
2476 lines
79 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2002-2017 The FreeCol Team
* This file is part of FreeCol.
* FreeCol is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* FreeCol is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with FreeCol. If not, see <>.
package net.sf.freecol.client.gui;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import net.sf.freecol.FreeCol;
import net.sf.freecol.client.ClientOptions;
import net.sf.freecol.client.FreeColClient;
import net.sf.freecol.client.control.FreeColClientHolder;
import net.sf.freecol.client.gui.panel.BuildQueuePanel;
import net.sf.freecol.client.gui.panel.ColonyPanel;
import net.sf.freecol.client.gui.panel.ColorChooserPanel;
import net.sf.freecol.client.gui.panel.FreeColPanel;
import net.sf.freecol.client.gui.panel.MiniMap;
import net.sf.freecol.client.gui.panel.TradeRouteInputPanel;
import net.sf.freecol.client.gui.dialog.FreeColDialog;
import net.sf.freecol.client.gui.dialog.Parameters;
import net.sf.freecol.common.FreeColException;
import net.sf.freecol.common.debug.DebugUtils;
import net.sf.freecol.common.debug.FreeColDebugger;
import net.sf.freecol.common.i18n.Messages;
import net.sf.freecol.common.metaserver.ServerInfo;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Ability;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Building;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Colony;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Constants.*; // Imports all ENUMS.
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.DiplomaticTrade;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Europe;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.FoundingFather;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.FreeColGameObject;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.FreeColObject;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Game;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Goods;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.GoodsType;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.HighScore;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.IndianNationType;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.IndianSettlement;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Location;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.ModelMessage;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Monarch.MonarchAction;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Nation;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.NationSummary;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Player;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Settlement;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Specification;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Stance;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.StringTemplate;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tension;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.TileType;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.TradeRoute;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.TypeCountMap;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Unit;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.UnitType;
import net.sf.freecol.common.option.Option;
import net.sf.freecol.common.option.OptionGroup;
import net.sf.freecol.common.resources.ResourceManager;
* The API and common reusable functionality for the overall GUI.
public class GUI extends FreeColClientHolder {
protected static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(GUI.class.getName());
* Error handler class to display a message with this GUI.
public class ErrorJob implements Runnable {
private final StringTemplate template;
private Runnable runnable;
public ErrorJob(Exception ex, String key) {
this.template = FreeCol.errorFromException(ex, key);
this.runnable = null;
public ErrorJob(Exception ex, StringTemplate tmpl) {
this.template = FreeCol.errorFromException(ex, tmpl);
this.runnable = null;
public ErrorJob(String key) {
this.template = StringTemplate.template(key);
this.runnable = null;
public ErrorJob(StringTemplate template) {
this.template = template;
this.runnable = null;
public ErrorJob setRunnable(Runnable runnable) {
this.runnable = runnable;
return this;
public void invokeLater() {
public void run() {
GUI.this.showErrorMessage(this.template, null, this.runnable);
public String toString() {
return Messages.message(this.template);
/** Warning levels. */
private static final String levels[] = {
"low", "normal", "high"
/** View modes. */
public static final int MOVE_UNITS_MODE = 0;
public static final int VIEW_TERRAIN_MODE = 1;
/** An image library to use. */
protected final ImageLibrary imageLibrary;
* Create the GUI.
* @param freeColClient The {@code FreeColClient} for the game.
* @param scaleFactor The scale factor for the GUI.
public GUI(FreeColClient freeColClient, float scaleFactor) {
this.imageLibrary = new ImageLibrary(scaleFactor);
// Useful utilities provided in addition to the implementable interface
// Miscellaneous
* Get the image library.
* @return The base image library at the current scale.
public ImageLibrary getImageLibrary() {
return this.imageLibrary;
* Toggle the current view mode.
public void toggleViewMode() {
int vm = getViewMode();
if (vm >= 0) setViewMode(1 - vm);
// Error handling
* Create a new error job from a given exception and message key.
* @param ex The {@code Exception} to use.
* @param key The message key.
* @return An {@code ErrorJob} to display the error using this GUI.
public ErrorJob errorJob(Exception ex, String key) {
return new ErrorJob(ex, key);
* Create a new error job from a given exception and template.
* @param ex The {@code Exception} to use.
* @param template The {@code StringTemplate}.
* @return An {@code ErrorJob} to display the error using this GUI.
public ErrorJob errorJob(Exception ex, StringTemplate template) {
return new ErrorJob(ex, template);
* Create a new error job from a given message key.
* @param key The message key.
* @return An {@code ErrorJob} to display the error using this GUI.
public ErrorJob errorJob(String key) {
return new ErrorJob(key);
* Create a new error job from a given template.
* @param template The {@code StringTemplate}.
* @return An {@code ErrorJob} to display the error using this GUI.
public ErrorJob errorJob(StringTemplate template) {
return new ErrorJob(template);
// Invocation methods
* Wrapper for SwingUtilities.invokeLater that handles the case
* where we are already in the EDT.
* @param runnable A {@code Runnable} to run.
public void invokeNowOrLater(Runnable runnable) {
if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {;
} else {
* Wrapper for SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait that handles the case
* where we are already in the EDT.
* @param runnable A {@code Runnable} to run.
public void invokeNowOrWait(Runnable runnable) {
if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {;
} else {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException | InvocationTargetException ex) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Client GUI interaction", ex);
// High level dialogs, usually using the dialog primitives
* Primitive modal confirmation dialog.
* @param template The {@code StringTemplate} explaining the choice.
* @param okKey A key for the "ok" button.
* @param cancelKey A key for the "cancel" button.
* @return True if the "ok" button was selected.
public final boolean confirm(StringTemplate template,
String okKey, String cancelKey) {
return confirm(null, template, (ImageIcon)null,
okKey, cancelKey);
* GoodsType-specific modal confirmation dialog.
* @param tile An optional {@code Tile} to expose.
* @param template The {@code StringTemplate} explaining the choice.
* @param goodsType A goods type to make an icon for the dialog from.
* @param okKey A key for the "ok" button.
* @param cancelKey A key for the "cancel" button.
* @return True if the "ok" button was selected.
public final boolean confirm(Tile tile, StringTemplate template,
GoodsType goodsType,
String okKey, String cancelKey) {
return confirm(tile, template,
new ImageIcon(imageLibrary.getScaledGoodsTypeImage(goodsType)),
okKey, cancelKey);
* Settlement-specific modal confirmation dialog.
* @param tile An optional {@code Tile} to expose.
* @param template The {@code StringTemplate} explaining the choice.
* @param settlement A settlement to make an icon for the dialog from.
* @param okKey A key for the "ok" button.
* @param cancelKey A key for the "cancel" button.
* @return True if the "ok" button was selected.
public final boolean confirm(Tile tile, StringTemplate template,
Settlement settlement,
String okKey, String cancelKey) {
return confirm(tile, template,
new ImageIcon(imageLibrary.getScaledSettlementImage(settlement)),
okKey, cancelKey);
* Unit-specific modal confirmation dialog.
