
130 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
=head1 puppet_runtime
A munin plugin that reports the duration of puppet runs.
=head2 Compatibility
This Plugin is tested with the following configurations:
- 11
- Puppet:
- 5.5.22
- 7.14.0
- 8
- Puppet:
- 6.4.0
- 6.19.1
- 7.9.2
- 35
- Puppet:
- 7.12.1
- 7.14.0
=head2 Configuration
It must be ensured that the plugin is executed by root. For
this create the follwing file:
$ cat /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/puppet.conf
user root
Further configurations are not necessary.
=head2 How it works
Puppet generates a YAML file on each run which contains all
information of the last run, the 'facts'.
Where your puppet-agent stores the file, the plugin finds out
with the following commansd:
$ puppet config print lastrunreport
=head3 Run it!
To check the plugins function, perform the following:
$ munin-run puppet_runtime
An example Output:
$ munin-run puppet_runtime
total.value 9.571794571
fact_generation.value 6.210164764896035
catalog_application.value 2.0418781149201095
plugin_sync.value 0.6617366508580744
=head3 Tips & Tricks
Since you want to integrate the runtime of a puppet run into Munin,
you will most likely use puppet as well. Here you can find an
example for your puppet configuration:
file {'/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/puppet.conf':
source => 'puppet:///modules/munin/puppet.conf',
notify => Service['munin-node'],
file {'/etc/munin/plugins/puppet_runtime':
ensure => 'link',
target => '/usr/share/munin/plugins/puppet_runtime',
=head3 Known issues
The only known issue that can occur is that puppet cannot be found.
This is because it is not known to the environment used. This issue
can occur when using the packages from the puppetlabs repo.
In this case, a simple link is enough to fix this issue:
file {'/usr/bin/puppet':
ensure => 'link',
target => '/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet',
require 'yaml'
def output
report = YAML.load(`puppet config print lastrunfile`.strip))
time_report = report["time"]
if time_report.is_a?(Hash)
total, fact_generation, catalog_application, plugin_sync = time_report.values_at(
"total", "fact_generation", "catalog_application", "plugin_sync"
puts "total.value #{total}" if total
puts "fact_generation.value #{fact_generation}" if fact_generation
puts "catalog_application.value #{catalog_application}" if catalog_application
puts "plugin_sync.value #{plugin_sync}" if plugin_sync
def config
puts 'graph_category system'
puts 'graph_args --base 1000 -l 0'
puts 'graph_scale no'
puts 'graph_title Puppet agent run time'
puts 'graph_vlabel Seconds'
puts 'total.label Puppet agent runtime'
puts 'fact_generation.label Fact generation runtime'
puts 'catalog_application.label Catalog application runtime'
puts 'plugin_sync.label Plugin sync runtime'
if (ARGV.length == 1) && (ARGV[0] == 'config')