# Configuration for Dell iDRAC ## iDRAC 9 iDRAC 9 can only be connected to LDAPS, so make sure you have that enabled. The settings then are as follows: ### Use Distinguished Name to Search Group Membership ``` Enabled ``` ### LDAP Server Address ``` Your server address eg. localhost ``` ### LDAP Server Port ``` Your LDAPS port, eg. 6360 or 636 ``` ### Bind DN ``` uid=admin,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com ``` ### Bind Password ``` Enabled ``` ### Bind Password ``` Your admin user password ``` ### Attribute of User Login ``` uid ``` ### Attribute of Group Membership ``` member ``` ### Search Filter ``` (&(objectClass=person)(memberof=cn=idrac_users,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com)) ``` For the Group Role Mappings, you define groups by their full `Group DN`, eg. ``` cn=idrac_users,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com ```