[synapse_] Added bots to graph

This commit is contained in:
Sebastian L. 2024-02-08 08:11:25 +01:00
parent cf9a6da4df
commit d45777ce6e
1 changed files with 16 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -116,6 +116,9 @@ total_registered.min 0
active_users.label active users
active_users.info active users
active_users.min 0
bots.label active bots
bots.info active bots
bots.min 0
online_users.label online users
online_users.info online users
online_users.min 0
@ -165,25 +168,34 @@ EOM
USERS=$(fetch_url -H "Authorization: Bearer ${AUTH_TOKEN}" "${SCHEME}${HOMESERVER}:${PORT}${ADMIN_API_PATH}/v2/users?deactivated=true&not_user_type=bot&limit=${QUERY_LIMIT}")
USERS=$(fetch_url -H "Authorization: Bearer ${AUTH_TOKEN}" "${SCHEME}${HOMESERVER}:${PORT}${ADMIN_API_PATH}/v2/users?deactivated=true&limit=${QUERY_LIMIT}")
ROOMS=$(fetch_url -H "Authorization: Bearer ${AUTH_TOKEN}" "${SCHEME}${HOMESERVER}:${PORT}${ADMIN_API_PATH}/v1/rooms?limit=${QUERY_LIMIT}")
REPORTS=$(fetch_url -H "Authorization: Bearer ${AUTH_TOKEN}" "${SCHEME}${HOMESERVER}:${PORT}${ADMIN_API_PATH}/v1/event_reports" | jq .total)
echo multigraph synapse_users_"${CLEANHOMESERVER}"
if USERS="$(echo "$USERS" | jq -r)"; then
echo total_registered.value "$(echo "$USERS" | jq -r .total)"
echo active_users.value "$(echo "$USERS" | grep -c '"deactivated": 0')"
total="$(echo "$USERS" | jq -r .total)"
bots="$(echo "$USERS" | grep -c '"user_type": "bot"')"
total_registered=$(( total - bots ))
echo total_registered.value "$total_registered"
active="$(echo "$USERS" | grep -c '"deactivated": 0')"
active_users=$(( active - bots ))
echo active_users.value "$active_users"
echo bots.value "$bots"
# Convert to miliseconds
time_ms=$(($(date +%s) * 1000))
interval_ms=$((INTERVAL * 1000))
time_interval_ago=$(( time_ms - interval_ms ))
last_seen_times_ms=$(echo "$USERS" | grep -E "\"last_seen_ts\": [0-9]+")
echo online_users.value "$(echo "$last_seen_times_ms" | awk -v "count=0" -F": " '$2 > "'$time_interval_ago'" {count++} END {print count}')"
online="$(echo "$last_seen_times_ms" | awk -v "count=0" -F": " '$2 > "'$time_interval_ago'" {count++} END {print count}')"
online_users=$(( online - bots ))
echo online_users.value "$bots"
echo deactivated_users.value "$(echo "$USERS" | grep -c '"deactivated": 1')"
echo erased_users.value "$(echo "$USERS" | grep -c '"erased": true')"
echo "total_registered.value U"
echo "active_users.value U"
echo "bots.value U"
echo "online_users.value U"
echo "deactivated_users.value U"
echo "erased_users.value U"