* @param tile An optional {@code Tile} to expose.
* @param template The {@code StringTemplate} explaining the choice.
* @param unit A unit to make an icon for the dialog from.
* @param okKey A key for the "ok" button.
* @param cancelKey A key for the "cancel" button.
* @return True if the "ok" button was selected.
public final boolean confirm(Tile tile, StringTemplate template, Unit unit,
String okKey, String cancelKey) {
return confirm(tile, template,
new ImageIcon(imageLibrary.getScaledUnitImage(unit)),
okKey, cancelKey);
* Confirm that a unit should abandon its educational activity.
* @param unit The {@code Unit} to check.
* @param leaveColony True if the unit is about to leave the colony,
* not just the education building.
* @return True if the unit can proceed.
public boolean confirmAbandonEducation(Unit unit, boolean leaveColony) {
if (!unit.isInColony()) return true;
boolean teacher = unit.getStudent() != null;
// if leaving the colony, the student loses learning spot, so
// check with player
boolean student = leaveColony && unit.getTeacher() != null;
if (!teacher && !student) return true;
Building school = (Building)((teacher) ? unit.getLocation()
: unit.getTeacher().getLocation());
StringTemplate label = unit.getLabel(Unit.UnitLabelType.NATIONAL);
StringTemplate template = (leaveColony) ? StringTemplate
.addStringTemplate("%unit%", label)
.addName("%colony%", school.getColony().getName())
.addNamed("%building%", school)
.addStringTemplate("%action%", (teacher)
? StringTemplate.key("abandonEducation.action.teaching")
: StringTemplate.key("abandonEducation.action.studying"))
: (teacher)
? StringTemplate.template("abandonTeaching.text")
.addStringTemplate("%unit%", label)
.addNamed("%building%", school)
: null;
return template == null
|| confirm(unit.getTile(), template, unit,
"abandonEducation.yes", "");
* If a unit has a trade route, get confirmation that it is
* ok to clear it and set a destination.
* @param unit The {@code Unit} to check.
* @return Whether it is acceptable to set a destination for this unit.
public boolean confirmClearTradeRoute(Unit unit) {
TradeRoute tr = unit.getTradeRoute();
if (tr == null) return true;
StringTemplate template = StringTemplate
.addName("%route%", tr.getName());
return confirm(unit.getTile(), template, unit, "yes", "no");
* Confirm whether the player wants to demand tribute from a colony.
* @param attacker The potential attacking {@code Unit}.
* @param colony The target {@code Colony}.
* @param ns A {@code NationSummary} of the other nation.
* @return The amount of tribute to demand, positive if the demand
* should proceed.
public int confirmEuropeanTribute(Unit attacker, Colony colony,
NationSummary ns) {
Player player = attacker.getOwner();
Player other = colony.getOwner();
int strength = player.calculateStrength(false);
int otherStrength = (ns == null) ? strength : ns.getMilitaryStrength();
int mil = (otherStrength <= 1 || otherStrength * 5 < strength) ? 0
: (strength == 0 || strength * 5 < otherStrength) ? 2
: 1;
StringTemplate t;
int gold = (ns == null) ? 0 : ns.getGold();
if (gold == 0) {
t = StringTemplate.template("confirmTribute.broke")
.addStringTemplate("%nation%", other.getNationLabel());
return -1;
int fin = (gold <= 100) ? 0 : (gold <= 1000) ? 1 : 2;
t = StringTemplate.template("confirmTribute.european")
.addStringTemplate("%nation%", other.getNationLabel())
StringTemplate.template("danger." + levels[mil]))
StringTemplate.template("finance." + levels[fin]));
return showSelectTributeAmountDialog(t, gold);
* Check if an attack results in a transition from peace or cease fire to
* war and, if so, warn the player.
* @param attacker The potential attacking {@code Unit}.
* @param target The target {@code Tile}.
* @return True to attack, false to abort.
public boolean confirmHostileAction(Unit attacker, Tile target) {
if (attacker.hasAbility(Ability.PIRACY)) {
// Privateers can attack and remain at peace
return true;
Player enemy;
if (target.hasSettlement()) {
enemy = target.getSettlement().getOwner();
} else if (target == attacker.getTile()) {
// Fortify on tile owned by another nation
enemy = target.getOwner();
if (enemy == null) return true;
} else {
Unit defender = target.getDefendingUnit(attacker);
if (defender == null) {
logger.warning("Attacking, but no defender - will try!");
return true;
if (defender.hasAbility(Ability.PIRACY)) {
// Privateers can be attacked and remain at peace
return true;
enemy = defender.getOwner();
String messageId;
switch (attacker.getOwner().getStance(enemy)) {
case WAR:
logger.finest("Player at war, no confirmation needed");
return true;
messageId = "confirmHostile.ceaseFire";
messageId = "confirmHostile.alliance";
case UNCONTACTED: case PEACE: default:
messageId = "confirmHostile.peace";
return confirm(attacker.getTile(), StringTemplate
.addStringTemplate("%nation%", enemy.getNationLabel()),
attacker, "confirmHostile.yes", "cancel");
* Confirm that a unit can leave its colony.
* - Check for population limit.
* - Query if education should be abandoned.
* @param unit The {@code Unit} that is leaving the colony.
* @return True if the unit is allowed to leave.
public boolean confirmLeaveColony(Unit unit) {
Colony colony = unit.getColony();
StringTemplate message = colony.getReducePopulationMessage();
if (message != null) {
return false;
return confirmAbandonEducation(unit, true);
* Confirm whether the player wants to demand tribute from a native
* settlement.
* @param attacker The potential attacking {@code Unit}.
* @param is The target {@code IndianSettlement}.
* @return The amount of tribute to demand, positive if the demand
* should proceed.
public int confirmNativeTribute(Unit attacker, IndianSettlement is) {
Player player = attacker.getOwner();
Player other = is.getOwner();
int strength = player.calculateStrength(false);
String messageId = (other.getSettlementCount() >= strength)
? "confirmTribute.unwise"
: (other.getStance(player) == Stance.CEASE_FIRE)
? "confirmTribute.warLikely"
: (is.getAlarm(player).getLevel() == Tension.Level.HAPPY)
? "confirmTribute.happy"
: "confirmTribute.normal";
return (confirm(is.getTile(), StringTemplate.template(messageId)
.addName("%settlement%", is.getName())
.addStringTemplate("%nation%", other.getNationLabel()),
attacker, "confirmTribute.yes", ""))
? 1 : -1;
* Shows the pre-combat dialog if enabled, allowing the user to
* view the odds and possibly cancel the attack.
* @param attacker The attacking {@code Unit}.
* @param tile The target {@code Tile}.
* @return True to attack, false to abort.
public boolean confirmPreCombat(Unit attacker, Tile tile) {
if (getClientOptions().getBoolean(ClientOptions.SHOW_PRECOMBAT)) {
Settlement settlement = tile.getSettlement();
// Don't tell the player how a settlement is defended!
