European recruits
model.option.equipEuropeanRecruits.shortDescription=Newly trained or recruited units in Europe are equipped according to their default role.
model.option.enhancedTradeRoutes.name=Enhanced Trade Routes (EXPERMENTAL!)
model.option.enhancedTradeRoutes.shortDescription=Cargoes are sorted to maximize the amount transferred, and import limitations are respected.
gameOptions.colony.name=Colony Options
gameOptions.colony.shortDescription=Contains options relating to the behavior of colonies.
@ -2855,21 +2857,30 @@ trade.noTradeHostile=We despise you and your goods. Begone!
trade.nothingToSell=Sorry, we have nothing to sell at the moment!
tradeProposition.welcome=Trading with the %nation% at %settlement%
tradeRoute.atStop=At %location%:
tradeRoute.loadStop=Loaded %amount% %goods%.
tradeRoute.loadStopBlocked=Found unexpected %goods% on board.
tradeRoute.loadStopExport=Loaded %amount% %goods% with %more% more retained in the warehouse.
tradeRoute.loadStopImport=Loaded %amount% %goods% lacking space for %more% more.
tradeRoute.loadStopNoExport=Loaded no %goods% with %more% more retained in the warehouse.
tradeRoute.loadStopNone=Loaded no %goods% from an empty warehouse.
tradeRoute.loadStop.load=Loaded %goodsList%.
tradeRoute.loadStop.load.carrier=%goods% (full, %more% retained)
tradeRoute.loadStop.load.export=%goods% (export limited, %more% retained)
tradeRoute.loadStop.load.fail=%goods% (unexpected partial load, %more% retained)
tradeRoute.loadStop.load.import=%goods% (import limited at %location%, %more% retained)
tradeRoute.loadStop.noLoad=Did not load %goodsList%.
tradeRoute.loadStop.noLoad.already=%goodsType% (already loaded)
tradeRoute.loadStop.noLoad.carrier=%goodsType% (full)
tradeRoute.loadStop.noLoad.export=%goodsType% (export blocked, %more% retained)
tradeRoute.loadStop.noLoad.goods=%goodsList% (none present)
tradeRoute.loadStop.noLoad.import=%goodsType% (import blocked at %location%, %more% retained)
tradeRoute.loadStop.noLoad.left=%goodsList% (no room)
tradeRoute.loadStop.noLoad.noUnload=%goodsType% (nowhere to unload)
tradeRoute.loadStop.unexpected=Found unexpected %goodsList% on board.
tradeRoute.pathStop=Can not find a path to %location%.
tradeRoute.prefix=%route%, %unit%:%data%
tradeRoute.toStop=Travelling to %location%.
tradeRoute.unloadStop=Unloaded %amount% %goods%.
tradeRoute.unloadStopExport=Unloaded %amount% %goods% with %more% more retained on board.
tradeRoute.unloadStopFail=Tried to unload %amount% %goods%, but %more% was actually unloaded.
tradeRoute.unloadStopImport=Unloaded %amount% %goods% and dumped %more%.
tradeRoute.unloadStopNoExport=Unloaded no %goods% with %more% more retained on board.
tradeRoute.unloadStop.unload=Unloaded %goodsList%.
tradeRoute.unloadStop.unload.fail=%amount% %goodsType% (unexpected partial unload, %more% retained)
tradeRoute.unloadStop.unload.keep=%amount% %goodsType% (%more% retained)
tradeRoute.unloadStop.unload.overflow=%amount% %goodsType% (%more% overflow)
tradeRoute.unloadStop.noUnload=Did not unload %goodsList%
tradeRoute.unloadStop.noUnload.fail=%goods% unexpectedly failed
tradeRoute.wait=Has no work to do, waiting.
traderoute.warehouseCapacity=Unloading your %unit% in %colony% would exceed the capacity of the colony's warehouse. %amount% %goods% would be wasted. Do you wish to unload the goods anyway?
twoTurnsPerYear=From %year% onwards, there will be %amount% turns per year, instead of one!

