
2053 lines
77 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2002-2022 The FreeCol Team
* This file is part of FreeCol.
* FreeCol is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* FreeCol is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with FreeCol. If not, see <>.
package net.sf.freecol.client.gui;
import static net.sf.freecol.common.util.CollectionUtils.makeUnmodifiableList;
import static net.sf.freecol.common.util.StringUtils.getEnumKey;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Cursor;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import net.sf.freecol.client.gui.images.ImageCreators;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Ability;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.BuildableType;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Building;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.BuildingType;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Colony;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Direction;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.FoundingFather;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.FreeColObject;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.GoodsType;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.IndianSettlement;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Location;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.LostCityRumour;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Nation;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Player;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Resource;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.ResourceType;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Role;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Settlement;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.SettlementType;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tension;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Tile;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.TileImprovementStyle;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.TileType;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.Unit;
import net.sf.freecol.common.model.UnitType;
import net.sf.freecol.common.resources.ImageCache;
import net.sf.freecol.common.resources.ImageResource;
import net.sf.freecol.common.resources.ResourceManager;
import net.sf.freecol.common.resources.StringResource;
import net.sf.freecol.common.resources.Video;
import net.sf.freecol.common.util.ImageUtils;
* Holds various images that can be called upon by others in order to display
* certain things.
public final class ImageLibrary {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ImageLibrary.class.getName());
* Canonical sizes of images GUI elements and map are expecting
* and current image files have.
* are used in this way already, allowing them to tolerate changing sizes
* in the files.
* Most other images are currently still shown in a size of image size
* times scaling factor times requested size.
public static final Dimension ICON_SIZE = new Dimension(32, 32),
BUILDING_SIZE = new Dimension(128, 96),
TILE_SIZE = new Dimension(128, 64),
TILE_OVERLAY_SIZE = new Dimension(128, 96),
TILE_FOREST_SIZE = new Dimension(128, 84);
* Constants for the current "named" scales (tiny, smaller, small) plus
* a trivial value for unscaled.
public static final float
TINY_SCALE = 0.25f,
SMALL_SCALE = 0.75f,
MIN_SCALE = 0.25f, // Minimum of the above
MAX_SCALE = 4.0f, // Maximum of the above
SCALE_STEP = 0.25f; // Steps between scales
// TODO: should these be hidden?
public static final String DELETE = "image.miscicon.delete",
PLOWED = "image.tile.model.improvement.plow",
UNIT_SELECT = "image.tile.unitSelect",
TILE_SELECT = "image.tile.tileSelect",
TILE_TAKEN = "image.tile.tileTaken",
TILE_OWNED_BY_INDIANS = "image.tileitem.nativeLand",
LOST_CITY_RUMOUR = "image.tileitem.lostCityRumour",
DARKNESS = "image.halo.dark",
ICON_LOCK = "image.icon.lock",
ICON_COIN = "image.icon.coin",
BELLS = "image.icon.model.goods.bells";
private static String RIVER_STYLE_PREFIX
= "image.tile.model.improvement.river.s";
/** The action button key prefixes. */
private static final List<String> buttonKeys
= makeUnmodifiableList("image.miscicon.button.normal.",
/** Helper to distinguish different types of paths. */
public enum PathType {
* Get a key for this path type.
* @return A key.
private String getKey() {
return getEnumKey(this);
public String getImageKey() {
return "image.tileitem.path." + getKey();
public String getNextTurnImageKey() {
return "image.tileitem.path." + getKey() + ".nextTurn";
* Get the broad class of image to show along unit paths.
* @param u A {@code Unit} to classify.
* @return A suitable {@code PathType}.
public static PathType getPathType(Unit u) {
return (u == null) ? PathType.FOOT
: (u.isNaval()) ? PathType.NAVAL
: (u.isMounted()) ? PathType.HORSE
: (u.isPerson()) ? PathType.FOOT
: PathType.WAGON;
* The scale factor used when creating this library. The value
* {@code 1} is used if this object is not a result of a scaling
* operation.
private float scaleFactor;
/** Fixed tile dimensions. */
private Dimension tileSize, tileOverlaySize, tileForestSize;
/** Cache for images. */
private final ImageCache imageCache;
/** Cache for the string images. */
private Map<String,BufferedImage> stringImageCache;
private final ImageCreators imageCreators;
* The constructor to use for an unscaled {@code ImageLibrary}.
* @param imageCache An {@code ImageCache} to hold images..
public ImageLibrary(ImageCache imageCache) {
this(NORMAL_SCALE, imageCache);
* The constructor to use for a scaled {@code ImageLibrary}.
* Please avoid using too many different scaling factors, as this will
* lead to wasted memory for caching images in ResourceManager!
* Currently, 0.25, 0.5, ..., 2.0 are used for the map. Colony tiles and
* the GUI use 1.0 here (maybe also 1.25, 1.5, 1.75 and 2.0 in future),
* but this gets multiplied for tiny 0.25(rarely, candidate for removal),
* smaller 0.5, small 0.75 and normal 1.0 image retrieval methods.
* @param scaleFactor The factor used when scaling. 2 is twice
* the size of the original images and 0.5 is half
* @param imageCache An {@code ImageCache} to hold images..
public ImageLibrary(float scaleFactor, ImageCache imageCache) {
this.imageCache = imageCache;
this.imageCreators = new ImageCreators(this, imageCache);
* Get the scaling factor used when creating this {@code ImageLibrary}.
* It is 1f if the constructor without scaling factor was used to create
* this object.
* @return The scaling factor of this ImageLibrary.
public float getScaleFactor() {
return this.scaleFactor;
* Change the scale factor for this image library.
* All the other variables depend on the scale factor.
* @param scaleFactor The factor used when scaling. 2 is twice
public void changeScaleFactor(float scaleFactor) {
this.scaleFactor = scaleFactor;
this.tileSize = scale(TILE_SIZE);
this.tileOverlaySize = scale(TILE_OVERLAY_SIZE);
this.tileForestSize = scale(TILE_FOREST_SIZE);
this.stringImageCache = new HashMap<>();
* Scale a pixel distance the current internal scale.
* @param n The pixels to scale.
* @return The scaled pixels.
public int scaleInt(int n) {
return (int)(n * this.scaleFactor);
* Scale a dimension with the current internal scale.
* @param size The {@code Dimension} to scale.
* @return The scaled {@code Dimension}.
public Dimension scale(Dimension size) {
return scaleDimension(size, this.scaleFactor);
* Scale a dimension with the current internal scale and an extra override.
* @param size The {@code Dimension} to scale.
* @param extraFactor An extra scaling.
* @return The scaled {@code Dimension}.
public Dimension scale(Dimension size, float extraFactor) {
return scaleDimension(size, this.scaleFactor * extraFactor);
* Absolute dimenion scaling helper routine.
* @param size The {@code Dimension} to scale.
* @param scaleFactor The scale to use.
* @return The scaled {@code Dimension}.
public static Dimension scaleDimension(Dimension size, float scaleFactor) {
return new Dimension(Math.round(size.width * scaleFactor),
Math.round(size.height * scaleFactor));
* Get the scaled size of a tile.
* @return The tile size.
public Dimension getTileSize() {
return this.tileSize;
* Get the scaled size of a forested tile.
* @return The forested tile size.
public Dimension getForestedTileSize() {
return this.tileForestSize;
* Calculates a seed for reliably generating the same "random" number.
