// Copyright 2017 Frédéric Guillot. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package api import ( "errors" "net/http" "github.com/miniflux/miniflux/http/context" "github.com/miniflux/miniflux/http/request" "github.com/miniflux/miniflux/http/response/json" "github.com/miniflux/miniflux/http/response/xml" "github.com/miniflux/miniflux/reader/opml" ) // CreateFeed is the API handler to create a new feed. func (c *Controller) CreateFeed(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { feedURL, categoryID, err := decodeFeedCreationPayload(r.Body) if err != nil { json.BadRequest(w, err) return } if feedURL == "" { json.BadRequest(w, errors.New("The feed_url is required")) return } if categoryID <= 0 { json.BadRequest(w, errors.New("The category_id is required")) return } ctx := context.New(r) userID := ctx.UserID() if c.store.FeedURLExists(userID, feedURL) { json.BadRequest(w, errors.New("This feed_url already exists")) return } if !c.store.CategoryExists(userID, categoryID) { json.BadRequest(w, errors.New("This category_id doesn't exists or doesn't belongs to this user")) return } feed, err := c.feedHandler.CreateFeed(userID, categoryID, feedURL, false) if err != nil { json.ServerError(w, errors.New("Unable to create this feed")) return } type result struct { FeedID int64 `json:"feed_id"` } json.Created(w, &result{FeedID: feed.ID}) } // RefreshFeed is the API handler to refresh a feed. func (c *Controller) RefreshFeed(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { feedID, err := request.IntParam(r, "feedID") if err != nil { json.BadRequest(w, err) return } ctx := context.New(r) userID := ctx.UserID() if !c.store.FeedExists(userID, feedID) { json.NotFound(w, errors.New("Unable to find this feed")) return } err = c.feedHandler.RefreshFeed(userID, feedID) if err != nil { json.ServerError(w, errors.New("Unable to refresh this feed")) return } json.NoContent(w) } // UpdateFeed is the API handler that is used to update a feed. func (c *Controller) UpdateFeed(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { feedID, err := request.IntParam(r, "feedID") if err != nil { json.BadRequest(w, err) return } newFeed, err := decodeFeedModificationPayload(r.Body) if err != nil { json.BadRequest(w, err) return } ctx := context.New(r) userID := ctx.UserID() if newFeed.Category != nil && newFeed.Category.ID != 0 && !c.store.CategoryExists(userID, newFeed.Category.ID) { json.BadRequest(w, errors.New("This category_id doesn't exists or doesn't belongs to this user")) return } originalFeed, err := c.store.FeedByID(userID, feedID) if err != nil { json.NotFound(w, errors.New("Unable to find this feed")) return } if originalFeed == nil { json.NotFound(w, errors.New("Feed not found")) return } originalFeed.Merge(newFeed) if err := c.store.UpdateFeed(originalFeed); err != nil { json.ServerError(w, errors.New("Unable to update this feed")) return } originalFeed, err = c.store.FeedByID(userID, feedID) if err != nil { json.ServerError(w, errors.New("Unable to fetch this feed")) return } json.Created(w, originalFeed) } // GetFeeds is the API handler that get all feeds that belongs to the given user. func (c *Controller) GetFeeds(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { feeds, err := c.store.Feeds(context.New(r).UserID()) if err != nil { json.ServerError(w, errors.New("Unable to fetch feeds from the database")) return } json.OK(w, feeds) } // Export is the API handler that incoves an OPML export. func (c *Controller) Export(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { opmlHandler := opml.NewHandler(c.store) opml, err := opmlHandler.Export(context.New(r).UserID()) if err != nil { json.ServerError(w, errors.New("unable to export feeds to OPML")) } xml.OK(w, opml) } // GetFeed is the API handler to get a feed. func (c *Controller) GetFeed(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { feedID, err := request.IntParam(r, "feedID") if err != nil { json.BadRequest(w, err) return } feed, err := c.store.FeedByID(context.New(r).UserID(), feedID) if err != nil { json.ServerError(w, errors.New("Unable to fetch this feed")) return } if feed == nil { json.NotFound(w, errors.New("Feed not found")) return } json.OK(w, feed) } // RemoveFeed is the API handler to remove a feed. func (c *Controller) RemoveFeed(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { feedID, err := request.IntParam(r, "feedID") if err != nil { json.BadRequest(w, err) return } ctx := context.New(r) userID := ctx.UserID() if !c.store.FeedExists(userID, feedID) { json.NotFound(w, errors.New("Feed not found")) return } if err := c.store.RemoveFeed(userID, feedID); err != nil { json.ServerError(w, errors.New("Unable to remove this feed")) return } json.NoContent(w) }