View File

@ -1854,6 +1854,13 @@ exactly what each unit with a trade route is doing, enable the
\texttt{Goods Movement} message type, but beware that there can be
many messages of this type.
There is also an ``Enhanced Trade Routes'' game option, which if
enabled attempts to maximimze the amount of goods being transported,
taking account of the consumption at the destination and expected time
to arrive there (although this is imperfect as it can be defeated by
unplanned interuptions to the path of the transporting unit). This
feature is new, and should be considered experimental.
\hypertarget{Resources}{\section{Special Resources}}
Some types of terrain can also have special resources, which increase

View File

@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Europe.MigrationType;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.EuropeWas;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.FoundingFather;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.FreeColGameObject;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.FreeColObject;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Game;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.GameOptions;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.GoldTradeItem;
@ -2202,7 +2203,7 @@ public final class InGameController implements NetworkConstants {
Location destination = stop.getLocation();
PathNode path = unit.findPath(destination);
if (path == null) {
lb.add(" ", Messages.message(stop
lb.add("\n", Messages.message(stop
.getLabelFor("tradeRoute.pathStop", player)));
@ -2220,9 +2221,9 @@ public final class InGameController implements NetworkConstants {
// At the stop, do the work available.
unloadUnitAtStop(unit, lb); // Anything to unload?
loadUnitAtStop(unit, lb); // Anything to load?
lb.grew(" ", Messages.message(stop.getLabelFor("tradeRoute.atStop",
loadUnitAtStop(unit, lb); // Anything to load?
lb.grew("\n", Messages.message(stop.getLabelFor("tradeRoute.atStop",
// If the un/load consumed the moves, break now before
// updating the stop. This allows next turn to retry
@ -2245,6 +2246,7 @@ public final class InGameController implements NetworkConstants {
// so we should skip this unit.
lb.add(" ", Messages.message("tradeRoute.wait"));
// Add a message for any skipped stops.
@ -2300,116 +2302,219 @@ public final class InGameController implements NetworkConstants {
* @return True if goods were loaded.
private boolean loadUnitAtStop(Unit unit, LogBuilder lb) {
final boolean enhancedTradeRoutes = getSpecification()
final TradeRoute tradeRoute = unit.getTradeRoute();
final TradeLocation trl = unit.getTradeLocation();
if (trl == null) return false;
final TradeRouteStop stop = unit.getStop();
boolean ret = false;
// Get the collapsed list of goods to load at this stop.
// A collapsed list of goods to load at this stop.
List<AbstractGoods> toLoad = stop.getCompactCargo();
// If already at capacity for a goods type, drop it from the
// toLoad list, otherwise reduce its amount by the amount
// already loaded. Handle excess goods.
// Templates to accumulate messages in.
StringTemplate unexpected = StringTemplate.label(", ");
StringTemplate noLoad = StringTemplate.label(", ");
StringTemplate left = StringTemplate.label(", ");
StringTemplate loaded = StringTemplate.label(", ");
StringTemplate nonePresent = StringTemplate.label(", ");
// Check the goods already on board. If it is not expected to
// be loaded at this stop then complain (unload must have
// failed somewhere). If it is expected to load, reduce the
// loading amount by what is already on board.
for (Goods g : unit.getCompactGoods()) {
AbstractGoods ag = AbstractGoods.findByType(g.getType(), toLoad);
if (ag != null) {
int goodsAmount = g.getAmount();
int amount = ag.getAmount() - goodsAmount;
if (amount <= 0) { // At capacity
} else { // Modify amount
if (ag == null) { // Excess goods on board, failed unload?
unexpected.addStringTemplate("%goods%", ag.getLabel());
} else {
// Excess goods on board. They must have failed to
// unload somewhere.
lb.add(" ", Messages.message(StringTemplate
.addStringTemplate("%goods%", g.getLabel())));
int goodsAmount = g.getAmount();
if (ag.getAmount() <= goodsAmount) { // At capacity
.addNamed("%goodsType%", ag.getType()));
} else {
ag.setAmount(ag.getAmount() - goodsAmount);
// Adjust toLoad with the actual export amount. Some goods