* This is useful to select different images for the same tile
* type in order to prevent big stripes or a checker-board effect.
* @param x The tile x coordinate.
* @param y The tile y coordinate.
* @return The seed.
public static int variationSeedUsing(int x, int y) {
return x * 6841 + y * 7919;
// Animation handling
public static SimpleZippedAnimation getSZA(String key, float scale) {
return (ResourceManager.getSZAResource(key, false) == null) ? null
: ResourceManager.getSZA(key, scale);
// Color handling
* Derive a suitable foreground color from a background color.
* Our eyes have different sensitivity towards red, green and
* blue. We want a foreground color with the inverse brightness.
* @param background The background {@code Color} to complement.
* @return A suitable foreground {@code Color}.
public static Color makeForegroundColor(Color background) {
return (background == null
|| (background.getRed() * 0.3 + background.getGreen() * 0.59
+ background.getBlue() * 0.11 >= 126))
? Color.BLACK
: Color.WHITE;
* Derive a string border color from the string color. Black
* unless the color of the string is really dark.
* @param color The {@code Color} to complement.
* @return A suitable border {@code Color}.
private static Color makeStringBorderColor(Color color) {
return (color.getRed() * 0.3
+ color.getGreen() * 0.59
+ color.getBlue() * 0.11 < 10) ? Color.WHITE
: Color.BLACK;
* Get a color.
* @param key The color name.
* @return The {@code Color} found by the resource manager.
public static Color getColor(final String key) {
return getColor(key, null);
* Get a color.
* @param key The color name.
* @param replacement A replacement {@code Color} to use if the named color
* can not be found by the resource manager.
* @return The {@code Color} found by the resource manager.
public static Color getColor(final String key, final Color replacement) {
return ResourceManager.getColor(key, replacement);
* Get a foreground color for a given goods type and amount in a
* given location.
* @param goodsType The {@code GoodsType} to use.
* @param amount The amount of goods.
* @param location The {@code Location} for the goods.
* @param whiteForeground If the color should be white (or bright) so that
* it works on a black background.
* @return A suitable {@code Color}.
public static Color getGoodsColor(GoodsType goodsType, int amount,
Location location, boolean whiteForeground) {
final String foreground = (whiteForeground) ? "whiteForeground" : "foreground";
final String prefix = "color." + foreground + ".GoodsLabel.";
final String key = (!goodsType.limitIgnored()
&& location instanceof Colony
&& ((Colony)location).getWarehouseCapacity() < amount)
? prefix + "capacityExceeded"
: (location instanceof Colony && goodsType.isStorable()
&& ((Colony)location).getExportData(goodsType).getExported())
? prefix + "exported"
: (amount == 0)
? prefix + "zeroAmount"
: (amount < 0)
? prefix + "negativeAmount"
: prefix + "positiveAmount";
if (whiteForeground) {
return getColor(key, Color.WHITE);
return getColor(key, Color.BLACK);
public static Color getMinimapBackgroundColor() {
return getColor("color.background.MiniMap");
public static Color getMinimapBorderColor() {
return getColor("color.border.MiniMap");
public static Color getMinimapEconomicColor(TileType type) {
final String key = "color.economic.MiniMap." + type.getId();
return getColor(key);
public static Color getMinimapPoliticsColor(TileType type) {
final String key = "color.politics.MiniMap." + type.getId();
return getColor(key);
* Get the road color.
* @return The road color.
public static Color getRoadColor() {
return getColor("");
// Scaled font wrapper
* Get a scaled font with a simple text specification.
* The <code>Font</code> is scaled with the scaleFactor from this
* <code>ImageLibrary</code> instead of the global scaleFactor in
* {@link FontLibrary}.
* This method is meant to be used for font that should scale
* perfectly with the graphics, for example text on the map.
* @param spec The font specification.
* @param text Optional text that the font must be able to represent.
* @return The {@code Font} found.
public Font getScaledFont(String spec, String text) {
return FontLibrary.getScaledFont(spec, this.scaleFactor, text);
// Fundamental image retrieval
* Just get an image without any scaling.
* Note, that this routine and its callers can be static, but anything
* that is scaled or sized goes through the image cache and thus can
* not be static.
* @param key The image key.
* @return The image found.
public static BufferedImage getUnscaledImage(String key) {
return ResourceManager.getImage(key);
* Get the image for the given identifier, using the current scaling.
* @param key The image key.
* @return The {@code BufferedImage} found by the {@code ResourceManager}.
public BufferedImage getScaledImage(String key) {
return this.imageCache.getScaledImage(key, this.scaleFactor, false);
public BufferedImage getRangedTargetCrosshair() {
return getScaledImage("image.rangedTarget");
* Get the image for the given identifier, using a given size.
* @param key The image key.
* @param size The image size required.
* @return The {@code BufferedImage} found by the {@code ResourceManager}.
public BufferedImage getSizedImage(String key, Dimension size) {
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage(key, size, false);
// Miscellaneous image handling
public static BufferedImage getButtonBackground() {
return getUnscaledImage("image.background.FreeColButton");
* Get the button images for a given key.
* @param key The key to look up.
* @return The list of button images found.
public List<BufferedImage> getButtonImages(final String key) {
List<BufferedImage> ret = new ArrayList<>();
for (String base : buttonKeys) {
String k = base + key;
final BufferedImage image = imageCache.getScaledImage(k, scaleFactor, false);
if (image != null) {
return ret;
public static BufferedImage getBrightPanelBackground() {
return getUnscaledImage("image.background.FreeColBrightPanel");
public static BufferedImage getCanvasBackgroundImage() {
final String key = "";
return (ResourceManager.getImageResource(key, false) == null) ? null
: getUnscaledImage(key);
public BufferedImage getColopediaCellImage(boolean expanded) {
final String key = "image.icon.Colopedia."
+ ((expanded) ? "open" : "closed") + "Section";
return getScaledImage(key);
public BufferedImage getColopediaConceptImage() {
return getScaledImage("image.icon.Colopedia.idea");
public static BufferedImage getColorCellRendererBackground() {
return getUnscaledImage("image.background.ColorCellRenderer");
public JLabel getCompassRose() {
return new JLabel(new ImageIcon(getScaledImage("")));
* Get the standard cursor.
* @return A suitable default {@code Cursor}.
public static Cursor getCursor() {
String key = "image.icon.cursor.go";
if (ResourceManager.getImageResource(key, false) != null) {
Image im = getUnscaledImage(key);
return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createCustomCursor(im,
new Point(im.getWidth(null)/2, im.getHeight(null)/2), "go");
return Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR);
* Returns the portrait of this Founding Father.
* @param father The {@code FoundingFather} to look for.
* @param grayscale True if the image should be grayscale.
