Show help and version even if phantom isn't present. Fixes #71

This commit is contained in:
fardog 2014-12-28 00:26:37 -08:00
parent 26d0908b27
commit 7bcbe6f469
1 changed files with 76 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -10,7 +10,11 @@ var PHANTOM_VERSION = "^1.9.0"
var info =
, note =
var cli = function(options) {
module.exports = function() {
return new cli()
function cli(options) {
this.options = {
alias: {
help: 'h'
@ -52,9 +56,11 @@ cli.prototype.parse = function(argv, next) {
if (options.version) {
var pkg = require('../package.json')
this.message = "" + pkg.version
next(null, this.message)
else if ( {
this.message = this.helpMessage.join('\n')
next(null, this.message)
else {
options.files = options._
@ -71,65 +77,81 @@ cli.prototype.parse = function(argv, next) {
if (options.svg && !options.png) {
options.png = false
else {
options.png = true
// set svg/png flags appropriately
if (options.svg && !options.png) {
options.png = false
else {
options.png = true
// If phantom hasn't been specified, see if we can find it
if (!options.phantomPath) {
try {
var phantom = require('phantomjs')
options.phantomPath = phantom.path
} catch (e) {
this.checkPhantom = createCheckPhantom(options.phantomPath)
this.checkPhantom(function(err, path) {
if(err) {
options.phantomPath = path
this.errors.length > 0 ? this.errors : null
, this.message
, options
function createCheckPhantom(_phantomPath) {
var phantomPath = _phantomPath
, phantomVersion
return function checkPhantom(_next) {
var next = _next || function() {}
, err
if (typeof phantomPath === 'undefined') {
try {
options.phantomPath = which.sync('phantomjs')
var phantom = require('phantomjs')
phantomPath = phantom.path
} catch (e) {
if (!options.phantomPath) {
var err = [
"Cannot find phantomjs in your PATH. If phantomjs is installed"
, "you may need to specify its path manually with the '-e' option."
, "If it is not installed, you should view the README for further"
, "details."
this.errors.push(new Error(err.join('\n')))
this.errors.length > 0 ? this.errors : null
, this.message
, options)
try {
phantomPath = which.sync('phantomjs')
} catch (e) {
if (!phantomPath) {
phantomPath = null
err = new Error(
"Cannot find phantomjs in your PATH. If phantomjs is installed"
, "you may need to specify its path manually with the '-e' option."
, "Run this executable with '--help' or view the README for more"
, "details."
// If we have phantompath, see if its version satisfies our requirements
exec(phantomPath + ' --version', function(err, stdout, stderr) {
if (err) {
next(new Error("Could not find phantomjs at the specified path."))
else if (!semver.satisfies(stdout, PHANTOM_VERSION)) {
next(new Error(
'mermaid requires phantomjs '
+ ' to be installed, found version '
+ stdout
else {
next(null, phantomPath)
// If we have phantompath, see if its version satisfies our requirements
exec(options.phantomPath + ' --version', function(err, stdout, stderr) {
if (err) {
new Error("Could not find phantomjs at the specified path.")
else if (!semver.satisfies(stdout, PHANTOM_VERSION)) {
this.message = note(
'mermaid requires phantomjs '
+ ' to be installed, found version '
+ stdout
next(this.errors.length > 0 ? this.errors : null, this.message, options)
module.exports = function() {
return new cli()