FreeColGameObject defender = (settlement != null) ? settlement
: tile.getDefendingUnit(attacker);
return showPreCombatDialog(attacker, defender, tile);
return true;
* Confirm whether to stop the current game.
* @return True if confirmation was given.
public boolean confirmStopGame() {
return confirm("stopCurrentGame.text",
"stopCurrentGame.yes", "");
* Get the choice of what a user wants to do with an armed unit at
* a foreign settlement.
* @param settlement The {@code Settlement} to consider.
* @return The chosen action, tribute, attack or cancel.
public ArmedUnitSettlementAction getArmedUnitSettlementChoice(Settlement settlement) {
final Player player = getMyPlayer();
List<ChoiceItem<ArmedUnitSettlementAction>> choices = new ArrayList<>();
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message("armedUnitSettlement.tribute"),
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message("armedUnitSettlement.attack"),
return getChoice(settlement.getTile(),
settlement, "cancel", choices);
* Get the user choice of whether to pay arrears for boycotted
* goods or to dump them instead.
* @param goods The {@code Goods} to possibly dump.
* @param europe The player {@code Europe} where the boycott
* is in force.
* @return The chosen {@code BoycottAction}.
public BoycottAction getBoycottChoice(Goods goods, Europe europe) {
int arrears = europe.getOwner().getArrears(goods.getType());
StringTemplate template = StringTemplate
.addNamed("%goods%", goods)
.addNamed("%europe%", europe)
.addAmount("%amount%", arrears);
List<ChoiceItem<BoycottAction>> choices = new ArrayList<>();
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message("payArrears"),
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message("boycottedGoods.dumpGoods"),
return getChoice(null, template,
goods.getType(), "cancel", choices);
* Gets the user choice when negotiating a purchase from a settlement.
* @param unit The {@code Unit} that is buying.
* @param settlement The {@code Settlement} to buy from.
* @param goods The {@code Goods} to buy.
* @param gold The current negotiated price.
* @param canBuy True if buy is a valid option.
* @return The chosen action, buy, haggle, or cancel.
public TradeBuyAction getBuyChoice(Unit unit, Settlement settlement,
Goods goods, int gold, boolean canBuy) {
//Get Buy price on Europe Market for comparison
int euroPrice = unit.getOwner().getMarket().getBidPrice(goods.getType(), goods.getAmount());
StringTemplate template = StringTemplate.template("buy.text")
.addStringTemplate("%nation%", settlement.getOwner().getNationLabel())
.addStringTemplate("%goods%", goods.getLabel(true))
.addAmount("%gold%", gold)
.addAmount("%euprice%", euroPrice);
List<ChoiceItem<TradeBuyAction>> choices = new ArrayList<>();
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message("buy.takeOffer"),
TradeBuyAction.BUY, canBuy));
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message("buy.moreGold"),
return getChoice(unit.getTile(), template,
goods.getType(), "cancel", choices);
* General modal choice dialog.
* @param <T> The choice type.
* @param tile An optional {@code Tile} to expose.
* @param explain An object explaining the choice.
* @param cancelKey A key for the "cancel" button.
* @param choices A list a {@code ChoiceItem}s to choose from.
* @return The selected value of the selected {@code ChoiceItem},
* or null if cancelled.
public final <T> T getChoice(Tile tile, Object explain,
String cancelKey, List<ChoiceItem<T>> choices) {
return getChoice(tile, explain, (ImageIcon)null, cancelKey, choices);
* Goods-specific modal choice dialog.
* @param <T> The choice type.
* @param tile An optional {@code Tile} to expose.
* @param explain An object explaining the choice.
* @param goodsType A {@code GoodsType} to display in dialog.
* @param cancelKey A key for the "cancel" button.
* @param choices A list a {@code ChoiceItem}s to choose from.
* @return The selected value of the selected {@code ChoiceItem},
* or null if cancelled.
public final <T> T getChoice(Tile tile, Object explain, GoodsType goodsType,
String cancelKey, List<ChoiceItem<T>> choices) {
return getChoice(tile, explain,
new ImageIcon(imageLibrary.getScaledGoodsTypeImage(goodsType)),
cancelKey, choices);
* Nation-specific modal choice dialog.
* @param <T> The choice type.
* @param tile An optional {@code Tile} to expose.
* @param explain An object explaining the choice.
* @param nation A {@code Nation} to display in dialog.
* @param cancelKey A key for the "cancel" button.
* @param choices A list a {@code ChoiceItem}s to choose from.
* @return The selected value of the selected {@code ChoiceItem},
* or null if cancelled.
public final <T> T getChoice(Tile tile, Object explain, Nation nation,
String cancelKey, List<ChoiceItem<T>> choices) {
return getChoice(tile, explain,
new ImageIcon(imageLibrary.getScaledNationImage(nation)),
cancelKey, choices);
* Settlement-specific modal choice dialog.
* @param <T> The choice type.
* @param tile An optional {@code Tile} to expose.
* @param explain An object explaining the choice.
* @param settlement A {@code Settlement} to display in dialog.
* @param cancelKey A key for the "cancel" button.
* @param choices A list a {@code ChoiceItem}s to choose from.
* @return The selected value of the selected {@code ChoiceItem},
* or null if cancelled.
public final <T> T getChoice(Tile tile, Object explain, Settlement settlement,
String cancelKey, List<ChoiceItem<T>> choices) {
return getChoice(tile, explain,
new ImageIcon(imageLibrary.getScaledSettlementImage(settlement)),
cancelKey, choices);
* Unit-specific modal choice dialog.
* @param <T> The choice type.
* @param tile An optional {@code Tile} to expose.
* @param explain An object explaining the choice.
* @param unit A {@code Unit} to display in dialog.
* @param cancelKey A key for the "cancel" button.
* @param choices A list a {@code ChoiceItem}s to choose from.
* @return The selected value of the selected {@code ChoiceItem},
* or null if cancelled.
public final <T> T getChoice(Tile tile, Object explain, Unit unit,
String cancelKey, List<ChoiceItem<T>> choices) {
return getChoice(tile, explain,
new ImageIcon(imageLibrary.getScaledUnitImage(unit)),
cancelKey, choices);
* Gets the user choice for claiming a tile.
* @param tile The {@code Tile} to claim.
* @param player The {@code Player} that is claiming.
* @param price An asking price, if any.
* @param owner The {@code Player} that owns the land.
* @return The chosen action, accept, steal or cancel.
public ClaimAction getClaimChoice(Tile tile, Player player, int price,
Player owner) {
List<ChoiceItem<ClaimAction>> choices = new ArrayList<>();
StringTemplate template;
if (owner.hasContacted(player)) {
template = StringTemplate.template("indianLand.text")
.addStringTemplate("%player%", owner.getNationLabel());
StringTemplate pay = StringTemplate.template("")
.addAmount("%amount%", price);
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message(pay),
} else {
template = StringTemplate.template("indianLand.unknown");
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message("indianLand.take"),
return getChoice(tile, template,
owner.getNation(), "indianLand.cancel", choices);
* Get the user choice when trading with a native settlement.
