
267 lines
12 KiB

#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf
: << EOF
=head1 NAME
Outputs the total and daily production, DC current, DC voltage, DC power for the inverter and the connected panels from Solarman (Smart) API.
To get the API-Keys a E-Mail to is needed.
Tested with a "Deye SUN600G3-EU-230 600W" inverter.
If you have 4 Panels just remove the "#" from all lines with *panel[3|4].
- curl
- jq
plugin config:
env.SLRM_MAIL ""
=head1 AUTHOR
Michael Grote
=head1 LICENSE
GPLv3 or later
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
#%# family=auto
function get_token {
# Combine Variables
## hash password; -n is used because "echo" normally outputs a newline
SLRM_PASSWORD_SHA=$(echo -n $SLRM_PASSWORD | sha256sum | cut -f1 -d" ")
## set url
## create request body for bearer token
SLRM_BEARER_TOKEN_REQUEST_BODY=$(jq --null-input --arg appSecret "${SLRM_APPSECRET}" --arg email "${SLRM_MAIL}" --arg password "${SLRM_PASSWORD_SHA}" '{"appSecret": $appSecret, "email": $email, "password": $password}')
## get bearer token
SLRM_BEARER_TOKEN=$(curl --silent --request POST --url "${SLRM_URL}" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data "$SLRM_BEARER_TOKEN_REQUEST_BODY" | jq .access_token | sed -r 's/"//g')
function get_data {
# setze zählvariablen
# solange count < 16 UND retry != 0
while [[ $retry != "0" ]]; do
## create request body for panel data
SLRM_DATA_REQUEST_BODY=$(jq --null-input --arg deviceSn "${SLRM_DEVICE_SN}" '{"deviceSn": $deviceSn}')
## get panel data
SLRM_DATA=$(curl --silent --request POST --url "" --header "Authorization: bearer ${SLRM_BEARER_TOKEN}" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data "${SLRM_DATA_REQUEST_BODY}")
# wenn "device not found" nicht gefunden wird, dann breche aus beiden Schleifen heraus
if [[ $(echo "$SLRM_DATA" | grep -v -i "device not found") ]] ; then
# Variable für reachable graph
# schreibe daten in statefile
if [[ $count -gt 10 ]] ; then
# ansonsten warte n sec
sleep 1
# erhöhe zählvariable
count=$((count + 1 ))
# wenn parameter = ...
if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then
if [ ! -x "$(command -v curl)" ]; then
echo "no (curl not found)"
elif [ ! -x "$(command -v jq)" ]; then
echo "no (jq not found)"
exit 0
if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then
# setze optionen
echo "multigraph production_total"
echo "graph_scale no"
echo "graph_title Total Yield- SN: $SLRM_DEVICE_SN"
echo "graph_vlabel kWh"
echo "graph_category sensors"
echo "graph_args -l 0 --base 1000"
echo "graph_info The total Production in kWh of Inverter SN: $SLRM_DEVICE_SN"
echo "total_inverter.label Inverter"
echo "total_panel1.label Panel 1"
echo "total_panel2.label Panel 2"
#echo "total_panel3.label Panel 3"
#echo "total_panel4.label Panel 4"
echo "total_inverter.draw AREA"
echo "total_panel1.unknown_limit 3"
echo "total_panel2.unknown_limit 3"
#echo "total_panel3.unknown_limit 3"
#echo "total_panel4.unknown_limit 3"
echo "multigraph api_reachable"
echo "graph_scale no"
echo "graph_title API reachable/Device found"
echo "graph_category sensors"
echo "graph_args -l 0"
echo "graph_printf %6.0lf"
echo "graph_info Is the API reachable and could the device found?"
echo "reachable.label online"
echo " 0 = offline; 1 = online"
echo "reachable.draw AREA"
echo "retries.label connection retries"
echo " how many retries were needed to get the data"
echo "multigraph production_daily"
echo "graph_scale no"
echo "graph_title Daily Yield- SN: $SLRM_DEVICE_SN"
echo "graph_vlabel kWh"
echo "graph_category sensors"
echo "graph_args -l 0 --base 1000"
echo "graph_info The daily Production in kWh of Inverter SN: $SLRM_DEVICE_SN"
echo "daily_inverter.label Inverter"
echo "daily_panel1.label Panel 1"
echo "daily_panel2.label Panel 2"
#echo "daily_panel3.label Panel 3"
#echo "daily_panel4.label Panel 4"
echo "daily_inverter.draw AREA"
echo "daily_panel1.unknown_limit 3"
echo "daily_panel2.unknown_limit 3"
#echo "daily_panel3.unknown_limit 3"
#echo "daily_panel4.unknown_limit 3"
echo "multigraph temp"
echo "graph_scale no"
echo "graph_title Temperature - SN: $SLRM_DEVICE_SN"
echo "graph_vlabel °C"
echo "graph_category sensors"
echo "graph_args -l 0 --base 1000"
echo "graph_info The AC Radiator Temp in Celsius of Inverter SN: $SLRM_DEVICE_SN"
echo "temp.label AC Radiator Temp"
echo "multigraph voltage_current_input_panels"
echo "graph_scale no"
echo "graph_title DC Measurements - SN: $SLRM_DEVICE_SN"
echo "graph_vlabel V/A/W"
echo "graph_category sensors"
echo "graph_args -l 0 --base 1000"
echo "graph_info The current DC Voltage, Current and Power of Inverter SN: $SLRM_DEVICE_SN"
echo "voltage_panel1.label DC Voltage Panel 1 (Volt)"
echo "voltage_panel2.label DC Voltage Panel 2 (Volt)"
#echo "voltage_panel3.label DC Voltage Panel 3 (Volt)"
#echo "voltage_panel4.label DC Voltage Panel 4 (Volt)"
echo "current_panel1.label DC Current Panel 1 (Ampere)"
echo "current_panel2.label DC Current Panel 2 (Ampere)"
#echo "current_panel3.label DC Current Panel 3 (Ampere)"
#echo "current_panel4.label DC Current Panel 4 (Ampere)"
echo "power_panel1.label DC Power Panel 1 (Watt)"
echo "power_panel2.label DC Power Panel 2 (Watt)"
#echo "power_panel3.label DC Power Panel 3 (Watt)"
#echo "power_panel4.label DC Power Panel 4 (Watt)"
echo "voltage_panel1.unknown_limit 3"
echo "voltage_panel2.unknown_limit 3"
#echo "voltage_panel3.unknown_limit 3"
#echo "voltage_panel4.unknown_limit 3"
echo "current_panel1.unknown_limit 3"
echo "current_panel2.unknown_limit 3"
#echo "current_panel3.unknown_limit 3"
#echo "current_panel4.unknown_limit 3"
echo "power_panel1.unknown_limit 3"
echo "power_panel2.unknown_limit 3"
#echo "power_panel3.unknown_limit 3"
#echo "power_panel4.unknown_limit 3"
echo "multigraph voltage_current_input_inverter"
