Update development.md

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Neil Cuzon 2020-09-20 06:25:57 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 488afd64d7
commit 98b556cb1a
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 110 additions and 112 deletions

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@ -3,11 +3,68 @@ sort: 1
title: Development and Contribution
# Development
# Development 🙌
## Updating the documentation
Please continue writing documentation at [mermaid-js/mermaid/docs](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/tree/develop/docs). We publish documentation using GitHub Pages with [jekyll-rtd-theme](https://github.com/rundocs/jekyll-rtd-theme).
So you want to help? That's great!
![Image of happy people jumping with excitement](https://media.giphy.com/media/BlVnrxJgTGsUw/giphy.gif)
Here are a few things to know to get you started on the right path.
**All the documents displayed in the github.io page are listed in [sidebar.md](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/edit/develop/docs/assets/_sidebar.md)**
**Note:You will have to edit the document to see its contents. Commits and PR's should be directed to the develop branch.**
## Branching
Going forward we will use a **Git Flow** inspired approach to branching. So development is done in the `develop` branch.
Once development is done we branch a release branch from develop for testing.
Once the release happens we merge the release branch to master and kill the release branch.
This means... **you should branch off your pull request from develop** and direct all Pull Requests to it.
## Contributing Code
We make all changes via pull requests. As we have many pull requests from developers new to mermaid, we have put in place a process, wherein *knsv, Knut Sveidqvist* is the primary reviewer of changes and merging pull requests. It is as follows:
* Large changes reviewed by knsv or other developer asked to review by knsv
* Smaller low-risk changes like dependecies, documentation etc can be merged by active collaborators
* documentation (updates to the docs folder are enocouraged and also allowed via direct commits)
When you commit code, create a branch, let it start with the type like feature or bug followed by the issue number for reference and text that describes the issue.
**One example:**
## Contributing to documentation
If it is not in the documentation, it's like it never happened. Wouldn't that be sad? With all the effort that was put into the feature?
The docs are located in the `docs` folder and are written in MarkDown. Just pick the right section and start typing. If you want to propose changes to the structure of the documentation:
**All the documents displayed in the github.io page are listed in [sidebar.md](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/edit/develop/docs/assets/_sidebar.md). Click edit it to see them.
The contents of http://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/ are based on the docs from **Master** Branch.
## How to Contribute to Docs
We are a little less strict here, it is OK to commit directly in the `develop` branch if you are a collaborator.
The documentation is located in the `docs` directory and organized according to relevant subfolder.
We encourage contributions to the documentation at [mermaid-js/mermaid/docs](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/tree/develop/docs). We publish documentation using GitHub Pages with [jekyll-rtd-theme](https://github.com/rundocs/jekyll-rtd-theme).
## Preview
If you want to preview the documentation site on your machine, you will need to install [Ruby development environment](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/):
1. Install a full [Ruby development environment](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/)
2. Change into docs directory
@ -20,6 +77,51 @@ make server
4. Browse to [http://localhost:4000/mermaid/](http://localhost:4000/mermaid/)
### **Add unit tests for the parsing part**
This is important so that, if someone else does a change to the grammar that does not know about this great feature, gets notified early on when that change breaks the parser. Another important aspect is that without proper parsing tests refactoring is pretty much impossible.
### **Add e2e tests**
This tests the rendering and visual apearance of the diagram. This ensures that the rendering of that feature in the e2e will be reviewed in the release process going forward. Less chance that it breaks!
To start working with the e2e tests, run `yarn dev` to start the dev server, after that start cypress by running `cypress open` in the mermaid folder. (Make sure you have path to cypress in order, the binary is located in node_modules/.bin).
The rendering tests are very straightforward to create. There is a function imgSnapshotTest. This function takes a diagram in text form, the mermaid options and renders that diagram in cypress.
When running in ci it will take a snapshot of the rendered diagram and compare it with the snapshot from last build and flag for review it if it differs.