* @param settlement The native settlement to trade with.
* @param template A {@code StringTemplate} containing the message
* to display.
* @param canBuy Show a "buy" option.
* @param canSell Show a "sell" option.
* @param canGift Show a "gift" option.
* @return The chosen action, buy, sell, gift or cancel.
public TradeAction getIndianSettlementTradeChoice(Settlement settlement,
StringTemplate template,
boolean canBuy,
boolean canSell,
boolean canGift) {
ArrayList<ChoiceItem<TradeAction>> choices = new ArrayList<>();
if (canBuy) {
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message("tradeProposition.toBuy"),
TradeAction.BUY, canBuy));
if (canSell) {
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message("tradeProposition.toSell"),
TradeAction.SELL, canSell));
if (canGift) {
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message("tradeProposition.toGift"),
TradeAction.GIFT, canGift));
if (choices.isEmpty()) return null;
return getChoice(settlement.getTile(), template,
settlement, "cancel", choices);
* Get the user choice of what to do with a missionary at a native
* settlement.
* @param unit The {@code Unit} speaking to the settlement.
* @param is The {@code IndianSettlement} being visited.
* @param canEstablish Is establish a valid option.
* @param canDenounce Is denounce a valid option.
* @return The chosen action, establish mission, denounce, incite
* or cancel.
public MissionaryAction getMissionaryChoice(Unit unit,
IndianSettlement is,
boolean canEstablish,
boolean canDenounce) {
StringTemplate template = StringTemplate.label("\n\n")
.addName("%settlement%", is.getName()));
List<ChoiceItem<MissionaryAction>> choices = new ArrayList<>();
if (canEstablish) {
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message("missionarySettlement.establish"),
if (canDenounce) {
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message("missionarySettlement.heresy"),
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message("missionarySettlement.incite"),
return getChoice(unit.getTile(), template,
is, "cancel", choices);
* Get a name for a new colony for a player.
* @param player The {@code Player} to get the colony name for.
* @param tile The {@code Tile} for the new colony.
* @return A colony name, or null if the user has reconsidered.
public String getNewColonyName(Player player, Tile tile) {
String suggested = player.getSettlementName(null);
String name = getInput(tile, StringTemplate
.template("nameColony.text"), suggested,
"accept", "cancel");
if (name == null) {
// Cancelled
} else if (name.isEmpty()) {
showInformationMessage("enterSomeText"); // 0-length is invalid
} else if (player.getSettlementByName(name) != null) {
// Must be unique
showInformationMessage(tile, StringTemplate
.addName("%name%", name));
} else {
return name;
return null;
* Get the user choice for what to do with a scout at a foreign colony.
* @param colony The {@code Colony} to be scouted.
* @param unit The {@code Unit} that is scouting.
* @param neg True if negotation is a valid choice.
* @return The selected action, either negotiate, spy, attack or cancel.
public ScoutColonyAction getScoutForeignColonyChoice(Colony colony,
Unit unit,
boolean neg) {
StringTemplate template = StringTemplate.template("scoutColony.text")
.addStringTemplate("%unit%", unit.getLabel(Unit.UnitLabelType.NATIONAL))
.addName("%colony%", colony.getName());
List<ChoiceItem<ScoutColonyAction>> choices = new ArrayList<>();
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message("scoutColony.negotiate"),
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message("scoutColony.spy"),
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message("scoutColony.attack"),
return getChoice(unit.getTile(), template,
colony, "cancel", choices);
* Get the user choice for what to do at a native settlement.
* @param is The {@code IndianSettlement} to be scouted.
* @param numberString The number of settlements in the settlement
* owner nation.
* @return The chosen action, speak, tribute, attack or cancel.
public ScoutIndianSettlementAction getScoutIndianSettlementChoice(IndianSettlement is,
String numberString) {
final Player player = getMyPlayer();
final Player owner = is.getOwner();
StringTemplate template = StringTemplate.label("")
.addStringTemplate("%nation%", owner.getNationLabel())
.addName("%settlement%", is.getName())
.addName("%number%", numberString)
.addName(" ");
if (is.getLearnableSkill() != null) {
.addNamed("%skill%", is.getLearnableSkill()))
.addName(" ");
int present = is.getWantedGoodsCount();
if (present > 0) {
StringTemplate t = StringTemplate.template(""
+ Integer.toString(present));
for (int i = 0; i < present; i++) {
String tradeKey = "%goods" + Integer.toString(i+1) + "%";
t.addNamed(tradeKey, is.getWantedGoods(i));
List<ChoiceItem<ScoutIndianSettlementAction>> choices
= new ArrayList<>();
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message("scoutSettlement.speak"),
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message("scoutSettlement.tribute"),
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message("scoutSettlement.attack"),
return getChoice(is.getTile(), template, is, "cancel", choices);
* Get the user choice for negotiating a sale to a settlement.
* @param unit The {@code Unit} that is selling.
* @param settlement The {@code Settlement} to sell to.
* @param goods The {@code Goods} to sell.
* @param gold The current negotiated price.
* @return The chosen action, sell, gift or haggle, or null.
public TradeSellAction getSellChoice(Unit unit, Settlement settlement,
Goods goods, int gold) {
//Get Sale price on Europe Market for comparison
int euroPrice = unit.getOwner().getMarket().getSalePrice(goods.getType(), goods.getAmount());
StringTemplate goodsTemplate = goods.getLabel(true);
StringTemplate template = StringTemplate.template("sell.text")
.addStringTemplate("%nation%", settlement.getOwner().getNationLabel())
.addStringTemplate("%goods%", goodsTemplate)
.addAmount("%gold%", gold)
.addAmount("%euprice%", euroPrice);
List<ChoiceItem<TradeSellAction>> choices = new ArrayList<>();
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message("sell.takeOffer"),
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message("sell.moreGold"),
choices.add(new ChoiceItem<>(Messages.message(StringTemplate
.addStringTemplate("%goods%", goodsTemplate)),
return getChoice(unit.getTile(), template,
goods.getType(), "cancel", choices);
public final OptionGroup showDifficultyDialog() {
final Specification spec = getSpecification();
return showDifficultyDialog(spec, spec.getDifficultyOptionGroup(),
* Show an i18n compliant error message derived from a template.
* @param template The {@code StringTemplate} containing the message.
public final void showErrorMessage(StringTemplate template) {
showErrorMessage(template, null);
* Show an i18n compliant error message derived from a template,
* with optional extra debug information.
* @param template The {@code StringTemplate} containing the message.
* @param message Optional extra debug information.
public final void showErrorMessage(StringTemplate template,
String message) {
showErrorMessage(template, message, null);
* Show an i18n compliant error message derived from a template,
* with optional extra debug information and an optional callback.
* @param template The {@code StringTemplate} containing the message.
* @param message Optional extra debug information.
