import { getStylesFromArray } from '../../utils.js'; import { insertNode, positionNode } from '../../dagre-wrapper/nodes.js'; import { insertEdge, insertEdgeLabel, positionEdgeLabel } from '../../dagre-wrapper/edges.js'; import * as graphlib from 'dagre-d3-es/src/graphlib/index.js'; import { getConfig } from '../../config.js'; import type { ContainerElement } from 'd3'; import type { Block } from './blockTypes.js'; import type { BlockDB } from './blockDB.js'; interface Node { classes: string; } function getNodeFromBlock(block: Block, db: BlockDB, positioned = false) { const vertex = block; let classStr = 'default'; if ((vertex?.classes?.length || 0) > 0) { classStr = (vertex?.classes || []).join(' '); } classStr = classStr + ' flowchart-label'; // We create a SVG label, either by delegating to addHtmlLabel or manually let radius = 0; let shape = ''; let layoutOptions = {}; let padding; // Set the shape based parameters switch (vertex.type) { case 'round': radius = 5; shape = 'rect'; break; case 'composite': radius = 0; shape = 'composite'; padding = 0; break; case 'square': shape = 'rect'; break; case 'diamond': shape = 'question'; layoutOptions = { portConstraints: 'FIXED_SIDE', }; break; case 'hexagon': shape = 'hexagon'; break; case 'block_arrow': shape = 'block_arrow'; break; case 'odd': shape = 'rect_left_inv_arrow'; break; case 'lean_right': shape = 'lean_right'; break; case 'lean_left': shape = 'lean_left'; break; case 'trapezoid': shape = 'trapezoid'; break; case 'inv_trapezoid': shape = 'inv_trapezoid'; break; case 'rect_left_inv_arrow': shape = 'rect_left_inv_arrow'; break; case 'circle': shape = 'circle'; break; case 'ellipse': shape = 'ellipse'; break; case 'stadium': shape = 'stadium'; break; case 'subroutine': shape = 'subroutine'; break; case 'cylinder': shape = 'cylinder'; break; case 'group': shape = 'rect'; break; case 'doublecircle': shape = 'doublecircle'; break; default: shape = 'rect'; } const styles = getStylesFromArray(vertex?.styles || []); // Use vertex id as text in the box if no text is provided by the graph definition const vertexText = vertex.label; const bounds = vertex.size || { width: 0, height: 0, x: 0, y: 0 }; // Add the node const node = { labelStyle: styles.labelStyle, shape: shape, labelText: vertexText, rx: radius, ry: radius, class: classStr, style:, id:, directions: vertex.directions, width: bounds.width, height: bounds.height, x: bounds.x, y: bounds.y, positioned, intersect: undefined, type: vertex.type, padding: padding ?? (getConfig()?.block?.padding || 0), }; return node; } async function calculateBlockSize( elem: d3.Selection, block: any, db: any ) { const node = getNodeFromBlock(block, db, false); if (node.type === 'group') { return; } // Add the element to the DOM to size it const nodeEl = await insertNode(elem, node); const boundingBox = nodeEl.node().getBBox(); const obj = db.getBlock(; obj.size = { width: boundingBox.width, height: boundingBox.height, x: 0, y: 0, node: nodeEl }; db.setBlock(obj); nodeEl.remove(); } type ActionFun = typeof calculateBlockSize; export async function insertBlockPositioned(elem: any, block: Block, db: any) { const node = getNodeFromBlock(block, db, true); // Add the element to the DOM to size it const obj = db.getBlock(; if (obj.type !== 'space') { const nodeEl = await insertNode(elem, node); block.intersect = node?.intersect; positionNode(node); } } export async function performOperations( elem: d3.Selection, blocks: Block[], db: BlockDB, operation: ActionFun ) { for (const block of blocks) { await operation(elem, block, db); if (block.children) { await performOperations(elem, block.children, db, operation); } } } export async function calculateBlockSizes(elem: any, blocks: Block[], db: BlockDB) { await performOperations(elem, blocks, db, calculateBlockSize); } export async function insertBlocks( elem: d3.Selection, blocks: Block[], db: BlockDB ) { await performOperations(elem, blocks, db, insertBlockPositioned); } export async function insertEdges( elem: any, edges: Block[], blocks: Block[], db: BlockDB, id: string ) { const g = new graphlib.Graph({ multigraph: true, compound: true, }); g.setGraph({ rankdir: 'TB', nodesep: 10, ranksep: 10, marginx: 8, marginy: 8, }); for (const block of blocks) { if (block.size) { g.setNode(, { width: block.size.width, height: block.size.height, intersect: block.intersect, }); } } for (const edge of edges) { // elem, e, edge, clusterDb, diagramType, graph; if (edge.start && edge.end) { const startBlock = db.getBlock(edge.start); const endBlock = db.getBlock(edge.end); if (startBlock?.size && endBlock?.size) { const start = startBlock.size; const end = endBlock.size; const points = [ { x: start.x, y: start.y }, { x: start.x + (end.x - start.x) / 2, y: start.y + (end.y - start.y) / 2 }, { x: end.x, y: end.y }, ]; // edge.points = points; await insertEdge( elem, { v: edge.start, w: edge.end, name: }, { ...edge, arrowTypeEnd: edge.arrowTypeEnd, arrowTypeStart: edge.arrowTypeStart, points, classes: 'edge-thickness-normal edge-pattern-solid flowchart-link LS-a1 LE-b1', }, undefined, 'block', g, id ); if (edge.label) { await insertEdgeLabel(elem, { ...edge, label: edge.label, labelStyle: 'stroke: #333; stroke-width: 1.5px;fill:none;', arrowTypeEnd: edge.arrowTypeEnd, arrowTypeStart: edge.arrowTypeStart, points, classes: 'edge-thickness-normal edge-pattern-solid flowchart-link LS-a1 LE-b1', }); await positionEdgeLabel( { ...edge, x: points[1].x, y: points[1].y }, { originalPath: points, } ); } } } } }