/** * Copyright (C) 2002-2021 The FreeCol Team * * This file is part of FreeCol. * * FreeCol is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * FreeCol is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with FreeCol. If not, see . */ package net.sf.freecol.server.ai.mission; import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Ability; import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Colony; import net.sf.freecol.common.model.CombatModel.CombatEffectType; import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Direction; import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Europe; import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Game; import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Goods; import net.sf.freecol.common.model.GoodsType; import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Location; import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Map; import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile; import net.sf.freecol.common.model.TileType; import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Unit; import net.sf.freecol.common.model.UnitType; import static net.sf.freecol.common.util.CollectionUtils.*; import net.sf.freecol.common.util.LogBuilder; import net.sf.freecol.server.ServerTestHelper; import net.sf.freecol.server.ai.AIGoods; import net.sf.freecol.server.ai.AIMain; import net.sf.freecol.server.ai.AIPlayer; import net.sf.freecol.server.ai.AIUnit; import net.sf.freecol.server.ai.TransportableAIObject; import net.sf.freecol.server.control.InGameController; import net.sf.freecol.server.model.ServerPlayer; import net.sf.freecol.server.model.ServerUnit; import net.sf.freecol.util.test.FreeColTestCase; import net.sf.freecol.util.test.FreeColTestUtils; public class TransportMissionTest extends FreeColTestCase { private static final GoodsType horsesType = spec().getGoodsType("model.goods.horses"); private static final TileType plainsType = spec().getTileType("model.tile.plains"); private static final UnitType colonistType = spec().getUnitType("model.unit.freeColonist"); private static final UnitType galleonType = spec().getUnitType("model.unit.galleon"); private static final UnitType privateerType = spec().getUnitType("model.unit.privateer"); private static final UnitType wagonType = spec().getUnitType("model.unit.wagonTrain"); private static final LogBuilder lb = new LogBuilder(0); @Override public void tearDown() throws Exception { ServerTestHelper.stopServerGame(); super.tearDown(); } public void testTransportMissionInvalidAfterCombatLost() { Game game = ServerTestHelper.startServerGame(getCoastTestMap(plainsType)); Map map = game.getMap(); InGameController igc = ServerTestHelper.getInGameController(); AIMain aiMain = ServerTestHelper.getServer().getAIMain(); assertNotNull(aiMain); ServerPlayer dutch = getServerPlayer(game, "model.nation.dutch"); AIPlayer aiPlayer = aiMain.getAIPlayer(dutch); // Create a ship at sea carrying a colonist Tile tile1 = map.getTile(12, 9); Unit galleon = new ServerUnit(game, tile1, dutch, galleonType); AIUnit aiUnit = aiMain.getAIUnit(galleon); assertNotNull(aiUnit); assertTrue(galleon.hasAbility(Ability.NAVAL_UNIT)); assertEquals("Galleon should be repaired in Europe", dutch.getEurope(), galleon.getRepairLocation()); Unit colonist = new ServerUnit(game, galleon, dutch, colonistType); assertTrue(colonist.getLocation()==galleon); // Create the attacker, also at sea ServerPlayer french = getServerPlayer(game, "model.nation.french"); Tile tile2 = map.getTile(11, 9); Unit privateer = new ServerUnit(game, tile2, french, privateerType); // assign transport mission to the ship new TransportMission(aiMain, aiUnit); // Simulate the combat igc.combat(dutch, privateer, galleon, fakeAttackResult(CombatEffectType.WIN, privateer, galleon)); // Verify that the outcome of the combat is a return to Europe // for repairs and also invalidation of the transport mission // as side effect. assertTrue(galleon.isDamagedAndUnderForcedRepair()); assertFalse(aiUnit.getMission().isValid()); // This will call AIPlayer.abortInvalidMissions() and change // the carrier mission. aiPlayer.startWorking(); assertFalse(aiUnit.hasMission(TransportMission.class)); } public void testGetNextStopAlreadyAtDestination() { Game game = ServerTestHelper.startServerGame(getCoastTestMap(plainsType)); Map map = game.getMap(); InGameController igc = ServerTestHelper.getInGameController(); AIMain aiMain = ServerTestHelper.getServer().getAIMain(); assertNotNull(aiMain); ServerPlayer dutch = getServerPlayer(game, "model.nation.dutch"); dutch.exploreMap(true); // create a ship carrying a colonist Tile colonyTile = map.getTile(9, 9); getStandardColony(1, colonyTile.getX(), colonyTile.getY()); Unit galleon = new ServerUnit(game, colonyTile, dutch, galleonType); AIUnit aiUnit = aiMain.getAIUnit(galleon); assertNotNull(aiUnit); // assign transport mission to the ship TransportMission mission = new TransportMission(aiMain, aiUnit); TransportableAIObject goods = new AIGoods(aiMain, galleon, horsesType, 50, colonyTile); mission.queueTransportable(goods, false, lb); // Exercise Location dest = mission.getTarget(); // Test assertNotNull("Unit should have a destination", dest); assertTrue("Unit should be already at the destination", Map.isSameLocation(dest, galleon.getLocation())); } public void testGetNextStopIsEurope() { Game game = ServerTestHelper.startServerGame(getCoastTestMap(plainsType)); Map