
237 lines
7.4 KiB

import { defineConfig, MarkdownOptions } from 'vitepress';
import { version } from '../../../package.json';
import MermaidExample from './mermaid-markdown-all.js';
const allMarkdownTransformers: MarkdownOptions = {
// the shiki theme to highlight code blocks
theme: {
light: 'github-light',
dark: 'github-dark',
config: async (md) => {
await MermaidExample(md);
export default defineConfig({
lang: 'en-US',
title: 'Mermaid',
description: 'Create diagrams and visualizations using text and code.',
base: '/',
markdown: allMarkdownTransformers,
ignoreDeadLinks: [
// ignore all localhost links
head: [
['link', { rel: 'icon', type: 'image/x-icon', href: '/favicon.ico' }],
defer: 'true',
'data-domain': '',
// All tracked stats are public and available at
src: '',
themeConfig: {
nav: nav(),
editLink: {
pattern: ({ filePath, frontmatter }) => {
if (typeof frontmatter.editLink === 'string') {
return frontmatter.editLink;
return `${filePath}`;
text: 'Edit this page on GitHub',
sidebar: {
'/': sidebarAll(),
outline: {
level: 'deep',
socialLinks: [
{ icon: 'github', link: '' },
icon: 'discord',
link: '',
icon: {
svg: '<svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 490.16 490.16"><defs><mask id="Mask"><rect x="0" y="0" width="490.16" height="490.16" fill="white" /><path fill="black" d="M407.48,111.18A165.2,165.2,0,0,0,245.08,220,165.2,165.2,0,0,0,82.68,111.18a165.5,165.5,0,0,0,72.06,143.64,88.81,88.81,0,0,1,38.53,73.45v50.86H296.9V328.27a88.8,88.8,0,0,1,38.52-73.45,165.41,165.41,0,0,0,72.06-143.64Z"/><path fill="black" d="M160.63,328.27a56.09,56.09,0,0,0-24.27-46.49,198.74,198.74,0,0,1-28.54-23.66A196.87,196.87,0,0,1,82.53,227V379.13h78.1Z"/><path fill="black" d="M329.53,328.27a56.09,56.09,0,0,1,24.27-46.49,198.74,198.74,0,0,0,28.54-23.66A196.87,196.87,0,0,0,407.63,227V379.13h-78.1Z"/></mask><style>.cls-1{fill:#76767B;}.cls-1:hover{fill:#FF3570}</style></defs><rect class="cls-1" width="490.16" height="490.16" rx="84.61" mask="url(#Mask)" /></svg>',
link: '',
// Top (across the page) menu
function nav() {
return [
{ text: 'Docs', link: '/intro/', activeMatch: '/intro/' },
text: 'Tutorials',
link: '/ecosystem/tutorials',
activeMatch: '/ecosystem/tutorials',
text: 'Integrations',
link: '/ecosystem/integrations-community',
activeMatch: '/ecosystem/integrations-community',
text: 'Contributing',
link: '/community/intro',
activeMatch: '/community/',
text: 'Latest News',
link: '/news/announcements',
activeMatch: '/announcements',
text: version,
items: [
text: 'Changelog',
link: '',
text: '💻 Live Editor',
link: '',
function sidebarAll() {
return [
text: '📔 Introduction',
collapsed: false,
items: [
{ text: 'About Mermaid', link: '/intro/' },
{ text: 'Getting Started', link: '/intro/getting-started' },
{ text: 'Syntax and Configuration', link: '/intro/syntax-reference' },
function sidebarSyntax() {
return [
text: '📊 Diagram Syntax',
collapsed: false,
items: [
{ text: 'Flowchart', link: '/syntax/flowchart' },
{ text: 'Sequence Diagram', link: '/syntax/sequenceDiagram' },
{ text: 'Class Diagram', link: '/syntax/classDiagram' },
{ text: 'State Diagram', link: '/syntax/stateDiagram' },
text: 'Entity Relationship Diagram',
link: '/syntax/entityRelationshipDiagram',
{ text: 'User Journey', link: '/syntax/userJourney' },
{ text: 'Gantt', link: '/syntax/gantt' },
{ text: 'Pie Chart', link: '/syntax/pie' },
{ text: 'Quadrant Chart', link: '/syntax/quadrantChart' },
{ text: 'Requirement Diagram', link: '/syntax/requirementDiagram' },
{ text: 'Gitgraph (Git) Diagram', link: '/syntax/gitgraph' },
{ text: 'C4 Diagram 🦺⚠️', link: '/syntax/c4' },
{ text: 'Mindmaps', link: '/syntax/mindmap' },
{ text: 'Timeline', link: '/syntax/timeline' },
{ text: 'Zenuml', link: '/syntax/zenuml' },
{ text: 'Sankey 🔥', link: '/syntax/sankey' },
{ text: 'XYChart 🔥', link: '/syntax/xyChart' },
{ text: 'Block Diagram 🔥', link: '/syntax/block' },
{ text: 'Packet 🔥', link: '/syntax/packet' },
{ text: 'Other Examples', link: '/syntax/examples' },
function sidebarConfig() {
return [
text: '⚙️ Deployment and Configuration',
collapsed: false,
items: [
{ text: 'Configuration', link: '/config/configuration' },
{ text: 'API-Usage', link: '/config/usage' },
{ text: 'Mermaid API Configuration', link: '/config/setup/README' },
{ text: 'Mermaid Configuration Options', link: '/config/schema-docs/config' },
{ text: 'Directives', link: '/config/directives' },
{ text: 'Theming', link: '/config/theming' },
{ text: 'Accessibility', link: '/config/accessibility' },
{ text: 'Mermaid CLI', link: '/config/mermaidCLI' },
{ text: 'FAQ', link: '/config/faq' },
function sidebarEcosystem() {
return [
text: '📚 Ecosystem',
collapsed: false,
items: [
{ text: 'Mermaid Chart', link: '/ecosystem/mermaid-chart' },
{ text: 'Tutorials', link: '/ecosystem/tutorials' },
{ text: 'Integrations - Community', link: '/ecosystem/integrations-community' },
{ text: 'Integrations - Create', link: '/ecosystem/integrations-create' },
function sidebarCommunity() {
return [
text: '🙌 Contributing',
collapsed: false,
items: [
{ text: 'Getting Started', link: '/community/intro' },
{ text: 'Contributing to Mermaid', link: '/community/contributing' },
{ text: 'Adding Diagrams', link: '/community/new-diagram' },
{ text: 'Questions and Suggestions', link: '/community/questions-and-suggestions' },
{ text: 'Security', link: '/community/security' },
function sidebarNews() {
return [
text: '📰 Latest News',
collapsed: false,
items: [
{ text: 'Announcements', link: '/news/announcements' },
{ text: 'Blog', link: '/news/blog' },
* Return a string that puts together the pagePage, a '#', then the given id
* @param pagePath
* @param id
* @returns the fully formed path
function pathToId(pagePath: string, id = ''): string {
return pagePath + '#' + id;