XY Charts demos

    title "Sales Revenue (in $)"
    x-axis [jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec]
    y-axis "Revenue (in $)" 4000 --> 11000
    bar [5000, 6000, 7500, 8200, 9500, 10500, 11000, 10200, 9200, 8500, 7000, 6000]
    line [5000, 6000, 7500, 8200, 9500, 10500, 11000, 10200, 9200, 8500, 7000, 6000]

XY Charts horizontal

    xychart-beta horizontal
    title "Basic xychart"
    x-axis "this is x axis" [category1, "category 2", category3, category4]
    y-axis yaxisText 10 --> 150
    bar "sample bat" [52, 96, 35, 10]
    line [23, 46, 75, 43]

XY Charts only lines and bar

    line [23, 46, 77, 34]
    line [45, 32, 33, 12]
    line [87, 54, 99, 85]
    line [78, 88, 22, 4]
    line [22, 29, 75, 33]
    bar [52, 96, 35, 10]

XY Charts with +ve and -ve numbers

    line [+1.3, .6, 2.4, -.34]

XY Charts Bar with multiple category

    title "Basic xychart with many categories"
    x-axis "this is x axis" [category1, "category 2", category3, category4, category5, category6, category7]
    y-axis yaxisText 10 --> 150
    bar "sample bar" [52, 96, 35, 10, 87, 34, 67, 99]

XY Charts line with multiple category

    title "Line chart with many category"
    x-axis "this is x axis" [category1, "category 2", category3, category4, category5, category6, category7]
    y-axis yaxisText 10 --> 150
    line "sample line" [52, 96, 35, 10, 87, 34, 67, 99]

XY Charts category with large text

    title "Basic xychart with many categories with category overlap"
    x-axis "this is x axis" [category1, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, qui minim labore adipisicing minim sint cillum sint consectetur cupidatat.", category3, category4, category5, category6, category7]
    y-axis yaxisText 10 --> 150
    bar "sample bar" [52, 96, 35, 10, 87, 34, 67, 99]

sparkline demo

  theme: dark
    width: 200
    height: 20
    plotReservedSpacePercent: 100
      line [5000, 9000, 7500, 6200, 9500, 5500, 11000, 8200, 9200, 9500, 7000, 8800]

sparkBar demo

  theme: dark
    width: 200
    height: 20
    plotReservedSpacePercent: 100
      bar [5000, 9000, 7500, 6200, 9500, 5500, 11000, 8200, 9200, 9500, 7000, 8800]

XY Charts demos with all configs

  theme: forest
    width: 1000
    height: 600
    titlePadding: 5
    titleFontSize: 10
      labelFontSize: 20
      labelPadding: 10
      titleFontSize: 30
      titlePadding: 20
      tickLength: 10
      tickWidth: 5
      axisLineWidth: 5
      labelFontSize: 20
      labelPadding: 10
      titleFontSize: 30
      titlePadding: 20
      tickLength: 10
      tickWidth: 5
      axisLineWidth: 5
    chartOrientation: horizontal
    plotReservedSpacePercent: 60
      title "Sales Revene"
      x-axis Months [jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec]
      y-axis "Revenue (in $)" 4000 --> 11000
      bar [5000, 6000, 7500, 8200, 9500, 10500, 11000, 10200, 9200, 8500, 7000, 6000]
      line [5000, 6000, 7500, 8200, 9500, 10500, 11000, 10200, 9200, 8500, 7000, 6000]


XY Charts demos with all theme config

      titleColor: "#ff0000"
      backgroundColor: "#f0f8ff"
      yAxisLabelColor: "#ee82ee"
      yAxisTitleColor: "#7fffd4"
      yAxisTickColor: "#87ceeb"
      yAxisLineColor: "#ff6347"
      xAxisLabelColor: "#7fffd4"
      xAxisTitleColor: "#ee82ee"
      xAxisTickColor: "#ff6347"
      xAxisLineColor: "#87ceeb"
      plotColorPalette: "#008000, #faba63"
      title "Sales Revene"
      x-axis Months [jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec]
      y-axis "Revenue (in $)" 4000 --> 11000
      bar [5000, 6000, 7500, 8200, 9500, 10500, 11000, 10200, 9200, 8500, 7000, 6000]
      line [5000, 6000, 7500, 8200, 9500, 10500, 11000, 10200, 9200, 8500, 7000, 6000]