map = game.getMap(); InGameController igc = ServerTestHelper.getInGameController(); AIMain aiMain = ServerTestHelper.getServer().getAIMain(); assertNotNull(aiMain); ServerPlayer dutch = getServerPlayer(game, "model.nation.dutch"); dutch.exploreMap(true); Europe europe = dutch.getEurope(); assertNotNull("Setup error, europe is null", europe); // create a ship carrying a colonist in a colony Tile colonyTile = map.getTile(9, 9); getStandardColony(1, colonyTile.getX(), colonyTile.getY()); Unit galleon = new ServerUnit(game, colonyTile, dutch, galleonType); AIUnit aiUnit = aiMain.getAIUnit(galleon); assertNotNull(aiUnit); // assign transport mission to the ship TransportMission mission = new TransportMission(aiMain, aiUnit); TransportableAIObject goods = new AIGoods(aiMain, galleon, horsesType, 50, europe); assertTrue("Goods should queue", mission.queueTransportable(goods, false, lb)); mission.doMission(lb); // Exercise Location dest = mission.getTarget(); // Test assertNotNull("Unit should have a destination", dest); assertEquals("Destination should be Europe", europe, dest); assertTrue("Unit should have a path", galleon.getTurnsToReach(dest) < Unit.MANY_TURNS); } public void testGetNextStopIsColony() { Game game = ServerTestHelper.startServerGame(getCoastTestMap(plainsType)); Map map = game.getMap(); InGameController igc = ServerTestHelper.getInGameController(); AIMain aiMain = ServerTestHelper.getServer().getAIMain(); assertNotNull(aiMain); ServerPlayer dutch = getServerPlayer(game, "model.nation.dutch"); Europe europe = dutch.getEurope(); assertNotNull("Setup error, europe is null", europe); Tile colonyTile = map.getTile(9, 9); assertTrue(colonyTile.isLand()); getStandardColony(1, colonyTile.getX(), colonyTile.getY()); // create a ship Tile galleonTile = map.getTile(10, 9); assertFalse(galleonTile.isLand()); Unit galleon = new ServerUnit(game, galleonTile, dutch, galleonType); AIUnit aiUnit = aiMain.getAIUnit(galleon); assertNotNull(aiUnit); // assign transport mission to the ship TransportMission mission = new TransportMission(aiMain, aiUnit); TransportableAIObject goods = new AIGoods(aiMain, galleon, horsesType, 50, colonyTile); goods.setTransportDestination(europe); mission.queueTransportable(goods, false, lb); mission.doMission(lb); // Exercise Location dest = mission.getTarget(); // Test assertNotNull("Unit should have a destination", dest); assertEquals("Destination should be the colony", colonyTile.getColony(), dest); } public void testGetDefaultDestination() { Game game = ServerTestHelper.startServerGame(getCoastTestMap(plainsType)); Map map = game.getMap(); InGameController igc = ServerTestHelper.getInGameController(); AIMain aiMain = ServerTestHelper.getServer().getAIMain(); assertNotNull(aiMain); ServerPlayer dutch = getServerPlayer(game, "model.nation.dutch"); dutch.exploreMap(true); Europe europe = dutch.getEurope(); assertNotNull("Setup error, europe is null", europe); // create a ship Tile galleonTile = map.getTile(10, 9); assertFalse(galleonTile.isLand()); Unit galleon = new ServerUnit(game, galleonTile, dutch, galleonType); AIUnit aiUnit = aiMain.getAIUnit(galleon); assertNotNull(aiUnit); // assign transport mission to the ship TransportMission mission = new TransportMission(aiMain, aiUnit); assertTrue("Setup error, player should not have colonies", none(dutch.getColonies())); // Exercise Location dest = mission.getTarget(); // Test assertNotNull("Unit should have a destination", dest); assertTrue("Destination should be Europe", dest instanceof Europe); // add colony Tile colonyTile = map.getTile(9, 9); FreeColTestUtils.ColonyBuilder builder = FreeColTestUtils.getColonyBuilder(); builder.colonyTile(colonyTile).initialColonists(1).player(dutch).build(); assertTrue("Player should now have a colony", any(dutch.getColonies())); mission = new TransportMission(aiMain, aiUnit); // Exercise dest = mission.getTarget(); // Test assertNotNull("Unit should have a destination", dest); assertEquals("Destination should be the colony", colonyTile.getColony(), dest); } public void testWagonTrain() { Game game = ServerTestHelper.startServerGame(getTestMap()); Colony one = getStandardColony(3, 3, 3); one.setName("one"); Colony two = getStandardColony(3, 8, 8); two.setName("two"); assertEquals(one.getOwner(), two.getOwner()); AIMain aiMain = ServerTestHelper.getServer().getAIMain(); assertNotNull(aiMain); Unit wagonTrain = new ServerUnit(game, one.getTile(), (ServerPlayer) one.getOwner(), wagonType); AIUnit wagon = aiMain.getAIUnit(wagonTrain); assertNotNull(wagon); wagon.changeMission(null); assertNull("Transport mission should be valid.", TransportMission.invalidMissionReason(wagon)); TransportMission mission = new TransportMission(aiMain, wagon); Location dest = mission.getTarget(); assertEquals("Destination should be colony one.", one, dest); wagonTrain.setLocation(one.getTile().getNeighbourOrNull(Direction.NE)); dest = mission.getTarget(); assertEquals("Destination should still be colony one.", one, dest); Goods goods = new Goods(game, two, horsesType, 20); two.addGoods(goods); AIGoods aiGoods = new AIGoods(aiMain, two, goods.getType(), goods.getAmount(), one); mission.queueTransportable(aiGoods, false, lb); mission.doMission(lb); dest = mission.getTarget(); assertEquals("Destination should now be colony two", two.getId(), dest.getId()); assertEquals("Destination should now be colony two.", two, dest); } }