[plugins/shorewall/shorewall_log] added plugin for monitoring shorewall blocks

Graphs the number of blocks done by shorewall, given a specific rule
This commit is contained in:
pcy 2020-07-16 00:27:05 +02:00 committed by Lars Kruse
parent 14e5261e27
commit 0341e680b1
1 changed files with 298 additions and 0 deletions

plugins/shorewall/shorewall_log Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- python -*-
=head1 NAME
Plugin to monitor iptables logs configured by shorewall
logfile: Path to the iptables log file, or "journald" to use journald.
When journalctl exists, the default is "journald", otherwise
journalctlargs: Arguments passed to journalctl to select the right logs.
The default is "SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=kernel".
taggroups: Space separated list of groups. A group contains a tag if the
group is substring of the tag. Tags belonging to the same group
will be combined in one graph.
tagfilter: Space separated list of filters. When a tag is matched by a
filter (i.e. if the filter is a substring of the tag) it is
prefixformat: The format of the prefix configured in iptables, this is the
LOGFORMAT option in shorewall.conf. When not set the entire
prefix is used.
include_ungrouped: when a tag is found that does not belong to a group,
make it it's own group
Using /var/log/kern.log as logfile:
=over 2
group adm
env.logfile /var/log/kern.log
Using journald:
=over 2
group systemd-journal
=head1 HISTORY
2017-11-03: v1.0 Bert Van de Poel <bert@bhack.net>: created
2020-07-16: v2.0 Vincent Vanlaer <vincenttc@ulyssis.org>: rewrite
- read all tags from iptables config, instead of the last 24h
of logs
- add support for journald
- use cursors for accuracy
- convert to multigraph to reduce load
=head1 USAGE
Parameters understood:
config (required)
autoconf (optional - used by munin-config)
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf
import sys
import os
def autoconf() -> str:
if sys.version_info < (3, 5):
return 'no (This plugin requires python 3.5 or higher)'
if os.getenv('MUNIN_CAP_MULTIGRAPH', '0') != '1':
return 'no (No multigraph support)'
import shutil
if not shutil.which('shorewall'):
return 'no (No shorewall executable found)'
if not shutil.which('iptables-save'):
return 'no (No iptables-save executable found, required for tag enumeration)'
return 'yes'
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "autoconf":
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from typing import Set, Iterator, TextIO, Dict, Tuple
from itertools import takewhile
from subprocess import run, PIPE
import shlex
import shutil
import pickle
import re
logfile = os.getenv('logfile', 'journald' if shutil.which('journalctl') else '/var/log/kern.log')
journalctl_args = list(shlex.split(os.getenv('journalctlargs',
taggroups = os.getenv('taggroups')
taggroups = taggroups.split() if taggroups else []
tagfilter = os.getenv('tagfilter')
tagfilter = tagfilter.split() if tagfilter else []
include_ungrouped = (os.getenv('includeungrouped', 'true').lower() == 'true')
prefix_format = os.getenv('prefixformat')
if prefix_format:
if sys.version_info < (3, 7):
prefix_format = re.escape(prefix_format).replace('\\%s', '(.+)').replace('\\%d', '\\d+')
else: # % is no longer escaped
prefix_format = re.escape(prefix_format).replace('%s', '(.+)').replace('%d', '\\d+')
prefix_format = re.compile(prefix_format)
def get_logtags() -> Tuple[Dict[str, Set[str]], Dict[str, Set[str]]]:
rules = (run(['iptables-save'], stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True).
tags = defaultdict(set)
groups = defaultdict(set)
# every line is an iptables rule, in the iptables command/args syntax
# (without the 'iptables' command listed), eg.
# "-A INPUT -p tcp -s -j DROP"
for line in rules:
args = iter(shlex.split(line))
for arg in args:
# we only want rules that log packets, not that accept/drop/...
if arg == '-j' and next(args) != 'LOG':
# and we only need to know the logging tag, and add it to the list
if arg == '--log-prefix':
prefix = next(args)
if prefix_format:
tag = prefix_format.match(prefix)[1]
tag = prefix.rstrip()
if any(ignored in tag for ignored in tagfilter):
for group in taggroups:
if group in tag:
if include_ungrouped:
return groups, tags
State = namedtuple('State', ['journal', 'file'])
def load_state() -> State:
with open(os.getenv('MUNIN_STATEFILE'), 'rb') as f:
return pickle.load(f)
except OSError:
return State(None, None)
def save_state(state: State):
with open(os.getenv('MUNIN_STATEFILE'), 'wb') as f:
return pickle.dump(state, f)
def get_lines_journalctl(state: State) -> Iterator[str]:
cursor = state.journal
def catch_cursor(line: str):
cursor_id = '-- cursor: '
if line.startswith(cursor_id):
save_state(State(line[len(cursor_id):], None))
return False
return True
if not cursor: # prevent reading the entire journal on first run
journal = run(['journalctl', '--no-pager', '--quiet', '--lines=0',
'--show-cursor', *journalctl_args],
stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
journal = run(['journalctl', '--no-pager', '--quiet', '--show-cursor',
'--after-cursor', cursor, *journalctl_args],
stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
yield from filter(catch_cursor, journal.stdout.splitlines())
def reverse_read(f: TextIO) -> Iterator[str]:
BUFSIZE = 4096
f.seek(0, 2)
position = f.tell()
remainder = ''
while position > 0:
position = max(position - BUFSIZE, 0)
lines = f.read(BUFSIZE).splitlines()
lines[-1] += remainder
remainder = lines.pop(0)
yield from reversed(lines)
yield remainder
def get_lines_logfile(path: str, state: State) -> Iterator[str]:
with open(path, 'r') as f:
cursor = state.file
reader = reverse_read(f)
if not cursor:
save_state(State(None, next(reader)))
new_cursor = next(reader)
save_state(State(None, new_cursor))
yield new_cursor
yield from takewhile(lambda x: x != cursor, reader)
def get_tagcount(tags: Dict[str, Set[str]]) -> Dict[str, int]:
count = defaultdict(int)
state = load_state()
if logfile == 'journald':
lines = get_lines_journalctl(state)
offset = 5
lines = get_lines_logfile(logfile, state)
offset = 6
for line in lines:
if 'IN=' not in line:
line = line.replace(' ', ' ').split(' ', maxsplit=offset)[-1]
for tag, prefixes in tags.items():
for prefix in prefixes:
if line.startswith(prefix):
count[tag] += 1
return count
def fetch():
groups, logtags = get_logtags()
tagcount = get_tagcount(logtags)
for group, tags in groups.items():
print('multigraph shorewall_{}'.format(group))
for tag in tags:
print('{}.value {}'.format(tag.lower(), tagcount[tag]))
def config():
for group, tags in get_logtags()[0].items():
print('multigraph shorewall_{}'.format(group))
print('graph_title Shorewall Logs for {}'.format(group))
print('graph_vlabel entries per ${graph_period}')
print('graph_category shorewall')
for tag in sorted(tags):
print('{}.label {}'.format(tag.lower(), tag))
print('{}.type ABSOLUTE'.format(tag.lower()))
print('{}.draw AREASTACK'.format(tag.lower()))
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "config":
# flake8: noqa: E265,E402