
192 lines
5.2 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# -*- perl -*-
=head1 NAME
jenkins_ - Plugin for displaying Jenkins Stats
This plugin displays the following charts:
1) The Status of each Build
2) Number of Jobs in the Build Queue
3) Number of Builds, currently running
You can set the modes with naming the symlink:
1) jenkins_results
2) jenkins_queue
3) jenkins_running
This plugin is configurable via environment variables.
env.url Jenkins Host
env.port Jenkins Port
env.context Jenkins Context path
env.user User for the API Tokent
env.apiToken Jenkins API Token (see
env.jobDepth How far into job "folders" should the plugin check for jobs
env.url localhost
env.port 4040
env.context /jenkins
env.user user
env.apiToken aaaa0f6e48b92cbbbbddecdb72dc1dad
=head1 AUTHOR
Philipp Haussleiter <> (email)
=head1 LICENSE
use warnings;
use strict;
use JSON;
use File::Basename;
use URI;
my $url = ($ENV{'url'} || 'localhost');
my $port = ($ENV{'port'} || '4040');
my $user = ($ENV{'user'} || '');
my $apiToken = ($ENV{'apiToken'} || '');
my $context = ($ENV{'context'} || '');
my $jobDepth = ($ENV{'jobDepth'} || 1);
my $wgetBin = "/usr/bin/wget";
my $type = basename($0);
$type =~ s/jenkins_//;
my %states = (
'blue' =>'stable',
'blue_anime' =>'stable',
'notbuilt' => 'disabled',
'notbuilt_anime' =>'disabled',
my $auth = ( $user ne "" and $apiToken ne "" ? " --auth-no-challenge --user=$user --password=$apiToken" : "" );
if ( exists $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config" ) {
if( $type eq "results" ) {
print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n";
print "graph_title Jenkins Build Results\n";
print "graph_vlabel Build Results\n";
print "graph_category devel\n";
print "graph_info The Graph shows the Status of each Build\n";
print "build_disabled.draw AREA\n";
print "build_disabled.label disabled\n";
print "build_disabled.type GAUGE\n";
print "build_disabled.colour 8A8A8A\n";
print "build_failing.draw STACK\n";
print "build_failing.label failing\n";
print "build_failing.type GAUGE\n";
print "build_failing.colour E61217\n";
print "build_unstable.draw STACK\n";
print "build_unstable.label unstable\n";
print "build_unstable.type GAUGE\n";
print "build_unstable.colour F3E438\n";
print "build_stable.draw STACK\n";
print "build_stable.label stable\n";
print "build_stable.type GAUGE\n";
print "build_stable.colour 294D99\n";
} elsif( $type eq "queue" ) {
print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n";
print "graph_title Jenkins Queue Length\n";
print "graph_vlabel Number of Jobs in Queue\n";
print "graph_category devel\n";
print "graph_info The Graph shows the Number of Jobs in the Build Queue\n";
print "build_count.label Jobs in Queue\n";
print "build_count.type GAUGE\n";
} elsif( $type eq "running" ) {
print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0\n";
print "graph_title Jenkins Builds Running\n";
print "graph_vlabel Builds currently running\n";
print "graph_category devel\n";
print "graph_info The Graph shows the Number of Builds, currently running\n";
print "build_running.label running Builds\n";
print "build_running.type GAUGE\n";
} else {
warn "Unknown mode requested: $type\n";
} else {
my $cmd = "$wgetBin $auth -qO- $url:$port$context";
my $tree = 'jobs[name,color]';
for (2..$jobDepth) {
$tree = "jobs[name,color,$tree]";
if( $type eq "results" ) {
my $result = `$cmd'/api/json?depth=$jobDepth&tree=$tree'`;
my $parsed = decode_json($result);
my $counts = parse_results($parsed->{'jobs'});
foreach my $status (keys %{$counts}) {
print "build_$status.value $counts->{$status}\n";
} elsif( $type eq "running" ) {
my $result = `$cmd'/api/json?depth=$jobDepth&tree=$tree'`;
my $parsed = decode_json($result);
my $count = parse_running_builds($parsed->{'jobs'});
print "build_running.value ", $count, "\n";
} elsif( $type eq "queue" ) {
my $result = `$cmd/queue/api/json`;
my $parsed = decode_json($result);
print "build_count.value ", scalar( @{$parsed->{'items'}} ), "\n";
} else {
warn "Unknown mode requested: $type\n";
sub parse_running_builds {
my $builds = shift;
my $count = 0;
foreach my $cur (@{$builds}) {
if( defined($cur->{'jobs'}) ) {
$count += parse_running_builds($cur->{'jobs'});
} elsif( defined ($cur->{'color'}) and $cur->{'color'} =~ /anime$/ ) {
$count += 1;
return $count;
sub parse_results {
my $builds = shift;
my %counts = ('stable' => 0, 'unstable' => 0, 'failing' => 0, 'disabled' => 0);
foreach my $cur(@{$builds}) {
if( defined($cur->{'jobs'}) ) {
my $new_counts = parse_results($cur->{'jobs'});
foreach my $new_count_key (keys %{$new_counts}) {
$counts{$new_count_key} += $new_counts->{$new_count_key};
} elsif (defined($cur->{'color'})) {
if (defined($states{$cur->{'color'}})) {
$counts{$states{$cur->{'color'}}} += 1;
} else {
warn "Ignoring unknown color " . $cur->{'color'} . "\n"
return \%counts;