// Copyright 2018 Frédéric Guillot. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package template // import "miniflux.app/template" import ( "testing" ) func TestDict(t *testing.T) { d, err := dict("k1", "v1", "k2", "v2") if err != nil { t.Fatalf(`The dict should be valid: %v`, err) } if value, found := d["k1"]; found { if value != "v1" { t.Fatalf(`Unexpected value for k1: got %q`, value) } } if value, found := d["k2"]; found { if value != "v2" { t.Fatalf(`Unexpected value for k2: got %q`, value) } } } func TestDictWithInvalidNumberOfArguments(t *testing.T) { _, err := dict("k1") if err == nil { t.Fatal(`An error should be returned if the number of arguments are not even`) } } func TestDictWithInvalidMap(t *testing.T) { _, err := dict(1, 2) if err == nil { t.Fatal(`An error should be returned if the dict keys are not string`) } } func TestHasKey(t *testing.T) { input := map[string]string{"k": "v"} if !hasKey(input, "k") { t.Fatal(`This key exists in the map and should returns true`) } if hasKey(input, "missing") { t.Fatal(`This key doesn't exists in the given map and should returns false`) } } func TestTruncateWithShortTexts(t *testing.T) { scenarios := []string{"Short text", "Короткий текст"} for _, input := range scenarios { result := truncate(input, 25) if result != input { t.Fatalf(`Unexpected output, got %q instead of %q`, result, input) } result = truncate(input, len(input)) if result != input { t.Fatalf(`Unexpected output, got %q instead of %q`, result, input) } } } func TestTruncateWithLongTexts(t *testing.T) { scenarios := map[string]string{ "This is a really pretty long English text": "This is a really pretty l…", "Это реально очень длинный русский текст": "Это реально очень длинный…", } for input, expected := range scenarios { result := truncate(input, 25) if result != expected { t.Fatalf(`Unexpected output, got %q instead of %q`, result, expected) } } } func TestIsEmail(t *testing.T) { if !isEmail("user@domain.tld") { t.Fatal(`This email is valid and should returns true`) } if isEmail("invalid") { t.Fatal(`This email is not valid and should returns false`) } }