* @param callback Optional routine to run when the error panel is closed.
public final void showErrorMessage(StringTemplate template, String message,
Runnable callback) {
String display = Messages.message(template);
if (message != null && FreeColDebugger.isInDebugMode()) {
display += "/" + message + "/";
showErrorMessage(display, callback);
* Show an information message.
* @param messageId The message key.
public final void showInformationMessage(String messageId) {
* Show an information message.
* @param template The message template.
public final void showInformationMessage(StringTemplate template) {
showInformationMessage(null, template);
* Show an information message.
* @param displayObject An optional object to display as an icon.
* @param messageId The message key.
public final void showInformationMessage(FreeColObject displayObject,
String messageId) {
showInformationMessage(displayObject, StringTemplate.key(messageId));
* Show a save file dialog, selecting one to load.
* @param root The root directory to look in.
* @param extension The file extension to look for.
* @return The {@code File} selected, or null on error.
public final File showLoadSaveFileDialog(File root, String extension) {
File file = showLoadDialog(root, extension);
if (file != null && !file.isFile()) {
showErrorMessage(FreeCol.badFile("error.noSuchFile", file));
file = null;
return file;
* Show the NewPanel.
public final void showNewPanel() {
* Show a settlement.
* @param settlement The {@code Settlement} to display.
public final void showSettlement(Settlement settlement) {
if (settlement instanceof Colony) {
if (getMyPlayer().owns(settlement)) {
showColonyPanel((Colony)settlement, null);
} else {
} else if (settlement instanceof IndianSettlement) {
* Display the appropriate panel for any settlement on a tile, as visible
* to a given player.
* @param tile The {@code Tile} to check for settlements.
* @param foriegn If true, use the foreign settlement functionality
* for colonies.
public final void showTileSettlement(Tile tile) {
if (tile == null) return;
Settlement settlement = tile.getSettlement();
if (settlement == null) return;
// Sound routines, delegated to the SoundController, only useful
// for GUI classes in need of sound
* Play a sound.
* @param sound The sound resource to play, or if null stop playing.
public void playSound(String sound) {
* Plays an alert sound for an information message if the
* option for it is turned on.
private void alertSound() {
if (getClientOptions().getBoolean(ClientOptions.AUDIO_ALERTS)) {
* Get the label text for the sound player mixer.
* Needed by the audio mixer option UI.
* @return The text.
public String getSoundMixerLabelText() {
return getSoundController().getSoundMixerLabelText();
// Miscellaneous higher level utilities
* Create a thumbnail for the minimap.
* FIXME: Delete all code inside this method and replace it with
* sensible code directly drawing in necessary size,
* without creating a throwaway GUI panel, drawing in wrong
* size and immediately resizing.
* @return The created {@code BufferedImage}.
public BufferedImage createMiniMapThumbNail() {
MiniMap miniMap = new MiniMap(getFreeColClient());
Game game = getGame();
int width = game.getMap().getWidth() * MiniMap.MAX_TILE_SIZE
+ MiniMap.MAX_TILE_SIZE / 2;
int height = game.getMap().getHeight() * MiniMap.MAX_TILE_SIZE / 4;
miniMap.setSize(width, height);
BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(
width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
Graphics2D g1 = image.createGraphics();
int scaledWidth = Math.min((int)((64 * width) / (float)height), 128);
BufferedImage scaledImage = new BufferedImage(scaledWidth, 64,
Graphics2D g2 = scaledImage.createGraphics();
g2.drawImage(image, 0, 0, scaledWidth, 64, null);
return scaledImage;
// Below here, routines should be just stubs that need full
// implementations.
// Simple accessors
* Get the canvas.
* @return Null here, real implementations will override.
public Canvas getCanvas() {
return null;
* Get the tile image library.
* @return Null here, real implementations will override.
public ImageLibrary getTileImageLibrary() {
return null;
* Is this GUI in windowed mode?
* @return True by default, real implementations will override.
public boolean isWindowed() {
return true;
// Initialization and teardown
* Change the windowed mode.
public void changeWindowedMode() {}
* Display the splash screen.
* @param splashStream A stream to find the image in.
public void displaySplashScreen(final InputStream splashStream) {}
* Hide the splash screen.
public void hideSplashScreen() {}
* Swing system and look-and-feel initialization.
* @param fontName An optional font name to be used.
* @exception FreeColException if the LAF is incompatible with the GUI.
public void installLookAndFeel(String fontName) throws FreeColException {}
* Quit the GUI. All that is required is to exit the full screen.
public void quit() {}
* Reset the GUI on reconnect.
* @param active An optional active {@code Unit}.
* @param tile An optional {@code Tile} to focus on if there is no
* active unit.
public void reconnect(Unit active, Tile tile) {}
* Remove all in-game components (i.e. all the Listeners).
public void removeInGameComponents() {}
* Set up the mouse listeners for the canvas and map viewer.
public void setupMouseListeners() {}
* Shows the {@code VideoPanel}.
* @param userMsg An optional user message.
public void showOpeningVideo(final String userMsg) {}
* Starts the GUI by creating and displaying the GUI-objects.
* @param desiredWindowSize The desired size of the GUI window.
public void startGUI(final Dimension desiredWindowSize) {"It seems that the GraphicsEnvironment is headless!");
* Start the GUI for the map editor.
public void startMapEditorGUI() {}
// Animation handling
* Animate a unit attack.
* @param attacker The attacking {@code Unit}.
* @param defender The defending {@code Unit}.
* @param attackerTile The {@code Tile} to show the attacker on.
* @param defenderTile The {@code Tile} to show the defender on.
* @param success Did the attack succeed?
public void animateUnitAttack(Unit attacker, Unit defender,
Tile attackerTile, Tile defenderTile,
boolean success) {}
* Animate a unit move.
* @param unit The {@code Unit} that is moving.
* @param srcTile The {@code Tile} the unit starts at.
* @param dstTile The {@code Tile} the unit moves to.
public void animateUnitMove(Unit unit, Tile srcTile, Tile dstTile) {}
* Update the GUI to warn that a unit is executing an animation and
* should be ignored for its duration.
* @param unit The {@code} Unit that is animating.
* @param sourceTile A {@code Tile} where the animation is occuring.
* @param r A callback for the end of animation.
public void executeWithUnitOutForAnimation(Unit unit, Tile sourceTile,
OutForAnimationCallback r) {}
* Get the animation position.
* @return A point on the map to place a unit for movement.
public Point getAnimationPosition(int labelWidth, int labelHeight,
Point tileP) {
return tileP;
* Get the scale for animations.
* @return A scale factor for animations.
public float getAnimationScale() {
return 1.0f;
* Get the bounds for a tile.
* @param tile The {@code Tile} to check.
* @return The tile bounds.
public Rectangle getAnimationTileBounds(Tile tile) {
return null;
* Get the map position for a tile.
* @param tile The {@code Tile} to check.
* @return The tile position.
public Point getAnimationTilePosition(Tile tile) {
return null;
// Dialog primitives
* Simple modal confirmation dialog.
* @param textKey A string to use as the message key.
* @param okKey A key for the "ok" button.