This is what a rendering test looks like:
it('should render forks and joins', () => {
state fork_state <<fork>>
[*] --> fork_state
fork_state --> State2
fork_state --> State3
state join_state <<join>>
State2 --> join_state
State3 --> join_state
join_state --> State4
State4 --> [*]
{ logLevel: 0 }
### **Docs or it Didn't Happen**
Finally, if it is not in the documentation, no one will know about it and then **no one will use it**. Wouldn't that be sad? With all the effort that was put into the feature?
The docs are located in the docs folder and are ofc written in markdown. Just pick the right section and start typing. If you want to add to the structure as in adding a new section and new file you do that via the _navbar.md.
The changes in master is reflected in http://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/ once released the updates are commited to https://mermaid-js.github.io/#/
### Questions and/or suggestions ?
After logging in at [GitHub.com](https://www.github.com), open or append to an issue [using the GitHub issue tracker of the mermaid-js repository](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Area%3A+Documentation%22).
@ -42,115 +144,11 @@ If you don't have such editor on your computer, you may follow these steps:
* Submit your changes by clicking the button "Propose file change" at the bottom (by automatic creation of a fork and a new branch).
* Create a pull request of your newly forked branch, by clicking the green "Create pull request" button.
## Last words
## How to add a new diagram type
Don't get daunted if it is hard in the beginning. We have a great community with only encouraging words. So if you get stuck, ask for help and hints in the slack forum. If you want to show off something good, show it off there.
[Join our slack community if you want closer contact!](https://join.slack.com/t/mermaid-talk/shared_invite/enQtNzc4NDIyNzk4OTAyLWVhYjQxOTI2OTg4YmE1ZmJkY2Y4MTU3ODliYmIwOTY3NDJlYjA0YjIyZTdkMDMyZTUwOGI0NjEzYmEwODcwOTE)
### Step 1: Grammar & Parsing
#### Grammar
This would be to define a jison grammar for the new diagram type. That should start with a way to identify that the text in the mermaid tag is a diagram of that type. Create a new folder under diagrams for your new diagram type and a parser folder in it. This leads us to step 2.
For instance:
* the flowchart starts with the keyword graph.
* the sequence diagram starts with the keyword sequenceDiagram
#### Store data found during parsing
There are some jison specific sub steps here where the parser stores the data encountered when parsing the diagram, this data is later used by the renderer. You can during the parsing call a object provided to the parser by the user of the parser. This object can be called during parsing for storing data.
: 'participant' actor { $$='actor'; }
| signal { $$='signal'; }
| note_statement { $$='note'; }
| 'title' message { yy.setTitle($2); }
In the extract of the grammar above, it is defined that a call to the setTitle method in the data object will be done when parsing and the title keyword is encountered.
Make sure that the `parseError` function for the parser is defined and calling `mermaidPAI.parseError`. This way a common way of detecting parse errors is provided for the end-user.
For more info look in the example diagram type:
The `yy` object has the following function:
exports.parseError = function(err, hash){
mermaidAPI.parseError(err, hash)
when parsing the `yy` object is initialized as per below:
var parser
parser = exampleParser.parser
parser.yy = db
### Step 2: Rendering
Write a renderer that given the data found during parsing renders the diagram. To look at an example look at sequendeRenderer.js rather then the flowchart renderer as this is a more generic example.
Place the renderer in the diagram folder.
### Step 3: Detection of the new diagram type
The second thing to do is to add the capability to detect the new new diagram to type to the detectType in utils.js. The detection should return a key for the new diagram type.
### Step 4: The final piece - triggering the rendering
At this point when mermaid is trying to render the diagram, it will detect it as being of the new type but there will be no match when trying to render the diagram. To fix this add a new case in the switch statement in main.js:init this should match the diagram type returned from step #2. The code in this new case statement should call the renderer for the diagram type with the data found by the parser as an argument.
## Usage of the parser as a separate module
### Setup
var graph = require('./graphDb')
var flow = require('./parser/flow')
flow.parser.yy = graph
### Parsing
### Data extraction
The parser is also exposed in the mermaid api by calling:
var parser = mermaid.getParser()
Note that the parse needs a graph object to store the data as per:
flow.parser.yy = graph
Look at `graphDb.js` for more details on that object.
![Image of superhero wishing you good luck](https://media.giphy.com/media/l49JHz7kJvl6MCj3G/giphy.gif)