echo "graph_scale no"
echo "graph_title AC Measurements - SN: $SLRM_DEVICE_SN"
echo "graph_vlabel V/A/W/H"
echo "graph_category sensors"
echo "graph_args -l 0 --base 1000"
echo "graph_info The current AC Voltage, Frequency, Current and Power of Inverter SN: $SLRM_DEVICE_SN"
echo "voltage_inverter.label AC Voltage (Volt)"
echo "current_inverter.label AC Current (Ampere)"
echo "power_inverter.label AC Output Power (Watt)"
echo "frequency_inverter.label AC Frequency (Hertz)"
echo "frequency_inverter.warning 49.82:50.18"
echo "frequency_inverter.critical 49:51.5"
echo ""
echo "voltage_inverter.warning 207:253"
echo "current_inverter.warning :14"
echo "current_inverter.critical :16"
echo "voltage_inverter.unknown_limit 3"
echo "current_inverter.unknown_limit 3"
echo "power_inverter.unknown_limit 3"
echo "frequency_inverter.unknown_limit 3"
exit 0
# Funktionsaufrufe
echo "multigraph production_total"
# hier kein echo, lese werte aus STATEFILE aus, sorgt dafür das der Graph nachts nicht unterbrochen wird
echo total_inverter.value "$(cat "$MUNIN_STATEFILE" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("Et_ge0"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U)"
echo total_panel1.value "$(cat "$MUNIN_STATEFILE" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("Et_ge1"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U)"
echo total_panel2.value "$(cat "$MUNIN_STATEFILE" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("Et_ge2"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U)"
#echo total_panel3.value "$(cat "$MUNIN_STATEFILE" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("Et_ge3"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U)"
#echo total_panel4.value "$(cat "$MUNIN_STATEFILE" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("Et_ge4"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U)"
echo "multigraph temp"
echo temp.value "$(echo "$SLRM_DATA" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("AC_RDT_T1"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
echo "multigraph production_daily"
# hier kein echo, lese werte aus STATEFILE aus, sorgt dafür das der Graph nachts nicht unterbrochen wird
echo daily_inverter.value "$(cat "$MUNIN_STATEFILE" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("Etdy_ge0"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
echo daily_panel1.value "$(cat "$MUNIN_STATEFILE" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("Etdy_ge1"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
echo daily_panel2.value "$(cat "$MUNIN_STATEFILE" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("Etdy_ge2"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
#echo daily_panel3.value "$(cat "$MUNIN_STATEFILE" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("Etdy_ge3"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
#echo daily_panel4.value "$(cat "$MUNIN_STATEFILE" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("Etdy_ge4"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
echo "multigraph voltage_current_input_panels"
echo voltage_panel1.value "$(echo "$SLRM_DATA" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("DV1"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
echo current_panel1.value "$(echo "$SLRM_DATA" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("DC1"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
echo power_panel1.value "$(echo "$SLRM_DATA" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("DP1"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
echo voltage_panel2.value "$(echo "$SLRM_DATA" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("DV2"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
echo current_panel2.value "$(echo "$SLRM_DATA" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("DC2"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
echo power_panel2.value "$(echo "$SLRM_DATA" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("DP2"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
#echo voltage_panel3.value "$(echo "$SLRM_DATA" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("DV3"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
#echo current_panel3.value "$(echo "$SLRM_DATA" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("DC3"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
#echo power_panel3.value "$(echo "$SLRM_DATA" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("DP3"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
#echo voltage_panel4.value "$(echo "$SLRM_DATA" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("DV4"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
#echo current_panel4.value "$(echo "$SLRM_DATA" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("DC4"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
#echo power_panel4.value "$(echo "$SLRM_DATA" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("DP4"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
echo "multigraph voltage_current_input_inverter"
echo voltage_inverter.value "$(echo "$SLRM_DATA" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("AV1"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
echo current_inverter.value "$(echo "$SLRM_DATA" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("AC1"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
echo power_inverter.value "$(echo "$SLRM_DATA" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("APo_t1"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
echo frequency_inverter.value "$(echo "$SLRM_DATA" | jq -r '.dataList[]|select(.key|IN("AC_Fo1"))|.value' 2> /dev/null || echo U )"
echo "multigraph api_reachable"
echo "reachable.value $reachable"
echo "retries.value $count"
exit 0