/// context('Assertions', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.visit('https://example.cypress.io/commands/assertions'); }); describe('Implicit Assertions', () => { it('.should() - make an assertion about the current subject', () => { // https://on.cypress.io/should cy.get('.assertion-table') .find('tbody tr:last') .should('have.class', 'success') .find('td') .first() // checking the text of the element in various ways .should('have.text', 'Column content') .should('contain', 'Column content') .should('have.html', 'Column content') // chai-jquery uses "is()" to check if element matches selector .should('match', 'td') // to match text content against a regular expression // first need to invoke jQuery method text() // and then match using regular expression .invoke('text') .should('match', /column content/i); // a better way to check element's text content against a regular expression // is to use "cy.contains" // https://on.cypress.io/contains cy.get('.assertion-table') .find('tbody tr:last') // finds first element with text content matching regular expression .contains('td', /column content/i) .should('be.visible'); // for more information about asserting element's text // see https://on.cypress.io/using-cypress-faq#How-do-I-get-an-element’s-text-contents }); it('.and() - chain multiple assertions together', () => { // https://on.cypress.io/and cy.get('.assertions-link') .should('have.class', 'active') .and('have.attr', 'href') .and('include', 'cypress.io'); }); }); describe('Explicit Assertions', () => { // https://on.cypress.io/assertions it('expect - make an assertion about a specified subject', () => { // We can use Chai's BDD style assertions expect(true).to.be.true; const o = { foo: 'bar' }; expect(o).to.equal(o); expect(o).to.deep.equal({ foo: 'bar' }); // matching text using regular expression expect('FooBar').to.match(/bar$/i); }); it('pass your own callback function to should()', () => { // Pass a function to should that can have any number // of explicit assertions within it. // The ".should(cb)" function will be retried // automatically until it passes all your explicit assertions or times out. cy.get('.assertions-p') .find('p') .should(($p) => { // https://on.cypress.io/$ // return an array of texts from all of the p's // @ts-ignore TS6133 unused variable const texts = $p.map((i, el) => Cypress.$(el).text()); // jquery map returns jquery object // and .get() convert this to simple array const paragraphs = texts.get(); // array should have length of 3 expect(paragraphs, 'has 3 paragraphs').to.have.length(3); // use second argument to expect(...) to provide clear // message with each assertion expect(paragraphs, 'has expected text in each paragraph').to.deep.eq([ 'Some text from first p', 'More text from second p', 'And even more text from third p', ]); }); }); it('finds element by class name regex', () => { cy.get('.docs-header') .find('div') // .should(cb) callback function will be retried .should(($div) => { expect($div).to.have.length(1); const className = $div[0].className; expect(className).to.match(/heading-/); }) // .then(cb) callback is not retried, // it either passes or fails .then(($div) => { expect($div, 'text content').to.have.text('Introduction'); }); }); it('can throw any error', () => { cy.get('.docs-header') .find('div') .should(($div) => { if ($div.length !== 1) { // you can throw your own errors throw new Error('Did not find 1 element'); } const className = $div[0].className; if (!className.match(/heading-/)) { throw new Error(`Could not find class "heading-" in ${className}`); } }); }); it('matches unknown text between two elements', () => { /** * Text from the first element. * * @type {string} */ let text; /** * Normalizes passed text, useful before comparing text with spaces and different capitalization. * * @param {string} s Text to normalize */ const normalizeText = (s) => s.replace(/\s/g, '').toLowerCase(); cy.get('.two-elements') .find('.first') .then(($first) => { // save text from the first element text = normalizeText($first.text()); }); cy.get('.two-elements') .find('.second') .should(($div) => { // we can massage text before comparing const secondText = normalizeText($div.text()); expect(secondText, 'second text').to.equal(text); }); }); it('assert - assert shape of an object', () => { const person = { name: 'Joe', age: 20, }; assert.isObject(person, 'value is object'); }); }); });