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package net.sf.freecol.client.gui.images;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.Random;
import net.sf.freecol.client.gui.ImageLibrary;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Direction;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile;
import net.sf.freecol.common.resources.ImageCache;
import net.sf.freecol.common.resources.ImageResource;
import net.sf.freecol.common.util.ImageUtils;
* Creates a transition between base tiles. For example, this transition will make the prairie graphics blend into the grassland graphics.
public final class BaseTileTransitionImageCreator {
private final ImageLibrary lib;
private final ImageCache imageCache;
public BaseTileTransitionImageCreator(ImageLibrary lib, ImageCache imageCache) {
this.lib = lib;
this.imageCache = imageCache;
* Returns a transparent image for making a transition between
* the given tiles.
* @param tile The tile that should get a transition.
* @param direction The direction to get the bordering tile from.
* @param useNiceCorners Determines if the corners of the base transitions
* should be rendered nicely (takes more time).
* @param useVariations Uses variations of the transition.
* @return The image, or {@code null} if there is no transition that
* should be drawn.
public BufferedImage getBaseTileTransitionImage(Tile tile, Direction direction, boolean useNiceCorners, boolean useVariations) {
* 1. Transitions between tiles in NE and SW directions are made using only the
* graphics for the other tile (using a mask in order to make it fade out).
* 2. When making transitions in NW and SE directions, we need to make the transition
* using not only the graphics for the other tile -- but also with the transitions
* mentioned in point 1 included. This is a costly operation, however, so it can be
* activated using the "useNiceCorners" parameter.
final Tile borderingTile = tile.getNeighbourOrNull(direction);
* If true, we need to render the transition as mentioned in point 2 of the previous
* comment.
final boolean renderSpecialTransition = useNiceCorners && (direction == Direction.NW || direction == Direction.SE);
if (borderingTile == null
|| !borderingTile.isExplored()
|| !tile.isExplored()) {
// No transition needed in these cases.
return null;
if (tile.getType() == borderingTile.getType()
&& !renderSpecialTransition) {
// No transition needed in these cases.
return null;
final ImageResource terrainImageResource = getTerrainOrBeachImageResource(tile, borderingTile);
if (terrainImageResource == null) {
// Handles missing resource gracefully.
return null;
final ImageResource tileImageResource = ImageCache.getImageResource(ImageLibrary.getTerrainImageKey(tile.getType()));
if (tileImageResource == null) {
// Handles missing resource gracefully.
return null;
if (terrainImageResource.getCachingKey().equals(tileImageResource.getCachingKey())
&& !renderSpecialTransition) {
* No reason to make transitions between tiles with the same graphics..
return null;
final boolean beachTransitionNe;
final boolean beachTransitionSw;
if (renderSpecialTransition) {
beachTransitionNe = shouldIncludeSpecialBeachTransitionInDirection(tile, borderingTile, Direction.NE);
beachTransitionSw = shouldIncludeSpecialBeachTransitionInDirection(tile, borderingTile, Direction.SW);
} else {
beachTransitionNe = false;
beachTransitionSw = false;
final ImageResource terrainMaskResource = lib.getTerrainMaskResource(direction);
final int maskVariationNumber;
if (useVariations && terrainMaskResource.getNumberOfVariations() > 1) {
// Choose the same variation for both sides of the transition.
final Tile transitionSeedTile = (direction == Direction.NW || direction == Direction.NE) ? tile : borderingTile;
final int seed = ImageLibrary.variationSeedUsing(transitionSeedTile.getX(), transitionSeedTile.getY());
// This never picks the last variation as that's just a simple, almost completely straight line, transition.
maskVariationNumber = new Random(seed).nextInt(terrainMaskResource.getNumberOfVariations() - 1);
} else {
maskVariationNumber = terrainMaskResource.getNumberOfVariations() - 1;
* The transitionKey is used for caching, and needs to be unique for every transition.
final String transitionKey;
if (renderSpecialTransition) {
final Tile neBorderingTile = borderingTile.getNeighbourOrNull(Direction.NE);
final Tile swBorderingTile = borderingTile.getNeighbourOrNull(Direction.SW);
transitionKey = terrainImageResource.getCachingKey()
+ ","
+ (neBorderingTile != null && neBorderingTile.getType() != null ? neBorderingTile.getType().getId() : "null")
+ ","
+ (swBorderingTile != null && swBorderingTile.getType() != null ? swBorderingTile.getType().getId() : "null")
+ ","
+ maskVariationNumber
+ ","
+ beachTransitionNe
+ beachTransitionSw
+ "$baseTransition$gen";
} else {
transitionKey = terrainImageResource.getCachingKey() + "," + maskVariationNumber + "$baseTransition$gen";
* Using direction.ordinal() as the cached variation in order to get different
* image cache hash values.
final BufferedImage transitionImage = imageCache.getCachedImageOrGenerate(transitionKey, lib.getTileSize(), false, direction.ordinal(), () -> {
* Uses variation 0 to get the same variation every time as this reduces the amount
* of memory used.