// may not have an export surplus. Add messages for them and
// drop from the toLoad list.
// Adjust toLoad with the actual amount to load.
// Drop goods that are:
// - missing
// - do not have an export surplus
// - (optionally) are not needed by the destination
// and add messages for them.
// Similarly, for each goods type, add an entry to the limit
// map, with value:
// - the unit, when it lacks capacity for all the goods present
// - the stop when there is a non-zero export limit
// - (optionally) the destination stop when there is a non-zero
// import limit
// - otherwise null
java.util.Map<GoodsType, Location> limit = new HashMap<>();
Iterator<AbstractGoods> iterator = toLoad.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
AbstractGoods ag = iterator.next();
int amount = stop.getExportAmount(ag.getType(), 0);
if (amount <= 0) {
if (stop.getCargo().contains(ag.getType())) {
// Complain only if this goods type was planned to load
int present = stop.getGoodsCount(ag.getType());
lb.add(" ", getLoadGoodsMessage(ag.getType(), 0, present,
0, -1));
final GoodsType type = ag.getType();
int present = stop.getGoodsCount(type);
int exportAmount = stop.getExportAmount(type, 0);
int importAmount = FreeColObject.INFINITY;
TradeRouteStop unload = null;
if (enhancedTradeRoutes) {
final List<TradeRouteStop> stops = unit.getCurrentStops();
Location start = unit.getLocation();
int turns = 0;
for (TradeRouteStop trs : stops) {
turns += unit.getTurnsToReach(start, trs.getLocation());
int amountIn = trs.getImportAmount(type, turns),
amountOut = trs.getExportAmount(type, turns);
if (AbstractGoods.findByType(type, trs.getCompactCargo()) == null
|| amountIn > amountOut) {
importAmount = amountIn;
unload = trs;
start = trs.getLocation();
} else {
ag.setAmount(Math.min(amount, ag.getAmount()));
if (enhancedTradeRoutes && unload == null) {
.addNamed("%goodsType%", type));
} else if (present <= 0) { // None present
} else if (exportAmount <= 0) { // Export blocked
.addNamed("%goodsType%", type)
.addAmount("%more%", present));
} else if (importAmount <= 0) { // Import blocked
.addNamed("%goodsType%", type)
.addAmount("%more%", present)
.addStringTemplate("%location%", unload.getLocation()
} else if (exportAmount < ag.getAmount() // Export limited
&& exportAmount <= importAmount) {
limit.put(type, stop.getLocation());
} else if (importAmount < ag.getAmount() // Import limited
&& importAmount <= exportAmount) {
int already = unit.getGoodsCount(type);
if (already >= importAmount) {
if (already > importAmount) {
askUnloadGoods(type, already - importAmount, unit);
.addNamed("%goodsType%", type));
} else {
ag.setAmount(importAmount - already);
limit.put(type, unload.getLocation());
} else if (present > ag.getAmount()) { // Carrier limited (last!)
limit.put(type, unit);
} else { // Expecting to load everything present
limit.put(type, null);
// Do not load this goods type
if (ag.getAmount() <= 0) iterator.remove();
logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Load " + tradeRoute.getName()
+ " with " + unit.getId() + " at " + stop.getLocation()
+ " of " + type.getSuffix() + " from " + present
+ " exporting " + exportAmount + " importing " + importAmount
+ " to " + unload.getLocation()
+ " limited by " + limit.get(type)
+ " -> " + ag.getAmount());
if (enhancedTradeRoutes) { // Prioritize by goods amount
Collections.sort(toLoad, AbstractGoods.abstractGoodsComparator);
// Load the goods.
boolean done = false;
for (AbstractGoods ag : toLoad) {
GoodsType type = ag.getType();
int demand = ag.getAmount();
ret = askLoadGoods(stop.getLocation(), type, demand, unit);
if (!ret) {
// Assume any failure is due to goods still on board,
// and thus no further loading is likely to succeed.
final GoodsType type = ag.getType();
final int amount = ag.getAmount();
if (!done) {
done = unit.getLoadableAmount(type) < amount
|| !askLoadGoods(stop.getLocation(), type, amount, unit);
if (done) {
int present = stop.getGoodsCount(type);
int export = stop.getExportAmount(type, 0);
lb.add(" ", getLoadGoodsMessage(type, demand, present,
export, demand));
Location why = limit.get(type);
if (present == 0) {
} else if (why == null) {
.addStringTemplate("%goods%", ag.getLabel())
.addAmount("%more%", present));
} else if (why == unit) {
.addStringTemplate("%goods%", ag.getLabel())
.addAmount("%more%", present));
