
301 lines
7.9 KiB
Executable File

# -*- sh -*-
: << =cut
=head1 NAME
dspam_activity - Plugin to monitor DSPAM message handling activities.
Any system running a recent (3.8.0 or higher) DSPAM install.
The plugin uses the contents of the SystemLog or UserLog produced by DSPAM.
The following environment variables are used by this plugin:
logfile - Where to find the system.log that is written by dspam
(default: /var/spool/dspam/system.log)
env.logfile /opt/dspam/var/spool/dspam/system.log
# or when monitoring only a single user in stead of all users:
env.logfile /var/spool/dspam/data/
=head1 USAGE
Link this plugin to /etc/munin/plugins/ and restart the munin-node.
You'll need to enable system logging in dspam.conf, set 'SystemLog on'
in the DSPAM configuration file.
The graph shows the messages that DSPAM has processed over the monitored
period, and what kind of action was taken on it. Possible activities are:
Received messages can be classified as:
- Innocent (I)
- Spam (S)
- Auto-whitelist (W)
- Virus (V)
- Blocklist (O)
- Blacklist (RBL) (A)
Other actions:
- Retrained as spam (M)
- Retrained as innocent (F)
- Inoculation (N)
- Corpusfed (C)
Please see DSPAM documentation for more information on used terminology. The
single character in parentheses is the DSPAM internal name for the classifications.
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright 2010-2011 Tom Hendrikx <>
=head1 LICENSE
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301 USA.
=head1 BUGS
None known. Please report to author when you think you found something.
=head2 TODO LIST
=head1 VERSION
$Id: dspam_activity 139 2011-08-04 20:03:22Z tomhendr $
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf
# defaults for configurable settings
: ${logfile:=/var/spool/dspam/system.log}
: ${statefile:=$MUNIN_STATEFILE}
# include munin plugin helper
. $MUNIN_LIBDIR/plugins/
# Some generic functions #
# debug $message
# Prints debugging output when munin-run is called with --pidebug argument (i.e. when MUNIN_DEBUG is set)
debug() {
if [ -n "$MUNIN_DEBUG" ]; then
echo "# DEBUG: $@"
# get_activity_description $activity $type
# Return textual descriptions for the various activities
get_activity_description() {
local activity=$1
local type=$2
# defaults
local short="Unknown ($activity)"
local long="Unknown ($activity)"
# Possible activities: I S W V O A M F N C
case $activity in
I) short=Innocent long="Messages received and classified as innocent" ;;
S) short=Spam long="Messages received and classified as spam" ;;
W) short=Auto-whitelisted long="Messages received and auto-whitelisted" ;;
V) short=Virus long="Messages received and classified as virus by Clamav" ;;
O) short=Blocklisted long="Messages received but not classified because the sender domain is on to the user blocklist" ;;
A) short="Blacklisted (RBL)" long="Message received and classified as spam because the sender ip is listed on the RBL" ;;
M) short="Retrained as spam" long="Messages classified as innocent, but retrained by user as spam" ;;
F) short="Retrained as innocent" long="Messages classified as spam, but retrained by the user as innocent" ;;
N) short=Inoculation long="Messages trained as spam through inoculation" ;;
C) short=Corpusfed long="Messages fed from a corpus" ;;
[ "$type" = "short" ] && echo $short && return
[ "$type" = "long" ] && echo $long && return
# Functions that generate munin output #
# print_autoconf
# Output for 'munin-node-configure autoconf' functionality
print_autoconf() {
if [ ! -r $logfile ]; then
echo "no (logfile $logfile does not exist or not readable)"
echo yes
# print_config
# Output for 'munin-run <plugin> config' command.
print_config() {
debug printing config
echo "graph_title DSPAM activity"
echo graph_category spamfilter
echo graph_args --base 1000
echo graph_vlabel Messages / \${graph_period}
echo graph_period minute
for activity in I S W V O A M F N C; do
local label="$(get_activity_description $activity short)"
local info="$(get_activity_description $activity long)"
echo $activity.label $label
echo $ $info
echo $activity.draw AREASTACK
echo $activity.type DERIVE
echo $activity.min 0
debug finished printing config
# print_fetch
# Output for 'munin-run <plugin> fetch' command: the actual data to graph.
print_fetch() {
debug printing fetch
local old_ts
[ -r $statefile ] && old_ts=$(cat $statefile)
if [ -n "$old_ts" ]; then
debug read timestamp $old_ts from statefile
# sample from system.log:
# 1285144434<tab>M<tab>"Dr.Abdul Qahaar" <><tab>2,4c99980137698241679684 \
# <tab>Business Proposal / Partnership Investment<tab>1.256280<tab><tab>Retrained<tab><>
if [ -r $logfile ]; then
# Possible activities: I S W V O A M F N C
local aI=0 aS=0 aW=0 aV=0 aO=0 aA=0 aM=0 aF=0 aN=0 aC=0
local skipped=0 processed=0
local old_IFS=$IFS
IFS=" " # tab-separator in $logfile
while read ts activity from signature subject x recipient info msgid; do
if ! [ $ts -gt 0 2> /dev/null ]; then
debug skipped entry with non-numeric timestamp: $ts
elif [ $ts -gt $old_ts ]; then
debug processing entry with timestamp $ts, activity=$activity, subject=$subject, msgid=$msgid
case $activity in
I) aI=$((aI + 1)) ;;
S) aS=$((aS + 1)) ;;
W) aW=$((aW + 1)) ;;
V) aV=$((aV + 1)) ;;
O) aO=$((aO + 1)) ;;
A) aA=$((aA + 1)) ;;
M) aM=$((aM + 1)) ;;
F) aF=$((aF + 1)) ;;
N) aN=$((aN + 1)) ;;
C) aC=$((aC + 1)) ;;
*) debug unknown activity $activity found, subject=$subject, msgid=$msgid ;;
processed=$((processed + 1))
skipped=$((skipped + 1))
done < $logfile
debug skipped $skipped lines in logfile because timestamp was too old
debug processed $processed lines in logfile
# show results
echo I.value $aI
echo S.value $aS
echo W.value $aW
echo V.value $aV
echo O.value $aO
echo A.value $aA
echo M.value $aM
echo F.value $aF
echo N.value $aN
echo C.value $aC
debug logfile not available $logfile
exit 66 # EX_NOINPUT
debug could not read timestamp from statefile
# no exit here, we need the next operation to write a timestamp in the statefile
# update statefile with current timestamp
local new_ts=$(date +%s)
echo $new_ts > $statefile
debug timestamp in statefile updated to $new_ts, old was $old_ts
debug finished printing fetch
# Main process loop #
# show env settings
debug dspam_activity plugin started, pid=$$
debug settings:
debug - logfile is set to: $logfile
debug - statefile is set to: $statefile
[ -n "$command" ] || command="fetch"
debug - command is set to: $command
debug settings completed, starting process
case $command in
debug exiting
exit 0 # EX_OK