import type { DiagramDB } from '../../diagram-api/types.js'; import type { BlockConfig, BlockType, Block, ClassDef } from './blockTypes.js'; import * as configApi from '../../config.js'; import { clear as commonClear } from '../common/commonDb.js'; import { log } from '../../logger.js'; import clone from 'lodash-es/clone.js'; // Initialize the node database for simple lookups let blockDatabase: Record = {}; let edgeList: Block[] = []; let edgeCount: Record = {}; const COLOR_KEYWORD = 'color'; const FILL_KEYWORD = 'fill'; const BG_FILL = 'bgFill'; const STYLECLASS_SEP = ','; let classes = {} as Record; /** * Called when the parser comes across a (style) class definition * @example classDef my-style fill:#f96; * * @param id - the id of this (style) class * @param styleAttributes - the string with 1 or more style attributes (each separated by a comma) */ export const addStyleClass = function (id: string, styleAttributes = '') { // create a new style class object with this id if (classes[id] === undefined) { classes[id] = { id: id, styles: [], textStyles: [] }; // This is a classDef } const foundClass = classes[id]; if (styleAttributes !== undefined && styleAttributes !== null) { styleAttributes.split(STYLECLASS_SEP).forEach((attrib) => { // remove any trailing ; const fixedAttrib = attrib.replace(/([^;]*);/, '$1').trim(); // replace some style keywords if (attrib.match(COLOR_KEYWORD)) { const newStyle1 = fixedAttrib.replace(FILL_KEYWORD, BG_FILL); const newStyle2 = newStyle1.replace(COLOR_KEYWORD, FILL_KEYWORD); foundClass.textStyles.push(newStyle2); } foundClass.styles.push(fixedAttrib); }); } }; /** * Called when the parser comes across a style definition * @example style my-block-id fill:#f96; * * @param id - the id of the block to style * @param styles - the string with 1 or more style attributes (each separated by a comma) */ export const addStyle2Node = function (id: string, styles = '') { const foundBlock = blockDatabase[id]; if (styles !== undefined && styles !== null) { foundBlock.styles = styles.split(STYLECLASS_SEP); } }; /** * Add a CSS/style class to the block with the given id. * If the block isn't already in the list of known blocks, add it. * Might be called by parser when a CSS/style class should be applied to a block * * @param itemIds - The id or a list of ids of the item(s) to apply the css class to * @param cssClassName - CSS class name */ export const setCssClass = function (itemIds: string, cssClassName: string) { itemIds.split(',').forEach(function (id: string) { let foundBlock = blockDatabase[id]; if (foundBlock === undefined) { const trimmedId = id.trim(); blockDatabase[trimmedId] = { id: trimmedId, type: 'na', children: [] } as Block; foundBlock = blockDatabase[trimmedId]; } if (!foundBlock.classes) { foundBlock.classes = []; } foundBlock.classes.push(cssClassName); }); }; const populateBlockDatabase = (_blockList: Block[] | Block[][], parent: Block): void => { const blockList = _blockList.flat(); const children = []; for (const block of blockList) { if (block.type === 'classDef') { addStyleClass(, block.css); continue; } if (block.type === 'applyClass') { setCssClass(, block?.styleClass || ''); continue; } if (block.type === 'applyStyles') { if (block?.stylesStr) { addStyle2Node(, block?.stylesStr); } continue; } if (block.type === 'column-setting') { parent.columns = block.columns || -1; } else if (block.type === 'edge') { if (edgeCount[]) { edgeCount[]++; } else { edgeCount[] = 1; } = edgeCount[] + '-' +; edgeList.push(block); } else { if (!block.label) { if (block.type === 'composite') { block.label = ''; // log.debug('abc89 composite', block); } else { block.label =; } } const newBlock = !blockDatabase[]; if (newBlock) { blockDatabase[] = block; } else { // Add newer relevant data to aggregated node if (block.type !== 'na') { blockDatabase[].type = block.type; } if (block.label !== { blockDatabase[].label = block.label; } } if (block.children) { populateBlockDatabase(block.children, block); } if (block.type === 'space') { // log.debug('abc95 space', block); const w = block.width || 1; for (let j = 0; j < w; j++) { const newBlock = clone(block); = + '-' + j; blockDatabase[] = newBlock; children.push(newBlock); } } else if (newBlock) { children.push(block); } } } parent.children = children; }; let blocks: Block[] = []; let rootBlock = { id: 'root', type: 'composite', children: [], columns: -1 } as Block; const clear = (): void => { log.debug('Clear called'); commonClear(); rootBlock = { id: 'root', type: 'composite', children: [], columns: -1 } as Block; blockDatabase = { root: rootBlock }; blocks = [] as Block[]; classes = {} as Record; edgeList = []; edgeCount = {}; }; export function typeStr2Type(typeStr: string) { log.debug('typeStr2Type', typeStr); switch (typeStr) { case '[]': return 'square'; case '()': log.debug('we have a round'); return 'round'; case '(())': return 'circle'; case '>]': return 'rect_left_inv_arrow'; case '{}': return 'diamond'; case '{{}}': return 'hexagon'; case '([])': return 'stadium'; case '[[]]': return 'subroutine'; case '[()]': return 'cylinder'; case '((()))': return 'doublecircle'; case '[//]': return 'lean_right'; case '[\\\\]': return 'lean_left'; case '[/\\]': return 'trapezoid'; case '[\\/]': return 'inv_trapezoid'; case '<[]>': return 'block_arrow'; default: return 'na'; } } export function edgeTypeStr2Type(typeStr: string): string { log.debug('typeStr2Type', typeStr); switch (typeStr) { case '==': return 'thick'; default: return 'normal'; } } export function edgeStrToEdgeData(typeStr: string): string { switch (typeStr.trim()) { case '--x': return 'arrow_cross'; case '--o': return 'arrow_circle'; default: return 'arrow_point'; } } let cnt = 0; export const generateId = () => { cnt++; return 'id-' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 12) + '-' + cnt; }; const setHierarchy = (block: Block[]): void => { rootBlock.children = block; populateBlockDatabase(block, rootBlock); blocks = rootBlock.children; }; const getColumns = (blockId: string): number => { const block = blockDatabase[blockId]; if (!block) { return -1; } if (block.columns) { return block.columns; } if (!block.children) { return -1; } return block.children.length; }; /** * Returns all the blocks as a flat array * @returns */ const getBlocksFlat = () => { return [...Object.values(blockDatabase)]; }; /** * Returns the the hierarchy of blocks * @returns */ const getBlocks = () => { return blocks || []; }; const getEdges = () => { return edgeList; }; const getBlock = (id: string) => { return blockDatabase[id]; }; const setBlock = (block: Block) => { blockDatabase[] = block; }; const getLogger = () => console; /** * Return all of the style classes */ export const getClasses = function () { return classes; }; const db = { getConfig: () => configApi.getConfig().block, typeStr2Type: typeStr2Type, edgeTypeStr2Type: edgeTypeStr2Type, edgeStrToEdgeData, getLogger, getBlocksFlat, getBlocks, getEdges, setHierarchy, getBlock, setBlock, getColumns, getClasses, clear, generateId, } as const; export type BlockDB = typeof db & DiagramDB; export default db;