* @return The {@code BufferedImage} found.
public BufferedImage getFoundingFatherImage(FoundingFather father,
boolean grayscale) {
final String key = "image.flavor." + father.getId();
return this.imageCache.getScaledImage(key, scaleFactor, grayscale);
public BufferedImage getInformationPanelSkin(Player player) {
String key = determineInformationPanelSkinKey(player);
return getScaledImage(key);
private String determineInformationPanelSkinKey(Player player) {
String key = (player == null) ? ""
: (player.isRebel()) ? ""
: "" + player.getNationResourceKey();
if (ResourceManager.getImageResource(key, false) == null) {
key = "";
return key;
public int getInformationPanelSkinTopInset(Player player) {
final String key = determineInformationPanelSkinKey(player) + "";
final StringResource s = ResourceManager.getStringResource(key, false);
return (s != null) ? Integer.parseInt(s.getString()) : 0;
public BufferedImage getLCRImage(Dimension size) {
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage(LOST_CITY_RUMOUR, size, false);
public BufferedImage getLibertyImage() {
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage(BELLS, scale(ICON_SIZE), false);
public static BufferedImage getListBackground() {
return getUnscaledImage("image.background.FreeColList");
public JLabel getLockLabel() {
BufferedImage img = this.imageCache.getScaledImage(ICON_LOCK,
this.scaleFactor * SMALLER_SCALE, false);
return new JLabel(new ImageIcon(img));
public static BufferedImage getMeetingImage(Player meet) {
final String base = "image.flavor.event.meeting.";
String key = base + meet.getNationResourceKey();
if (ResourceManager.getImageResource(key, false) == null) {
key = base + "natives";
return getUnscaledImage(key);
public static BufferedImage getMenuBarBackground() {
return getUnscaledImage("image.background.FreeColMenuBar");
public static BufferedImage getMenuBackground() {
return getUnscaledImage("image.background.FreeColMenu");
public static BufferedImage getMiniMapBackground() {
return getUnscaledImage("image.background.MiniMap");
public BufferedImage getMiniMapSkin() {
final String key = "";
return imageCache.getScaledImage(key, scaleFactor, false);
* Get the appropriate BufferedImage for a FreeColObject.
* @param display The {@code FreeColObject} to display.
* @param size The image size.
* @return The appropriate {@code BufferedImage}.
private BufferedImage getObjectImageInternal(FreeColObject display,
Dimension size) {
final FreeColObject derived = display.getDisplayObject();
// Not all types have a meaningful image.
BufferedImage image = (derived instanceof BuildingType)
? getBuildingTypeImage((BuildingType)derived, size)
: (derived instanceof GoodsType)
? getGoodsTypeImage((GoodsType)derived, size)
: (derived instanceof LostCityRumour)
? getLCRImage(size)
: (derived instanceof Nation)
? getNationImage((Nation)derived, size)
: (derived instanceof ResourceType)
? getResourceTypeImage((ResourceType)derived, size, false)
: (derived instanceof Settlement)
? getSettlementImage((Settlement)derived, size)
: (derived instanceof TileType)
? getTerrainImage((TileType)derived, 0, 0, size)
: (derived instanceof UnitType)
? getUnitTypeImage((UnitType)derived, size)
: null;
if (image == null) {
logger.warning("Could not find image for " + display);
return null;
return image;
* Get the appropriate BufferedImage for a FreeColObject.
* Please use a more specific method!
* @param display The {@code FreeColObject} to display.
* @return The appropriate {@code BufferedImage}.
public BufferedImage getObjectImage(FreeColObject display) {
return getObjectImageInternal(display, scale(ICON_SIZE));
* Get the appropriate BufferedImage for a FreeColObject.
* Please use a more specific method!
* @param display The {@code FreeColObject} to display.
* @param size The image size.
* @return The appropriate {@code BufferedImage}.
public BufferedImage getObjectImage(FreeColObject display, Dimension size) {
return getObjectImageInternal(display, size);
* Get an ImageIcon for a FreeColObject.
* @param display The {@code FreeColObject} to find an icon for.
* @return The {@code ImageIcon} found.
public ImageIcon getObjectImageIcon(FreeColObject display) {
if (display == null) return null;
BufferedImage image = getObjectImage(display, scale(ICON_SIZE, 2));
return (image == null) ? null : new ImageIcon(image);
public static BufferedImage getOptionPaneBackground() {
return getUnscaledImage("image.background.FreeColOptionPane");
* Gets the default background for panels (dialogs/windows).
* @return The default background image.
* @see #getPanelBackground(Class)
public static BufferedImage getPanelBackground() {
return getUnscaledImage("image.background.FreeColPanel");
* Gets the background for the given panel.
* @param clazz The {@code Class} of the panel.
* @return The background for the given panel, or the first matching
* superclass.
public static BufferedImage getPanelBackground(Class<?> clazz) {
while (clazz != null) {
final ImageResource ir = ResourceManager.getImageResource("image.background." + clazz.getSimpleName(), false);
if (ir != null) {
return ir.getImage();
clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();
if (!clazz.getName().startsWith("net.sf.freecol")) {
clazz = null;
return getPanelBackground();
* Get the generic placeholder image.
* @return The placeholder {@code BufferedImage}.
public BufferedImage getPlaceholderImage() {
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage("image.unit.placeholder",
ICON_SIZE, false);
public static BufferedImage getPopupMenuBackground() {
return getUnscaledImage("image.background.FreeColPopupMenu");
public static BufferedImage getProgressBarBackground() {
return getUnscaledImage("image.background.FreeColProgressBar");
public static BufferedImage getTextAreaBackground() {
return getUnscaledImage("image.background.FreeColTextArea");
public static BufferedImage getTextFieldBackground() {
return getUnscaledImage("image.background.FreeColTextField");
public static BufferedImage getToolTipBackground() {
return getUnscaledImage("image.background.FreeColToolTip");
// BuildingType/Building/Buildable handling
private static String getBuildingTypeKey(BuildingType buildingType) {
return "image.buildingicon." + buildingType.getId();
public BufferedImage getBuildableTypeImage(BuildableType buildable,
Dimension size) {
return (buildable instanceof BuildingType)
? getBuildingTypeImage((BuildingType)buildable, size)
: getUnitTypeImage((UnitType)buildable, size);
public BufferedImage getBuildableTypeImage(BuildableType buildable, Player player, Dimension size) {
return (buildable instanceof BuildingType)
? getBuildingTypeImage((BuildingType)buildable, player, size)
: getUnitTypeImage((UnitType)buildable, size);
public BufferedImage getSmallBuildableTypeImage(BuildableType buildable,
Player player) {
float scale = this.scaleFactor * SMALL_SCALE;
return (buildable instanceof BuildingType)
? getScaledBuildingTypeImage((BuildingType)buildable, player, scale)
: getUnitTypeImage((UnitType)buildable, scale);
public BufferedImage getSmallBuildableTypeImageWithWithSize(BuildableType buildable, Player player, Dimension maxSize) {
final BufferedImage image = getSmallBuildableTypeImageWithMaxSize(buildable, player, maxSize);
return ImageUtils.createCenteredImage(image, maxSize);
public BufferedImage getSmallBuildableTypeImageWithMaxSize(BuildableType buildable, Player player, Dimension maxSize) {
final BufferedImage image = getSmallBuildableTypeImage(buildable, player);
final double widthProportion = image.getWidth() / maxSize.width;
final double heightProportion = image.getHeight() / maxSize.height;
if (widthProportion >= heightProportion) {