} else if (Map.isSameLocation(why, stop.getLocation())) {
.addStringTemplate("%goods%", ag.getLabel())
.addAmount("%more%", present));
} else {
.addStringTemplate("%goods%", ag.getLabel())
.addAmount("%more%", present)
ret = true;
if (!loaded.isEmpty()) {
lb.add("\n ", Messages.message(StringTemplate
.addStringTemplate("%goodsList%", loaded)));
if (!unexpected.isEmpty()) {
lb.add("\n ", Messages.message(StringTemplate
.addStringTemplate("%goodsList%", unexpected)));
if (!left.isEmpty()) {
.addStringTemplate("%goodsList%", left));
if (!nonePresent.isEmpty()) {
.addStringTemplate("%goodsList%", nonePresent));
if (!noLoad.isEmpty()) {
lb.add("\n ", Messages.message(StringTemplate
.addStringTemplate("%goodsList%", noLoad)));
return ret;
* Gets a message describing a goods loading.
* @param type The <code>GoodsType</code> the type of goods being loaded.
* @param amount The amount of goods actually loaded.
* @param present The amount of goods already at the location.
* @param export The amount of goods available to export.
* @param toLoad The amount of goods the unit should load according to
* the trade route orders.
* @return A summary of the load.
private String getLoadGoodsMessage(GoodsType type,
int amount, int present,
int export, int toLoad) {
String key;
int more;
if (amount == 0) {
key = (present == 0)
// Loaded no %goods% from an empty warehouse.
? "tradeRoute.loadStopNone"
// Loaded no %goods% with %more% more retained...
: "tradeRoute.loadStopNoExport";
more = present;
} else if (toLoad < export) {
key = "tradeRoute.loadStopImport";
// Loaded %amount% %goods% lacking space for %more% more
more = export - toLoad;
} else if (present > export && toLoad > export) {
// Loaded %amount% %goods% with %more% more retained...
key = "tradeRoute.loadStopExport";
more = present - export;
} else {
// Loaded %amount% %goods%
key = "tradeRoute.loadStop";
more = -1; // not displayed
return Messages.message(StringTemplate.template(key)
.addAmount("%amount%", amount)
.addNamed("%goods%", type)
.addAmount("%more%", more));
* Work out what goods to unload from a unit at a stop, and unload them.
@ -2423,6 +2528,8 @@ public final class InGameController implements NetworkConstants {
final TradeRouteStop stop = unit.getStop();
final List<GoodsType> goodsTypesToLoad = stop.getCargo();
final StringTemplate unloaded = StringTemplate.label(", ");
final StringTemplate noUnload = StringTemplate.label(", ");
boolean ret = false;
// Unload everything that is on the carrier but not listed to
@ -2431,8 +2538,11 @@ public final class InGameController implements NetworkConstants {
for (Goods goods : unit.getCompactGoodsList()) {
GoodsType type = goods.getType();
if (goodsTypesToLoad.contains(type)) continue; // Keep this cargo.
int present = goods.getAmount();
if (present <= 0) {
logger.warning("Unexpected empty goods unload " + goods);
int toUnload = present;
int atStop = trl.getImportAmount(type, 0);
int amount = toUnload;
@ -2450,7 +2560,10 @@ public final class InGameController implements NetworkConstants {
.addAmount("%amount%", toUnload - atStop)
.addNamed("%goods%", goods);
if (!gui.confirm(unit.getTile(), template,
unit, "yes", "no")) amount = atStop;
unit, "yes", "no")) {
if (atStop == 0) continue;
amount = atStop;
amount = atStop;
@ -2463,13 +2576,53 @@ public final class InGameController implements NetworkConstants {
// Try to unload.
ret = (amount == 0) ? false : askUnloadGoods(type, amount, unit);
if (ret) {
lb.add(" ", getUnloadGoodsMessage(unit, type, amount,
present, atStop, toUnload));
if (amount == 0) {
// Try to unload.
ret = askUnloadGoods(type, amount, unit);
int retained = unit.getGoodsCount(type);
if (!ret || present == retained) {
.addStringTemplate("%goods%", goods.getLabel()));
ret = false;
if (present - retained != amount) {
.addNamed("%goodsType%", type)
.addAmount("%amount%", amount)
.addAmount("%more%", retained));
} else if (amount > atStop) {
if (retained > 0) {
.addNamed("%goodsType%", type)
.addAmount("%amount%", atStop)
.addAmount("%more%", retained));
} else {
.addNamed("%goodsType%", type)
.addAmount("%amount%", atStop)
.addAmount("%more%", amount - atStop));
} else {
if (!unloaded.isEmpty()) {
lb.add("\n ", Messages.message(StringTemplate
.addStringTemplate("%goodsList%", unloaded)));
if (!noUnload.isEmpty()) {
lb.add("\n ", Messages.message(StringTemplate
.addStringTemplate("%goodsList%", noUnload)));
return ret;