* @param cancelKey A key for the "cancel" button.
* @return True if the "ok" button was selected.
public boolean confirm(String textKey, String okKey, String cancelKey) {
return false;
* General modal confirmation dialog.
* @param tile An optional {@code Tile} to expose.
* @param template The {@code StringTemplate} explaining the choice.
* @param icon An {@code ImageIcon} to display in dialog.
* @param okKey A key for the "ok" button.
* @param cancelKey A key for the "cancel" button.
* @return True if the "ok" button was selected.
public boolean confirm(Tile tile, StringTemplate template,
ImageIcon icon,
String okKey, String cancelKey) {
return false;
* General modal choice dialog.
* @param <T> The choice type.
* @param tile An optional {@code Tile} to expose.
* @param explain An object explaining the choice.
* @param icon An optional {@code ImageIcon} to display in dialog.
* @param cancelKey A key for the "cancel" button.
* @param choices A list a {@code ChoiceItem}s to choose from.
* @return The selected value of the selected {@code ChoiceItem},
* or null if cancelled.
protected <T> T getChoice(Tile tile, Object explain, ImageIcon icon,
String cancelKey, List<ChoiceItem<T>> choices) {
return null;
* General modal string input dialog.
* @param tile An optional {@code Tile} to expose.
* @param template A {@code StringTemplate} explaining the choice.
* @param defaultValue The default value to show initially.
* @param okKey A key for the "ok" button.
* @param cancelKey A key for the "cancel" button.
* @return The chosen value.
public String getInput(Tile tile, StringTemplate template,
String defaultValue,
String okKey, String cancelKey) {
return null;
// Focus control
* Get the current focus tile.
* @return The focus {@code Tile}.
public Tile getFocus() {
return null;
* Request the Java-level focus go to the current subpanel.
* @return False if the focus request can not succeed.
public boolean requestFocusForSubPanel() {
return false;
* Request the Java-level focus to the main window.
* @return False if the focus request can not succeed.
public boolean requestFocusInWindow() {
return false;
* Require the given tile to be in the onScreen()-area.
* @param tile The {@code Tile} to check.
* @return True if the focus was set.
public boolean requireFocus(Tile tile) {
return false;
* Set the current focus tile.
* @param tileToFocus The new focus {@code Tile}.
public void setFocus(Tile tileToFocus) {}
// General GUI manipulation
* Repaint the canvas now.
public void paintImmediately() {}
* Repaint a part of the canvas now.
* @param rectangle The area to repaint.
public void paintImmediately(Rectangle rectangle) {}
* Refresh the whole GUI.
public void refresh() {}
* Refresh a particular tile.
* @param tile The {@code Tile} to refresh.
public void refreshTile(Tile tile) {}
// Goto-path handling
* Start/stop the goto path display.
public void activateGotoPath() {}
* Stop the goto path display.
public void clearGotoPath() {}
* Send the active unit along the current goto path as far as possible.
public void traverseGotoPath() {}
* Update the goto path to a new tile.
* @param tile The new {@code Tile} to go to.
public void updateGotoPath(Tile tile) {}
// MapControls handling
* Is the map able to zoom in further?
* @return True if the map can zoom in.
public boolean canZoomInMapControls() {
return false;
* Is the map able to zoom out further?
* @return True if the map can zoom out.
public boolean canZoomOutMapControls() {
return false;
* Enable the map controls.
* Called from the MapControlsAction.
* @param enable If true then enable.
public void enableMapControls(boolean enable) {}
* Toggle the fog of war control.
public void miniMapToggleFogOfWarControls() {}
* Toggle the view control.
public void miniMapToggleViewControls() {}
* Update the map controls, including the InfoPanel according to
* the view mode.
public void updateMapControls() {}
* Map control update by removing and re-adding.
* TODO: does this overlap with the preceding?
public void updateMapControlsInCanvas() {}
* Zoom in the map controls.
public void zoomInMapControls() {}
* Zoom out the map controls.
public void zoomOutMapControls() {}
// Menu handling
* Close any open menus.
public void closeMenus() {}
* Reset the menu bar.
public void resetMenuBar() {}
* Update the menu bar.
public void updateMenuBar() {}
// Tile image manipulation
public BufferedImage createTileImageWithOverlayAndForest(TileType type,
Dimension size) {
return null;
public BufferedImage createTileImageWithBeachBorderAndItems(Tile tile) {
return null;
public BufferedImage createTileImage(Tile tile, Player player) {
return null;
public BufferedImage createColonyTileImage(Tile tile, Colony colony) {
return null;
public void displayColonyTiles(Graphics2D g, Tile[][] tiles, Colony colony) {
// View mode handling, including the active unit (for
// MOVE_UNITS_MODE) and the selected tile (for VIEW_TERRAIN_MODE).
* Get the current view mode.
* @return One of the view mode constants, or negative on error.
public int getViewMode() {
* Set the current view mode.
* @param newViewMode The new view mode to use.
public void setViewMode(int newViewMode) {}
* Get the active unit.
* @return The current active {@code Unit}.
public Unit getActiveUnit() {
return null;
* Set the active unit.
* @param unit The {@code Unit} to activate.
public void setActiveUnit(Unit unit) {}
* Center the active unit.
public void centerActiveUnit() {}
* Get the selected tile.
* @return The selected {@code Tile}.
public Tile getSelectedTile() {
return null;
* Set the selected tile.
* @param tile The new selected {@code Tile}.
public void setSelectedTile(Tile tile) {}
// Zoom controls
public boolean canZoomInMap() {
return false;
public boolean canZoomOutMap() {
return false;
protected void resetMapZoom() {
public void zoomInMap() {
public void zoomOutMap() {
// High level panel manipulation
* Close a panel.
* @param panel The identifier for the panel to close.
public void closePanel(String panel) {}
* Close the main panel if present.
public void closeMainPanel() {}
* Close the status panel if present.
public void closeStatusPanel() {}
* Confirm declaration of independence.
* @return A list of new nation and country names.
public List<String> confirmDeclaration() {
return Collections.<String>emptyList();
* Update with a new chat message.
* @param player The player who sent the chat message.
* @param message The chat message.
* @param privateChat True if the message is private.
public void displayChat(Player player, String message,
boolean privateChat) {}
* Show the appropriate panel for an object.
* @param fco The {@code FreeColObject} to display.
public void displayObject(FreeColObject fco) {}
* A chat message was received during the pre-game setup.
* @param player The player who sent the chat message.
* @param message The chat message.
* @param privateChat True if the message is private.
public void displayStartChat(Player player, String message,
boolean privateChat) {}
* Checks if a client options dialog is present.
* @return True if the client options are showing.
public boolean isClientOptionsDialogShowing() {
return false;
* Is another panel being displayed.
* @return True if there is another panel present.
public boolean isShowingSubPanel() {
return false;
* Attach a closing callback to any current error panel.
* @param callback The {@code Runnable} to attach.
