
587 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2002-2022 The FreeCol Team
* This file is part of FreeCol.
* FreeCol is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* FreeCol is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with FreeCol. If not, see <>.
package net.sf.freecol.common.model;
import static net.sf.freecol.common.util.CollectionUtils.any;
import static net.sf.freecol.common.util.CollectionUtils.concat;
import static net.sf.freecol.common.util.CollectionUtils.sum;
import static net.sf.freecol.common.util.CollectionUtils.toList;
import static net.sf.freecol.common.util.CollectionUtils.transform;
import static net.sf.freecol.common.util.StringUtils.lastPart;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.production.BuildingProductionCalculator;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.production.WorkerAssignment;
* Represents a building in a colony.
public class Building extends WorkLocation
implements Named, Consumer {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Building.class.getName());
private static final double EPSILON = 0.0001;
public static final String TAG = "building";
public static final String UNIT_CHANGE = "UNIT_CHANGE";
/** The type of building. */
protected BuildingType buildingType;
* Constructor for ServerBuilding.
* @param game The enclosing {@code Game}.
* @param colony The {@code Colony} in which this building is located.
* @param type The {@code BuildingType} of building.
protected Building(Game game, Colony colony, BuildingType type) {
this.colony = colony;
this.buildingType = type;
// set production type to default value
* Create a new {@code Building} with the given identifier.
* The object should later be initialized by calling
* {@link #readFromXML(FreeColXMLReader)}.
* @param game The enclosing {@code Game}.
* @param id The object identifier.
public Building(Game game, String id) {
super(game, id);
* Gets the type of this building.
* @return The building type.
public BuildingType getType() {
return buildingType;
* Changes the type of the Building. The type of a building may
* change when it is upgraded or damaged.
* -til: If this is a defensive building.
* @see #upgrade
* @see #downgrade
* @param newBuildingType The new {@code BuildingType}.
* @return A list of units present that need to be removed.
private List<Unit> setType(final BuildingType newBuildingType) {
// remove features from current type
final Colony colony = getColony();
List<Unit> eject = new ArrayList<>();
if (newBuildingType != null) {
buildingType = newBuildingType;
// change default production type
// add new features and abilities from new type
// Colonists which can't work here must be put outside
u -> !canAddType(u.getType())));
// Colonists exceding units limit must be put outside
int extra = getUnitCount() - getUnitCapacity() - eject.size();
for (Unit unit : getUnitList()) {
if (extra <= 0) break;
if (!eject.contains(unit)) {
extra -= 1;
return eject;
* Does this building have a higher level?
* @return True if this {@code Building} can have a higher level.
public boolean canBuildNext() {
return getColony().canBuild(getType().getUpgradesTo());
* Can this building can be damaged?
* @return True if this building can be damaged.
public boolean canBeDamaged() {
return !getType().isAutomaticBuild()
&& !getColony().isAutomaticBuild(getType());
* Downgrade this building.
* -til: If this is a defensive building.
* @return A list of units to eject (usually empty) if the
* building was downgraded, or null on failure.
public List<Unit> downgrade() {
if (!canBeDamaged()) return null;
List<Unit> ret = setType(getType().getUpgradesFrom());
return ret;
* Upgrade this building to next level.
* -til: If this is a defensive building.
* @return A list of units to eject (usually empty) if the
* building was upgraded, or null on failure.
public List<Unit> upgrade() {
if (!canBuildNext()) return null;
List<Unit> ret = setType(getType().getUpgradesTo());
return ret;
* Can a particular type of unit be added to this building?
* @param unitType The {@code UnitType} to check.
* @return True if unit type can be added to this building.
public boolean canAddType(UnitType unitType) {
return canBeWorked() && getType().canAdd(unitType);
* Gets the production information for this building taking account
* of the available input and output goods.
* @param inputs The input goods available.
* @param outputs The output goods already available in the colony,
* necessary in order to avoid excess production.
* @return The production information.
* @see ProductionCache#update
public ProductionInfo getAdjustedProductionInfo(List<AbstractGoods> inputs, List<AbstractGoods> outputs) {
final BuildingProductionCalculator pc = new BuildingProductionCalculator(getOwner(), getColony().getFeatureContainer(), getColony().getProductionBonus());
final List<WorkerAssignment> workerAssignments = getUnits()
.map(u -> new WorkerAssignment(u.getType(), getProductionType()))
final Turn turn = getGame().getTurn();
final int warehouseCapacity = getColony().getWarehouseCapacity();
return pc.getAdjustedProductionInfo(buildingType, turn, workerAssignments, inputs, outputs, warehouseCapacity);
* Evaluate this work location for a given player.
* @param player The {@code Player} to evaluate for.