if (image.getWidth() > maxSize.width) {
return getBuildableTypeImage(buildable, player, new Dimension(maxSize.width, 0));
} else {
return image;
} else {
if (image.getHeight() > maxSize.height) {
return getBuildableTypeImage(buildable, player, new Dimension(0, maxSize.height));
} else {
return image;
private BufferedImage getBuildingTypeImage(BuildingType buildingType, Player player, Dimension size) {
String key = getBuildingTypeKey(buildingType);
final String extraKey = key + "." + player.getNationResourceKey();
if (ResourceManager.getImageResource(extraKey, false) != null) {
key = extraKey;
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage(key, size, false);
public BufferedImage getBuildingTypeImage(BuildingType buildingType,
Dimension size) {
final String key = getBuildingTypeKey(buildingType);
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage(key, size, false);
public BufferedImage getScaledBuildingTypeImage(BuildingType buildingType,
float scale) {
final String key = getBuildingTypeKey(buildingType);
return this.imageCache.getScaledImage(key, scale, false);
private BufferedImage getScaledBuildingTypeImage(BuildingType buildingType,
Player player,
float scale) {
String key = getBuildingTypeKey(buildingType);
final String extraKey = key + "." + player.getNationResourceKey();
if (ResourceManager.getImageResource(extraKey, false) != null) {
key = extraKey;
return this.imageCache.getScaledImage(key, scale, false);
public Dimension determineMaxSizeUsingSizeFromAllLevels(BuildingType buildingType, Player player) {
int maxWidth = 0;
int maxHeight = 0;
while (buildingType.getUpgradesFrom() != null) {
buildingType = buildingType.getUpgradesFrom();
do {
final Image buildingImage = getScaledBuildingTypeImage(buildingType, player, getScaleFactor());
if (buildingImage.getWidth(null) > maxWidth) {
maxWidth = buildingImage.getWidth(null);
if (buildingImage.getHeight(null) > maxHeight) {
maxHeight = buildingImage.getHeight(null);
buildingType = buildingType.getUpgradesTo();
} while (buildingType != null);
return new Dimension(maxWidth, maxHeight);
public BufferedImage getScaledBuildingImage(Building building) {
return getScaledBuildingTypeImage(building.getType(),
public BufferedImage getSmallBuildingImage(Building building) {
return getScaledBuildingTypeImage(building.getType(),
this.scaleFactor * SMALL_SCALE);
public BufferedImage getScaledBuildingEmptyLandImage() {
final String key = "image.buildingicon.model.building.BuildingSite";
return this.imageCache.getScaledImage(key, this.scaleFactor, false);
* Gets an UNCACHED image of the "outside colony"-background based on the given defensive building.
* The result have to be cached by the caller of this method as long as the image is needed.
* @param defensiveBuilding The building to get the graphics for.
* @param size The size of the background.
* @return The image, resized to the given {@code size} without honoring the aspect ratio.
public static BufferedImage getUncachedOutsideColonyBackground(BuildingType defensiveBuilding, Dimension size) {
final String key;
if (defensiveBuilding == null) {
key = "image.buildingOutside.background.default";
} else {
key = "image.buildingOutside.background." + defensiveBuilding.getId();
final ImageResource ir = ResourceManager.getImageResource(key, false);
if (ir == null) {
return null;
return ir.getSizedImageIgnoringProportions(size);
// Colony Panel
public BufferedImage getScaledCargoHold(boolean available) {
final String key = "image.cargohold." + (available ? "available" : "unavailable");
return this.imageCache.getScaledImage(key, this.scaleFactor, false);
public BufferedImage getColonyDocks() {
final String key = "image.colony.docks.background";
return this.imageCache.getScaledImage(key, this.scaleFactor, false);
public BufferedImage getColonyDocksSky() {
final String key = "";
return this.imageCache.getScaledImage(key, this.scaleFactor, false);
public BufferedImage getColonyUpperRightBackground() {
final String key = "image.colony.upperRight.background";
return this.imageCache.getScaledImage(key, this.scaleFactor, false);
public BufferedImage getColonyWarehouseBackground() {
final String key = "image.colony.warehouse.background";
return this.imageCache.getScaledImage(key, this.scaleFactor, false);
// Goods image handling
private static String getGoodsTypeKey(GoodsType gt) {
return "image.icon." + gt.getId();
public BufferedImage getGoodsTypeImage(GoodsType gt, Dimension size) {
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage(getGoodsTypeKey(gt), size, false);
public BufferedImage getScaledGoodsTypeImage(GoodsType gt) {
return getGoodsTypeImage(gt, scale(ICON_SIZE));
public BufferedImage getSmallGoodsTypeImage(GoodsType gt) {
return getGoodsTypeImage(gt, scale(ICON_SIZE, SMALL_SCALE));
public BufferedImage getSmallerGoodsTypeImage(GoodsType gt) {
return getGoodsTypeImage(gt, scale(ICON_SIZE, SMALLER_SCALE));
// Nation image handling
private static String getMercenaryLeaderKey(int n) {
return "image.flavor.model.mercenaries." + n;
private static String getMonarchKey(String nationId) {
return "image.flavor.monarch." + nationId;
* Returns the monarch-image for the given tile.
* @param nation The nation this monarch rules.
* @return the monarch-image for the given nation.
public static BufferedImage getMonarchImage(Nation nation) {
final String key = getMonarchKey(nation.getId());
return getUnscaledImage(key);
* Get the "monarch" image from a key.
* The key may be a nation identifier, or if an integer it is a
* mercenary leader.
* @param monarchKey The key to examine.
* @return A suitable {@code BufferedImage}.
public static BufferedImage getMonarchImage(String monarchKey) {
String key;
try {
int n = Integer.parseInt(monarchKey);
key = getMercenaryLeaderKey(n);
} catch (Exception e) {
key = getMonarchKey(monarchKey);
return getUnscaledImage(key);
public static String getNationKey(Nation nation) {
return "image.miscicon." + nation.getId();
public BufferedImage getNationImage(Nation nation, Dimension size) {
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage(getNationKey(nation), size, false);
public BufferedImage getNationImage(Nation nation, float scale) {
return this.imageCache.getScaledImage(getNationKey(nation), scale, false);
public BufferedImage getScaledNationImage(Nation nation) {
return getNationImage(nation, this.scaleFactor);
public BufferedImage getSmallNationImage(Nation nation) {
return getNationImage(nation, this.scaleFactor * SMALL_SCALE);
public BufferedImage getSmallerNationImage(Nation nation) {
return getNationImage(nation, this.scaleFactor * SMALLER_SCALE);
public BufferedImage getUnscaledSmallerNationImage(Nation nation) {
return getNationImage(nation, SMALLER_SCALE);
// Path type image handling
* Gets an image to represent the path of given path type.
* @param pt The {@code PathType}
* @return The {@code BufferedImage}.
public BufferedImage getPathImage(PathType pt) {
return (pt == null) ? null
: this.imageCache.getScaledImage(pt.getImageKey(), this.scaleFactor, false);
* Gets an image to represent the path of the given {@code Unit}.
* @param u The {@code Unit}
* @return The {@code BufferedImage}.
public BufferedImage getPathImage(Unit u) {
return (u == null) ? null
: getPathImage(PathType.getPathType(u));
* Gets an image to represent the path of the given {@code Unit}.
* @param pt The {@code PathType}
* @return The {@code BufferedImage}.
private BufferedImage getPathNextTurnImage(PathType pt) {
return (pt == null) ? null
: this.imageCache.getScaledImage(pt.getNextTurnImageKey(), this.scaleFactor, false);
* Gets an image to represent the path of the given {@code Unit}.
