
138 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
munin plugin to retrieve connection statistics from the web admin interface
on a Linksys AG241v2 ADSL modem
Makes use of the http://modemaddress/ADSLCStatus.htm page
This plugin has only been tested on a Debian testing system
This modem also has some basic SNMP support so you can configure it
as per the instructions on the munin wiki
By default the SNMP server is disabled, you can enable it in the web admin
You will need to set up the "virtual node" configuration as detailed
for snmp plugins
Plugin will require some configuration in /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/ag241_MODEMADDRESS
env.user admin
env.pass password
#env.port 80
Once you have the above config set you will need to symlink the plugin to
now restart munin-node.
hopefully in 20-30mins you will have some nice graphs
Some magical munin foo...
#%# family=manual
#%# capabilities=
# Require this module, it is part of the standard ruby lib AFAIK
require 'net/http'
# default parameters
host = nil
port = ENV['port'] || 80
user = ENV['user'] || 'admin'
pass = ENV['pass'] || 'forhax' # don't remember what the default admin password was
stat = nil
# Check executable "name" for parameter count
params = $0.split('_')
if params.size != 3
puts "Incorrect number of parameters"
exit 1
# first param after the plugin name is the host to query
# second is the statistic to query
host = params[1]
stat = params[2]
unless ENV['debug'].nil?
puts "user = " + user
puts "pass = " + pass
puts "host = " + host
puts "port = " + port
puts "stat = " + stat
# Dump the graph configuration data
if ARGV[0] == 'config'
puts 'host_name ' + host
puts 'graph_category network'
case stat
when 'syncrate'
puts 'graph_info This graph shows the ADSL line sync rate.'
puts 'graph_title ADSL line sync rate'
puts 'graph_vlabel connection rate bits / second'
puts 'graph_args --base 1000 -l 0 '
when 'attenuation'
puts 'graph_info This graph shows the ADSL line attenuation.'
puts 'graph_title ADSL line attenuation'
puts 'graph_vlabel attenuation dB'
when 'margin', 'noise'
puts 'graph_info This graph shows the ADSL SNR margin.'
puts 'graph_title ADSL line SNR margin'
puts 'graph_vlabel noise margin dB'
puts 'down.label downstream'
puts 'up.label upstream'
exit 0
# Connect to the webadmin
http = Net::HTTP.start(host, port)
req ='/ADSLCStatus.htm')
# send the login info
req.basic_auth user, pass
response = http.request(req)
s = response.body
# Make sure we got the page successfully
if response.code != '200'
puts "Getting web page failed:"
case response.code
when '401'
puts 'Probably because the username and password are incorrect'
# Looks like the modem response with 200 when you try to access a page that does not exist >_>
# when '404'
# puts 'Looks like the page this plugin needs isn\'t available...'
# puts 'Check your modem make/model/version'
puts s
exit 1
# Apply voodoo regex to the result HTML to get the data we want.
case stat
when 'syncrate'
a = s.scan(/.*share\.curstate.*\n.*share\.downstr[^0-9]*([0-9]+).*share\.upstr[^0-9]*([0-9]+).*$/)
b, c = a[0]
puts 'down.value ' + (b.to_i * 1000).to_s + "\n" + 'up.value ' + (c.to_i * 1000).to_s
exit 0
when 'attenuation'
a = s.scan(/.*share\.lineatt.*\n.*share\.down[^0-9]*([0-9]+).*share\.up[^0-9]*([0-9]+).*$/)
b, c = a[0]
puts 'down.value ' + (b.to_i).to_s + "\n" + 'up.value ' + (c.to_i).to_s
exit 0
when 'margin', 'noise'
a = s.scan(/.*share\.noise.*\n.*share\.down[^0-9]*([0-9]+).*share\.up[^0-9]*([0-9]+).*$/)
b, c = a[0]
puts 'down.value ' + (b.to_i).to_s + "\n" + 'up.value ' + (c.to_i).to_s
exit 0
puts 'Statistic ' + stat.to_s + ' not known, would you like me to fabricate it for you?'
exit 1