import { getConfig } from '../../diagram-api/diagramAPI.js'; import common from '../common/common.js'; import { setAccTitle, getAccTitle, getAccDescription, setAccDescription, setDiagramTitle, getDiagramTitle, clear as commonClear, } from '../common/commonDb.js'; // Sankey diagram represented by nodes and links between those nodes let links: SankeyLink[] = []; // Array of nodes guarantees their order let nodes: SankeyNode[] = []; // We also have to track nodes uniqueness (by ID) let nodesMap: Record = {}; const clear = (): void => { links = []; nodes = []; nodesMap = {}; commonClear(); }; class SankeyLink { constructor( public source: SankeyNode, public target: SankeyNode, public value: number = 0 ) {} } /** * @param source - Node where the link starts * @param target - Node where the link ends * @param value - Describes the amount to be passed */ const addLink = (source: SankeyNode, target: SankeyNode, value: number): void => { links.push(new SankeyLink(source, target, value)); }; class SankeyNode { constructor(public ID: string) {} } const findOrCreateNode = (ID: string): SankeyNode => { ID = common.sanitizeText(ID, getConfig()); if (!nodesMap[ID]) { nodesMap[ID] = new SankeyNode(ID); nodes.push(nodesMap[ID]); } return nodesMap[ID]; }; const getNodes = () => nodes; const getLinks = () => links; const getGraph = () => ({ nodes: => ({ id: node.ID })), links: => ({ source: link.source.ID, target:, value: link.value, })), }); export default { nodesMap, getConfig: () => getConfig().sankey, getNodes, getLinks, getGraph, addLink, findOrCreateNode, getAccTitle, setAccTitle, getAccDescription, setAccDescription, getDiagramTitle, setDiagramTitle, clear, };