
97 lines
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import type { Diagram } from '../../Diagram.js';
import * as configApi from '../../config.js';
import { calculateBlockSizes, insertBlocks, insertEdges } from './renderHelpers.js';
import { layout } from './layout.js';
import type { MermaidConfig, BaseDiagramConfig } from '../../config.type.js';
import insertMarkers from '../../dagre-wrapper/markers.js';
import {
select as d3select,
scaleOrdinal as d3scaleOrdinal,
schemeTableau10 as d3schemeTableau10,
} from 'd3';
import type { ContainerElement } from 'd3';
import { log } from '../../logger.js';
import type { BlockDB } from './blockDB.js';
import type { Block } from './blockTypes.js';
import { configureSvgSize } from '../../setupGraphViewbox.js';
* Returns the all the styles from classDef statements in the graph definition.
* @param text - The text with the classes
* @param diagObj - The diagram object
* @returns ClassDef - The styles
export const getClasses = function (text: any, diagObj: any) {
return diagObj.db.getClasses();
export const draw = async function (
text: string,
id: string,
_version: string,
diagObj: Diagram
): Promise<void> {
const { securityLevel, block: conf } = configApi.getConfig();
const db = diagObj.db as BlockDB;
let sandboxElement: any;
if (securityLevel === 'sandbox') {
sandboxElement = d3select('#i' + id);
const root =
securityLevel === 'sandbox'
? d3select<HTMLBodyElement, unknown>(sandboxElement.nodes()[0].contentDocument.body)
: d3select<HTMLBodyElement, unknown>('body');
const svg =
securityLevel === 'sandbox'
: d3select<SVGSVGElement, unknown>(`[id="${id}"]`);
// Define the supported markers for the diagram
const markers = ['point', 'circle', 'cross'];
// Add the marker definitions to the svg as marker tags
// insertMarkers(svg, markers, diagObj.type, diagObj.arrowMarkerAbsolute);
// insertMarkers(svg, markers, diagObj.type, true);
insertMarkers(svg, markers, diagObj.type, id);
const bl = db.getBlocks();
const blArr = db.getBlocksFlat();
const edges = db.getEdges();
const nodes = svg.insert('g').attr('class', 'block');
await calculateBlockSizes(nodes, bl, db);
const bounds = layout(db);
await insertBlocks(nodes, bl, db);
await insertEdges(nodes, edges, blArr, db, id);
// log.debug('Here', bl);
// Establish svg dimensions and get width and height
// const bounds2 = nodes.node().getBoundingClientRect();
// Why, oh why ????
if (bounds) {
const bounds2 = bounds;
const magicFactor = Math.max(1, Math.round(0.125 * (bounds2.width / bounds2.height)));
const height = bounds2.height + magicFactor + 10;
const width = bounds2.width + 10;
const { useMaxWidth } = conf as Exclude<MermaidConfig['block'], undefined>;
configureSvgSize(svg, height, width, !!useMaxWidth);
log.debug('Here Bounds', bounds, bounds2);
`${bounds2.x - 5} ${bounds2.y - 5} ${bounds2.width + 10} ${bounds2.height + 10}`
// Get color scheme for the graph
const colorScheme = d3scaleOrdinal(d3schemeTableau10);
export default {