* @return A value for the player.
public int evaluateFor(Player player) {
return super.evaluateFor(player)
+ sum(getType().getRequiredGoods(), ag -> ag.evaluateFor(player));
// Interface Location
// Inherits:
// FreeColObject.getId
// WorkLocation.getTile
// UnitLocation.getLocationLabelFor
// UnitLocation.contains
// UnitLocation.canAdd
// WorkLocation.remove
// UnitLocation.getUnitCount
// UnitLocation.getUnitList
// UnitLocation.getGoodsContainer
// final WorkLocation.getSettlement
// final WorkLocation.getColony
// final WorkLocation.getRank
* {@inheritDoc}
public StringTemplate getLocationLabel() {
return StringTemplate.template("model.building.locationLabel")
.addNamed("%location%", this);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Location up() {
return getColony();
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toShortString() {
return getColony().getName() + "-" + getType().getSuffix();
// Interface UnitLocation
// Inherits:
// UnitLocation.getSpaceTaken
// UnitLocation.moveToFront
// UnitLocation.clearUnitList
// UnitLocation.equipForRole
* {@inheritDoc}
public NoAddReason getNoAddReason(Locatable locatable) {
NoAddReason reason = super.getNoAddReason(locatable);
if (reason == NoAddReason.NONE) {
reason = getType().getNoAddReason(((Unit) locatable).getType());
if (reason == NoAddReason.NONE) reason = getNoWorkReason();
return reason;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int getUnitCapacity() {
return getType().getWorkPlaces();
// Interface WorkLocation
// Inherits:
// WorkLocation.getClaimTemplate: buildings do not need to be claimed.
public boolean goodSuggestionCheck(UnitType better, Unit unit, GoodsType goodsType) {
// Make sure the type can be added.
if (this.canAddType(better)) {
Colony colony = getColony();
BuildableType bt;
// Assume work is worth doing if a unit is already
// there, or if the building has been upgraded, or if
// the goods are required for the current building job.
if (this.getLevel() > 1 || unit != null) {
return true;
} else if (colony.getTotalProductionOf(goodsType) == 0
&& (bt = colony.getCurrentlyBuilding()) != null
&& any(bt.getRequiredGoods(), AbstractGoods.matches(goodsType))) {
return true;
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
public StringTemplate getLabel() {
return (buildingType == null) ? null
: StringTemplate.key(buildingType);
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isAvailable() {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isCurrent() {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public NoAddReason getNoWorkReason() {
return NoAddReason.NONE;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Tile getWorkTile() {
return null;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int getLevel() {
return getType().getLevel(); // Delegate to type
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean canAutoProduce() {
return hasAbility(Ability.AUTO_PRODUCTION);
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean canProduce(GoodsType goodsType, UnitType unitType) {
final BuildingType type = getType();
return type != null && type.canProduce(goodsType, unitType);
* {@inheritDoc}
public int getBaseProduction(ProductionType productionType,
GoodsType goodsType, UnitType unitType) {
final BuildingType type = getType();
return (type == null) ? 0
: getType().getBaseProduction(productionType, goodsType, unitType);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Stream<Modifier> getProductionModifiers(GoodsType goodsType,
UnitType unitType) {
final BuildingType type = getType();
final String id = (goodsType == null) ? null : goodsType.getId();
final Colony colony = getColony();
final Player owner = getOwner();
final Turn turn = getGame().getTurn();
return (unitType != null)
// With a unit, unit specific bonuses apply
? concat(this.getModifiers(id, unitType, turn),
colony.getProductionModifiers(goodsType, unitType, this),
getType().getCompetenceModifiers(id, unitType, turn),
owner.getModifiers(id, unitType, turn))
// With no unit, only the building-specific bonuses
: concat(colony.getModifiers(id, type, turn),
owner.getModifiers(id, type, turn));
* {@inheritDoc}
public List<ProductionType> getAvailableProductionTypes(boolean unattended) {
return (buildingType == null) ? Collections.<ProductionType>emptyList()
: getType().getAvailableProductionTypes(unattended);
* {@inheritDoc}
public float getCompetenceFactor() {
return getType().getCompetenceFactor();
* {@inheritDoc}
public float getRebelFactor() {
return getType().getRebelFactor();
// Interface Consumer
* {@inheritDoc}
public List<AbstractGoods> getConsumedGoods() {
return toList(getInputs());
* {@inheritDoc}
public int getPriority() {
return getType().getPriority();
* {@inheritDoc}
public Stream<Modifier> getConsumptionModifiers(String id) {
return getModifiers(id);
// Interface Named
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getNameKey() {
return getType().getNameKey();
// Override FreeColObject
* {@inheritDoc}
public Stream<Ability> getAbilities(String id, FreeColSpecObjectType type,
Turn turn) {
// Buildings have no abilities independent of their type (for now).
return getType().getAbilities(id, type, turn);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Stream<Modifier> getModifiers(String id, FreeColSpecObjectType fcgot,
Turn turn) {
// Buildings have no modifiers independent of type
return getType().getModifiers(id, fcgot, turn);
* {@inheritDoc}
public <T extends FreeColObject> boolean copyIn(T other) {
Building o = copyInCast(other, Building.class);
if (o == null || !super.copyIn(o)) return false;
this.buildingType = o.getType();
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public FreeColObject getDisplayObject() {
return getType();
// Serialization
private static final String BUILDING_TYPE_TAG = "buildingType";
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void writeAttributes(FreeColXMLWriter xw) throws XMLStreamException {
xw.writeAttribute(BUILDING_TYPE_TAG, buildingType);
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void readAttributes(FreeColXMLReader xr) throws XMLStreamException {
final Specification spec = getSpecification();
buildingType = xr.getType(spec, BUILDING_TYPE_TAG,
BuildingType.class, (BuildingType)null);
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getXMLTagName() { return TAG; }
// Override Object
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32);
Colony c = getColony();
.append(' ').append((buildingType == null) ? ""
: lastPart(buildingType.getId(), "."))
.append('/').append((c == null) ? "NO-COLONY" : c.getName())
return sb.toString();