feat(flowchart): add classDef group definition

enable to add styles to many classDef in a single statement
This commit is contained in:
Tom PERRILLAT-COLLOMB 2022-12-17 11:30:41 +00:00
parent 24bd36b087
commit 2055f89bf7
3 changed files with 67 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -1505,6 +1505,34 @@ title: What to buy
<hr />
<pre class="mermaid">
graph TD
A([Start]) ==> B[Step 1]
B ==> C{Flow 1}
C -- Choice 1.1 --> D[Step 2.1]
C -- Choice 1.3 --> I[Step 2.3]
C == Choice 1.2 ==> E[Step 2.2]
D --> F{Flow 2}
E ==> F{Flow 2}
F{Flow 2} == Choice 2.1 ==> H[Feedback node]
H[Feedback node] ==> B[Step 1]
F{Flow 2} == Choice 2.2 ==> G((Finish))
linkStyle 0,1,4,6,7,8,9 stroke:gold, stroke-width:4px
classDef active_node fill:#0CF,stroke:#09F,stroke-width:6px
classDef unactive_node fill:#e0e0e0,stroke:#bdbdbd,stroke-width:3px
classDef bugged_node fill:#F88,stroke:#F22,stroke-width:3px
classDef start_node,finish_node fill:#3B1,stroke:#391,stroke-width:8px
class A start_node;
class B,C,E,F,H active_node;
class D unactive_node;
class G finish_node;
class I bugged_node
<hr />
<h1 id="link-clicked">Anchor for "link-clicked" test</h1>
<script src="./mermaid.js"></script>

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@ -202,21 +202,23 @@ export const updateLink = function (positions, style) {
export const addClass = function (id, style) {
if (classes[id] === undefined) {
classes[id] = { id: id, styles: [], textStyles: [] };
export const addClass = function (ids, style) {
ids.split(',').forEach(function (_id) {
if (classes[_id] === undefined) {
classes[_id] = { id: _id, styles: [], textStyles: [] };
if (style !== undefined && style !== null) {
style.forEach(function (s) {
if (s.match('color')) {
const newStyle1 = s.replace('fill', 'bgFill');
const newStyle2 = newStyle1.replace('color', 'fill');
if (style !== undefined && style !== null) {
style.forEach(function (s) {
if (s.match('color')) {
const newStyle1 = s.replace('fill', 'bgFill');
const newStyle2 = newStyle1.replace('color', 'fill');

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@ -41,3 +41,26 @@ describe('flow db subgraphs', () => {
describe('flow db addClass', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('should detect many classes', () => {
flowDb.addClass('a,b', ['stroke-width: 8px']);
const classes = flowDb.getClasses();
expect(classes['a']['styles']).toEqual(['stroke-width: 8px']);
expect(classes['b']['styles']).toEqual(['stroke-width: 8px']);
it('should detect single class', () => {
flowDb.addClass('a', ['stroke-width: 8px']);
const classes = flowDb.getClasses();
expect(classes['a']['styles']).toEqual(['stroke-width: 8px']);