final BufferedImage terrainImage = imageCache.getCachedImage(terrainImageResource, lib.getTileSize(), false, 0);
final BufferedImage transitionTileImage;
if (!renderSpecialTransition) {
transitionTileImage = terrainImage;
} else {
* When doing the transitions for NW and SE, the base terrain should
* be the blended version of the neighbouring tiles. That is, the
* result after applying the transitions for NE and SW.
transitionTileImage = ImageUtils.createBufferedImage(terrainImage.getWidth(), terrainImage.getHeight());
final Graphics2D tranitionG2d = transitionTileImage.createGraphics();
if (tile.isLand() || borderingTile.isLand()) {
tranitionG2d.drawImage(terrainImage, 0, 0, null);
} else {
* This handles the case where neither the tile nor the borderingTile are land tiles,
* but they are adjacent to land tiles.
* In this case, we need to include the beach in the transition. This only happens for
* corners, but we are never-the-less using a mask for the entire edge. The reason being
* that the terrain mask applied last to the transitionTileImage (before returning it)
* reduces the edges to only the relevant two corners.
if (beachTransitionNe) {
tranitionG2d.drawImage(getSpecialBeachBaseTileTransitionImage(Direction.NE), 0, 0, null);
if (beachTransitionSw) {
tranitionG2d.drawImage(getSpecialBeachBaseTileTransitionImage(Direction.SW), 0, 0, null);
* These two includes the neighboring tiles to the bordering tiles, so that
* we get the correct blended transition for the cornes.
* This is only needed for corners, but we are never-the-less using a mask for
* the entire edge. The reason being that the terrain mask applied last to the
* transitionTileImage (before returning it) reduces the edges to only the
* relevant two corners.
final BufferedImage transitionImage2 = getBaseTileTransitionImage(borderingTile, Direction.NE, false, false);
if (transitionImage2 != null) {
tranitionG2d.drawImage(transitionImage2, 0, 0, null);
final BufferedImage transitionImage3 = getBaseTileTransitionImage(borderingTile, Direction.SW, false, false);
if (transitionImage3 != null) {
tranitionG2d.drawImage(transitionImage3, 0, 0, null);
final BufferedImage terrainMaskImage = imageCache.getCachedImage(terrainMaskResource, lib.getTileSize(), false, maskVariationNumber);
return ImageUtils.imageWithAlphaFromMask(transitionTileImage, terrainMaskImage);
return transitionImage;
* Checks if the beach should be included when making the transition for a corner.
* @param tile The tile that should get a transition.
* @param borderingTile The main tile used for making the transition (the neighboring tiles
* are used as well when making corners).
* @param direction The direction to the neighboring tile that should be checked in order to
* determine if a beach corner transition is needed.
* @return {@code true} if the beach should be rendered at the corner, and {@code false} otherwise.
private boolean shouldIncludeSpecialBeachTransitionInDirection(Tile tile, Tile borderingTile, Direction direction) {
if (tile.isLand() || borderingTile.isLand()) {
return false;
final Tile tileNeighbour = tile.getNeighbourOrNull(direction);
final Tile borderingTileNeighbour = borderingTile.getNeighbourOrNull(direction);
return tileNeighbour != null && tileNeighbour.isLand()
|| borderingTileNeighbour != null && borderingTileNeighbour.isLand();
* Gets the beach overlay to use when making base tile transitions with beach.
private BufferedImage getSpecialBeachBaseTileTransitionImage(Direction direction) {
final String transitionKey = "specialBeachTransition." + direction.toString() + "$gen";
final BufferedImage resultImage = imageCache.getCachedImageOrGenerate(transitionKey, lib.getTileSize(), false, direction.ordinal(), () -> {
final BufferedImage beachImage = imageCache.getCachedImage(ImageLibrary.getBeachCenterImageResource(), lib.getTileSize(), false, 0);
return ImageUtils.imageWithAlphaFromMask(beachImage, getSpecialBeachBaseTileTransitionMask(direction));
return resultImage;
private BufferedImage getSpecialBeachBaseTileTransitionMask(Direction direction) {
final String key = "image.mask.special.beach." + direction.toString().toLowerCase();
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage(key, lib.getTileSize(), false);
* Gets the terrain image resource, or the beach, in order to create transitions.
private ImageResource getTerrainOrBeachImageResource(Tile tile, final Tile borderingTile) {
if (borderingTile == null) {
return null;
final ImageResource terrainImageResource;
final boolean notABeachTransition = borderingTile.isLand() || !borderingTile.isLand() && !tile.isLand();
if (notABeachTransition) {
terrainImageResource = ImageCache.getImageResource(ImageLibrary.getTerrainImageKey(borderingTile.getType()));
} else {
terrainImageResource = ImageLibrary.getBeachCenterImageResource();
return terrainImageResource;