* @return True if an error panel was present.
public boolean onClosingErrorPanel(Runnable callback) {
return false;
* Refresh the players table in the StartGamePanel.
public void refreshPlayersTable() {}
* Remove a component from the GUI.
* @param component The {@code Component} to remove.
public void removeComponent(Component component) {}
* Remove a dialog from the GUI.
* @param fcd The {@code FreeColDialog} to remove.
public void removeDialog(FreeColDialog<?> fcd) {}
* Set dialog preferred size to saved size or to the given
* {@code Dimension} if no saved size was found.
* Call this method in the constructor of a FreeColPanel in order
* to remember its size and position.
* @param comp The {@code Component} to use.
* @param d The {@code Dimension} to use as default.
public void restoreSavedSize(Component comp, Dimension d) {}
* Show the AboutPanel.
public void showAboutPanel() {}
* Show the build queue for a colony.
* @param colony The {@code Colony} to show a panel for.
* @return The {@code BuildQueuePanel} showing.
public BuildQueuePanel showBuildQueuePanel(Colony colony) {
return null;
* Show the dialog to select captured goods.
* @param unit The {@code Unit} capturing goods.
* @param gl The list of {@code Goods} to choose from.
* @param handler A {@code DialogHandler} for the dialog response.
public void showCaptureGoodsDialog(final Unit unit, List<Goods> gl,
DialogHandler<List<Goods>> handler) {}
* Show the chat panel.
public void showChatPanel() {}
* Show the founding father choice panel.
* @param ffs The list of {@code FoundingFather}s to choose from.
* @param handler The callback to pass the choice to.
public void showChooseFoundingFatherDialog(final List<FoundingFather> ffs,
DialogHandler<FoundingFather> handler) {
* Show the client options dialog.
public void showClientOptionsDialog() {}
* Show the colony panel
* @param colony The {@code Colony} to display.
* @param unit An optional {@code Unit} to select within the panel.
* @return The {@code ColonyPanel} that is showing.
public ColonyPanel showColonyPanel(Colony colony, Unit unit) {
return null;
* Show a colopedia panel.
* @param nodeId The identifier for the colopedia node to show.
public void showColopediaPanel(String nodeId) {}
* Show a color chooser panel.
* @param al An {@code ActionListener} to handle panel button presses.
* @return The {@code ColorChooserPanel} created.
public ColorChooserPanel showColorChooserPanel(ActionListener al) {
return null;
* Show the compact labour report panel.
public void showCompactLabourReport() {}
* Show the compact labour report for the specified unit data.
* @param unitData The {@code UnitData} to display.
public void showCompactLabourReport(UnitData unitData) {}
* Show the declaration panel with the declaration of independence and
* an animated signature.
public void showDeclarationPanel() {}
* Show a dialog for a difficulty option group.
* @param spec The enclosing {@code Specification}.
* @param group The {@code OptionGroup} to show.
* @param editable If true, the option group can be edited.
* @return The (possibly modified) {@code OptionGroup}.
public OptionGroup showDifficultyDialog(Specification spec,
OptionGroup group,
boolean editable) {
return null;
* Show a dialog to choose what goods to dump.
* @param unit The {@code Unit} that is dumping goods.
* @param handler A callback to pass the dumped goods list to.
public void showDumpCargoDialog(Unit unit,
DialogHandler<List<Goods>> handler) {}
* Show a dialog for editing an individual option.
* @param option The {@code Option} to edit.
* @return True if the option edit was accepted.
public boolean showEditOptionDialog(Option option) {
return false;
* Show a dialog to handle emigration.
* @param player The {@code Player} whose emigration state needs work.
* @param fountainOfYouth True if a Fountain of Youth event occurred.
* @param handler A callback to pass a selected emigration index to.
public void showEmigrationDialog(final Player player,
final boolean fountainOfYouth,
DialogHandler<Integer> handler) {}
* Show a dialog for the end of turn.
* @param units A list of {@code Unit}s that can still move.
* @param handler A callback to handle the user selected end turn state.
public void showEndTurnDialog(final List<Unit> units,
DialogHandler<Boolean> handler) {}
* Show an error message. The error message should be fully formatted
* by now.
* @param message The actual final error message.
* @param callback Optional routine to run when the error panel is closed.
protected void showErrorMessage(String message, Runnable callback) {}
* Show the Europe panel.
public void showEuropePanel() {}
* Show an event panel.
* @param header The title.
* @param image A resource key for the image to display.
* @param footer Optional footer text.
public void showEventPanel(String header, String image, String footer) {}
* Show the FindSettlement panel.
public void showFindSettlementPanel() {}
* Show a first contact dialog.
* @param player The {@code Player} making contact.
* @param other The {@code Player} being contacted.
* @param tile The {@code Tile} where the contact occurs.
* @param settlementCount A count of settlements described by the
* other player.
* @param handler A callback to handle the player decision to be friendly.
public void showFirstContactDialog(final Player player, final Player other,
final Tile tile, int settlementCount,
DialogHandler<Boolean> handler) {}
* Show the Game options dialog.
* @param editable True if the options can be edited.
* @return The game options {@code OptionGroup}.
public OptionGroup showGameOptionsDialog(boolean editable) {
return null;
* Show the high scores panel.
public void showHighScoresPanel(String messageId, List<HighScore> scores) {}
* Show a panel for a native settlement.
* @param indianSettlement The {@code IndianSettlement} to display.
public void showIndianSettlement(IndianSettlement indianSettlement) {}
* Show an information message.
* @param displayObject Optional object for displaying as an icon.
* @param template The {@code StringTemplate} to display.
public void showInformationMessage(FreeColObject displayObject,
StringTemplate template) {
* Show a dialog where the user may choose a file.
* @param directory The directory containing the files.
* @param extension An extension to select with.
* @return The selected {@code File}.
public File showLoadDialog(File directory, String extension) {
return null;
* Show the LoadingSavegameDialog.
* @param publicServer FIXME
* @param singlePlayer FIXME
* @return The {@code LoadingSavegameInfo} from the dialog.
public LoadingSavegameInfo showLoadingSavegameDialog(boolean publicServer,
boolean singlePlayer) {
return null;
* Show the log file panel.
public void showLogFilePanel() {}
* Show the main panel.
* @parm userMsg An optional user message to display.
public void showMainPanel(String userMsg) {}
* Complete reset back to the main panel.
public void showMainTitle() {}
* Show the map generator options.
* @param editable If true, allow edits.
* @return The map generator {@code OptionGroup}.
public OptionGroup showMapGeneratorOptionsDialog(boolean editable) {
return null;
* Show the map size dialog.
* @return The selected map size as a {@code Dimension}.
public Dimension showMapSizeDialog() {
return null;
* Show model messages.
* @param modelMessages A list of {@code ModelMessage}s to display.
public void showModelMessages(List<ModelMessage> modelMessages) {}
* Show the monarch dialog.
* @param action The action the monarch is taking.
* @param template A message template.
* @param monarchKey The identifier for the monarch.