* @param u The {@code Unit}
* @return The {@code BufferedImage}.
public BufferedImage getPathNextTurnImage(Unit u) {
return (u == null) ? null
: getPathNextTurnImage(PathType.getPathType(u));
// Terrain image handling
* Returns the beach corner image at the given index.
* @param index The index of the image to return.
* @param x an {@code int} value
* @param y an {@code int} value
* @return The image at the given index.
public BufferedImage getBeachCornerImage(int index, int x, int y) {
final String key = "image.tile.model.tile.beach.corner" + index;
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage(key, this.tileSize, false, variationSeedUsing(x, y));
* Returns the beach edge image at the given index.
* @param index The index of the image to return.
* @param x an {@code int} value
* @param y an {@code int} value
* @return The image at the given index.
public BufferedImage getBeachEdgeImage(int index, int x, int y) {
final String key = "image.tile.model.tile.beach.edge" + index;
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage(key, this.tileSize, false, variationSeedUsing(x, y));
public static ImageResource getBeachCenterImageResource() {
final String key = "image.tile.model.tile.beach";
return ImageCache.getImageResource(key);
* Returns a transparent image for making a transition between
* the given tiles.
* @param tile The tile that should get a transition.
* @param direction The direction to get the bordering tile from..
* @param useNiceCorners Determines if the corners of the base transitions
* should be rendered nicely (takes more time).
* @param useVariations Uses variations of the transition.
* @return The image, or {@code null} if there is no transition that
* should be drawn.
public BufferedImage getBaseTileTransitionImage(Tile tile, Direction direction, boolean useNiceCorners, boolean useVariations) {
return imageCreators.getBaseTileTransitionImageCreator().getBaseTileTransitionImage(tile, direction, useNiceCorners, useVariations);
* Returns the border terrain-image for the given type.
* @param type The type of the terrain-image to return.
* @param direction a {@code Direction} value
* @param x The x-coordinate of the tile that is being drawn.
* @param y The x-coordinate of the tile that is being drawn.
* @return The terrain-image at the given index.
public BufferedImage getBorderImage(TileType type, Direction direction,
int x, int y) {
final String key = "image.tile."
+ ((type==null) ? "model.tile.unexplored" : type.getId())
+ ".border." + direction;
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage(key, this.tileSize, false, variationSeedUsing(x, y));
* Get the forest image for a terrain type.
* @param type The type of the terrain-image to return.
* @param riverStyle An optional river style to apply.
* @param size The image size.
* @return The image at the given index.
private BufferedImage getForestImageInternal(TileType type,
TileImprovementStyle riverStyle,
Dimension size) {
String key;
if (riverStyle != null) {
String mask = riverStyle.getMask();
// Ensure unconnected river tiles are visible in map editor
key = "image.tileforest." + type.getId() + ".s"
+ (("0000".equals(mask)) ? "0100" : mask);
// Safety check providing fallback for incomplete mods
if (ResourceManager.getImageResource(key, false) != null) {
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage(key, size, false);
key = "image.tileforest." + type.getId();
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage(key, size, false);
public BufferedImage getForestImage(TileType type, Dimension size) {
return getForestImageInternal(type, null, size);
public BufferedImage getScaledForestImage(TileType type) {
return getForestImageInternal(type, null, this.tileForestSize);
public BufferedImage getScaledForestImage(TileType type,
TileImprovementStyle riverStyle) {
return getForestImageInternal(type, riverStyle, this.tileForestSize);
public BufferedImage getForestCornerImage(TileType type, Direction corner) {
final String key = "image.tileforest." + type.getId() + "." + corner.toString().toLowerCase();
final ImageResource ir = ResourceManager.getImageResource(key, false);
if (ir == null) {
return null;
return imageCache.getSizedImage(key, this.tileForestSize, false, 0);
* Get the overlay-image for the given type and scale.
* @param type The type of the terrain-image to return.
* @param seed A seed for the tile instance that needs a random image.
* @param size The size of the image to return.
* @return A stable (with respect to id) random overlay image.
private BufferedImage getOverlayImageInternal(TileType type, int seed,
Dimension size) {
final String key = "image.tileoverlay." + type.getId();
final ImageResource ir = ResourceManager.getImageResource(key, false);
if (ir == null) {
return null;
return imageCache.getSizedImage(key, size, false, seed);
* Get the overlay-image for the given type and scale. To be
* placed above units.
* @param type The type of the terrain-image to return.
* @param seed A seed for the tile instance that needs a random image.
* @param size The size of the image to return.
* @return A stable (with respect to id) random overlay image.
private BufferedImage getAboveTileImageInternal(TileType type, int seed,
Dimension size) {
final String key = "image.abovetile." + type.getId();
final ImageResource ir = ResourceManager.getImageResource(key, false);
if (ir == null) {
return null;
return imageCache.getSizedImage(key, size, false, seed);
public BufferedImage getScaledOverlayImage(Tile tile) {
return getOverlayImageInternal(tile.getType(), variationSeedUsing(tile.getX(), tile.getY()),
public BufferedImage getScaledAboveTileImage(Tile tile) {
return getAboveTileImageInternal(tile.getType(), variationSeedUsing(tile.getX(), tile.getY()),
public BufferedImage getSizedOverlayImage(TileType type, Dimension size) {
return getOverlayImageInternal(type, type.getId().hashCode(), size);
private static String getResourceTypeKey(ResourceType rt) {
return "image.tileitem." + rt.getId();
public BufferedImage getResourceTypeImage(ResourceType rt, Dimension size,
boolean grayscale) {
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage(getResourceTypeKey(rt), size, grayscale);
private BufferedImage getResourceTypeImage(ResourceType rt, float scale,
boolean grayscale) {
return this.imageCache.getScaledImage(getResourceTypeKey(rt), scale, grayscale);
public BufferedImage getScaledResourceTypeImage(ResourceType rt) {
return getResourceTypeImage(rt, this.scaleFactor, false);
public BufferedImage getSmallResourceTypeImage(ResourceType rt) {
return getResourceTypeImage(rt,
this.scaleFactor * SMALL_SCALE, false);
public BufferedImage getScaledResourceImage(Resource resource) {
return getResourceTypeImage(resource.getType(),
this.scaleFactor, false);
private static String getRiverStyleKey(String style) {
return RIVER_STYLE_PREFIX + style;
* Returns the river image with the given style.
* @param style the style code
* @param size the image size
* @return The image with the given style.
private BufferedImage getRiverImageInternal(String style, Dimension size) {
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage(getRiverStyleKey(style), size, false);
public BufferedImage getRiverImage(String style, Dimension size) {
return getRiverImageInternal(style, size);
* Returns the river image with the given style and scale.
* @param style The improvement style identifier.
* @param scale A scale factor.
* @return The image with the given style.
private BufferedImage getScaledRiverImage(String style, float scale) {
return getRiverImageInternal(style,
scaleDimension(this.tileSize, scale));
* Returns the river image with the given style.
* @param style a {@code TileImprovementStyle} value
* @return The image with the given style.
public BufferedImage getScaledRiverImage(TileImprovementStyle style) {
return getRiverImageInternal(style.getString(), this.tileSize);
public BufferedImage getScaledRiverImage(String style) {
return getScaledRiverImage(style, this.scaleFactor);
public BufferedImage getSmallerRiverImage(String style) {
return getScaledRiverImage(style, this.scaleFactor * SMALLER_SCALE);
* Returns the river mouth terrain-image for the direction and magnitude.