View File

@ -111,6 +111,10 @@ public class GameOptions {
public static final String EQUIP_EUROPEAN_RECRUITS
= "model.option.equipEuropeanRecruits";
/** Enhanced trade routes. */
public static final String ENHANCED_TRADE_ROUTES
= "model.option.enhancedTradeRoutes";
/** Colony game option group. */
public static final String GAMEOPTIONS_COLONY

View File

@ -2651,6 +2651,8 @@ public final class Specification {
ret |= checkBooleanOption(GameOptions.DISEMBARK_IN_COLONY,
GameOptions.GAMEOPTIONS_COLONY, false);
ret |= checkBooleanOption(GameOptions.ENHANCED_TRADE_ROUTES,
GameOptions.GAMEOPTIONS_MAP, false);
// end @compat 0.11.3
return ret;

View File

@ -209,6 +209,15 @@ public class StringTemplate extends FreeColObject {
? Collections.<StringTemplate>emptyList()
: this.replacements;
* Has nothing been added to this template?
* @return True if the template is empty.
public boolean isEmpty() {
return this.replacements == null || this.replacements.isEmpty();
* Add a replacement.

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import net.sf.freecol.common.io.FreeColXMLReader;
import net.sf.freecol.common.io.FreeColXMLWriter;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.GameOptions;
import static net.sf.freecol.common.util.CollectionUtils.*;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
@ -290,7 +291,9 @@ public class TradeRoute extends FreeColGameObject
if (empty) return StringTemplate.template("model.tradeRoute.allEmpty");
if (!always.isEmpty()) {
final boolean enhancedTradeRoutes = getSpecification()
if (!enhancedTradeRoutes && !always.isEmpty()) {
return StringTemplate.template("model.tradeRoute.alwaysPresent")
.addNamed("%goodsType%", always.iterator().next());