import type { BlockDB } from './blockDB.js'; import type { Block } from './blockTypes.js'; import { log } from '../../logger.js'; import { getConfig } from '../../diagram-api/diagramAPI.js'; const padding = getConfig()?.block?.padding || 8; interface BlockPosition { px: number; py: number; } export function calculateBlockPosition(columns: number, position: number): BlockPosition { // log.debug('calculateBlockPosition abc89', columns, position); // Ensure that columns is a positive integer if (columns === 0 || !Number.isInteger(columns)) { throw new Error('Columns must be an integer !== 0.'); } // Ensure that position is a non-negative integer if (position < 0 || !Number.isInteger(position)) { throw new Error('Position must be a non-negative integer.' + position); } if (columns < 0) { // Auto coulumns is set return { px: position, py: 0 }; } if (columns === 1) { // Auto coulumns is set return { px: 0, py: position }; } // Calculate posX and posY const px = position % columns; const py = Math.floor(position / columns); // log.debug('calculateBlockPosition abc89', columns, position, '=> (', px, py, ')'); return { px, py }; } const getMaxChildSize = (block: Block) => { let maxWidth = 0; let maxHeight = 0; // find max width of children // log.debug('getMaxChildSize abc95 (start) parent:',; for (const child of block.children) { const { width, height, x, y } = child.size || { width: 0, height: 0, x: 0, y: 0 }; log.debug( 'getMaxChildSize abc95 child:',, 'width:', width, 'height:', height, 'x:', x, 'y:', y, child.type ); if (child.type === 'space') { continue; } if (width > maxWidth) { maxWidth = width / (block.widthInColumns || 1); } if (height > maxHeight) { maxHeight = height; } } return { width: maxWidth, height: maxHeight }; }; function setBlockSizes(block: Block, db: BlockDB, siblingWidth = 0, siblingHeight = 0) { log.debug( 'setBlockSizes abc95 (start)',, block?.size?.x, 'block width =', block?.size, 'sieblingWidth', siblingWidth ); if (!block?.size?.width) { block.size = { width: siblingWidth, height: siblingHeight, x: 0, y: 0, }; } let maxWidth = 0; let maxHeight = 0; if (block.children?.length > 0) { for (const child of block.children) { setBlockSizes(child, db); } // find max width of children const childSize = getMaxChildSize(block); maxWidth = childSize.width; maxHeight = childSize.height; log.debug('setBlockSizes abc95 maxWidth of',, ':s children is ', maxWidth, maxHeight); // set width of block to max width of children for (const child of block.children) { if (child.size) { log.debug( `abc95 Setting size of children of ${} id=${} ${maxWidth} ${maxHeight} ${child.size}` ); child.size.width = maxWidth * (child.widthInColumns || 1) + padding * ((child.widthInColumns || 1) - 1); child.size.height = maxHeight; child.size.x = 0; child.size.y = 0; log.debug( `abc95 updating size of ${} children child:${} maxWidth:${maxWidth} maxHeight:${maxHeight}` ); } } for (const child of block.children) { setBlockSizes(child, db, maxWidth, maxHeight); } const columns = block.columns || -1; const numItems = block.children.length; // The width and height in number blocks let xSize = block.children.length; if (columns > 0 && columns < numItems) { xSize = columns; } const w = block.widthInColumns || 1; const ySize = Math.ceil(numItems / xSize); let width = xSize * (maxWidth + padding) + padding; let height = ySize * (maxHeight + padding) + padding; // If maxWidth if (width < siblingWidth) { log.debug( `Detected to small siebling: abc95 ${} sieblingWidth ${siblingWidth} sieblingHeight ${siblingHeight} width ${width}` ); width = siblingWidth; height = siblingHeight; const childWidth = (siblingWidth - xSize * padding - padding) / xSize; const childHeight = (siblingHeight - ySize * padding - padding) / ySize; log.debug('Size indata abc88',, 'childWidth', childWidth, 'maxWidth', maxWidth); log.debug('Size indata abc88',, 'childHeight', childHeight, 'maxHeight', maxHeight); log.debug('Size indata abc88 xSize', xSize, 'paddiong', padding); // set width of block to max width of children for (const child of block.children) { if (child.size) { child.size.width = childWidth; child.size.height = childHeight; child.size.x = 0; child.size.y = 0; } } } log.debug( `abc95 (finale calc) ${} xSize ${xSize} ySize ${ySize} columns ${columns}${ block.children.length } width=${Math.max(width, block.size?.width || 0)}` ); if (width < (block?.size?.width || 0)) { width = block?.size?.width || 0; // Grow children to fit const num = columns > 0 ? Math.min(block.children.length, columns) : block.children.length; if (num > 0) { const childWidth = (width - num * padding - padding) / num; log.debug('abc95 (growing to fit) width',, width, block.size?.width, childWidth); for (const child of block.children) { if (child.size) { child.size.width = childWidth; } } } } block.size = { width, height, x: 0, y: 0, }; } log.debug( 'setBlockSizes abc94 (done)',, block?.size?.x, block?.size?.width, block?.size?.y, block?.size?.height ); } function layoutBlocks(block: Block, db: BlockDB) { log.debug( `abc85 layout blocks (=>layoutBlocks) ${} x: ${block?.size?.x} y: ${block?.size?.y} width: ${block?.size?.width}` ); const columns = block.columns || -1; log.debug('layoutBlocks columns abc95',, '=>', columns, block); if ( block.children && // find max width of children block.children.length > 0 ) { const width = block?.children[0]?.size?.width || 0; const widthOfChildren = block.children.length * width + (block.children.length - 1) * padding; log.debug('widthOfChildren 88', widthOfChildren, 'posX'); // let first = true; let columnPos = 0; log.debug('abc91 block?.size?.x',, block?.size?.x); let startingPosX = block?.size?.x ? block?.size?.x + (-block?.size?.width / 2 || 0) : -padding; let rowPos = 0; for (const child of block.children) { const parent = block; if (!child.size) { continue; } const { width, height } = child.size; const { px, py } = calculateBlockPosition(columns, columnPos); if (py != rowPos) { rowPos = py; startingPosX = block?.size?.x ? block?.size?.x + (-block?.size?.width / 2 || 0) : -padding; log.debug('New row in layout for block',, ' and child ',, rowPos); } log.debug( `abc89 layout blocks (child) id: ${} Pos: ${columnPos} (px, py) ${px},${py} (${parent?.size?.x},${parent?.size?.y}) parent: ${} width: ${width}${padding}` ); if (parent.size) { const halfWidth = width / 2; child.size.x = startingPosX + padding + halfWidth; log.debug( `abc91 layout blocks (calc) px, pyid:${ } startingPos=X${startingPosX} new startingPosX${ child.size.x } ${halfWidth} padding=${padding} width=${width} halfWidth=${halfWidth} => x:${ child.size.x } y:${child.size.y} ${child.widthInColumns} (width * (child?.w || 1)) / 2 ${ (width * (child?.widthInColumns || 1)) / 2 }` ); startingPosX = child.size.x + halfWidth; child.size.y = parent.size.y - parent.size.height / 2 + py * (height + padding) + height / 2 + padding; log.debug( `abc88 layout blocks (calc) px, pyid:${ }startingPosX${startingPosX}${padding}${halfWidth}=>x:${child.size.x}y:${child.size.y}${ child.widthInColumns }(width * (child?.w || 1)) / 2${(width * (child?.widthInColumns || 1)) / 2}` ); } // posY += height + padding; if (child.children) { layoutBlocks(child, db); } columnPos += child?.widthInColumns || 1; log.debug('abc88 columnsPos', child, columnPos); } } log.debug( `layout blocks (<==layoutBlocks) ${} x: ${block?.size?.x} y: ${block?.size?.y} width: ${block?.size?.width}` ); } function findBounds( block: Block, { minX, minY, maxX, maxY } = { minX: 0, minY: 0, maxX: 0, maxY: 0 } ) { if (block.size && !== 'root') { const { x, y, width, height } = block.size; if (x - width / 2 < minX) { minX = x - width / 2; } if (y - height / 2 < minY) { minY = y - height / 2; } if (x + width / 2 > maxX) { maxX = x + width / 2; } if (y + height / 2 > maxY) { maxY = y + height / 2; } } if (block.children) { for (const child of block.children) { ({ minX, minY, maxX, maxY } = findBounds(child, { minX, minY, maxX, maxY })); } } return { minX, minY, maxX, maxY }; } export function layout(db: BlockDB) { const root = db.getBlock('root'); if (!root) { return; } setBlockSizes(root, db, 0, 0); layoutBlocks(root, db); // Position blocks relative to parents // positionBlock(root, root, db); log.debug('getBlocks', JSON.stringify(root, null, 2)); const { minX, minY, maxX, maxY } = findBounds(root); const height = maxY - minY; const width = maxX - minX; return { x: minX, y: minY, width, height }; }