* @param direction a {@code Direction} value
* @param magnitude an {@code int} value
* @param x The x-coordinate of the location of the tile that is being
* drawn (ignored).
* @param y The x-coordinate of the location of the tile that is being
* drawn (ignored).
* @return The terrain-image at the given index.
public BufferedImage getRiverMouthImage(Direction direction, int magnitude,
int x, int y) {
final String key = "" + direction
+ ((magnitude == 1) ? ".small" : ".large");
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage(key, this.tileSize, false);
* Get a list of river style image keys.
* @param all If true accept all non-0000 keys.
* @return A list of river style image keys.
public static List<String> getRiverStyleKeys(final boolean all) {
return ResourceManager.getImageKeys(RIVER_STYLE_PREFIX)
.map(key -> key.substring(RIVER_STYLE_PREFIX.length()))
.filter(style ->
(all || !style.contains("1")) && !"0000".equals(style))
private static String getSettlementTypeKey(SettlementType settlementType) {
return "image.tileitem." + settlementType.getId();
private BufferedImage getSettlementTypeImage(SettlementType settlementType,
float scale) {
final String key = getSettlementTypeKey(settlementType);
return this.imageCache.getScaledImage(key, scale, false);
public BufferedImage getSettlementTypeImage(SettlementType settlementType,
Dimension size) {
final String key = getSettlementTypeKey(settlementType);
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage(key, size, false);
* Returns the graphics that will represent the given settlement.
* @param settlementType The type of settlement whose graphics
* type is needed.
* @return The graphics that will represent the given settlement.
public BufferedImage getScaledSettlementTypeImage(SettlementType settlementType) {
return getSettlementTypeImage(settlementType, this.scaleFactor);
public BufferedImage getSmallerSettlementTypeImage(SettlementType settlementType) {
return getSettlementTypeImage(settlementType,
this.scaleFactor * SMALLER_SCALE);
* Get an image key for a settlement.
* @param settlement The {@code Settlement} to examine.
* @return An image key.
public static String getSettlementKey(Settlement settlement) {
String key = getSettlementTypeKey(settlement.getType());
if (settlement instanceof Colony) {
Colony colony = (Colony)settlement;
if (colony.isUndead()) {
key += ".undead";
} else {
int count = colony.getApparentUnitCount();
key += (count <= 3) ? ".small"
: (count <= 7) ? ".medium"
: ".large";
String stockade = colony.getStockadeKey();
if (stockade != null) key += "." + stockade;
final String extraKey = key + "." + settlement.getOwner().getNationResourceKey();
if (ResourceManager.getImageResource(extraKey, false) != null) {
key = extraKey;
} else if (settlement instanceof IndianSettlement) {
IndianSettlement is = (IndianSettlement)settlement;
if (is.hasMissionary()) key += ".mission";
return key;
* Returns the graphics that will represent the given settlement.
* @param settlement The settlement whose graphics type is needed.
* @param scale a {@code double} value
* @return The graphics that will represent the given settlement.
public BufferedImage getSettlementImage(Settlement settlement,
float scale) {
return this.imageCache.getScaledImage(getSettlementKey(settlement), scale, false);
public BufferedImage getSettlementImage(Settlement settlement,
Dimension size) {
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage(getSettlementKey(settlement), size, false);
* Returns the graphics that will represent the given settlement.
* @param settlement The settlement whose graphics type is needed.
* @return The graphics that will represent the given settlement.
public BufferedImage getScaledSettlementImage(Settlement settlement) {
return getSettlementImage(settlement, this.scaleFactor);
public BufferedImage getSmallSettlementImage(Settlement settlement) {
return getSettlementImage(settlement, this.scaleFactor * SMALL_SCALE);
public BufferedImage getSmallerSettlementImage(Settlement settlement) {
return getSettlementImage(settlement, this.scaleFactor * SMALLER_SCALE);
public static String getTerrainImageKey(TileType type) {
return "image.tile."
+ ((type == null) ? "model.tile.unexplored" : type.getId())
+ ".center";
* Gets the terrain-image for the given type.
* @param type The type of the terrain-image to return.
* @param x The x-coordinate of the location of the tile that is being
* drawn.
* @param y The x-coordinate of the location of the tile that is being
* drawn.
* @param size The image size.
* @return The terrain-image at the given index.
private BufferedImage getTerrainImageInternal(TileType type,
int x, int y,
Dimension size) {
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage(getTerrainImageKey(type),
size, false, variationSeedUsing(x, y));
public ImageResource getTerrainMaskResource(Direction direction) {
return ResourceManager.getImageResource(getTerrainMaskKey(direction), true);
public BufferedImage getTerrainMask(Direction direction) {
final String key = getTerrainMaskKey(direction);
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage(key, this.tileSize, false);
private String getTerrainMaskKey(Direction direction) {
return (direction != null) ? "image.mask." + direction.toString().toLowerCase() : "image.mask";
public BufferedImage getTerrainImage(TileType type, int x, int y,
Dimension size) {
return getTerrainImageInternal(type, x, y, size);
public BufferedImage getScaledTerrainImage(TileType type, int x, int y) {
return getTerrainImageInternal(type, x, y, this.tileSize);
public BufferedImage getAnimatedScaledTerrainImage(TileType type, long ticks) {
final ImageResource imageResource = ImageCache.getImageResource(getTerrainImageKey(type));
if (imageResource == null) {
return null;
return imageCache.getCachedImage(imageResource,
* Gets the combined animated image for river
* @param tile The tile.
* @param ticks The number of ticks to get the correct animation frame.
* @return A cached, generated image.
public BufferedImage getAnimatedScaledRiverTerrainImage(Tile tile, long ticks) {
return imageCreators.getRiverAnimationImageCreator().getAnimatedScaledRiverTerrainImage(tile, ticks);
* Gets the combined animated image for ocean and beach.
* @param type The tile type.
* @param directionsWithLand All directions where there are neighbouring land tiles.
* @param ticks The number of ticks to get the correct animation frame.
* @return A cached, genereated image.
public BufferedImage getAnimatedScaledWaterAndBeachTerrainImage(TileType type, List<Direction> directionsWithLand, long ticks) {
return imageCreators.getBeachTileAnimationImageCreator().getAnimatedScaledWaterAndBeachTerrainImage(type, directionsWithLand, ticks);
* Gets the combined animated image for the river delta.
* @param direction The direction to where the river is coming from.
* @param ticks The number of ticks to get the correct animation frame.
* @return A cached, genereated image.
public BufferedImage getAnimatedScaledRiverDeltaTerrainImage(Direction direction, long ticks) {
return imageCreators.getDeltaAnimationImageCreator().getAnimatedScaledRiverDeltaTerrainImage(direction, ticks);
* Get the tile improvement image with for a given identifier.
* @param id The tile improvement identifier.
* @return The image found, or null if it does not exist.
public BufferedImage getTileImprovementImage(String id) {
final String key = "image.tile." + id;
return (ResourceManager.getImageResource(key, false) == null) ? null
// Has its own Overlay Image in Misc, use it
: this.imageCache.getSizedImage(key, this.tileSize, false);
* Get a scaled terrain-image for a terrain type (and position 0, 0).
* Called from MapeEditorTransformPanel.buildList
* @param type The type of the terrain-image to return.
