# Configuration for Jellyfin Replace `dc=example,dc=com` with your LLDAP configured domain. ### LDAP Bind User ``` uid=admin,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com ``` ### LDAP Base DN for searches ``` ou=people,dc=example,dc=com ``` ### LDAP Attributes ``` uid, mail ``` ### LDAP Name Attribute ``` uid ``` ### User Filter If you have a `media` group, you can use: ``` (memberof=cn=media,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com) ``` Otherwise, just use: ``` (uid=*) ``` ### Admin Base DN The DN to search for your admins. ``` ou=people,dc=example,dc=com ``` ### Admin Filter Same here. If you have `media_admin` group (doesn't have to be named like that), use: ``` (memberof=cn=media_admin,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com) ``` Bear in mind that admins must also be a member of the users group if you use one. Otherwise, you can use LLDAP's admin group: ``` (memberof=cn=lldap_admin,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com) ``` ## Password change To allow changing Passwords via Jellyfin the following things are required - The bind user needs to have the group lldap_password_manager (changing passwords of members of the group lldap_admin does not work to prevent privilege escalation) - Check `Allow Password Change` - `LDAP Password Attribute` Needs to be set to `userPassword`