* @param handler A callback to handle the user response to the
* monarch action.
public void showMonarchDialog(final MonarchAction action,
StringTemplate template, String monarchKey,
DialogHandler<Boolean> handler) {}
* Show the naming dialog.
* @param template A message template.
* @param defaultName The default name for the object.
* @param unit The {@code Unit} that is naming.
* @param handler A callback to handle the user response.
public void showNamingDialog(StringTemplate template,
final String defaultName,
final Unit unit,
DialogHandler<String> handler) {}
* Show the native demand dialog.
* @param unit The demanding {@code Unit}.
* @param colony The {@code Colony} being demanded of.
* @param type The {@code GoodsType} demanded (null for gold).
* @param amount The amount of goods or gold demanded.
* @param handler A callback to handle the user response.
public void showNativeDemandDialog(Unit unit, Colony colony,
GoodsType type, int amount,
DialogHandler<Boolean> handler) {}
* Show the negotiation dialog.
* @param our Our {@code FreeColGameObject} that is negotiating.
* @param other The other {@code FreeColGameObject}.
* @param agreement The current {@code DiplomaticTrade} agreement.
* @param comment An optional {@code StringTemplate} containing a
* commentary message.
* @return The negotiated {@code DiplomaticTrade} agreement.
public DiplomaticTrade showNegotiationDialog(FreeColGameObject our,
FreeColGameObject other,
DiplomaticTrade agreement,
StringTemplate comment) {
return null;
* Show the NewPanel.
* @param spec The {@code Specification} to use.
public void showNewPanel(Specification spec) {}
* Show the parameter choice dialog.
* @return The chosen parameters.
public Parameters showParametersDialog() {
return null;
* Show the pre-combat dialog.
* @param attacker The {@code Unit} that is attacking.
* @param defender The {@code FreeColObject} that is defending.
* @param tile The {@code Tile} where the attack occurs.
* @return True if the player decided to attack.
public boolean showPreCombatDialog(Unit attacker,
FreeColGameObject defender, Tile tile) {
return false;
* Displays the purchase panel.
public void showPurchasePanel() {}
* Displays the recruit panel.
public void showRecruitPanel() {}
* Show the Cargo Report.
public void showReportCargoPanel() {}
* Show the Colony Report.
public void showReportColonyPanel() {}
* Show the Continental Congress Report.
public void showReportContinentalCongressPanel() {}
* Show the Education Report.
public void showReportEducationPanel() {}
* Show the Exploration Report.
public void showReportExplorationPanel() {}
* Show the Foreign Affairs Report.
public void showReportForeignAffairPanel() {}
* Show the History Report.
public void showReportHistoryPanel() {}
* Show the Native Affairs Report.
public void showReportIndianPanel() {}
* Show the Labour Report.
public void showReportLabourPanel() {}
* Display the labour detail panel.
* @param unitType The {@code UnitType} to display.
* @param data The labour data.
* @param unitCount A map of unit distribution.
* @param colonies The list of player {@code Colony}s.
public void showReportLabourDetailPanel(UnitType unitType,
Map<UnitType, Map<Location, Integer>> data,
TypeCountMap<UnitType> unitCount, List<Colony> colonies) {}
* Show the Military Report.
public void showReportMilitaryPanel() {}
* Show the Naval Report.
public void showReportNavalPanel() {}
* Show the Production Report.
public void showReportProductionPanel() {}
* Show the Religion Report.
public void showReportReligiousPanel() {}
* Show the Requirements Report.
public void showReportRequirementsPanel() {}
* Show the Trade Report.
public void showReportTradePanel() {}
* Show the Turn Report.
public void showReportTurnPanel(List<ModelMessage> messages) {}
* Show the river style dialog.
* @param styles The river styles a choice is made from.
* @return The response returned by the dialog.
public String showRiverStyleDialog(List<String> styles) {
return null;
* Show the save dialog.
* @param directory The directory containing the files.
* @param defaultName The default game to save.
* @return The selected file.
public File showSaveDialog(File directory, String defaultName) {
return null;
* Show the map scale dialog.
* @return The map scale as a {@code Dimension}.
public Dimension showScaleMapSizeDialog() {
return null;
* Show a dialog allowing selecting an amount of goods.
* @param goodsType The {@code GoodsType} to select an amount of.
* @param available The amount of goods available.
* @param defaultAmount The amount to select to start with.
* @param needToPay If true, check the player has sufficient funds.
* @return The amount selected.
public int showSelectAmountDialog(GoodsType goodsType, int available,
int defaultAmount, boolean needToPay) {
return -1;
* Show a dialog allowing the user to select a destination for
* a given unit.
* @param unit The {@code Unit} to select a destination for.
* @return A destination for the unit, or null.
public Location showSelectDestinationDialog(Unit unit) {
return null;
* Show the select-tribute-amount dialog.
* @param question a {@code StringTemplate} describing the
* amount of tribute to demand.
* @param maximum The maximum amount available.
* @return The amount selected.
public int showSelectTributeAmountDialog(StringTemplate question,
int maximum) {
return -1;
* Show the {@code ServerListPanel}.
* @param serverList The list containing the servers retrieved from the
* metaserver.
public void showServerListPanel(List<ServerInfo> serverList) {}
* Show the StartGamePanel.
* @param game The {@code Game} that is about to start.
* @param player The {@code Player} using this client.
* @param singlePlayerMode True to start a single player game.
public void showStartGamePanel(Game game, Player player,
boolean singlePlayerMode) {}
* Show the statistics panel.
* @param serverStats A map of server statistics key,value pairs.
* @param clientStats A map of client statistics key,value pairs.
public void showStatisticsPanel(Map<String, String> serverStats,
Map<String, String> clientStats) {}
* Shows a status message which goes away when a new component is added.
* @param message The text message to display on the status panel.
public void showStatusPanel(String message) {}
* Show the tile panel for a given tile.
* @param tile The {@code Tile} to display.
public void showTilePanel(Tile tile) {}
* Show the tile popup for the current selected tile.
public void showTilePopUpAtSelectedTile() {}
* Show the trade route input panel for a given trade route.
* @param tr The {@code TradeRoute} to display.
* @return The {@code TradeRouteInputPanel}.
public TradeRouteInputPanel showTradeRouteInputPanel(TradeRoute tr) {
return null;
* Show a panel to select a trade route for a unit.
* @param unit An optional {@code Unit} to select a trade route for.
public void showTradeRoutePanel(Unit unit) {}
* Show the training panel.
public void showTrainPanel() {}
* Show the victory dialog.
* @param handler A callback to handle the continuation decision.
public void showVictoryDialog(DialogHandler<Boolean> handler) {}
* Show the warehouse dialog for a colony.
* Run out of ColonyPanel, so the tile is already displayed.
* @param colony The {@code Colony} to display.
* @return The response returned by the dialog.
public boolean showWarehouseDialog(Colony colony) {
return false;
* Show the production of a unit.
* @param unit The {@code Unit} to display.
public void showWorkProductionPanel(Unit unit) {}
* Update all panels derived from the EuropePanel.
public void updateEuropeanSubpanels() {}