* @param size The maximum size of the terrain image to return.
* @return The terrain-image
public BufferedImage getTileImageWithOverlayAndForest(TileType type,
Dimension size) {
int width = (size.width > 0) ? size.width
: ((2 * TILE_SIZE.width * size.height
+ (TILE_OVERLAY_SIZE.height+1))
/ (2 * ImageLibrary.TILE_OVERLAY_SIZE.height));
Dimension size2 = new Dimension(width, -1);
BufferedImage terrainImage = getTerrainImage(type, 0, 0, size2);
BufferedImage overlayImage = getSizedOverlayImage(type, size2);
BufferedImage forestImage = (type.isForested())
? getForestImage(type, size2)
: null;
if (overlayImage == null && forestImage == null) return terrainImage;
width = terrainImage.getWidth();
int height = terrainImage.getHeight();
if (overlayImage != null) {
height = Math.max(height, overlayImage.getHeight());
if (forestImage != null) {
height = Math.max(height, forestImage.getHeight());
final BufferedImage compositeImage = ImageUtils.createBufferedImage(width, height);
Graphics2D g = compositeImage.createGraphics();
g.drawImage(terrainImage, 0, height - terrainImage.getHeight(), null);
if (overlayImage != null) {
g.drawImage(overlayImage, 0, height - overlayImage.getHeight(), null);
if (forestImage != null) {
g.drawImage(forestImage, 0, height - forestImage.getHeight(), null);
return compositeImage;
// Unit image handling
* Get the unit image key for the given parameters.
* @param unitType The type of unit to be represented.
* @param owner An optional owning {@code Player}.
* @param roleId The id of the unit role.
* @param nativeEthnicity If true the unit is a former native.
* @return A suitable key.
private static String getUnitTypeImageKey(UnitType unitType, Player owner,
String roleId,
boolean nativeEthnicity) {
// Units that can only be native don't need the .native key part
if (nativeEthnicity
&& unitType.hasAbility(Ability.BORN_IN_INDIAN_SETTLEMENT)) {
nativeEthnicity = false;
// Try to get an image matching the key
String roleQual = (Role.isDefaultRoleId(roleId)) ? ""
: "." + Role.getRoleIdSuffix(roleId);
String key = "image.unit." + unitType.getId() + roleQual
+ ((nativeEthnicity) ? ".native" : "");
if (nativeEthnicity
&& ResourceManager.getImageResource(key, false) == null) {
key = "image.unit." + unitType.getId() + roleQual;
if (owner != null) {
final String extraKey = key + "." + owner.getNationResourceKey();
if (ResourceManager.getImageResource(extraKey, false) != null) {
key = extraKey;
return key;
* Fundamental unit image accessor.
* @param unitType The type of unit to be represented.
* @param owner An optional owning {@code Player}.
* @param roleId The id of the unit role.
* @param nativeEthnicity If true the unit is a former native.
* @param grayscale If true draw in inactive/disabled-looking state.
* @param scale How much the image is scaled.
* @return A suitable {@code BufferedImage}.
private BufferedImage getUnitTypeImage(UnitType unitType, Player owner,
String roleId,
boolean nativeEthnicity,
boolean grayscale, float scale) {
final String key = getUnitTypeImageKey(unitType, owner, roleId,
return this.imageCache.getScaledImage(key, scale, grayscale);
private BufferedImage getUnitTypeImage(UnitType unitType,
float scale) {
return getUnitTypeImage(unitType, null, unitType.getDisplayRoleId(),
false, false, scale);
private BufferedImage getUnitTypeImage(UnitType unitType,
String roleId,
boolean nativeEthnicity,
Dimension size) {
final String key = getUnitTypeImageKey(unitType, null, roleId,
return this.imageCache.getSizedImage(key, size, false);
private BufferedImage getUnitTypeImage(UnitType unitType,
Dimension size) {
return getUnitTypeImage(unitType, unitType.getDisplayRoleId(),
false, size);
public BufferedImage getScaledUnitTypeImage(UnitType unitType) {
return getUnitTypeImage(unitType, null, unitType.getDisplayRoleId(),
false, false, this.scaleFactor);
public BufferedImage getSmallUnitTypeImage(UnitType unitType, String roleId,
boolean grayscale) {
return getUnitTypeImage(unitType, null, roleId, false,
grayscale, this.scaleFactor * SMALL_SCALE);
public BufferedImage getSmallUnitTypeImage(UnitType unitType,
boolean grayscale) {
return getSmallUnitTypeImage(unitType, unitType.getDisplayRoleId(),
public BufferedImage getSmallUnitTypeImage(UnitType unitType) {
return getSmallUnitTypeImage(unitType, unitType.getDisplayRoleId(),
public BufferedImage getSmallerUnitTypeImage(UnitType unitType) {
return getUnitTypeImage(unitType, null, unitType.getDisplayRoleId(),
false, false,
this.scaleFactor * SMALLER_SCALE);
public BufferedImage getTinyUnitTypeImage(UnitType unitType,
boolean grayscale) {
return getUnitTypeImage(unitType, null, unitType.getDisplayRoleId(),
false, grayscale,
this.scaleFactor * TINY_SCALE);
public BufferedImage getTinyUnitTypeImage(UnitType unitType) {
return getTinyUnitTypeImage(unitType, false);
private BufferedImage getUnitImage(Unit unit, boolean grayscale,
float scale) {
return getUnitTypeImage(unit.getType(), unit.getOwner(),
unit.hasNativeEthnicity(), grayscale, scale);
public BufferedImage getScaledUnitImage(Unit unit, boolean grayscale) {
return getUnitImage(unit, grayscale, this.scaleFactor);
public BufferedImage getScaledUnitImage(Unit unit) {
return getScaledUnitImage(unit, false);
public BufferedImage getSmallUnitImage(Unit unit, boolean grayscale) {
return getUnitImage(unit, grayscale,
this.scaleFactor * SMALL_SCALE);
public BufferedImage getSmallUnitImage(Unit unit) {
return getSmallUnitImage(unit, false);
public BufferedImage getSmallerUnitImage(Unit unit) {
return getUnitImage(unit, false,
this.scaleFactor * SMALLER_SCALE);
public BufferedImage getTinyUnitImage(Unit unit) {
return getUnitImage(unit, false,
this.scaleFactor * TINY_SCALE);
// Accessors for small "chip" images.
// TODO: cache these too?
* Gets a chip image for the alarm at an Indian settlement.
* The background is either the native owner's, or that of the
* most-hatednation, if any.
* @param g Graphics2D for getting the FontMetrics.
* @param is The {@code IndianSettlement} to check.
* @param player The observing {@code Player}.
* @return An alarm chip, or null if none suitable.
public BufferedImage getAlarmChip(Graphics2D g, IndianSettlement is,
Player player) {
if (player == null || !is.hasContacted(player)) return null;
Color ownerColor = is.getOwner().getNationColor();
Player enemy = is.getMostHated();
Color enemyColor = (enemy == null) ? Nation.UNKNOWN_NATION_COLOR
: enemy.getNationColor();
// Set amount to [0-4] corresponding to HAPPY, CONTENT,
// DISPLEASED, ANGRY, HATEFUL but only if the player is the
// most hated, because other nation alarm is not nor should be
// serialized to the client.
int amount = 4;
if (enemy == null) {
amount = 0;
} else if (player == enemy) {
Tension alarm = is.getAlarm(enemy);
amount = (alarm == null) ? 4 : alarm.getLevel().ordinal();
if (amount == 0) amount = 1; // Show *something*!
Color foreground = makeForegroundColor(enemyColor);
final String text = ResourceManager.getString((is.worthScouting(player))
? "indianAlarmChip.contacted" : "indianAlarmChip.scouted");
return createChip(g, text, Color.BLACK,
ownerColor, amount/4.0, enemyColor, foreground, true);
* Gets the owner chip for the settlement.
* @param g Graphics2D for getting the FontMetrics.
* @param is The {@code IndianSettlement} to check.
* @return A chip.
public BufferedImage getIndianSettlementChip(Graphics2D g,
IndianSettlement is) {
final String key = ResourceManager.getString("indianSettlementChip."
+ ((is.getType().isCapital()) ? "capital" : "normal"));
Color background = is.getOwner().getNationColor();
return createChip(g, key, Color.BLACK, background, 0, Color.BLACK,
makeForegroundColor(background), true);
* Gets the mission chip for a native settlement.
* @param g Graphics2D for getting the FontMetrics.
* @param owner The player that owns the mission.
* @param expert True if the unit is an expert.
* @return A suitable chip, or null if no mission is present.
public BufferedImage getMissionChip(Graphics2D g,
Player owner, boolean expert) {
final Color background = owner.getNationColor();
final String key = "color.foreground.mission."
+ ((expert) ? "expert" : "normal");
final Color foreground = getColor(key,
(expert) ? Color.BLACK : Color.GRAY);
return createChip(g, ResourceManager.getString("cross"), Color.BLACK,
background, 0, Color.BLACK, foreground, true);
* Gets a chip for an occupation indicator, i.e. a small image with a
* single letter or symbol that indicates the Unit's state.
* @param g Graphics2D for getting the FontMetrics.
* @param unit The {@code Unit} with the occupation.
* @param text The text for the chip.
* @return A suitable chip.
public BufferedImage getOccupationIndicatorChip(Graphics2D g,
Unit unit, String text) {
final Color background = unit.getOwner().getNationColor();
final Color foreground = (unit.getState() == Unit.UnitState.FORTIFIED)
? Color.GRAY : makeForegroundColor(background);
return createChip(g, text, Color.BLACK,
background, 0, Color.BLACK, foreground, true);
* Create a "chip" with the given text and colors.
* @param g Graphics2D for getting the FontMetrics.
* @param text The text to display.
* @param border The border {@code Color}.
* @param background The background {@code Color}.
* @param amount How much to fill the chip with the fill color
* @param fill The fill {@code Color}.
* @param foreground The foreground {@code Color}.
* @param filled Whether the chip is filled or not
* @return A chip.
private BufferedImage createChip(Graphics2D g, String text,
Color border, Color background,
double amount, Color fill,
Color foreground,
boolean filled) {
final Font font = getScaledFont("simple-bold-tiny", null);
final FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(font);
final int padding = scaleInt(6);
final int width = fm.stringWidth(text) + padding;
final int height = fm.getMaxAscent() + fm.getMaxDescent() + padding;
final BufferedImage bi = ImageUtils.createBufferedImage(width, height);
final Graphics2D g2 = bi.createGraphics();
g2.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
g2.fillRect(1, 1, width - 2, height - 2);
if (!filled) {
if (amount > 0.0 && amount <= 1.0) {
g2.fillRect(1, 1, width - 2, (int)((height - 2) * amount));
g2.drawString(text, padding/2, fm.getMaxAscent() + padding/2);
return bi;
// Get special images for strings with particular color and font
* Gets an image with a string of a given color and with
* a black border around the glyphs.
* @param g A {@code Graphics}-object for getting the font metrics.
* @param text The {@code String} to make an image of.
* @param color The {@code Color} to use for the text.
* @param font The {@code Font} to display the text with.
* @return The {@code BufferedImage} found or created.
public BufferedImage getStringImage(Graphics g, String text, Color color,
Font font) {
if (color == null) {
logger.warning("getStringImage(" + text + ") called with color null");
color = Color.WHITE;
// Check the cache
final String key = text
+ "." + font.getFontName().replace(' ', '-')
+ "." + Integer.toString(font.getSize())
+ "." + Integer.toHexString(color.getRGB());
BufferedImage img = this.stringImageCache.get(key);
if (img != null) return img;
img = createStringImage(text, color, font, g.getFontMetrics(font));
this.stringImageCache.put(key, img);
return img;
* Create a string image.
* @param text The {@code String} to make an image of.
* @param color The {@code Color} to use for the text.
* @param font The {@code Font} to display the text with.
* @param fm The {@code FontMetrics} to use with the font.
* @return The image that was created.
private BufferedImage createStringImage(String text, Color color,
Font font, FontMetrics fm) {
final int width = fm.stringWidth(text) + 4;
final int height = fm.getMaxAscent() + fm.getMaxDescent();
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
return ImageUtils.createBufferedImage(1, 1);
final BufferedImage img = ImageUtils.createBufferedImage(width, height);
// draw the string with selected color
Graphics2D g = img.createGraphics();
g.drawString(text, 2, fm.getMaxAscent());
// draw the border around letters
int borderWidth = 1;
int borderColor = makeStringBorderColor(color).getRGB();
int srcRGB, dstRGB, srcA;
for (int biY = 0; biY < height; biY++) {
for (int biX = borderWidth; biX < width - borderWidth; biX++) {
int biXI = width - biX - 1;
for (int d = 1; d <= borderWidth; d++) {
// left to right
srcRGB = img.getRGB(biX, biY);
srcA = (srcRGB >> 24) & 0xFF;
dstRGB = img.getRGB(biX - d, biY);
if (dstRGB != borderColor) {
if (srcA > 0) {
img.setRGB(biX, biY, borderColor);
img.setRGB(biX - d, biY, srcRGB);
// right to left
srcRGB = img.getRGB(biXI, biY);
srcA = (srcRGB >> 24) & 0xFF;
dstRGB = img.getRGB(biXI + d, biY);
if (dstRGB != borderColor) {
if (srcA > 0) {
img.setRGB(biXI, biY, borderColor);
img.setRGB(biXI + d, biY, srcRGB);
for (int biX = 0; biX < width; biX++) {
for (int biY = borderWidth; biY < height - borderWidth; biY++) {
int biYI = height - biY - 1;
for (int d = 1; d <= borderWidth; d++) {
// top to bottom
srcRGB = img.getRGB(biX, biY);
srcA = (srcRGB >> 24) & 0xFF;
dstRGB = img.getRGB(biX, biY - d);
if (dstRGB != borderColor) {
if (srcA > 0) {
img.setRGB(biX, biY, borderColor);
img.setRGB(biX, biY - d, srcRGB);
// bottom to top
srcRGB = img.getRGB(biX, biYI);
srcA = (srcRGB >> 24) & 0xFF;
dstRGB = img.getRGB(biX, biYI + d);
if (dstRGB != borderColor) {
if (srcA > 0) {
img.setRGB(biX, biYI, borderColor);
img.setRGB(biX, biYI + d, srcRGB);
g.drawString(text, 2, fm.getMaxAscent());
return img;
// Video
public static Video getVideo(String key) {
return ResourceManager.getVideo(key);